HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-10-21-SC-min Page 55 October 21, 1981 A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held Wednesday, Jctober 21, 1981, at 8:00 p.m. , in the School Administration Build- ing Conference Room. Present were: Gaudet, Shaw, Swanson, Beck, Michelman, and Student Representative Splaine. Also present were: Lawson, Pierson, Maclnnes, Monderer, DiGiammarino, and Barnes. It was MINUTES VOTED: to accept the minutes of October 6, 1981, as corrected. October 6, 1981 (Swanson, Shaw, Unanimous) EXECUTIVE VOTED: to accept the executive minutes of October 6, 1981, as cor- MINUTES rected. (Beck, Shaw, Unanimous) October 6, 1981 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS VOTED: to accept the following schedule of payments as listed on the attached sheets. (Gaudet, Swanson, Unanimous) The Financial Statement was discussed. FINANCIAL STATEMENT The Planning and Budgeting Development Guidelines for 1982-83, which were presented at a previous School Committee meeting, were 1982-83 PLANNING briefly reviewed. Dr. Lawson noted that the third item under'Gon- AND BUDGETING straints" would be re-worded to read: "New employee contract set- DEVELOPMENT Clements may affect the amount of money available for regular in- GUIDELINES structional programs." It was the consensus of the School Committee to proceed with the Planning and Budgeting Guidelines. Mr. Michel- man suggested that any further comments by members should be for- warded to the Superintendent. Dr. Lawson stated that the topic, "Teacher Evaluation Proce- TEACHER dures," appeared on the School Coumdttee agenda in response to the EVALUATION request of Dr. Beck, who, being new to the Committee, wished an in- PROCEDURES formational review of the procedures and instrument. Mr. Barnes pre- sented an overview of the evaluation procedures and the evaluation instrument. He commented on the role of supervisors (supplementary and comprehensive evaluators) and administrators in the entire evalu- ation process. Dr. Beck commented that he was personally troubled by the refusal of the L.E.A. to participate in the evening discussion because they felt it was a matter of collective bargaining which should be discussed only in that setting. Dr. Beck felt that it was extremely important to discuss substantive matters in an open and informal man- ner without a contractual situation being involved. He further stated that informal discussions on topics such as teacher evaluation instru- ment and procedures were critical to the workings of an excellent school system. At this point, Mr. Barnes responded to questions and comments of the School Committee. Mr. Michelman said that a concern had recently been expressed that some material had been placed in a personnel file without the teacher's prior knowledge. He asked if it were the proce- dure of the administration to make copies of memoranda and files acces- sible to teachers prior to conferences or at specified times. Mr. Barnes responded that all correspondence placed in an employee's personnel file Page 56 October 21, 1981 was reviewed by him and initialed. The procedures followed were con- sistent with the Personnel Files Procedures published and disseminated to all staff on February 2, 1981. He said that there had been a concern expressed about a single piece of paper being placed in an individual's file, and even though the principal felt sure that the person had re- ceived a copy in advance, he had no way of proving that to be true. How- ever, the person was informed that he had a right to inspect the file at any time. Mr. Barnes responded that all staff were welcomed and encouraged to reiiiew their files. The procedure was to give a 24-hour notice to the Personnel Office in order to prepare the folder and arrange for an appoint- ment. At this point, Dr. Beck expressed his dissatisfaction with the cur- rent evaluation forms. He said that the instruments being used were not an objective assessment but a collection of reports which represented the subjective impressions of various individuals in the process. Mr. Barnes responded that it was the most objective information that the system had. He said the instrument had been developed by the administration. He added that the Committee of 1977-78, which consisted of teachers and administra- tors, developed a new and improved system of teacher evaluation which had never been implemented due to the lack of agreement by the Lexington Educa- tion Association. He noted that the administration and the principals were in favor of the newly developed instrument. At this point, Dr. Lawson underscored the remarks of Mr. Barnes, noting that he was in favor, as well as most teachers he spoke with, of the new and improved instrument. He said a new teacher evaluation instrument was a pri- ority for him and hopedthat the evaluation instrument as developed by a com- mittee of teachers and administrators in the year 1977-78 be implemented as soon as possible. Members of the School Committee requested a copy of the new instrument. Mr. Barnes agreed to forward copies to each member in the next agenda package. The School Committee thanked Mr. Barnes and Dr. Lawson for the review. Mr. Michelman, on behalf of the School Cunnnittee, said that the entire TRIBUTE TO Committee felt great regret over the resignation of Dr. Lawson, but was cam- DR. LAWSON forted that all Lexington citizens had benefited from his talents. He added & ACCEPTANCE that all were filled with pride and satisfaction with his contributions to OF HIS RESIG- Lexington and with his appointment as the new Commissioner of Education for NATION the Commonwealth. Dr. Beck added that he was pleased for Dr. Lawson and for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts even though none of the members wanted to see him leave. Mrs. Swanson said that if the Superintendent did as much for the Commonwealth as he did for Lexington, it would all be worth it. At this point, Mrs. Swanson MOVED: to accept Dr. Lawson's resignation and honor his request to begin his new duties as Commissioner of Education for the Commonwealth of Mass- achusetts as of January 1, 1982. (Swanson, Gaudet, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PERSONNEL CHANGES VOTED: to accept the personnel changes (Certified and Classified) as listed on the attached sheets. (Swanson, Gaudet, Unanimous) CERTIFIED & CLASSIFIED Page 57 October 21, 1981 VOTED: to accept the personnel changes (Classified) as listed on the CLASSIFIED attached sheets. (Beck, Gaudet, Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the personnel changes (Food Services) as listed on FOOD SERVICES the attached sheet. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to accept the new personnel as listed on the attached sheet. NEW PERSONNEL (Swanson, Gaudet, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was LEGAL COUNSEL FEE VOTED: that Alan Miller, Esquire, be awarded a retainer in the amount of $8,500 per year to serve as Legal Counsel to the Lexington School Committee for the period July 1, 1981, through June 30, 1983. (Swanson, Shaw, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was WAIVER REQUEST VOTED: that the Lexington Public Schools request a waiver of provi- sions of Section 38G of Chapter 71 Certification as listed on the attached sheet. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was EXTRA DUTY VOTED: that the following extra duty stipends be awarded as indicated STIPENDS for the following named personnel on the attached sheet for the school year 1981-82. (Shaw, Beck, Unanimous) Mr. Barnes presented a report of class sizes for Kindergarten, CLASS SIZES Grades 1-6, 7-9, and 10-12. He briefly reviewed each of the class sizes per level. He said the average class size for 1981-82 was as follows: Kindergarten - 16 students, Grades 1-6 - 23 students, Junior High School - 20 students, and the High School - 22 students. Dr. Beck stated the class size information was excellent and class sizes were as close to optimal as possible. Mrs. Swanson added that class sizes were more equitable due to school consolidation, which was one of the goals of the school closing program. At this point, Dr. Clune reviewed the class sizes of fewer than 15 students and those greater than 30 students. He said that the merits of keeping additional students in the over-enrolled sections outweighed the disadvantages of changing schedules and refusing their selection of teachers. However, he added that students could be accommodated if they requested a change. Dr. Lawson stated that the class size report appeared every year at this time, but, unfortunately, by the time the figures were ready for review, little could be done to make significant changes. He sug- gested that it might be possible for the computer to run the material through early in the school year. Frank DiGiammarino, Administrative Assistant for Planning and Research, said that early computer runs could be reviewed with possible recommendations being made at a later date. The School Committe thanked Mr. Barnes and principals for the informa- Page 58 October 21, 1981 tion on class sizes. It was TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE REQUEST VOTED: to permit the Town Celebrations Committee to use school grounds for the assembly of individuals who wished to participate in the Veterans' Day Parade. (Gaudet, Beck, Unanimous) VOTED: to convene in executive session at 9:58 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to collective bargaining. (Yes, Beck; yes, Shaw; yes, Swanson; yes, Gaudet; yes, Michelman) The Chairman announced that the School Committee would not be re- convening in public session. Respectfully submitted, L 7'L' J/e2k-E-4---_,._-- Richard H. Barnes Recording .Secretary • /c • SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS The following schedules of payments were available for scrutiny and approval prior to this meeting: SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGETS Personal Services October ':2, 1981 Professional Payroll #7 $453,689.35 October j9, 1981 Classified Payroll #8C 72,297.91 Expenses: October :9, 1981 Bill Schedules ';47 17,205.65 October 9, 1981 #48 8,000.38 October 9, 1981 #49 66,597.26 October 9, 1981 #50 155.61 October 9, 1981 x`51 17,459. 27 October 9, 1981 #52 24, 175.38 October 9, 1981 #53 3,436.49 October 9, 1981 #54 43.20 October 16, 1981 155 1,664 . 15 October 116, 1981 #56 3,732. 99 October 16, 1981 #57 5,422, 26 October 16 , 1981 #58 4,070.38 Expenses (Carryover Account) October 9, 1981 Bill Schedule #310 1,185.50 Expenses (Out-of-State Travel) October 16, 1981 Bill Schedule #1 235. 70 SPECIAL PROGRAMS - NON-LEXINGTON FUNDS Metco' Program October 2, 1981 Professional Payroll 5,086.21 October 9, 1981 Classified Payroll 2,449.55 October 9, 1981 Bill Schedule #32 62.30 Project Mainstream October 2, 1981 Professional Payroll 672. 79 Transition to Employment October 2, 1981 Professional Payroll 902.35 October 9, 1981 Classified Payroll 637.88 Adult Education October 9, 1981 Classified Payroll 27.60 Project Discover October 2, 1981 ' Professional Payroll 921. 94 --- Project Assist Ch-tober 2, 1981 Professional Payroll 522.50 (Over) D .roject Enhance Octobet 2, 1981 Professional Payroll $595.38 October 9, 1981 Classified Payroll 529.90 Bus Ticket Account October 9, 1981 Bill Schedule #1 1, 144.90 Pro;ec't Combine October 9, 1981 Bill Schedule 26.00 r , • • SII it PERSONNEL CHANGES - CERTIFIED CHANGE EFFECTIVE DATE OF RETIREMENT RESCIND COACHING APPOTNT[ENT DEGREE CHANGE -- 1 PERSONNEL CHANGES - CERTIFIED LEAVE: YRS, IF LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE ) d r'I PERSONNEL CHANCES - FOOD SERVICES RETIRE€NT YRS. IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE Virginia L. Maroney NEW PERSON-NEL SECO:TDARY NAME SCHOOL/SUBJECT EDUCATION EXPERIENCE TO: Dr. Lawson FROM: R. H. Barnes SUBJECT: Waiver Request Please recommend to the School Committee at its meeting of October 21, 1981 that we request a waiver of the provisions of Section 38G of Chapter 71 of the General Laws in order to employ a staff member. . s COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS_ 1 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - DIVISION OF SPECIAL EDUCATION WAIVER REQUEST FORM: PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION TO: Regional Office of the Division of Special Education FROM: Local School District DATE August 25, 1981 G.L. 718, Chapter 766 Regulations , Paragraph 1005.0 This is to certify that great hardship exists in securing a qualified person for the position of (check one only) : in Administrator of Special Education M, Generic Special Education Teacher oy School Aye Children with Mild Special Needs XII Teacher of School Age Children with Modc.3ce S;.-tial needs' JInstructor of School Age Children with C• vere Special needs ni Teacher of School Age Children with Sensory Handicaps : Vision riTeacher of School Age Children with Sensory handicaps: Audition Ij Teacher of Young Children with Special Needs. Therefore, the LEXINGTON School Committee, because of its inability to employ a qualified teacher, and after being notified by the Superintendent of Schools , chat all reasonable efforts had been made to recruit for that position voted at its meeting of October 21 , 1981 to request date • a waiver of the provisions of Section 1005.0 of the Chapter 766 Regulations requiring employment of approved personnel , in order that it may employ: In said position for the academic year 1981-1°52 or any part thereof. • • • • Thi'.s persgn has: Filed an' application for Approval with support documentation on (date) . Completed application with support material is attached hereto. (If possible, this is the preferableprocedure for initial waiver request. ) This person is: X .Currently enrolled in a special education teacher traieing program at Northeastern University , and expects to complete all components or this program and qua i y or approval by 1984 (date) . g (Official validation from the college or uni ,fersity should oe suomitted. ) This is the: x First waiver request • Second waiver request Third waiver request • (Applications for 2nd b 3ra request: must have evidence of substantial progress attached) . • This form must be accompanied by: • I ) Evidence of what steps the school system has taken to find a qualified and approved teacher. (e. g. advertisements , placement office listings, etc. ) ..) ' A statement indicating how many people' applied for the position, how many of these had the appropriate approval , and why these approved candidates were rejected. LEXINGTON October 21, 1981 Ste attire or Superintendent Loos cnool District —gate 1257 NASS4�,Ck�1USETTS rVENUE, LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS021 3_. Ac'r e s s ... PLEASE FORWARD THIS MATERIAL TO THE REGIONAL SPECIAL EDUCATION DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF SPECIAL EDUCATION , DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION , IN YOUR REGION. OFFICE USE ONLY I o-recommend tnat Favorable action be taken - tnis _o__es:. co not recommend that favorable action oe taken onthis -ec eSt. ti n i comments may be attached on a separate sreet if cesiret ) f � O a �. HCq Y S gnature of Regional Special Education Director Date Regional Special Education Director Please return this form to; Director Bureau of Teacher ,Preoaratien , Certification and Placement 7/81 - EXTRA DUTY STIPENDS - 781-1982* SCHOOL NAMESTIPEND FOR: AMOUNT_ `Stipend to be paid at the successful completion of the activity or the school year, 1981-1982. j