55 Middleby Road, Lexington, MA 02421
Attendance: Lynnette Allen, Lucia Brower,Amelia Brower, Erin Cerat, Natalie Cohen, Meg
Colella,Jon Cunha, Crystal Dolcimascolo, Kristen Gray,Amy Kvaal, Kimberly Hensle
Lowrance, Ruth Litchfield,Agnes Liu, Zeba McGibbon, Beth Murnaghan,Anita Patel, Deirdre
Schadler, Kira Sevene, Melanie Tanionos, and Maria Totniou.
The Bridge Elementary School School-Based Site Council held its monthly meeting on
Friday,January 25, 2019 at 8 AM in Bridge Elementary School Library.
The meeting opened with questions and updates. Melanie Tanionos said that, in April,the
police department will lead a safe way to school training for second and third graders.Also
Bridge is getting another bike rack this spring. This new addition construction will be paid
for from the school's equipment budget. Meg Colella announced that playground will start
this summer and hopefully will end before school starts. However, Bowman's playground
didn't finish until October, so it's unsure when the end date will be. It's also unclear if
students will be able to use playground during construction if runs into school year.
Melanie added that phase two of the reservoir renovation—updating of the bathhouse—
will start this spring.
Dr.Julie Hackett, Superintendent, Lexington Public Schools,then joined the meeting.
She had visited Bridge's chess club before coming to Site Council and was planning to tour
Bridge today, meeting teachers and students.
Dr. Hackett began by asking: What are we most proud of at Bridge? SBC members shared a
number of things, including the strong community between teachers and parents with open
lines of communication,the fact that Bridge feels like a small and cozy community with
opportunity for one to one dialogue, and the strong volunteer spirit within the parent
community.Another plus is the increase of responsibilities given to fifth graders, all
designed to engage the students in their community and prepare them with the transition
to middle school.
Bridge is "a good place for kids and for adults," said Ruth Litchfield. Other staff added that
they feel very supported here—by both parents and administrators.And,they are happy
here at Bridge.
Parent talked about how impressive the kindergarten social emotional curriculum offered
is, and Zeba McGibbon was asked to give an overview for those unfamiliar with these
efforts. The curriculum focuses on listening, empathy, and respect,while helping the
students learn strategies for successfully functioning in the classroom and in the Bridge
What challenges do we see at Bridge?A parent said that there's academic support for kids
with conditions like ADHD but the social supports aren't there. This is not specific for
Bridge; rather, it's more of a broader educational issue. Strategies to address this challenge
were brainstormed. Meg talked about peer meditators run by Heather O'Rourke, one of our
social workers, and its impact on strengthening relationships. It could be a model for this
Dr. Hackett was asked if anything surprised her about her new role at LPS. She said that
people had warned her about"Lexington parents"—that they are tough to work with-but
she has found that parents here are hugely supportive and she's very thankful for that.
Later, she added that the state of the high school building had surprised her; it's not at the
condition that she had expected.
Another challenge that was raised is that there are many cultures in Lexington and yet
those who show up in the room for school activities/events don't reflect that diversity.
We're not doing as a good job reaching all of the communities within Lexington. Dr. Hackett
referenced the work Deirdre Schadler and her colleagues have undertaken to better
understand the cultural needs and perspectives of those in Lexington. It's a huge asset that
we have this diversity in our town.We need to invite these communities into the
conversation and learn about their needs and priorities, and find ways to make sure they
are welcome here in Lexington. Parents need to also informally reach out and connect with
new families and invite them to participate. For example,that's how ELL families got
involved with EcoBridge.A parent reached out specifically to them to engage them in
activities, and they are an important part of that program's success.We also need to offer
programming/events that have widespread appeal. For example, last week's Math Night
had wide attendance from many cultural groups.
Dr. Hackett was asked about the status of the high school. She said she is currently writing
a statement of interest for the high school renovation project. The statement then goes to
school committee and selectman next month before it is submitted to the state. If we're
invited into the evaluation process,there's a year of a feasibility study. During this time,
Lexington is studied to see if it would be best to renovate the high school or build
something new. Our enrollment numbers are going way up.We have 2,300 students now at
LHS, and are expecting to go up to 2,600 in next four to five years. The process to get state
contribution to a building project is competitive. For example, Burlington submitted its
seventh statement of purpose and got denied for the seventh year in a row. Dr. Hackett said
she's hopeful but it all depends on who else submits. Boston is in the game now, and they
may be a higher priority. Other options are to be fiscally prudent and use all of the space we
can efficiently, or even to privately fund a new high school (e.g., residents fully pay for
Dr. Hackett said redistricting will happen after new Hastings is opened and that it will
alleviate some of the pressure on school overcrowding. On a related note, Meg reported
that Bridge is slated to receive a new roof in a year.
Site Council thanked Dr. Hackett for joining us. The meeting ended at 8:52 AM.
NOTE: Our next SBC meetings will be held March 1,April 26, May 24, and June TBD (based
on the last day of school).
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Contact Meg Colella, Principal/Co-Chair
(mcolella@lexingtonma.org), or Kimberly Hensle Lowrance, Parent Representative/ Co-
Chair (khensle@gmail.com); or visit https://Ips.lexingtonma.org/domain/481.