HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-25-SC-min Page 42 August 25, 1981 A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on Tues- day, August 25, 1981, at 8:00 p.m. , in the School Administration Building. Present were: Swanson, Shaw, Beck, and Micheiman. Al- sopresent were: Lawson, MacInnes, and Barnes. It was EXECUTIVE MINUTES: VOTED: to accept the minutes of May 26, 1981, as presented. (Beck, May 26, 1981 Shaw, Unanimous) MINUTES: VOTED: to accept the minutes of July 14, 1981, as amended. (Beck, July 14, 1981 Swanson, Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the minutes of July 28, 1981, as presented. (Yes: July 28, 1981 Swanson, Beck, Shaw; Abstain: Michelman) The School Committee suggested revisions in two segments of June 30, 1981 the June 30, 1981, meeting and requested that Mr. Barnes re-submit this set of minutes at the next meeting. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to accept the following schedule of payments as listed SCHEDULE OF on the attached sheets. (Shaw, Swanson, Unanimous) PAYMENTS The Financial Statement was discussed. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Valerie Sarles, Production Manager of the Lexington Theatre Com- pany, requested that the School Committee waive the increase in rental REQUEST FOR charges for the use of school facilities for the Lexington Theatre Com- EXCEPTION TO pany. Mrs. Sarles reviewed the history of the Theatre Company, its fo- SCHOOL RENTAL cus, and the reasons for the request for an exception to the rental pol- POLICY icy. She noted that the new rental fees were of concern to the Company and said the Company may have to close if the increases in rentals pre- vailed. She felt that ticket increases to cover the new fees would be significant enough to hurt the future of the Company. She added that present finances were being supplemented through garage sales, etc. Mr. Michelman stated that he doubted that the School Committee could channel tax dollars to subsidize a wide variety of activities by various organizations, such as the Theatre Company, even though their activities were worthwhile. Dr. Beck noted that the taxpayers had spoken in the context of Prop- osition 22 and said that they could not afford to continue to spend limited tax dollars for other activities than those of the basic missions of the schools. Dr. Lawson stated that the Town of Lexington was expecting increased receipts from the changes in its fee policies. If the policy was changed for all groups requesting exceptions, the Town would receive perhaps $20,000 to 630,000 less than projected, which would have an impact on the budget. He suggested it might be possible to make adjustments if in-kind services were rendered for dollars that were allocated in the school budget. The Page 43 August 25, 1981 Thatre Company representative stated they already did provide some services and would welcome the opportunity to discuss the Superin- tendent's suggestion. It was agreed that representatives of the Theatre Company would meet at a future date with Dr. Lawson and Mr. Maclnnes to discuss the possibility of the rendering of services by the Company to maintain lower costs to the Lexington Theatre Company. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was BIDS: VOTED: that a contract be awarded to Commerical Control Service, Inc. , HEATING CON- in the amount of $13,654 for heating controls. (Swanson, Beck, TROLS Unanimous) (See attached sheet. ) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to accept the following new personnel as listed on the attached NEW PERSONNEL sheets. (Swanson, Beck, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PERSONNEL VOTED: to accept the personnel changes (Certified) as listed on the CHANGES attached sheets. (Swanson, Shaw, Unanimous) (Certified) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was STAFF FOR VOTED: to accept the staff for summer workshops as listed on the at- SUMMER tached sheet. (Swanson, Shaw, Unanimous) WORKSHOPS Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PERSONNEL VOTED: to accept the personnel changes (Classified) as listed on the CHANGES attached sheets. (Swanson, Beck, Unanimous) (Classified) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was. VOTED: To accept the election of the following staff for the school RE-ELECTION year 1981-82 at the step and level indicated on the attached OF STAFF sheet. (Swanson, Shaw, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was RE-ELECTION Oi VOTED: to elect the following people at the placement and classifica- SECRETARIAL tion indicated, effective September 1, 1981, as noted on the & PART-TIME attached sheet. (Beck, Swanson, Unanimous) CLERICAL STAY Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to accept the following coaching appointments for the school COACHING year 1981-82 as listed on the attached sheets. (Shaw, Beck, SALARIES Unanimous) 1981-82 Mr. Maclnnes reviewed the necessity for the increase in school INCREASE IN lunch prices (increase in labor costs, decrease in federal and state SCHOOL LUNCH subsidies, reduced participation) . Mrs. Grimmer supplied data to Page 44 August 25, 1981 support the increases and reviewed program implications. After a discus- sion and a notation that Federal subsidy reductions would amount to ap- proximately 40%, a vote was called on the need to increase school lunch prices. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: that prices for milk and school lunches be increased as noted on the attached sheet for the 1981-82 school year. (Beck, Swanson, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to accept the adoption of the role descriptions for the High HIGH SCHOOL School Pupil Services Extra Duty Stipends for the 1981-82 school PUPIL SERVICES year. (Swanson, Beck, Unanimous) EXTRA DUTY STIPENDS Dr. Clune presented an informational report on the AP exams taken by students at the High School. He reviewed the entire report, noting 1981 AP EXAM that each department would be reviewed by him individually with the REPORT Department Head, especially the Science Department where there was a significant decrease in the amount of students taking the Chemistry and Biology tests. He noted that the per cent of studentsscoring a 3 or better was due to a consistently outstanding performance in every area and especially in Mathematics. The School Committee congratulated Dr. Clune, the faculty, and students for the fine performance. An informational report of the 1981 Lexington Summer Reading Pro- LEXINGTON gram was presented to the School Committee. The School Committee thanked SUMMER READ- Mr. Lombard, Program Director, and the staff for the outstanding job dur- ING PROGRAM ing the 1981 Summer Reading Program. A copy of the 1981 School Bus Schedule was presented by Mr. Maclnnes BUS SCHEDULES to the School Committee. 1981 Building Utility Statistics were reviewed by Mr. Maclnnes. He noted ANNUAL DRIVER that the 1981 balance was $2,167. 27. In the 1981-82 contract, he stated EDUCATION salary increases of 7% were required for staff. Based upon this factor REPORT and estimated costs, the Coordinator of the Driver Education Program, Mr. Coules, and Mr. Barnes recommended to the Superintendent a fee of $125 per student be established. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: that George Rowe be awarded the contract for the 1981-82 school year and the student fee be set at $125 per student, the Coor- dinator's stipend be set at $2,108, Classroom Teacher's salary be set at $10.44/hr. , and Behind-the-Wheel instruction be set at $9.05/hr. (Beck, Shaw, Unanimous) (See attached sheets.) A copy of the 1981-82 Master Calendar was presented to the School MASTER CALEN- Committee for its information. DAR, 1981-82 It was Page 45 August 25, 1981 VOTED: to convene in executive session at 10:04 p.m, to discuss matters pertaining to collective bargaining and the character and repu- tation of an individual. (Yes, Swanson; yes, Shaw; yes, Beck; yes, Miche1man) The School Committee Chairman announced that the School Committee would not be returning to public session. Respectfully submitted, It It( ! l( /l Richard H. Barnes - Recording Secretary /c • SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS The following schedules of payments were available for scrutiny and approval prior to this meeting: SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGETS Personal Services July 10; 1981 Professional Payroll #1 $39,403.79 July 17, 1981 Classified Payroll 56,153.09 July 24, 1981 Professional Payroll #2 42,659.69 July 31, 1981 Classified Payroll 50,823.74 August 7, 1981 Professional Payroll #3 37,744. 28 August 14, 1981 Classified Payroll 48,963.84 Expenses • July 8, 1981 Bill Schedules #3 1,000.00 July 17, 1981 #4 15,596,24 July 17 1981 #5 2,424.00 July 17, 1981 #6 56 ,955.08 July 24'„ 1981 #7 491.00 July 24', 1981 #8 9,924. 26 July 24, 1981 #9 10,833. 63 July 31'', 1981 #10 13,519.93 July 31 1981 #11 3,349.91 August 7, 1981 #12 9,661.89 August 14, 1981 #13 • 15,658.54 August 14, 1981 #14 13,769.01 August 114, 1981 #15 13,253.58 August 14, 1981 #16 20,240.38 August 21 , 1981 #17 6,771.72 August 21, 1981 #18 9,557.87 August 21, 1981 #19 5,294.39 August 21, 1981 #20 1,758.75 July 17, 1981 Bill Schedules (80-81) #298 560. 11 July 17, 1981 #299 1,988.63 July 17, 1981 . #300 9,756. 78 July 24, 1981 #301 327.36 ' July 24 , 1981 #302 13,215.29 July 31 , 1981 #303 1,938. 71 August 14, 1981 #304' 5,117.87 August 14, 1981 #305 4,143.56 SPECIAL PROGRAMS - NON-LEXINGTON FUNDS Driver Education July 10, 1981 Professional Payroll 93.06 Metro Program July 10, 1981 Professional Payroll 1,199.41 July 24, 1981 Professional Payroll 1,144.19 August 7, 1981 Professional Payroll 1,180.19 Project Combine July 17, 1981 Classified Payroll $ 127.50 July 24, 1981 Professional Payroll 2,400.00 July 31, 1981 Classified Payroll 315.94 9lugust 70981 Professional Payroll 900.00 ugust 14', , 1981 Classified Payroll 345.31 Title I: ', Low Income (Summer Reading Program) July 10, 11981 Professional Payroll 9,820.80 - July 17, 1981 Classified Payroll 745.92 July 24, 1981 Professional Payroll 9,820.80 July 31, 1981 Classified Payroll 532.80 August 7, 1981 Professional Payroll 7,310.40 Project Discover -, my 24, 1981 Bill Schedule 317 300.20 !incentive; III July 24, 1981 Bill Schedule *`4 765.00 ESEA TitIHlIVB July 24, 1981 Bill Schedule #3 973.34 • Edco Ili August 14:., 11981 Bill Schedule 46,900.00 1.1 , 1 11 • III ii BIDS - HEATING CONTROLS Qnl7uly 31, 1981, requests for bids for Heating Controls at the Fiske School were ent to ive companies. The bid was also :adv rtised in the August 6, 1981 issue of the -exingtp Minute-Man. Splecifications were dram for the furnishing, installing and calibration of a com- plete temperature control system. (Thermostats, valves switches, clocks and control panels.) ] The bid also provided alternates that would allow us to reduce the scope of the job if necessary. Three sealed bids were received and opened at a public reading at 12:00 noon on Tuesday 'August 18, 1981. The recap is as follows: Commercial Johnson MCC Controls Controls Powers Entire system as specified $13,654 $15,199 $14,364 Alteates (deduct) from job as spec. delete - day/night control 1,400 300 1,374 delete - dryers and filters 725 825 769 delete - controls for classrooms 3,200 2,800 3,139 9, 10, and cafeteria The !amount budgeted for this work was S-S,00This was based en our estimate of approximately a year ago. Since then, costs Faye increased, but as we prepared the : aecifi.cation for building the job was more complex than originally planned. The new ntrols should help to reduce our consumption (approximately 7-107,) which would give us a pay bagk of approximately seven years. We feel that its in our best interest to award cbv total contract to Commercial Controls Services Inc. , as the low bidder who we feel is qualified to do the work. They have worked for us before and we are satisfied with their w.aork. The additional funds would be transferred from other areas within the maintenance budget (p'ainting). • NEW PERSONNEL SECONDARY NAME SCHOOL/SUBJECT EDUCATION EXPERIENCE 7 NEW PERSONNEL SECONDARY FAME SCHOOL/SUBJECT EDUCATION EXPERIENCE PERSONNEL CHANGES - CERTIFIED RETIRENT YRS. IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE REASON RESIGNATIONS LEAVES OF ABSENCE___.__. MATERNITY LEAVES OF ABSENCE APPOINTMENTS EFFECTIVE PERSONNEL CHANGES - CERTIFIED (Continued) DEGREE CHANGES CHANGE IN ASSIGNMENT CORRECTIONS ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENT PERSONNEL CHANGES - CERTIFIED LEAVE OF ABSENCE YRS. IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE REASON DEGREE CHANGE hI ) ADDITIONAL WORKSHOP DAYS Special Needs Language Arts Workshop (#72-5-00-125000) Name Number of Days Salary tCl , 1 £ PERSONNEL CHANGES - CLASSIFIED (Continued) TRANSFERS it STAFF FOR SIMMER WORKSHOPS EL TEARY READING II (Additional Days) Name Number of Days Salary Elementary Language Arts (Additional Days) ADDITIONAL CLERICAL STAFF FOR SUMMER WORKSHOPS HOURLY NAME WORKSHOP WORKSHOP DATES RATE RE-ELECTION OF NON-TENURE STAFF SECOND ELECTION These people have previously received a contract and are being recommended for their second election at the level and step indicated. GRADE/ STEP/ g. SCHOOL NAME SUBJECT LEVEL SALARY COMMENTS THIRD ELECTION These people have previously received two contracts and are being recommended for their third election at the level and step indicated. FOURTH ELECTION (TENURE) (See back up information following) These people have previously received three contracts and are being recommended for tenure election at the level and step indicated. FOURTH ELECTION (TENURE) (Back up information) RE-ELECTION OF SECRETARIAL AND CLERICAL PERSONNEL (Part Time) SENIOR CLASS & NO. OF HOURLY NAME POSITION STEP HOURS RATE RECOMMENDED COACHING SALARIES FOR 1981-1982 POSITION RECOItIENDED FOR APPOINTMENT SALARY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL FALL WINTER CLARKE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL FALL WINTER REC0flttENDED COACHING SALARIES FOR 1981-1982 (Continued) • POSITION REC0MENDED FOR APPOINTMENT SALARY DIAMOND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL FALL WINTER INCREASE IN PRICE OF SCHOOL LUNCHES Memo TO Dr. Lawson FROM: J. Maclnnes SUBJECT: School Food Service Program-Suggested Price Increases Attached is information which has been compiled by Mrs. Grimmer (supervisor of School Food Services) a. School lunch data 80-81 year and federal and state reimbursement policies b, Project income and expenditures at various prices per meal. c. Back up sheet to B. d, Cash flow - projected at $1.00 per meal. The information speaks for itself but .shown here are the prices for the last two school years and the suggested 1981-82 prices. Student Adult Type A Meal Milk Lunch 79-80 50c. 50 $1.10 80-81 September - January 60c 10c $1.25 February - June 700 10c $1��.35, , 81-82 (suggested) 1.0 Even at the suggested prices for school lunches, we continue to project overall financial losses to the program. We anticipate a cash flow problem would exist throughout the year. The projections are based on anticipated reductions in participation (role of lunches) due to the increase in price. Not to increase, however, may sell more lunches, but increases the deficit. Some plans to overcome the losses would be as follows: To increase the a-la-carte offerings at the Junior Highs. To extend (if necessary) a-la-carte offerings to the elementary level. To extend the offer to serve programs to all schools which should save some of the food costs. Although committed to staffing levels based on participation at the 80-81 prices, we will need to make every effort to reduce substitute costs for absentieism and reassign employees in the event of resignations or retirements during the school year. Staffing for the 82-83 year will need to have further reductions in the part- icipation drops as anticipated. School lunch Data Sheet A Starting Balance September 1, 1980 $85,676.01 Income Sales $461,143.05 Reimbursement $150,473.64 Reimbursement due (estimated) $ 6,000.00 Other $ 4,041 .23 State Tax $ 1,892.75 Total Income $623,550.67 Expenditures Food $337 ,010.62 Labor $289 ,211.76 Other $ 41,506.00 $667,728.38 , Approximate Cash Balance (dependent upon actual amount of $ 41,498.30 reimbursement) 1980-81 Sales Total "A" lunch (1980-81) 470,250 Paid lunches 428,340 Free lunches 32,140 Reduced price lunch 9 ,770 participation October 1980 at 60c 59% % participation March 1981 at 70c 50% Federal and State Reimbursement Policy 1980-81 1981-82 "A" lunch Federal .16 (181 Sept.-Dec.) .105 -30,642.50 State .06 .06 Free lunch .835 . .9875 + 4 ,672.91 Reduced Price .635 .5875 - 415.91 Commodities .22 .11 -48,522.50 -74,538.00 (There is no overall loss in the reduction of individual special milk reimbusement from $.05 to $.00 because we will pass this on to the consumer.) !i Projected income and Expenditures 1 Sheet P. at various prices per meal. Income at Income at income at Income at 70c 80c 90c $1 .00 Sales $457,536. 72 $469 ,646.27 i $469,648.09 1 $461,680.09 Reimbursement 107,632 .22 $101 ,059.26 $ 94,486.69 $ 87,913.73 TOTAL 565, 168 . 94 $570,705.55 $564,134 . 78 $549,593.82 Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures at at at i at 70c t 80c _ 90e $1 .00 Labor i $_70,000.00 i,270 ^OJ.0i) $270.00,00 $::70,000.00 :mood', 330,430.50 s308 :520 15 5286,611 .45 $264 ,701.65 Other 44,000.00 — $ 40.000.00 $ 36,000,00 $ 32,000,.00 TOTAL 644,430.50 $62,8,520,15 $592 ,611 .45 $566 ,701.65 •Prop or Loss - $ 47 ,814.60 - $ 28 ,477.67 - $ 17,107.83 _ $79,261 .56 *.55kLunch II . II 1 . Back up to sheet B (Projected income and Expenditures) i Number of Income Number. Income Number of Income Number Income lunches @.70 @ .70 lunches @:80 @ .80 lunches @.90 @.90 lunches @1.00 @ 1.00 Total lunches 397913 I 358079 318243 437 , 750 (-10%) (-20%) -30% Income - Sales "A" lunch paid 358516 286,812.18 318682 286,814.00 278846 278 ,846.00 398 . 352 8'.'.78.84,6 Reduced price 8755 3,502.00 8755 3,502 .00 8755 3,502,00 — 8,755 3,502..00 Adult @ $1.40 26508 38,339.09 26508 38,339.09 26508 38,339.09 26, 508 34, 195 .32 A-la-Carte 140,993.00 140,993. 10 140,993.00 _ _ __ 14. 0,993 .00 -- -----_ Reimbursement �' "A" lunch paid 59,155.14 52 ,582 .55 46 009.59 65 728.0S Free 30;642MIIM 30642 ! 35,316.00 30642 35,316.00 30642 35,3 10 Reduced price_ 8 755 6 588. 1 8755 6,588.14 8755 6 ,588.14 8755 6,588.14 Total Income 570,705.55 564,134.78 549,593.b_ 565 ,16$. 9 i -- — - — -- - Expend i �tI I Expend ,Ex Expenditures Expend. Expend• C . 7Ua 809iC1 ,00 Labor i 270,000.00 270,000.00 270.000.01 1279000,00 * Food "A" lunch 240,762 ,50 218 ,852 .15 T 196,943.45 175,033.65_. Food A-la-Carte (Adult) 89,668.00 ( 89,688.00 89,668.00 89,668.00 Other coats 40,000.00 36,000.00 32 ,000.00 44,000.00 Total cost 644,430.5J 618,520.15 592 ,611.45 566,701.65 Profit or Loss 1 -47,814:60 -28,477.67 -17 ,107.83 - 79,261.5E i m .55 per lunch m rt c. ,,,,,At . 3 ...,...__ ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND INCOME (Cash Flow Projected @ $1.00 per meal) Lexington School Lunch 1981-82 September October November December January February March April May June July August Balance Forward 41,500.00 29,500.00 9,500.00 -5,100.00 150.00 3,550,00 6,750.00 23,750.00 27,550.00 37,550.00 5,350. Sale Receipts 39,000.00 59,000.00 39,000.00 43,000.00 52,000.00 42,000.00 58,000.00 41,000.00 52,000.00 36,000.00 - - Reimbursement - - 7,400.00 11,250.00 7,400.00 8,200.00 10,000.00 7,800.00 10,000 7,800.00 18,000 (Sept.) (Oct.) (Nov.) (Dec.) (Jan.) (Feb.) (March) (April) (May&June) Cash on Hand 80,500.00 88,500.00 55,900.00 49,150.00 59,550.00 53;750.00 74,750.00 72,550.00 87,550.00 81,350.00 23,350 Labor 19,000.00 27,000.00 37,000.00 27,000.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 27,000.00 20,000.00 27,000.00 46,000.00 - Bill Schedules 32,000.00 52,000.00 34,000.00 22,000.00 26,000.00 27,000.00 24,000.00 27,000.00 23,000.00 30,000.00 Balance Forward 29,500.00 9,500.00 -5,100.00 150.00 3,550.00 6,750.00 23,750.00 25,550.00 37,550.00 5,350.00 23,350 w a- m n d TO: Dr. Lawson FROM: R. H. Barnes SUBJECT: Driver Education Program - 1980=1981 Report The final Driver Education Report for 1981 shows a balance of $2,167.27. This past year the student fee was $117 per student which included all costs associated with program participation. In 1981-1982 the contract calls for salary increases of 7% for staff. Based upon this factor and estimated costs, Mr. Coules recommends a fee of $125 per student. The following is recommended: George Rowe be awarded the contract for 1981-82 and the student fee be set at $125. Coordinator's stipend: $2, 108 for 1981-82 Classroom Teacher's salary: $10.44/hr for 1981-82 Behind-the-wheel instruction: $9.05/hr for 1981-82