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July 14, 1981
A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held Tuesday, July 14,
1981, at 8:00 p.m. , in the School Administration Building Conference Room.
Present were: Beck, Shaw, Swanson, Gaudet, Michelman, and Student Repre-
sentative Splaine. Also present were: Lawson, Pierson, Maclnnes, Monderer,
DiGianmmarino, and Barnes.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: to accept the following schedule of payments as listed on the SCHEDULE OF
attached sheets. (Gaudet, Swanson, Unanimous) PAYMENTS
Mr. Maclnnes reviewed the end-of-the-year financial statement, which FINANCIAL
showed a balance of approximately $143,000. Mr. Maclnnes said that his STATEMENT
original projection of a $300,000 balance was not realized. He reviewed
each of the areas that had overdraughts as well as a comparison with bal-
ances of previous years. Mr. Maclnnes noted that the 1981 balance com-
pared quite favorably with other years even though it was under this pro-
jected figure.
Mr. Michelman began the discussion with a review of the rationale and ADVISORY
expectations of the Advisory Committee. He said that several citizens had COMMITTEE
expressed interest in serving and felt that the identification of four qual- MEMBERS
ified volunteers was most encouraging.
Mrs. Swanson stated that it would be beneficial to appoint a fifth,
or additional qualified persons, if the need existed. Mr. Micheiman re-
sponded in the affirmative. At this point he suggested an informal meet-
ing with the four persons as an appropriate next step so the School Com-
mittee members and Superintendent could review the charge, expectations,
etc. He added the meeting would also provide an opportunity to get ac-
quainted with the four citizens.
Mrs. Swanson said it was important to inform the public prior to any
attitudinal survey. She stated that she hoped that there would be more
emphasis on public relations so that the schools could communicate their
priorities and develop support and not reduce areas just for the sake of
reduction. She said she hoped the message could be disseminated that would
emphasize that reductions, if any, were not to be made capriciously and that
any reductions that were made would be for sound reasons after protracted
discussion and analysis by the School Committee. As an additional sugges-
tion, she recommended that contact be made with the Town government to in-
quire as to whether they were thinking of a similar process. If so, com-
bining the questionnaires in one survey might prove more efficient and val-
uable to the Town.
Mr. Michelman said he agreed that the School Committee should continue
to proceed with an investigation/evaluation survey and also keep the Town
informed of possible joint ventures, if appropriate. He said it was essen-
tial that all Town committees and personnel be sensitive to take no step to
complicate the lives of each other in this or any endeavor, as the Town sought
to meet the challenge of the financial constraints of the time.
Mrs. Gaudet-added that she was in agreement that an informal meeting
would be beneficial but expressed concern about the length of time needed to
educate, to survey, etc. She felt that there was a need for more informa-
tion as to time frames in relation to the entire process. Mr. Michelman added
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July 14, 1981
that was a valid concern and hoped that the question could be responded to
with satisfaction after meeting with the four citizens.
Dr. Lawson said that after the citizens listened to the School Committee
as to expectations, the conference could provide an opportunity for the citi-
zens to state the feasibility of the charge and the resources they might need.
He added that he agreed that it was wise to contact the Town govet intent since
they would possibly be concerned with their priorities as well, since the fi-
nancial restriction process not only concerned the schools.
Mr. Michelman agreed to write a letter to invite the four citizens to
an informal meeting during the last part of August.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: to accept the following new personnel, as listed on the attached PERSONNEL
sheets. (Swanson, Gaudet, Unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: to accept the following personnel changes, as listed on the attached CHANGES
pages. (Swanson, Beck, Unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: to accept the following staff for the summer workshops at the SUMMER
salaries indicated, as listed on the attached pages. (Swanson, WORKSHOPS
Shaw, Unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was SALARIES -
VOTED: that the following crossing guards, as listed on the attached page, INC GUARDS,
be appointed at the salaries indicated for the school year 1981-82. '81-'82
(Beck,Swanson, Unanimous)
Mr. Lombard presented a progress report on the Summer Reading Pro- REPORT -
gram for 1981. The School Committee thanked Mr. Lombard for the excellent SUMMER
report. READING
Dr. Monderer presented a report on the system-wide testing results SYSTEM-WIDE
for the years .1974-1981, at the request of the School Committee. He TESTING
pointed out that Lexington students in grades 2, 4, 6, and 8 performed RESULTS
well above the national average for the past several years. He also added
that this year's testing results demonstrated the highest scores in the
history of the Lexington Public School system. The scores and trends were
discussed and reviewed by the Committee.
Dr. Lawson stated that he was extremely pleased with the results which
reflected the efforts of faculty and administration to upgrade the educa-
tional program, especially in reading and mathematics. He said the quality
of the students in the curriculum needed to be taken into account. He added
that he was especially pleased with the results because they seemed to im-
prove as one increased in grade level, which is not traditionally true. Dr.
Lawson said that the improved scores were in contrast to declining scores
evident in many other communities. The School Committee thanked Dr. Monderer
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July 14, 1981
for his report.
Dr. Clune and Mr. Lord presented the School Committee with additional L.H.S.
information regarding the High School Health Education Program, due to a HEALTH
request made at a previous meeting. The information included background EDUCATION
on the instructors, qualifications to teach, and the specific courses PROGRAM
planned in the Health Education Program.
Dr. Clune reviewed the units and background of personnel. Class sched-
ules, typical units, etc. , were also reviewed. He emphasized it will be a
team-teaching program; guidance personnel would work closely with the in-
structor of the courses . He said that guidance personnel may take over a
class, if their specialty dictates the need. He said that all the prepara-
tions were complete, persons were qualified, and he felt comfortable with
the people handling the courses. He added that parents would be given the
option of not having their children participate in any of the programs. In
such cases, students could_be assigned a project, example: research paper,
independent study, etc. He said the section on Human Sexuality would be
postponed until the first few topics had been explored and feedback from
parents and students had been reviewed. He added that there would be spec-
ific meetings provided so that parents could review materials.
Dr. Lawson stated that a thoughtful, sensitive memorandum, separate
from the other information provided, would be developed for parents to ex-
press whether or not they wanted their child to participate.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: to approve the High School Health Education Program as presented.
(Shaw, Swanson, Unanimous)
The Superintendent announced that a letter had been sent to the Town MUZZEY JUNIOR
stating that the Muzzey Junior High School would be officially closed for HIGH SCHOOL
school purposes as of July 24.
Mr. Maclnnes announced that there would be a sale of surplus materials SURPLUS SALE
at Muzzey Junior High School on July 22.
Mr. Michelman announced that the Minuteman Bike Path Committee in- MINUTEMAN
vited the Lexington School Committee to send a representative to a discus- BIKE PATH
sion of bike paths in Lexington.
It was announced that the next School Committee meeting would be held SCHOOL
Tuesday, July 28, at 7:15 a.m. , and the only topic on the agenda would be COMMITTEE
It was
VOTED: to adjourn at 9:27 p.m. (Beck, Swanson, Unanimous)
Resp-ctfully submitt =`,
hard H. Bar-les
Recording S- retary
The following schedules of payments were available for scrutiny and
approval prior to this meeting:
Personal Services
June 26, 1981 Professional Payroll #26 $517,680,66
July 3, 1981 Classified Payroll #28-C 50,857.37
June 30, 1981 Bill Schedules #287 8,980.29
June 30, 1981 #288 1,852.91
June 30, 1981 #289 3,948.87
June 30, 1981 #290 91.49
June 30, 1981 #291 24,477.66
June 30, 1981 #292 4,021.97
June 30, 1981 #293 24,028.92
June 30, 1981 #294 4,720.19
June 30, 1981 #295 2,951.40
June 30, 1981 #296 6,132.45
June 30, 1981 #297 4,069.68
July 10, 1981 Bill Schedules (81-82) #1 16,639.61
July 10, 1981 #2 9,872.18
Adult Education
June 26, 1981 Professional Payroll 319.68
July 3, 1981 Classified Payroll 49.11
Driver Education
June 26, 1981 Professional Payroll 2,205.87
July 2, 1981 Bill Schedule #17 8.00
Metco Program
June 26, 1981 Professional Payroll 6,258.10
July 3, 1981 Classified Payroll 325.53
July 2, 1981 Bill Schedules #26 630.00
July 2, 1981 #27 74.70
June 30, 1981 #28 4,050,00
Pupil-School Matr. Rec.
July 2, 1981 Bill Schedule #11 294,90
Project Mainstream
June 26, 1981 Professional Payroll 654,31
Transition to Employment
June 26, 1981 Professional Payroll $910.93
American Roots
June 30, 1981 Bill Schedule #5 721,00
Project Discover
June 26, 1981 Professional Payroll 790.12
Project Enhance
June 26, 1981 Professional Payroll 939.69
June 30, 1981 Bill Schedules #19 97.51
June 30, 1981 #20 1.40
Project hunch
June 30, 1981 Bill Schedules #8 82.95
June 30, 1981 #9 85.00
Vocational Guidance
July 2, 1981 Bill Schedule #5 4.00
Expanding Horizons
June 30, 1981 Bill Schedules #3 988,32
June 30, 1981 #4 64.00
Bilingual Education
June 30, 1981 Bill Schedule #1 350.00
Project Combine
June 26, 1981 Professional Payroll 925.00
June 30, 1981 Bill Schedule #8 7.20
Project Assist
June 26, 1981 Professional Payroll 238,61
Low Income
July 2, 1981 Bill Schedule #1 760.41
Art. 44 Ener
June 30, 1981 Bill Schedule #14 996.23
FOR RE-ELECTION (Not working toward tenure)
TRANSFERS (From Muzzey)
Employment Hourly
Name Dates Rate
Elementary Reading I
Tasks: -To revise LIRSP placement tests by eliminating unnecessary items
-To develop a revised record card
Name Number of Days Salary
Elementary Reading IT
Tasks: -To prepare proposed K-6 sequence of reading goals/objectives
-To identify proposed appropriate diagnostic/mastery testing procedures
-To develop a proposed record-keeping procedure
Name Number of Days Salary
Junior High English
Task: -To expand the writing program to include poetry, dialogue, short story,
essay, journalistic feature writing and other forms of creative writing
Name Number of Days Salary
Elementary Language Arts
Tasks: -Revision of Writing Manual
-Supplement to K-2 handwriting materials
-Development of grade level word lists
-Preparation of unit on note taking and sentence combining
Name Number of Days Salary
Special Needs Language Arts Workshop
Junior High Social Studies
Task: -To develop a curriculum guide for the course, "American Legal System",
which will be offered in the ninth grade
Name Number of Days Salary
Clerical Staff
Elementary Language Arts
Junior High Social Studies