HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-05-12-SC-min Page 24 May 12, 1981 A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held Tuesday, May 12, 1981, at 8:00 p.m., in the School Administration Building. Present were: Gaudet, Shaw, Swanson, Michelman, Beck. Also present were: Lawson, Pierson, Maclnnes, Monderer, DiGiammarino, and Barnes. Mrs. Jacqueline Ward, Robinson Road, spoke on behalf of the Field and PUBLIC Garden Club, Conservation Commission, etc. She stated that they would like PARTICIPATION to discuss the development of a program/campaign which would focus upon con- servation awareness. She said that the Commission delegates would like to discuss the idea with representatives of the administration during the sum- mer. months. Dr. Lawson said that Dr. Pierson would be happy to review the matter with her. The executive minutes of January 17, January 24, April 25, April 26, EXECUTIVE May 9, Nay 23, and June 26, 1978 were deferred. MINUTES Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was SCHEDULE OF VOTED: to accept the schedule of payments as listed on the attached sheets. PAYMENTS (Gaudet, Beck, Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the personnel changes (Certified) as listed on the at- PERSONNEL tached sheet. (Beck, Gaudet, Unanimous) CHANGES VOTED: to accept the personnel changes (Classified) as listed on the at- tached sheet. (Swanson;. Gaudet, Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the re-election of the following staff for the school RE-ELECTION year 1981-82, with the step and level indicated on the attached OF STAFF sheets: (Gaudet, Swanson, Unanimous) Dr. Pierson presented to the School Committee descriptions of addi- JUNIOR HIGH tional ninth grade courses which would be offered at both junior high SCHOOL schools in 1981-82. They are as follows: Our Legal Heritage, Debate, CURRICULUM World Civilization, and Drama. He then reviewed each of the courses. ADJUSTMENTS He noted that, in addition to these courses, the following changes were recommended in order to make programs offered similar in each junior high: Reading - will no longer be required of all ninth graders at Diamond. Both schools will schedule for reading students whose past achievement indicates a need for assistance. 1 in - will no longer be required of all ninth graders at Diamond. Both schools will offer the program as a strongly recommended elective for ninth graders. Semiotics- will no longer be offered in eighth grade at Clarke. Ninth grade semiotics will be continued for one more year at Clarke in order to allow current eighth graders to complete the sequence. Semiotics will be considered for inclusion in the High School elective program. Computer Programming - will be offered at both schools on a two- period-a-week elective basis. 3` Page 25 May 12, 1981 After a brief discussion, and upon the recommendation of the Super- intendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to approve the proposed changes in the junior high school curricu- lum. (Beck, Gaudet, Unanimous) Mr. Michelman presented a proposal to the School Committee which con- CITIZENS tained suggested procedures that the School Committee might follow over the ADVISORY next several months in anticipation of budget restrictions due to financial COMMI1n.E constraints. He said that the uncertainty of the size of the school budget relative to inflation, and the future of Proposition 2%, motivated his pro- posal. He added that he did not know yet how serious a constraint there would be on the school budget, but there might be some significant restructuring of programs needed. He felt that it was appropriate that the School Committee give thought now, in preparation for the future. He said he recognized the responsibility for determining priorities was the School Committee's, in con- sultation with the Superintendent and educational staff, but felt that the School Committee had a responsibility to retrieve information from as many sources as possible, such as parents, students, staff, etc. , in order to ob- tain a clear understanding of the perception of such audiences. He said that, as a result, the School Committee would be able to set valid and reliable pri- orities for the future. He recommended that the School Committee call upon the talent of the com- munity to assist it and the administration in the acquisition and dissemina- tion of information. He proposed the appointment of a small advisory group to help organize the effort. He summarized by saying that the charge should include a report to the School Committee and Superintendent on the feasibility of the organized proposal, the hazards and benefits, as well as a plan of acti- vities as to how the matter could be organized. He said that the first phase of the plan would be to report to the School Committee on the feasibility. The second part would contain a discussion as to whether the School Committee should proceed with the proposal. Mrs. Swanson stated that one of the primary reasons that the schools were in a good financial position was that the School Committee had closed schools over the past five years. She felt that accolades to former School Committee members Messrs. Brown, Wadsworth, and Mrs. Berchtold should be made, since they stood up in the face of tremendous pressure not to close schools. She added that sometimes problems were best resolved with the community involved in the decision, and other times decisions had to be made by other elected groups based on their information. She said that some of the Advisory Co.umittees appointed in the past were not helpful, although some were. She stated it was important to inform the community before perceptions were sought. She said she also felt it was up to the School Committee not to do anything that would impede the ob- jectives set by the administration. She stated that they had a sufficient num- ber of objectives to accomplish and were most impressed by what they had already completed successfully. Mrs. Shaw said that there was a need to impart information, and that the School Committee should explore all possible options, such as coffee hours, sem- inars, speeches, 'etc. Mrs. Gaudet added that she saw the issue in two phases. Phase one would be a vote to appoint a committee and request a feasibility re- port be made to the School Committee, and phase two would be a vote to proceed or not with the recommendations. Mr. Michelman responded that that was an ac- curate view. Page 26 May 12, 1981 Dr. Lawson said that there was great value in determining the perceptions of a community. He experienced such endeavors in his previous position and felt that the study of return, the program of education, and the survey of perceptions on priorities and values were of tremendous worth to a school sys- tem. Dr. Beck said that the participation of citizens in the democratic process in the life of the Town was less than it used to be. He stated that he was con- cerned that five people could change the trend, but they should do everything possible to develop a more active public participation. He endorsed the Advi- sory Committee concept as excellent. He added that he agreed with Mrs. Swanson that no one was sure where the cuts would have to be made, but there should be an active process with as many people as possible taking part in the process before the event occurred. At this point, it was VOTED: to proceed with phase one (in general as outlined in the proposal) subject to a draft of a specific charge being presented to the School Committee by the Chairman for discussion and vote at its next meeting. (Swanson, Gaudet, Unanimous) It was VOTED: to convene in executive session at 9:22 p.m. to discuss matters re- EXECUTIVE lating to collective bargaining strategy and the character and repu- SESSION tation of an individual. The Chairman announced the School Committee would not be reconvening in public session. (Shaw, yes; Beck, yes; Gaudet, yes; Swanson, yes; Michelman, yes) Respectfully submitted, /t-1c and H. Barn s 1% Recording Sec Lary /c 1. • SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS • The following schedules of payments were available for scrutiny and approval prior to this meeting: SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGETS Personal Services April 24, 1981 Classified Payroll #23-C $62,463.40 May 1, 1981 Professional Payroll #22 459,835.62 Expenses May 1, 1981 Bill Schedules #240 1,386.11 May 1, 1981 #241 1,625.84 May 1, 1981 #242 4,930.90 May 1, 1981 #243 4,568.83 May 1, 1981 #244 40,198.50 May 8, 1981 #245 2,955.21 May 8, 1981 #246 476.32 i, May 8, 1981 #247 43,175.67 May 8, 1981 #248 13,626.74 May 8, 1981 #249 202.62 Expenses (Carryover) May 1, 1981 Bill Schedule #328 25.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS - NON-LEXINGTON FUNDS Adult Education May 1, 1981 Professional Payroll 204.24 Driver Education May 1, 1981 Professional Payroll 518.00 f May 8, 1981 Bill Schedule #15 400.00 Bus Tickets May 8, 1981 Bill Schedule #8 973.75 Metro Program April 24, 1981 Classified Payroll 1,127.37 May 1, 1981 Professional Payroll 4,550.56 May 1, 1981 Bill Schedules #18 39.40 May 8, 1981 #19 56.10 Pupil-School Matr. Rec. May 8, 1981 Bill Schedule #10 83.46 Project Mainstream May 1, 1981 Professional Payroll 654.31 (Over) Transition to Employment April 24, 1981 Classified Payroll $58.56 May 1, 1981 Professional Payroll 910,93 May 1, 1981 Bill Schedule #15 41.03 Project Discover May 1, 1981 Professional Payroll 790.12 May 1, 1981 Bill Schedules #13 93.81 Ma.y 8, 1981 #14 35.00 Project Assist May 1, 1981 Professional Payroll 238.61 • Project Enhance April 24, 1981 Classified Payroll 248.15 May 1, 1981 Professional Payroll 939.69 May 8, 1981 Bill Schedule #15 10.00 Vocational Guidance May 1, 1981 Bill Schedules #1 118.75 May 8, 1981 12 258.38 • • Y PERSONNEL CHANGES - CER1 FIED RESIGNATION YRS . IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE REASON LEAVE OF ABSENCE MATERNIF ' LEAVE OF ABSENCE - EXTEND TO 1481- 1982 CHANCE 1N ASSIGNMENT ENT (Over) PERSONNEL CHANGES - CLASSIFIED RETIREMENTS YRS. IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE RESIGNATIONS REASON TRANSFER EFFECTIVE NEW PERSONNEL RE-ELECTION OF NON-TENURE STAFF FOURTH ELECTION (TENURE) Ili These people have previously received three contracts and are recommended for tenure election at the level and step indicated. GRADE; STEP! SCHOOL NAME SUBJECT LEVEL SALARY COMMENTS r • (Over) • R -CLECTIUN rr. `=ON-IEN1`.. YJAFF FOURTH ELECTION (TENURE) These people have previously received three contiatt_:; and are recommended for tenure election at the level and step indicated. GRADE/ STEP/ SCHOOL NAME SUBJECT LEVEL SALARY COMMENTS if t CERTIFIED STAFF FOR TITLE I SUFThIETc READING PROGRAM 1981 The following are recommended: NAME OF TEACHER POSITION SALARY Account #28-5-00-1410- - reacher Object Code 121 Director Object Code 113 Account #110-5-00-1410-121 (Juno 29- - July 31, 1981 Harrington School) (Over) CLASSIFIED STAFF FOR TITLE I SUMMED :'}APING PROGRA.M 1981 _ (June 29 - July 31, 1981 Harrinm;ton School) The following are recommended: Account sf10-5.700-1410--141-Aides N:1h1E POSITION SALARY • Rate: $319.68 (4.44 hrs. for 24 days/3 hrs 1•c! dsy)