HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-04-07-SC-min Page 17 April 7, 1981 A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held Tuesday, April 7, 1981, at 8:00 p.m., in the School Administration Building. Present were: Beck, Swanson, Gaudet, Michelman, Shaw, and Student Representative Anderson. Also present were: Drs. Lawson, Pierson, Monderer, DiGiammarino, and Messrs. MacInnes and Barnes. Jeff Anderson announced that he was attending his last School Committee STUDENT meeting as Student Representative. He thanked the School Committee and ad- REPRESENTATIVE ministration and said it had been a privilege to serve on the Committee. FAREWELL The School Committee and Superintendent thanked Jeff Anderson for his valuable contributions to the Committee and wished him success in the future. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS VOTED: to accept the following schedule of payments as listed on the at- tached sheet: (Gaudet, Swanson, Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the personnel changes as listed on the attached sheets. PERSONNEL (Gaudet, Swanson, Unanimous) CHANGES VOTED: to accept the Special Class Teacher Aides' Wage Guide for 1980-81 SPECIAL CLASS and 1981-82, as listed on the attached sheet. (Gaudet, Swanson, TEACHER AIDES' Unanimous) SALARY GUIDE, Dr. Lawson informed the School Committee that the Lexington Education Association membership had ratified the Memorandum of Agreement reached by LEA/SCHOOL COM the LEA and School Committee negotiators on March 6, 1981. He outlined the MITTEE AGREE- specifics of the agreement as follows: MENT, '81-'82 1. It is a one-year contract, 1981-82. 2. It provides for a 77 salary adjustment on all salaries in- cluded in the current assignment. 3. There is inclusion of recall language in the 1981-82 agree- ment. Dr. Lawson noted he was pleased with the agreement and its acceptance by the Lexington Education Association membership. He congratulated all those who were involved as negotiators for the School Committee and those who were negotiators for the Lexington Education Association. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to approve the agreement reached by the LEA and the School Committee negotiators. (Swanson, Beck, Unanimous) (See attached sheets.) Dr. Lawson presented a listing of certified staff for re-election and RE-ELECTION setting of salaries for tenured staff. He noted that staff being recommended OF STAFF for re-election had experienced a very intensive evaluation process, Eval- uations had been conducted by appropriate supervisors and were supplemented by observations by members of the Central Office staff, when appropriate. He added that because of the uncertainty of available positions for non-ten- Page 18 April 7, 1981 ured teachers in September resulting from declining enrollments, he was recommending only some non-tenured staff who were completing their first or second year in the system, because of definite openings at this parti- cular time. As positions become available later in the spring, he said he would make additional recommendations. He added that prior to April 15 he would be sending a letter to each teacher indicating his or her contractual status within the Lexington Pub- lic Schools for 1981-82. This was required under Massachusetts law. Mr. Barnes reviewed the six attachments being presented to the School Committee. He said the main section contained the listing of tenured staff and the setting of their salaries. Attachment #2 contained the names of second, third, and fourth elections. The third attachment contained back- up sheets of information concerning those recommended for tenured election. The fourth list indicated names of tenured staff who were not being recom- mended for increase in salary due to unsatisfactory performance. List #5 contined the names of non-tenured staff being recommended to be placed on "hold" and would be considered for positions as they become available. The sixth and final list contained the names of non-tenured staff who were main- ly replacement teachers or long-term substitutes for which no positions at this time were projected to be available in September.. He added, however, that some of these people would be considered for placement if positions did open. In conclusion, he noted that department heads, coordinators, and administrators would be re-elected at a later date, following their evalua- tion conferences. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to set the salaries of the following personnel at the level, step, SETTING and salary indicated for the 1981-82 school year as listed on the SALARIES - attached sheets: (Swanson, Beck, Unanimous) TENURED STAFF VOTED: to elect the following staff for the school year 1981-82 at the RE-ELECTION step and level indicated on the attached sheet: (Shaw, Beck, Un- OF STAFF animous) VOTED: that the following staff, as listed on the attached sheet, not be STAFF NOT voted increases for the 1981-82 school year because of unsatisfac- VOTED INCREASES tory performance: (Shaw, Gaudet, Unanimous) VOTED: that the following staff, as listed on the attached sheets, be NON-TENURED placed on "hold" for the 1981-82 school year: (Swanson, Gaudet, STAFF PLACED Unanimous) ON "HOLD" VOTED: to accept the Superintendent's recommendation that the following NON-TENURED staff, as listed on the attached sheet, be notified that no posi- STAFF - NO tions were available for the 1981-82 school year because of declin- POSITIONS ing enrollments: (Beck, Swanson, Unanimous) AVAILABLE VOTED: that the salaries of the school physicians, as listed on the attached sheet, be accepted for the 1981-82 school year. (Gaudet, Swanson, SETTING OF Unanimous) SALARIES - SCHOOL PHYSICIANS Page 19 April 7, 1981 A memorandum from Robert Davenport, Social Studies Department Head, 1981-82 and David Clune, Principal of Lexington High School, was provided to the PROGRAM OF School Committee as a description of the course that was added to the Pro- STUDIES - gram of Studies in Social Studies. After a brief discussion, it was agreed HIGH SCHOOL that all were satisfied with the Program of Studies for 1981-82. Paul Lombard, Administrator or Special Education, and Jack Monderer, SPECIAL Director of Pupil Services, presented the recommendations on special edu- EDUCATION cation legislation. After a review of items contained in the report, it LEGISLATION was MOVED: to accept the report and to write to the appropriate representa- tives concerning the Lexington School Committee's position on the legislation. (Beck, Swanson, Unanimous) Dr. Lawson informed the School Committee that as a follow-up of the SCIENCE discussion at the meeting on March 24 concerning the Science Program at PROGRAM - Lexington High School, he had met with members of the Science Department. LEXINGTON He noted that during the discussion at Clarke Junior High School he had HIGH SCHOOL heard different views being expressed by the administration at the High School, Dr. Pierson and that of the Science Department. He said that in order to clarify the issue, he met with the Science Department members. He added there had been several other meetings with Dr. Clone, Dr. Pier- son, and others. As a result of his analysis, he made the following recom- mendations: 1. Science course 532 remain scheduled for six periods for '81-'82. 2. Students already signed up for courses will have programs re- viewed, and within the next three weeks elective choices will be made known. The Principal at that time will recommend action to the Superintendent. 3. Dr. Clune's recommendation will include an appropriate balance between requirements and electives for all range of students. Dr. Clune will recommend to him the course schedule which is the best possible for most students. 4. During the next school year, Dr. Pierson, Dr. Clone, and depart- ment heads and teachers will review and analyze the science cur- riculum and project long-term directions rather than meeting cur- riculum issues on an annual basis. He added that they would keep in mind that their recommendations would project a direction that would include a student enrollment of 1500 students at Lexington High School in the near future. After a brief discussion, it was MOVED: to accept the recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools. (Beck, Swanson; Unanimous) Dr. Lawson informed the School Committee that the Two-Year Progress TWO-YEAR Report from Lexington High School, which had been submitted to the New PROGRESS England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), had been accepted. REPORT-NEASC Page 20 April 7, 1981 He added that there were several commendations listed by NEASC in the ac- ceptance of the report, such as: expansion of the Media Center at the High School; ventilation improvements, heating improvements, etc.; avail- ability of special needs courses; improved lighting; and more accessibility by the handicapped student to courses. The Superintendent announced that over 30% of the certified staff GOOD FRIDAY had requested Good Friday as a holiday. He said based upon the School HOLIDAY Committee policy that when over 30% of a staff are projected to be absent, he had closed schools. He noted that in addition to the certified staff requests, 28 secretaries and 30 custodians had also requested the day as a holiday. It was VOTED: to convene in executive session at 8:56 p.m. to discuss matters EXECUTIVE pertaining to collective bargaining and the character and repu- SESSION tation of an individual. (Yes, Gaudet; yes, Swanson; yes, Beck; yes, Shaw; yes, Michelman) it was announced by the Chairman of the School Committee that the Committee would not be reconvening in public session. Respect , lly submitted, i Lt/ •ichard H. Ba s Recording Se etary lc SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS • The following schedules of payments were available for scrutiny and approval prior to this meeting: SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGETS Personal Services March 13, 1981 Classified Payroll 120•-C $72,063.62 March 20, 1981 Professional Payroll #19 458,877.12 March 27, 1981 classified Payroll #21-C 71,740.09 Expenses March 27, 1981 Bill Schedules #218 3,624.07 March 27, 1981 #219 7,492.80 March 27, 1981 #220 491,89 March 27, 1981 #221 499.68 March 27, 1981 #x222 7,606.74 March 27, 1981 1x223 13,301035 April 3, 1981 #224 6,918.20 April 3, 1981 #225 871.89 April 3, 1981 #226 3,183.65 April 3, 1981 #227 43,007.92 April 3, 1981 #228 18,124.00 Expenses (Carryover) March 27, 1981 Bill Schedule #328 3,200.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS - NON-LEXINGTON FUNDS Adult Education' March 20, 1981 Professional Payroll 861.36 Driver Education March 20, 1981 Professional Payroll 626,35 Metco Program March 13, 1981 Classified Payroll 2,052 66 March 20, 1981 Professional Payroll 5,996,02 March 21, 1981 Classified Payroll 2,249.56 April 3, 1931 Bill Schedule ;Tit-. 56.45 Transition to Employment March l3, 1981 Classified Payroll 82„44 March 20, 1981 Professional Payroll 1,377..66 March 27, 1961 Classified Payroll 82.44 April 3, 1981 Bill Schedule #13 61.93 Project Mainstream March 20, 1981 • Professional Payroll 654.31 Project Discover March 20, 1981 Professional Payroll 790.12 1• (Over) Project Assist :March 20, 1981 Professional Payroll $238.61 Project Enhance March 13, 1981 Classified Payroll 466,20 March 20, 1931 Professional Payroll 939.69 March 27, 1931 Classified Payroll 466.20 April 3, 1981 Bill Schedule #12 122.09 Project Munch March 27, 1981 Bill Schedules 4;5 143,10 April 3, 1981 4/.6 22.09 Incentive Program April 3, 1981 Bill Schedule 1,530.00 EPCO March 27, 1981 Bill Schedule 15,634 00 Pupil-School Matr. Rec. March 27, 1981 Bill Schedule #7 336.95 7- I f • PERSONNEL C!iAN( ES - Chi SI' ' !_ RESIGNATIONS ___._�..._._.._. VRS• R__.F Fc'TO_t ,'ri r ?,n: REASON RETIREMENT EXTEND kliVIERNITY LEAVE OF AhSENCE LEAVE OF ABSENCE PERSONNEL CUANGFF - FOOD SSI-VIGES LEAVE OF ABSENCE YRS . IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE SEA:lON • SPECIAL CLASS TEACHER AIDES - IAMuE GUIDE As a result of the recently negotiated settle: :....,:t with TES: , che salary schedules of the special class teacher aides for :. b y: ar. 1980- 1 : 1 and 1981-1982 should be approved as follows: All steps have been increased 6. 5°% for 1980- 1951 and 6.85, for 1981-1982. Hourly Rate: Step t 4 5 1980-1981 5.80 e , ] 6.41 6.7u 2 .C9 7 . 53 1931-1982 6. 19 6.53 6.85 7 . 22 - 7.57 8,04 Since this group of employees is not o fici:. l . , covered he tha LESA. co:ttr.3ct, it necessitates separate action by the School Co-cittee. v..' have, used the provisions of the LESA contract to determine thei , lene :ite . TO: School Committee Members .FROM: Jack Lawson RE: TEA/SC Contract Oa Tuesday, March 31 , 1981 , S •was informed that the L.E.A . Membership had ratified the Agreement reached by L.E.A. and school Committee negotiators on March 6, 1981. The Agreement specifics are: 1. a one-year contract (1931-82) 2. a 7% salary adjustment nn a1 : included in the Current agreenLuc 3. inc uslen $f the reca ; 1 lar:guaue the hte 8 2 agrc Wert I am pleased thst rho ::groafent has be_ by the _.._ .,'.. congratulate those .ago vero in-: 'IV_•.. to the . proses . SENIOR H1011 SCH00!. 1' i P Stepi_evel � t� Sttpen Name - 7 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL rCentinundl Name Step/Level _aiaStipend ,i SF'10rt HIGH SCH{l0l. ..: - (Continued)._. Name '... Sreu/1,evci :5aiar : Stipend 1 3 CLARKE JUNIOR iHIG11 SC9i(Ui, ' Name - - Step/Level 1 Yale dry Stipend CLARKE JUNIOR HIGH SChOOI. (Continued) Name Step/Level _r :a_r Stipend �, � 7 DIAMOND JUNIOR HIGH SCIOO L Name Step/Level Salary Stipend - BOlJMAN SCHOOL Name Step/Level !Th 'ary Stinend T BRIDGE SCHOOL Name Step/Level Salary Stipend t a ESTA5ROOK SC.-100L Name Step/Level Salary Stipend 6 • FISKE SCHOOL Name Sten/Level Salary Stipend , • FRAYKLIS S 5001 � - 1 alacv SLinnnd Name Stec, t..v ? �. f 1 HARRi! c 10N SCH0 I Name Step/Level :lary __upend i • HASTINGS SCHOOL. Name Step/Level _alary Stipend MULTI SCHOOL ASS ION!;f S • Name e _ Sten/Level Hal8ry Stipend • TO BE PLACED Name Sten/Levet 'ialat-}_ Comments NURSES Name Step/Level Salary Stipend • d SPECIAL PROGRAMS • METC0* Name Step/L?vel. Stipend PROJECT ENHANCE* r,k8D- 155-181-5 Plc 94-142 *Subject to funding • 7 • RE-ELECTION OF NON-Tru fl: THIRD ELECTION These people have previously received two contracts and are being recommended for their third election. FOURTi ELECTION (TENURE) (See back-up sheet iollowina.) These people have previously received three contracts and are recommended for tenure . election at the level and step indicated. • *Subject to funding TENURE STAFF - Not Recommended for Increase • • GRADE/ LEVEL • SCHOOL NAME SUBJECT & STEEP SALARY COMMENTS - y NON-TENURE STAFF PLACED ON HOLD 4 SECOND ELECTION (If positions become available, thcs( people will be eligible for a second contract.) GRADE( LEVEL SCHOOL NAME SUBJECT & STEP SALARY COMMENTS THIRD ELECTION (If positionsbecome available, t!::sc people will be eli3itle for a third contract.) NON-TENURE SL1FF PLACED ON HOLD - Continued __ FOURTH. ELECTION (If positions become available, u. se people will be eligible for a fourth contract. GRADE/ LEVEL SCHOOL - NAME SUBJECT ;. STEP SALARY COMA€NTS • f 4 "NON-TENURE STAFF - NO POSITIONS AVAILABLE (SECON0 I '.ECTION) GRADE/ LEVEL SCHOOL NAME SUBJEC.I & STEP SALARY COMMENTS NON-TENURE STAFF - NO POSITIONS AVAILABLE (THIRD ELECTION) NON-TENURE STAFF - NO POSITIONS AVAILABLE (FOUPTh !:LECTION) n( CIOR-,