HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-27-SC-min Page 6 January 27, 1981 A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on Tuesday, January 27, 1981, at 8:00 p.m. , in the School Administration Building. Present were: Gaudet, Shaw, Michelman, Brown, and Student Representa- tive Anderson. Also present were: Dr. Lawson, Monderer, Pierson, Di- Giammarino, Maclnnes, and Barnes. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to approve the following schedule of payments as listed on the SCHEDULE OF attached sheet: (Michelman, Gaudet, Unanimous) PAYMENTS VOTED: to accept the following new personnel (certified) as listed on NEW PERSONNEL - the attached sheet: (Gaudet, Shaw, Unanimous) CERTIFIED VOTED: to accept the following personnel changes as listed on the at- PERSONNEL tached sheet: (Michelman, Gaudet, Unanimous) CHANGES - CERTIFIED/ The School Committee expressed its gratitude to Mrs. Haugh for her CLASSIFIED 22 years of service. Dr. Lawson said a revision of the Policy on Civic Use of Buildings POLICY ON CIVIC had been discussed for some time, and he had asked Mr. Maclnnes to make USE OF BUILD- recommendations for changes due to the impact of Proposition 21/2, fuel INGS cost increases, etc. Mr. Maclnnes stated that the policy had last been revised in Feb- ruary Of 1977. He now proposed definition changes regarding Lexington organizations, classification changes, and other clarifications. He recommended that the following groups be exceptions for the remainder of this school year, since the policy change would place them in a po- sition of exceptional difficulty, as arrangements had been made for the school year: Chinese Language School Individual Music Lessons Adventures in Music Charles River Power Squadron Lexington Theatre Co. After discussion by the School Committee and upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to accept the following policy on rental of school facilities: (Gaudet, Shaw, Unanimous) (See attached sheet.) The budget review commenced with review of Instruction - Special BUDGET, 1981-82 Education: Program Area 1205 Special Needs with Modification 1210 Special Needs - Regular less 25 1215 Special Needs - Regular less 60 1220 Substantially Separate At the request of the School Committee, it was agreed to include the number of students participating in pro- grams, wherever possible. Page 7 January 27, 1981 Program Area 1225 Day School - Dr. Monderer noted 32 student programs were funded in this account. 1230 Residential 1235 Home/Hospital 1255 Pre-School 2205 Service Direction 2211 Core Evaluation - Full 2212 Core Evaluation - Partial 2220 Screening 2225 Guidance 2230 Health Service 2235 Student Activities 3105 School Committee 3205 Systemwide Management and Services 3210 Management Service 3215 Information Services 3220 Personnel 3231 Service Direction - Business 3232 Accounting 3233 Payroll 3234 Duplication 3235 Classified Staff 3241 PR and E Service Direction 3244 Computer Services 3243 Planning 1305 Vocational Education 1410 Summer Reading 2105-2245 Instructional Improvement 3305-3335 General Support 3410-4010 Operational Services Dr. Lawson informed the School Committee that superintendents had RECEPTION FOR been invited to participate in the "Welcome Home" ceremonies for former MR. KEOUGH hostage, William Keough. Also, the City of Waltham had requested per- mission for the Lexington High School band to participate in the parade. Consensus of the School Committee was to approve this request. Dr. Lawson shared a copy of the decision of the State Labor Rela- LESA tions Board regarding the certification of LESA as the bargaining agent for secretaries, clerks, and aides. He said negotiations would now pro- ceed, when a request from LESA was received. It was announced by Chairman Brown that the School Committee would meet with the Board of Selectmen. on February 5, 1981. It was VOTED: to adjourn at 10:22 p.m. Respeccully submitted.. // iu.f to-h.Barnes /c /Recording Secretary "// • SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS ' The following schedules of payments were available for scrutiny and approval prior to this meeting: SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGETS Personal Services January 9, 1931 Professional Payroll #14 5451,090.29 January 16, 1981 Classified Payroll #15-C 71,831. 24 Expenses January 16, 1981 Bill Schedules #159 1,949,92 January 15, 1981 #160 854.70 January 16, 1981 #16I 78,7322.40 January 16, 1981 • X162 2,332,65 January 16, 1981 #163 2,541,57 January 16, 1981 #164 2,506,24 January 16, 1981 #165 12,761.77 January 23, 1981 #166 1,601,51 January 23, 1981 #167 5,269,66 January 23, 1981 , 168 1,452,67 January 23, 1981 #169 30,553,91 January 23, 1981 #170 9,286,60 January 23, 1931 #171 640,64 SPECIAL PR.OGRAYS - NON-I:EXINGTON FUNDS Matto Program January 9, 1981 Professional Payroll 4,550,55 January 16, 1981 Classified Payroll 2,076, 00 January 16, 1981 Bill Schedule #10 155.47 Project Mainstream January 9, 1981 Professional Payroll 654,31 Transition to Employment January 9, 1931 Professional Payroll 1,377.60 January 16, 1581 Classified Payccli 109.:92 Adult Education January 16, 1931 Bill Schedule #4 274,03 • Driver Education January 16, 1981 Bill Schedule , 4 200,00 January 9, 1981 Professional Payroll 334.17 Project Discover January 16, 1981 Bill Schedule #5 116,00 January 23, 1981 #6 96.00 January 9, 1981 • Professional Payroll 790,12 (Over) Project Assist January 9, 1981 Professional Payroll $ 233.61 Prolect American Roots January 9, 1981 Professional Payroll 35,00 Project Enhance January 9, 1981 Professional Payroll 939.69 January 16, 1981 Classified Payroll 466,20 January 15, 1981 Bill Schedule 198 28,56 Project Smoking Prevention January 15, 1981 Bill Schedule *3 295.00 Art. 43 Renovations January 16, 1981 Rill Schedule :17 4,551.00 NEW PERSONNEL ELEMENTARY' ARY' NAME SCHOOL/SUBJECT EDUCATION EXPERIENCE • • PERSONNEL CHANGES - CERTIFIED CHANGE IN ASSIGNINT RESIGNATION YRS. IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE REASON (Over) • LEXINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS T_aXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02173 Revision of Use of School Property • MEMO TO Dr. Lawson _ CU3JECT Rental Policy FROM James R. Maclnnes DATE January 21, 1931 I have reviewed the Use of School Property Rental Policy last revised February 8, 1977 and make the following comments and recommendations. 1. That the term "Lexington Organizations" in the first paragraph be interpreted as follows: Companies that pay real estate taxes to the Town of Lexington or Organizations which has Lexington residents as a majority of its membership or where main purpose is to benefit the citizens of Lexington 2. That Paragraph 3 be rewritten as follows : "When school buildings are used for purposes other than for school use, additional expenses, including heating, lighting and other operating expenses (wear and tear) are incurred by the public school system. Therefore, charges are made by the Lexington Public Schools to cover these costs." 3. That the classifications under Paragraph 4 be revised as follows : Class A - for which there are no charges, e.g. School or Town sponsored activities and Scout Groups (as per specific vote of the Town Meeting - Article 42r1956) Classifications B, C and D be combined to read as follows : Class B - for which there are both rental and custodial charges. The rationale for this is that the costs to Lexington are the same regardless of whether admission is charged or, if charged, to be used for providing scholarships or other similar activities. This may create some hardships on some of those using our facilities, but I feel that they should pay the costs if they wish to use the facilities. 4. That Paragraph 12 include the words, Business Services, after the title, Administrative Assistant. This is a point of clarification due to some recent changes in position titles. 5. That Paragraph 14 be revised as follows: "On days when school has been called off because of emergency conditions , the school buildinss may not be available. However, all scheduled use will automatically be cancelled unless the rentor contacts the school being rented to confirm the availability of the school. (Over) • • 6. That Section 20 (Rental Charges) be revised as follows : Section 20 - *RENTAL CHARGES FOR SCHOOL FACILITIES Bowman Clarke Jr.High Bridge, Estabrook Senior Wm. Diamond Muzzey Fiske, Franklin, High Jr. High Jr. High Harrington, Hastings _ Auditorium $50.00 $35.00 $25.00 $20.00 Rehearsals 20.00 15.00 10.00 7.00 Lunchroom - - 20.00 15.00 15.00 & kitchen - - 35.00 25.00 25.00 Lecture Hall 20.00 - - - - 15.00 (Estabrook) Multi-purpose room 25.00 - - - - 25.00 (Bowman, Bridge) w/kitchenette 35.00 - - - - - - Gym (S) 25.00 20.00 (D) 35.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 whacker room - +25.00 +15,00 +15.00 Field House 75.00 w/locker room +25.00 Classroom 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 *A11 fees are subject to any change that may seem desirable because of the nature of this rental. Fees are based on a single usage for a half day or evening. Usage for a full day would be double the above charges. Custodial charges are not included in the above rental charges. . The rationale for these increases are based on two factors: the increase in inflation from July, 1977 to July, 1980 (Boston CPI = 30.67) and a comparison of changes made by other school systems. 7. That Section 21 be revised so that the rate per hour reads $10.00 and that the minimum payment he for three hours when it is necessary for a man to return to the building from his home in order to fulfill the assignment. 8. We have been adding a note to all rental applications processed this year stating that "all charges and fees are subject to change pending revision of rental policy." I suggest that the revised policy be effective immediately for all n•ew requests and March 1, 1981 for existing requests . This would allow us time to notify present rentors of changes in writing with a one month notice, In addition, I suggest that the following groups be exceptions for the remainder of this school year as I feel that it would place them in a position of exceptional difficulty as arrangements have been made for the school year. Such exceptions 'would be for those rentals already approved and no:: chee es to or additional requests. Chinese Language School - Bridge School Individual music lessons , Cooperative effort with our Adventures in Music own music department Charles River Power Squadron Lexington Theatre Company - Exception to existing policy made by School Committee approximately 2 years ago. The intent of the above suggestions of change in policy is to continue to allow the use of our buildings by non-school groups as individuals as long as all costs are borne by them. To place the financial changes in perspective, I use last year's experience to indicate the approximate differences in fees that would have been collected if the revised fee schedule were in use and all building users continued to use the building. The figures would be considerably lower if the revised fee schedules caused many of the building rectors to cancel their rentals. If such were the case, we would not have the costs either, so we would not lose anything. Present Policy_ Proposed Revised Policy Aentai fees c;6,60C, $26,000. • Custodial fees 15.500. 20,000. $22,100. $46,000.