HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-27-SC-min Page 59 August 27, 1980 A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on Wednesday, August 27, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. in the School Administration Building. Present were: Shaw, Gaudet , Swanson, Michelman, Brown. Also present were: Lawson, Pierson, Maclnnes, DiGaimmarino, Monderer, Barnes. It was VOTED: to accept the minutes of April 15, 1980 as amended. (Swanson, MINUTES Michelman, Unanimous) APRIL 15, 1980 VOTED: to accept the minutes of May 6, 1980 as amended. (Michelman MAY 6, 1980 Gaudet , Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the minutes of May 21, 1980 as amended. (Swanson, MAY 21, 1980 Gaudet , Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the minutes of June 3, 1980 as amended. (Swanson, June 3, 1980 Gaudet, Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the minutes of June 9, 1980 as amended. (Swanson, June 9, 1980 Gaudet , Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the minutes of July 1, 1980 as amended. (Swanson, July 1, 1980 Michelman, Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the minutes of July 29, 1980 as presented. July 29, 1980 (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous) The financial statement was discussed. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to accept the schedule of payments as listed on the attached SCHEDULE OF sheet. (Swanson, Gaudet , Unanimous) PAYMENTS VOTED: to accept new personnel. (certified) (Swanson, Michelman, Un- NEW PERSONNEL animous) (See attached sheet) (See attached sheet) (CERTIFIED) VOTED: to accept the personnel changes (certified) as listed on the PERSONNEL attached sheet. (Swanson, Gaudet , Unanimous) CHANGES (CERTIFIED) The Superintendent reviewed the process for filing the vacancy POSITION OF of Administrator of Special Education. He noted there were 78 appli- ADMINISTRATOR cants. Of these applicants, three were present employees in the OF SPECIAL Lexington Schools. The initial screening of these applicants was con- EDUCATION pleted by Jack Monderer, Geoff Pierson, Dick Barnes and the Superin- tendent. From this group, 23 were selected for interviews with Jack Monderer and Dick Barnes. As a result of these interviews, seven outside candidates and two local candidates were selected for compre- hensive interviews by the eight-person Advisory Screening Committee Page 60 August 27, 1980 which consisted of two parents, two teachers (one regular elementary classroom teacher, and one secondary special educator) , two principals ,(one elementary and one secondary) , Jack Monderer, and Dick Barnes. Following each of the eight interviews (one candidate withdrew) , the Advisory Committee members independently rated each candidate on a special form developed for this purpose. At the conclusion of the total interview process, interviewers placed each candidate into an acceptable or unacceptable category. Dick Barnes consolidated the ratings received by each of the eight candidates and submitted them with all rating sheets to the Superitndent . After reviewing the evaluations, the Superintendent interviewed Paul Lombard and the second recommended choice by the Advisory Committee. Paul received the highest cumulative rating of all eight candidates from the Committee. He was the only candidate to receive acceptable ratings from all members of the Screening Committee and was the first choice of five members. The candidate who ranked second was the first choice of one in- terviewer and was tied for first in the ratings of two others. Therefore, based on the evaluation of the Advisory Committee and assessment of the candidates, the Superintendent recoumiended that Paul Lombard be appointed for the position of Administrator of Special Ed- ucation and recommended him, effective September 1, 1980, at the annual salary of $31,645. The Superintendent added that Paul had extensive experience as an administrator dealing with special needs students as principal at Munroe and Estabrook Schools, as Director of the ESEA Title I Summer Reading Program since 1976, as Assistant Principal at Adams School from 1971- 74, and with the EdCo and Design Lab programs as a teacher. In Addition, Paul was a summer camp counselor for several years, which involved staff supervision and working with special needs students. Paul's credentials also included extensive experiences in supervision and evaluation of staff. His many involvements in committee work (Kindergarten Screening, Report Card Revision, Child Abuse, Basic Skills, Role of Specialists, etc.) add to his value within the system. It was VOTED: VOTED: to accept the personnel changes (classified) as listed on PERSONNEL the attached sheet . (Gaudet, Shaw, Unanimous) CHANGES (CLASSIFIED) VOTED: to elect the staff as listed on the attached sheet, for RE-ELECTION the 1980-81 school year at the step and level indicated. OF STAFF (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the following coaching appointments as listed COACHING on the attached sheet. (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous) SALARIES 1980-81 Page 61 August 27, 1980 VOTED: to appoint Theodora Shrock as Assistant Coordinator of Adult ADULT EDUCATION Education Daytime Program. (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous DAYTIME COORDINATOR Dr. Lawson noted that since the positions of Team Leader and LEADERSHIP Senior Teachers were not being filled, the Leadership stipends were recommended: VOTED: to award leadership stipends to those persons listed on the attached sheet. (Swanson, Michelman, Unanimous) Mr.Barnes presented the report on substitutes. He noted the following items had been revieved to prepare for the new rate SUBSTITUTE recommendations: PROGRAM A. Surveyed last year's substitutes B. Discussed the issues with some substitutes C. Surveyed nearby towns for rates for 1980-81 D. Reviewed research and local absenteeism/substitute needs E. Surveyed the distance (towns of residence) from which substitutes come to Lexington F. Planned a workshop for citizens wishing to learn about schools/substituting G. Completed a revision of the handbook for substitutes H. Structured guidelines for principals to work with substitutes I. Developed a substitute evaluation The Superintendent and School Committee voiced support and enthusiasm for the program. VOTED: to establish substitute rates for 1980-81 as follows: (Shaw, Swanson, Unanimous) A. Daily rate 1 - 9 days $30.00 10+ 35.00 (This is an increase of $5 .00 for 1-9 day rate and an increase of $8.00 for the 10+ days.) B. Daily rate in same position (day to day basis) 1 - 9 days $30.00 10+ days 35.00 21+ days 67.18 (B-1) 60+ days Degree and step dependent upon experience Page 62, August 27, 1980 C. Specific time limit at date of hire (same position) 1-9 days $30.00 1-20 days 35.00 1-59 days 67.18 (B-1) 60+ days Degree and step dependent upon experience VOTED: that purchase orders for printed forms be placed with the BIDS- companies as listed on the attached sheet as being the low FORMS that a purchase order for microcomputers be place with New MICROCOMPUTERS England Electronics Company for the amount of $2919.95 (See attached sheet) 'that a purchase order for drapes and rods be placed with DRAPES-RODS Major Theater Equipment Corporation in the amount of $4561 as listed on the attached sheet. that a purchase order be placed for hot water heaters HOT WATER with Combustion Service Company of New England in the amount HEATERS of $9535 as listed on the attached sheet . that all special transportation trips be awarded to Common- SPECIAL wealth Coach Company as listed on the attached sheet . TRANSPORTATION (Michelman, Shaw,Unanimous) VOTED: that the price of milk be increased to 10Q per 2,2 pint for the 1980-81MILK PRICES 1980-81 school year. (See attached sheet) The Superintendent introduced the report and noted the two programs EXTENDED were similar to Bridge School's Program. He had reviewed the details DAY PROGRAM with representatives and recommended to the School Committee that they HARRINGTONBOWMAN be approved. It was VOTED: to approve the Extended Day Program for Harrington and Bowman School parents as requested. (Swanson, Michelman, Unanimous) The third annual report of the B.U. Cluster Program was pre- REPORTS - sented. Kay Dillmore was present to respond to questions and comments. B.U. CLUSTER Compliments were extended from the Superintendent and School Committee to the program directors. The final report of the Summer Reading Program was presented to TITLE I the School Committee for its information. READING PROGRAM The annual Driver Education Report was given by Mr. Barnes in DRIVER DRIVERION Mr. Coules ' absence. Page 63 August 27, 1980 It was recommended that Lexington continue to use the services of Rowe Chevrolet, if they could match the local commercial rate of $117/ student. Dr. Lawson and Mr. Barnes said they would contact Mr. Rowe upon his return. VOTED: to authorize the Superintendent to award the Driver Education contract to G. Rowe at the rate of $117/per student. (Swanson, Gaudet, Unanimous) Dr. Pierson presented a status report of the Curriculum Advisory CURRICULUM Committee. He reviewed the functions and plans for the groups. He ADVISORY said further program reports would be presented. COMMITTEE The Superintendent announced that the 1980-81 Metco budget had METCO been approved by the State in the amount of $584, 124. BUDGET The Annual Statistical Report of Health Services was presented ANNUAL REPORT to the School Committee for its information. HEALTH SERVICES A progress report of energy conservation measures in the schools was presented. Topics covered were oil burners, insulation, lighting, ENERGY and enclosures. The report showed that most items were 80-90% com- CONSERVATION plete or completed. Only one item at Hastings Schools had not been started. A copy of the 1980-81 Master Calendar was presented. MASTER CALENDAR The Superintendent requested that School Committee members for- SCHOOL ward proposed 80/81 priorities to him. He would compile a list for COMMITTEE School Committee members to review at a September meeting. PRIORITIES VOTED: to adjourn at 10:01 p.m. (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous) Respectfully submitted, Richard H. Barnes Recordi /Secretary /mc - SC1?L, r The following schedules of posylrents rere available for scrutiny and ,approval prior to this meeting: 8013001, PA ,,: . PLEGETS Personal Services . July 4 1980 Classified Payrolls #' $1,747,03 July 4, 1980 2..0 24. 447,36 July 18, 1980 3-0 4R,254,17 July 11, 1960 Professional Payrolls #1 31,174,59 July 25, 1980 #2 40,507, 77 August 8, 1980 #3 32,698,96 Expenses July 18, 1980 Bill Schedules 6 5,717063 July 18, 1980 #7 2,009,21 July 18, 1930 ;t8 18,281.86 i.. July 18, 1980 #9 5,184,04 July l$, 1980 #10 5,137,00 July 25, 1980 . #11 4,410 97 July 25, 1980 #12 3,507,85 July 25, 1980 #13 19,20 July 25, 1980 04 5,382,18 July 25, 1980 #15 36,895,10 July o > 25, 1980 06 15,435.78 July 25, 1980 #17 8,369,87 August 1, 1980 #18 6,631,62 August 1, 1980 09 3,393,86 August 3, 1980 #20 7,766,84 August 8, 1980 #21 5,610,70 August 8, 1980 02 6,750,08 August 15, 1980 1:x23 4,670,63 August 15, 1980 #24 4,649,53 August 15, 1980 '25 4,215,10 August 15, 1980 #26 10,292,31 August 15, 1980 `27 817„223 August 15, 1980 /1,26 2,23274 August 15, 1930 #29 1,875,08 August 15, 1980 #30 14,972, 72 August 22, 1950 #31 15.112,48 August 22, 1980 #32 2,343,55 August 22, 1980 =.'i33 5,637.95 August. 22, 1980 #34 8,279,73 August 22, 1980 05 305,00 Expenses (Carryover) July 18, 1930 Lill Schedules #307 1,105.57 July 18, 1980 #308 4,584,56 July 18, 1980 #309 847.,93 July 18, 1980 #310 317,45 ' . July 25, 1980 #311 25,947,02 July 25, 1980 #312 2,338,28 August 8, 1960 . #313 3, 416,60 August 15, 1980 #A314 34,705,35 August 15, 1930 ,f315 16,212,95 r CL' of a°.:e Travel (Carryover) August 6, 1580 Lill Schedule e #'24 #24 225.00 SPECIAL PRCGUL.'._S. __NON--LEXI?NGTOU FUNDS Driver Education July 11, 1980 Professional Payroll 1,674,,18 August 22, 1980 Bill Schedule #1 374,85 etcotogtam July 18, 1980 Bill schedule (79-GC) #21 200„00 July 18, 1980 (80 -3l) 01 100,91 July 33, 1980 }-e T.: ii OB.a l Payrolls 962.38 J_,1.- 25, 1930 - 733.98 August 8, 1980 1,069.31 July 4, 1930 G assified Payrolls 7770 , u;_ 18, 1980 93.;20 .,c*::__ ncome SuIy Payrol ' 372„30 4, 3980 ..xassif�. - ' July 18, 1980 932.00 iI 1980 - _o ess ona-i Payto13 . 10,476.00 0 1 July 25, 198 ,4, 6,00 August 8, 1980 5 23.3,,00 Jul,' 13, 1980 72l1 Schedule #2 1,949.36 Vit, c 2er Ed uc�tt;o,I gust 22, 1930 !ill Schedule #1 1,050.:000 Fe.x Bias August 22, 1980 Bill Schedule #4 35,31 JiJuly ?0, 1980 #3 175.69 Occupational Information August 22, 1980 Bill Schedule #2 143,46 Enhance July 13, 3930 Bill Schedule 97 212,30 Mainstream #3 450,00 July 13 1980 Bill Schedule r.{stover Ju.Ly 18, 1980 Bili schedule #19 237,87 Assist July 18, 1980 Bill Schedule #1 45,00 Cultural Undcrs'sac.dint; July 188, _920 w Lill Schedule #3 5,890.67 ots V co July 18 1980 Bill Schedule {6 67,20 za Transition to Employment , . July 18, 1980 Bill Schedule 1J21 441,40 Discover July 25, 1980 Bill Schedule d-`20 23 :,89 Article 43-Renovations July 25, 1980 Bill Schedule ;;=1 131,20 July 18, 1980 Classified Payroll 504,52 NEW PERSONNEL SECONDARY "AMI SCHOOL/SUBJECT EDUCATION EXPERIENCE • NEW PERSONNEL ELEMENTARY NAME - SCHOOL/SUBJECT EDUCATION EXPERIENCE METCO PERSONNEL GANGES - GE:P (IFTFD CHANGE IN ASSIGNMENT DECREE CHANGES LEAVE OF ABSENCE YRS. IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE REASON sfATERNITY LEAVE OF ABSENCE (Extend to 1980-81) ) (ever) PERSONNEL CHANGES - CERTIFIED (Continued)�_._— • RnSIGNATIONS YRS. IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE REASON n_ PERSONNEL CHANGES - CERTIFIED DEGREE CHANGE MATERNITY LEAVE OF ABSENCE YRS, IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE RESIGNATION REASON PERSONNEL. CHANGES - CLASSIFIED NEW PERSONNEL EFFECTIVE CHANGE IN ASSIGNMENT RESIGNATIONS RETIREMENT PERSONNEL CHANGES - (JASL f FI D RESIGNATIONS YRS. I_N_LEX11G1i_R_ _'PACPIVS REASON RETIREMENT TRANSFERS LANGUAGE LAP AIDE - End of Term NEW PERSONNEL EFFECTIVE , • PERSONNEL CHANGES - CLASSIFIED (Continued) NEW PERSONNEL • Effective TRANSFER • *Contract sent - Ratification requested **Subject to negotiations for 1980-81 PERSONNEL CHANGES - FOOD SERVICES RESIGNATIONS YRS. IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE REASON R E T IRENENT RE-ELECTION OF STAFF SECOND ELECTION These people have previously received a contract and are being recommended for their second election. STEP/ GRADE/ SCHOOL NAME LEVEL SUBJECT SALARY COMMENTS Diamond *Contract scat - Ratification requested RE-ELECTION OF STAFF - CLAEFIFJED CT.ASS. NO. OF HOURLY SCHOOL NAME POSITION & STEP HOURS RATE • *Subject to negotiations for 1980-81 RE-ELECTION OF STAFF THIRD ELECTION These people have previously received two contracts and are being recommended for their third election. STEP/ GRADE/ SCHOOL NAME LEVEL SUBJECT SALARY COW€NTS FOURTH ELECTION (TENURE) (See back-up information following) These people have previously received three contracts and are recommended for tenure election at the level and step indicated. FOURTH ELECTION (TENURE) Back-up information) RECOMMENDED COACHING SALARIES 1980-1981 . POSITION RECOMMENDED Volt APPOINTMENT SALARY DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Ralph V. Lord , Jr. $ 3,862 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - • t. RECOMMENDED COACHING SALARIES FOR 1980-1981 • (Continued) POSITION RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMENT SALARY CLARKE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL — r DIAMOND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL M°?ilZZEY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL • LEADERSHIP STIPENDS Since the positions of Team Leader and Senior Teacher were not filled by the School Coimnittee, the following Leadership Stipends are proposed: BIDS - Oki 4Tfli: ruPP1S On July 31 , 1980 requests for bids for JO :n, 0 ur. s were invited from five - • companies. The bid was also advertised in th, August 7, 1980 issue of the Lexington M.inl4te Man. Specifications were drawn for three items not were based on items used in out school system considering past successful experience as to standard, quality and price. Three sealed bids were received and opened a;. ;; public reading at 12:00 noon, on Monday, August 25, 1980. The recap is as follows: Certified Regal Reynolds Business Forms, & Forms, Inc. Inc. Reynolds Item 1. 7000 Requesitions - $110.88/n 5129.42/14 $150.57/M (776.1e) (005.94) (1054,00) .,......--------=______. Alt. 107. 55 'M is I niir; i, up l() ; lsmIi: •'r ov, r ear, N",, 752,d3-828.14 Item 2,. 6000 Inter School — �' 1�,,;-"""',,,,: Envelopes 10, x 13 133.00.':1 1[8.82/14 7 :22,.67/H (798.00) (112.92) A,,„ (736,00) item 3. 5000 Inter School 84.00/rl • il7.47/n 92,00/M Envelopes 6 x 9 (420,00) (549.88) (460.00) Samples were required. Certified and Reynolds provided them, Regal did not. The low bidders meeting specifications as indicated above have both provided us with printed forms in the past. 311H - Mi CPCL 1M1' Cn August 4 , 1930, rec .e.>cs . . r ,,,1.. t. r • • ; I G.: fu::r Lo4)anies_ The bid was it ' ..L, of r:lra _ . .inAton ?iin:Ite -^[2n. r . '"`x' st�eci.ilc_aLio:; � dc,s .. , i - : n rCro as ,e11 as the delivery enc' _- rc c i r, to I r ; ,ranteed for one year (pares and lab.rrt .,_ duce , ! Lc Lc �;?.on Fublic Scaools (September I9:a0) , Two bids were received ..:,Ii rpc;ICu at 1.2:00 . .. •t1m, August 25, 1980. The recap is as follms : _.. qCo., Inc. Radio Shack 1. . (2) Microcomputers S15Voyoiwc $2616.30 P. (1 ) Duel Drive Unit 1195.Ou 948.10 C . (1) Cassette Drive Unit 1)5.00* inc. in Item A H. (1) Cable _ 39.95 189.05 TOA). S2919.93 $3753.45 England Electronics will provide one additior:a.1microccripriter and cassette drive unit under their educational plan ac no additlocal cost. The budget fur these items is 53000.00. Ncw England Electronics Co„ Luc. is bidding as Spec; Etre'.. B10S - LlU;PES !UM) TiiAVEl SE RODS On August 4, 1980, requests for bids for WLndow Dcanns and Traverse Rods were • ' sent to six companies. The bid was also advertised in the August 7, 1980 issue of tIae Lexington Minute Man. Specifications were drawn for the installationf. .ainr'ow drapes and traverse rads at: the Lexington Senior High School L-.br.3ry. Taro bids were received and opened at 12:00 noon, Monday, August 25, 1980. The recap of the bid is as follows: Ealjor Theater Equipment Corn. John M. ldalker Main Library Area Main Library Area - $4024.00 $5727.00 Recording Room 53;,10 640.00 TOTAL $4561 .00 $6367.00 This is part of the renovation project presently in progress. The drapes are laminated for thermal protection. The budgeted amount- for this item is $4169.00. Major Theater Equipment Corporation is fully capable of performing this :cork„ the difference of $392.00 over the budget estimate can be absorbed in the total project. BID - HOT WATER HEATERS On August 4, 1980, requests for bids for furnishing and installing three hot water heaters at Franklin, Harrington and. Hastings scl'nols and furnishing and installing three burners in existing hot water boilers at bowman, Bridge and Estabrook schools were sent to four companies . Specifications were drawn for the removal of existing burners and the installation of new burners and boilers at those schools listed above as recommended by the Energy Committee. The specifications included all the necessary piping,line., valves as well as a non-combustible fill. and double fire brick floor for the new burners. Workmanship, material and service are to be guaranteed for a period of one year from the date of acceptance. • One bid was received and opened at 12:00 Noon, Monday, August 25, 1980. The bid was from Combustion Service Company of New England. Item A. Hot Water Heaters (50 gal.) Franklin $2430. Harrington 2530. Hastings 2410. Item B. Oil Burners (installed in existing boilers) Bowman $715. Bridge 715. Estabrook 715. Lump Sum. All Items $9535. Combustion Service is fully capable of performing this work. The budgeted amount for this work is $7000. We would recommend that the additional $2535. be transferred from savings in other areas. BIDS= 3PEC1 1. It ANSLcF rrr.T EON On August 4, 1980, requests for bids for Seeei :iL Transportation needs were sent. to four companies . The bid was also advertised in no August 7 , 1980 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. Specifications included infonnation COGG. miry; school dates , class hours , pickup times and number of students in a vrrritle. Qrco':;t i( u-. .Jeri' hosed on a daily round trig basis,. The quotation ties t.a be Firm for the '. 'A0 5i school year with the option of cancellation by the School Departn4ni in tlio , eLco th, 1314 need for the transportation is not needed, The various routes include all ':tudcurt; . ct: uiri a rr; a;port_ation outside of Lexington whose identity or needs wore known at tiro hire of writing specifications, orther needs will be done on a quo':ation bases as i..4 have done in the past. Four bids were received and opened at 12:03 Ueo: , Monday, August 25, 1980. ;Ire recap is as follows: Destination it Cn: monwea7rh Cambridge Merrimac Montachu- Students Coach gMC) Taxi Co. Spec, Ed, setts 1, MEC - Billerica 1 519.49 13.67 2. ',ABB - Burlington 4 40.49 31. :ABB - Burlington 5 49.49 3B. I.ABB - Burlington 1 19.49 4 . BC Campus - Newton 1 19 .49 `_. Bethany Hills - Framingham 1 1').49 18.50 C. JT Berry - N. Reading 1 29.49 7. Sheltons, Inc. - Beichertown 1* 69.49 8. Mass. Hospital - Canton 1** 39.49 9 Beech Hill - Gardner 1* 29,49 17.76 IC, CMARC - Woburn 2* 39.49 28.80 11 . Cerebral Palsy - Newton 1-'�-'^' 59.49 12. Inforex - Burlington l 29.49 13. Minute Man. Workshop - Concord 3^ 49.49 14 . Four Hands - Woburn 2* 3t.',9 37.80 12. Voce Adj . Center - Boston 1* %'>. . 1E Tr-'i-angle Trng. Center - Malden 19 :9.49 1. 7. So. Shore Rehab. - N. Onincy 1* 29.49 18.80 J . Kelliherre IC .i: . J . - Arlington 1' . 19 . Creath School - Middleton 1 5'5 .','/ . Gifford - Weston 1 +9 . 18.80 Race Adj . per mile ,u9 None None `dotes: i : count 157. discount i C .iu'ardre if awarded Litems, all items 1 '. Fuel acj . bid. for each 3c ra.s price *All year escal . ,,*ideekends :::*All year - Wheelchair Van Computation based on School Year - 180 trips, All Year - 240 trips, Weekends - 100 tripe • AIDS - SPECIAL TRANSPORTAFION (cont.) • If we awarded to the low bidder for each rout :, the cost to Lexington would be' $740,084. This would allow us to apply the discount nffored by Cambridge Taxi Company, but We would then lose the 20i;, discount offered by Co,ane=.;wealth Coach Company. If we awarded all trips to Commonwealth Coach Company and applied the 207, discount, the cost to Lexington would be $131,501. On this basis, we rcc.,maend that all trips be awarded to Commonwealth Coach Co. , Inc. The budget for this service is $709,098. d; will htive hay _e transfer funds from ether accounts to cover the anticipated It should be noted that the cost. of this serii.ce continues to escalate. While some trips are similar in cost to last year, others show increases of 1007. or more, • INCREASE IN PRICE OF MILK On June 3, 1980, the School Committee approved increases in the prices for school lunches and milk. These increases were necessary to help us keep the program on a self sustaining basis. The State has since approved our request for approval of these price increases. Since that time we-have been notified that the reimbursement for sales of milk; will be decreased from $.0775 (which we were receiving last year) to $.05 effective September, 1980 (copy attached). We have contacted the State School Lunch Office and they have given verbal approval to raising the price of milk to 10c. This years bid for milk will average out to 13c per 1/2 pint. When the cost of labor, straws and napkins are added to this, we will be losing approximately $800. per month if we do not increase to 10c per 1/2 pint, This would not effect the price of Type A meal which includes milk. It would only effect the price of milk when sold separately. In addition to the estimated monthly loss of $800., we were anticipating considerable problems with the shortage of pennies. An increase to l0c would alleviate that problem also, Recap Approved Request 79-80 6/3/80 8/27/80 Avg. Cost .12 .13 .13 VS Selling Price .05 .08 .10 Reimbursement .0775 .0775 .05 .1275 .1575 .15