HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-03-04-SC-min Page 20 March 4, 1980 The Lexington School Committee conducted a meeting on March 4, 1980, at 8:00 p.m. , at the School Administration Building. Those in attendance were: Brown, Michelman, Shaw, Gaudet , and student repre- sentative, Dohan. Also present were: Lawson, Maclnnes, Monderer, Pierson, DiGiammarino, Barnes. It was moved to table the election of officers. (Michelman, ELECTION OF Shaw, Unanimous) OFFICERS Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, it was SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS VOTED: to aceept the following schedule of payments. {Michelman, Gaudet, Unanimous ( See attached sheet) The superintendent of schools announced that he would not make HIGH SCHOOL a recommendation at this meeting since one member of the School Com- CLUSTER mittee was not in attendance and also due to the fact that Dr. Clune PROGRAM and Dr. Pierson had yet to forward recommendations to him. He added that following his review of the recommendations of the High School Administration and Asst. Superintendent of Schools he would make a recommendation to the School Committee. Dr. Clune started the presentation by reviewing the proposed re- vision of the new course offerings for the 1980-81 school year. Fol- lowing this review, members of the School Conrittee posed questions on several of the courses. Department heads and principal responded to the questions. Following the course reviews, Mrs. Shaw asked Dr. Clune if he would seriously consider expanding the program to a four-year pro- gram, Grades 9-12. Dr. Clune responded that it had been briefly reviewed but not considered in the incorporation of the Cluster Pro- gram. Mrs. Shaw replied that she felt four years were needed to meet the requirements , and that the ninth grade class, in her opinion, was like a High School class. It would give the flexibility needed to the. student for his program. She strongly urged the Administration to consider this possibility. Dr. Clune added that it could be considered but graduation requirements/credits would need to be revised also. The superintendent stated that flexibility was the key to dis- cussion at the last meeting, and felt that the revision presented by Dr. Clune added to the flexibility of the program. He stated • that exemptions were encouraged which he thought was the consensus of the School Committee at its prior meeting. He said he felt that the remarks thus far this evening were different from :he last meet- ing in that they stressed more structure. Mr. Michelman posed a hypothetical case: -Suppose one would think the program a student selected was too one-sided? -How could the school influence the program of the student rather than eliminating total self determination? He said it was a critical situation to decide. He felt this issue need- ed more discussion before a policy was established, Mrs. Gaudet added that she felt great concern for the un-motivated student . Page 21 March 4, 1980 Marc Dohan, a student representative, asked Dr. Clune for the opinion of the teachers in the Industrial Arts and Visual Arts Departments towards the program and student reaction to the Program of Studies. Dr. Clune res- ponded that students seemed to like the Program of Studies, yet there had been some concern regarding the areas of Bible Study, Russian Literature, Irish Literature, and Arthurian History due to the two-year sequence and elimination of some courses . He added that as far as he knew, teachers in Industrial and Visual Arts favored the proposal. The superintendent summarized the discussion for the evening and stated it was most valuable. He also noted that there was another area to be addressed since -Some students in the High School do not select subject areas that could be of great benefit to them. (i.e. , study of a foreign language) He felt the discussion was healthy so the administration could respond to shortcomings of the program. It was agreed to continue the discus- sion on the 18th of March. Dr. Frank DiGiammarino, Coordinator of Planning, introduced the COMPUTERS IN report on Computers in Education. Plans for the 1979-80 school year INSTRUCTION were reviewed. He noted that the first year of operation included in- put from teachers , specialists, administrators , and parents. He added that the emphasis on the early involvement of those responsible for implementation should return high dividends for the school system. He added that the staff of the Computer Program, along with the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, and parents, would address in more depth the following areas: - Role of computers in society Reasonable expectations within. the Lexington Public Schools - Instructional requirements - students and teachers - Instructional possibilities - student and teachers - Management potential - teachers and administrators - Hardware needs - Hardware availability - students and teachers - In-service training - Specific five year goal statement He stated that feedback on the annual plan had been requested of principals. This information would be used in the formation of a work- ing paper, and would request principal's reaction to the draft . The second draft will then be submitted to the superintendent of schools. Finally, he noted that the operational plan for 1979-80 responded to two needs : - to provide base data for five year planning efforts - to formally integrate computers into instruction A final evaluation is planned for the end of the 1979-50 academic year. He commented on the following components of this year's plan: - Goals and Objective Chart - 1979-80 Priorities - Action Plans for: - integrating computers in instruction - working with, a building principal on management ac- tivities Page 22 March 4, 1980 - seeking outside funding of additional hardware needs - Software acquisition procedure - Hardware acquisition procedure - Work reporting structure for computer staff - Formative evaluation procedure - 80/8I projected budget Beth Lowd, Specialist in Computers in Instruction, then reviewed a variety of activities going on in the classroom and the placement of terminals within the buildings. Mr. Michelman c.inunented on the placement of the portable computers in the buildings , and noted there was one less terminal in three schools due to P.T.A. Board acquisitions in the other buildings. He added that this was a concern to him since the interest of the P.T.A. would determine the amount of access by stu- dents to tetu.inals and programs. The superintendent responded that teachers , in effect , influenced P.T.A.s and in turn the advancement of programs. Once a program is operational, he felt that no one school could be better off than any other one. He said equal educational opportunities would be available to all. Mrs. Gaudet expressed concern that last school year computers were bought with a grant before a plan was developed. Sue wanted to know if the process had been repeated. Dr. DiGiammarino stated that the town-wide coordinator was developing a five-year plan, and the issue would be addressed and be reported to the School Committee at a future dat e. The School Committee thank Dr. Frank DiGiallsnarino and Mrs. Lowd for the comprehensive report. Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools , it was PERSONNEL CHANGES VOTED: to accept the personnel changes. (Gaudet, Michelman, Unanimous) (See attached sheet) Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools it was PSYCHOTHERAPY CHARGES VOTED: to approve a change in psychotherapy fees for the 1980-81 school year from $15 to $20 per hour. (Gaudet , Michelman, Unanimous) It was VOTED: to adjourn to executive session at 9:27 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to litigation and collective bargaining strategies. It was announced that the School Committee would not be coming out of executive session. (Michelman, yes ; Shaw, yes; Gaudet , yes; Brown, yes) Respectfully submieeted, i X././ -7-RL.Lc .a`rdH. Barnes s // Recording Secr-. ary /mm T-.,1:117DITTE CFY: ryc The following schedule of psiz_,..L _ for scrutiny and approval prior to this meeting: Personal :":e vices February 22, 1980 Professional Payr c'1'. =17 .473,071 ..56 Expenses February 29, 1980 Bill scaedc'"_e: 6179 9,54,.65 February 29, 1980 =180 932,68 February 29, 1980 11181 3, 17=:.,51 February 29, 1980 "182 5,35 „91 Fe, aary 29, 1980 i7183 _,056021 February 29, 1980 C---184 2 ' 95 79 February 29, 1980 ;1.135 534,.00 " Expanses (Cariyover) February 29, 1080 Bill feheCule - 3lc 42.57 tan Feintary '2, 19301 i, ._. . 5_o. l .. 5,181,28 '1'ze ct i:Rans:yc2:11 r: 22, .,i :F:':citioo CU E.r lo--:[:LL uy ?_, 1960/� . �i. > '' 1,231,33 2Druary 29, 1130 Iii i_ _....;cdulc ?.7,10 173631 Adult education February Qa2, 1980 ?� VIC: �iOn?a - �, 86.!. ,29 February 29, 1930 1111 Schedule 61.4. .5 Driver Education February 22, 19660 _':oles.,ior.nl ? U. .. L8R7,78 Proiect Discover February 22, 1980 _rofes.rlDual l 50_,15 Fro''ect Assist February' 22, 1980 kroierciona?_ t .roll 324,.12 Project Combine February 22, 1930 Processional Pnyxo1! 1,000,00 February 22, /980 Bill 6chedule 93 4 ,052,18 Prosect Enhance 'February 22, 1930 1ro2a stoned rc ::o'.l 755,77 .. 3 FebruaryFebruary . , 1930C. ll ___ l_� y_: ��13 !.��a V'� rject ManzFamcnt in T,acnnicuc 1'c r 4A^ 1;111 ,_.�7.L, t.11. �_ 6,000 .J t'.��z) 22, 1. J Project Math Co:'ut3r 99, . 1930 .._r.l'. S^?:";.lc. r=12 10Q65 PERSONNEL .CHANCES - CERTIFIED MATERNITY LEAVE OF ABSENCE (1979-1980 - extend to 1980-1981) YRS. IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE RESIGNATION REASON ) PERSONNEL CHANGES - CLASSIFIED NEW PERSONNEL EFFECTIVE TRANSFER FOOD SERVICES RETIREMENT �J YEARS IN LEXINGTON