HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-25-SC-min Page 17 February 25 , 1980 The Lexington School Committee conducted a meeting on February 25 , at 1980, at 8:00 p.m. , at Clarke Jr. High School. Those in attendance were: Brown, Swanson, Shaw, Gaudet , Michelman, and student representative Dohan. Also present were: Lawson, Maclnnes, Monderer,and Barnes. Mrs.Mary Abegg, 261 Waltham Street , speaking on behalf of the P.T. PUBLIC 0. 's of Diamond, Clarke, and Muzzey, read a letter to the School Committee PARTICIPATION which had been based upon a meeting of all of their boards. The letter supported the recommendation of the superintendent of schools to keep Muzzey open one more year, and requested the School Committee support that motion. Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, it was MINUTES 1/22/80 VOTED: to accept the minutes of January 22, 1980, 1980 as corrected. (Daudet , Michelman, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, it was SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS VOTED: to accept the following schedule of payments , (Michelman, Shaw, Unanimous) (See attached sheet) Dr. Clune presented a comprehensive report on a proposed Cluster HIGH SCHOOL Program and Program of Studies . He noted that almost two years, the New PROGRAM OF England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) Visiting Committee STUDIES AND recommended that: CLUSTER PROPOS "The Lexington High School faculty give consideration to the es- tablishment of minimum distribution requirements for graduation while keeping the subject requirements flexible enough to allow for differing abilities of students." He said that the High School Administrative Team concurred that the concept of minimum course distribution requirements should be explored, and in December, after three months of deliberation, would present a plan to teachers, students and parents for their critical review and suggestions. Suggestions made by teachers, students and the PISA Executive Board have been incorporated in the proposal. Dr. Clune reviewed the rational for the plan. He said the administra- tion of the High School felt that the minimum course distribution proposal would help shape a curriculum for the 1980's out of the present free elect- ive system. In shaping its proposal, the Administrative Team addressed the question of which subjects/clusters are so important that their study ought to tough the lives and minds of all students. He also noted that there was perhaps far less consensus among faculty , students and parents on the issue of which courses or clusters of courses are so important for all students to study. He said that the minimum course distribution proposal was flexible enough so that it did not adversely affect those students who would normally make wise and well-balanced course selections. The proposal would provide direction to those students who may be tempted (under the present system) to choose the path of least resistence and to those students who tend to overspecialize in one area to the. virtual exclusion of other im- portant areas of the curriculum. Page 18 February 25, 1980 While addressing the issue of a well-balanced program, the distribu- tion plan presented, is designed to assure that each student continues to select courses that assure continuous academic growth. This growth fa- cilitates a student 's mobement into courses which are appropriate to his/ her academic goal. Under the distribution plan; and its attendant cur- riculum changes, students will be encouraged to elect , in a skills sense, challenging courses. Other curriculum changes that Dr. Clune said would result in improved instructional services to students are: a. A greater variety of interdepartmental course offerings. b. Provision for courses related to practical and humanistic living. c. Concentration on the development of basic skills. d. Development of out-of-school academis and work experiences , e.g. , internships and work-study. He said the intent of the distribution requirements was to provide a clear definition of the educational experience at Lexington High School, and was not intended to ignore other experiences in which students may be engaged. Credit may be granted at the discretion of the High School ad- ministration for any extended experience either gained in addition to the Lexington High School programor temporarily replacing it. Such opportuni- ties as ROP (Regional Occupational Program) , the EdCo Program, METRO Path- ways , or similar unique educational experiences might qualify for such credit with the advance approval of the principal. He then reviewed each cluster. He noted in his summary that 45 credits could be earned with the 5 clusters, and that 66 credits required for gradu- ation, most students earn between 75 and 80 during their 3 high school years. The superintendent said the Cluster Proposal was the first discussion opportunity for the School Committee, and that the program had been in de- bate at the High School for several months. He added it was not in final form and needed further review prior to a recommendation from him. Mr. Michelman asked Dr. Clune if he had any reactions from the public. Dr. Clune responded that most staff were in favor and informal parent feed- back was positive, Mr. Michelman then inquired as to future staffing. The response from Dr. Clune was that staff would come from the regular allocation by contract. Mrs . Shaw asked as to the role of guidance in the proposal. Dr. Clune said it should facilitate counselors ' service to directing students. Mrs. Gaudet voiced concern for the unmotivated student. Dr. Clune noted that graduation requirements were not affected. It would not mean less courses or more free time for students but would expose them a broad program. Marc Dohan said he felt the program was too restrictive. He felt more personalized programs should be available. Dr. Lawson answered that deviations from the proposal should be pos- sible. The program should provide for those who have mastered courses, or taken courses elsewhere and should include a provision for deviation.He said he hoped to see this included. He said he hoped that the plan would include a foreign language as a requirement . Page 19 February 25, 1980 Mr. Brown asked if an adequate frame of time for a trial period had been decided. Dr. Clune said each year was a trial period but most prob- lems should be noted by the second year. Mrs. Swanson said she supported more requirements and direction for students. She said she felt many people felt the same way and would sup- port the proposal, The superintendent stated that additional discussion will take place at the school/department level as well as at the School Committee level. The School Committee agreed to continue discussion at a future meeting. Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, it was NEW PERSONNEL VOTED: to accept the new personnel. ((Michelman, Shaw, Unanimous) (See attached sheet) Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, it was PERSONNEL CHANGES - VOTED: to accept the personnel changes . (Certified) (Michelman, Gaudet , CERTIFIED Unanimous) (See attached sheet) Upon the recamuendation of the superintendent of schools, it was PERSONNEL CHANGES VOTED: to accept the personnel changesjclassified) (Gaudet , Shaw, CLASSIFIED Unanimous) (See attached sheet) An information sheet outlining the participation in the EdCo EDCO PROGRAMS Program for 1979-80 was presented to the School Committee. It was 1979-80 noted that the membership fee of approximately $5100 paid by the Lexington School Committee for membership in EdCo gave a return for at least $75,000 worth of services for students of Lexington. The superintendent announced that as of today, 2/25/80, four MUZZEY JR.HIGH parents of sixth grade students had submitted requests to have SCHOOL TRANSFER their children attend Clarke and Diamond next year, Two of these REQUESTS requests did not appear to be related to the School Committee's proposal to close Muzzey in 1981. Mr. Brown reviewed House Bill No. 6861 which provides for an arts SPECIAL lottery, and a letter from the selectmen requesting the School Com- COMMISSION ON mittee forward to the Board of Selectmen a nominee, to serve on a PERFORMING AND 5-member council for a 2-year term, renewable twice. The superintend- VISUAL ARTS ent said he would ask for staff volunteers or nominees. It was VOTED: to adjourn to executive session at 10: 11 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to collective bargaining. (Kichelman, Shaw, Unanimous) It was announced that the School Committee would not be coming out of executive session. Respe tfully submittee...-' ./ttichard H. Barnes Recording-Secretary /mm The follc¢;trig 8cUoau7r2 c1 puymeuts acill431e 7ar strutiartrui art,revut prior ,tc this meeting: SI50DI, 'EFA . 2U3737-17T Personal-Services February 1, 7980 721aa7;i :7:238 Peyru11 771749 $ 73, 146.30 February 15, 1980 1 : d ra: 1 13--C 6, 220.19. February i , 1980 . ' 16 453.57+1,97 .97- February 82 19'8 f, ; l ", 8.174 3,070. 16 February 01969 .. lSa 233.32 February 8, 798 .r`1 February 8, 1900 2137 32331.56 February 8, 1930 77160 40.51 February 15, 1390 77169 2,930 .31 February 15, 1930 77170 1 ,165. 76 February 175, 1980 i7; 575.52 February 15, 1980 -5172 393.92 February 15, 1980 27173 19. 1.99.87 February 22, 1980 1174 2,033.60 February 22, 19800 e7175 5,522.34 February 22, 1930 1175 .':50.28 February 22, 1930 7:177 3 ,327. 70 February 22, 1900 ,-1.i3 11,850.33 Out-of-State Travel February 8, 1980 3111 Scbacrile 411 359.00 Adult Edu atien February 15 , 1930 1 li..: ... HyaL.T. 31, 60 February 3, 1930 _ . _. .. _ or,- . 1 , 243.40 Driver _Fri; io-i - 1990 n :February 3. 1310 7�b_ua_y I, 19S71 qi <i.'Y• 1 rn:a*r8, 1;30 2,214.02 fr01Cut -1Ein,Crcu, February .97, 1930 . _ 59F.85 Sransiticn to I2,o7 Firth February 193D 104, 40 February 15, 2930 C1:: 32.5 cyro11 12-53 1 . - .01 February 81980 '-r. „1c,:c ' -.,-r„ ) 1, 127 .23 NF-W Pt`R C)NNli,l. NAME 3CiiCOi_ 1 DITCAT;ON EXPERIENCE . PERSONNEL CHANGES - (L. fl COACHING APPOINTMENT RESIGNATION YRS . IN LEXINGTON I'FL:CTIVE REASON RESIGNATIONS (From Maternity Leave of Absenc •? LEWES OF ABSENCE (1979-1980 - extend to 1980- I931I MATERNITY LEAVES OF ABSENCE (1979-1980 - extern! to 1930-1981) PERSONNEL CiL\LACES -�.L\.SSTFIED NEW PERSONNEL EFFECTIVE RESIGNATION YES .. IN 1^.i:iNh;ruN REASON 21 oothe FOOD SERV-LC-F lv ,LC,r NEWPEi�L EFFECTIVE