HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-05-SC-min Page 13 February 5, 1980 A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on February 5, 1980, 8:00 p.m. , at the School Administration Building. Those in attend- ance were: Brown, Shaw, Swanson, Gaudet , Michelman and student represent- ative, Dohan. Also present were: Lawson, Mac<nnes , Monderer, Pierson, DiGiirnarino and Barnes. It was MINUTES 1/8/80 VOTED: to accept the minutes of January 8, 1980, as amended. (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous) It was MINUTES 1/19/80 VOTED: to accept the minutes of January 19, 1980, as presented. (Swanson, Gaudet, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools it was SCHEDULE OF PATIENTS VOTED: to accept the following Schedule of Payments as listed on the attached sheet . (Michelman, Gaudet , Unanimous) Mr. Brown stated that at the present time there were two warrant 1980-81 BUDGET articles: one for the renovation of the science wing/library, and the other energy saving items. He said he had informed the Appropriations Committee that the School Committee tentatively had agreed to go along with the requests. However, if the energy items were defeated by town meeting, it would be necessary for the School Committee to add more money to the operational budget due to the major impact of each item. Mrs. Swanson said that sometime she would like to discuss the indi- vidual items and also the practice of "pulling out" from the operational budget an item or items in order to deal with them separately(capital vs. operational expenditures) . Mr. Brown said it would be wise to dis- cuss them, and also agreed that it would be interesting to review the definations but felt in this particular case some items could be con- sidered. He added that the Appropriations Committee would study the two articles and would request a meeting with the School Coumittee to review any concerns they might have. Mr. Michelman said the School Committee should make it very clear - that the School Committee was preparing an increase in excess of 4% in the budget for next year since the School Committee is covered by the capping statute. -that it would, therefore, be necessary to obtain a two-thirds vote at Town Meeting on that acticle. - that a discussion needed to be held to review the order of pre- sentation of the articles in case it was necessary to amend Article 4, as mentioned by Mr. Brown. - that it might become necessary to increase some of the budget expenses in light of energy or transportation costs as informa- tion developed. Page 14 February 5, 1980 Mr. Brown said there had been no discussion as to the order of the articles , but felt that if Article 4 were voted on first , a vote of re- consideration would be made. He said this issue would be discussed with the Appropriations Committee. The superintendent stated that the Lexington Public: Schools would need a total budget package. He said that even with the approval of the budget, as presented, it would be a very tight budget . He noted he had great concern if Article 4 were passed first . He stated that he would prefer the articles on energy saving and fuel pass first in order to keep fiscal autonomy. Mr. Michelman said he still had concern oder the fuel prices that were projected, and felt that the committee might ask for more, as indicated by the State's suggested figures. He added he had serious reservations that a projected dollar a gallon was sufficient for the 1980-81 budget. Also, he noted that the transportation budget for 1980-81 seemed low, but felt after bids were opened it could be ad- justed, if need be. The 1980-81 budget discussion continued. Mr. Pierson announed that the School Committee had requested information on towels . He said towels would only be provided for students in the Physical Education Program. He noted that no transportation had been provided for the swim team, nor was there any being planned. According to Marc Dohan, the Musket budget seemed low for what needed to be accomplished. He said increased costs prohibited the same number of issues. It was suggested that the Musket program be reviewed with Dr. Clune in attendance at a future meeting. Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools it was PERSONNEL CHANGES VOTED: to accept the personnel changes as listed on the attached sheet. (Swanson, Shaw, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools it was NEW PERSONNEL VOTED: to accept new personnel as listed on the attached sheet. (Michelman, Shaw, Unanimous) The proposed High School requirements was postponed to a future PROPOSED HIGH meeting. SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools it was PSYCHOTHERAPY EXCEPTION TO VOTED: to accept the Psythotheraphy Exception to School Committee SCHOOL COMMITTEE Policy. (Gaudet , Michelman, Unanimous) (See attached sheet) POLICY An informational bulletin was presented to the School Committee REPORT OF HIGH Which outlined the High School parent conferences. It showed that SCHOOL PARENT- over 1600 conferences were provided during the December 10, 1979, TEACHER parent conference schedule. CONFERENCE Page 15 February 5, 1980 The superintendent announced that Cou,missioner Anrig had informed APPROVAL OF him that a Title IV-B proposal for the Lexington Public Schools, in ESEA TITLE IV-B the amount of $18,242 had been approved. He said this proposal called PROPOSAL for the purchase for four Savin copiers to be placed in the elementary schools, and one Apple computer to be used at the Curriculum Resource Center. Dr. Pierson reported on the Professional Development Opportunities REPORT ON Program. He noted the goals on the program for individuals and the PROFESSIONAL system. DEVELOPMENT 1. Increased control and mastery of teaching OPPORTUNITIES 2. Collegial exchange of knowledge and. information 3. Enrichment of emitions/psychological resources 4. Reinforcement of decisions which influence teacher' be- havior/curriculum 5. Promotion of continuity of practice(where such is required) 6. Introduction of new ideas/practices which require collective examination. He then reviewed the variety of avenues for professional development which the School Committee had supported: 1. Sabbaticals 2. Screening Committee for Research and Development (SCRAD) 3. Statelier Workshops 4. Consultation and demonstration by specialists/supervisors 5. Professional Library 6. Release Day Curriculum activities 7. EdCo Teacher Exchanges 8. EdCo Workshops 9. Evaluation Process 10. Conferences 11. Participation in courses and degree programs 12. Boston University Cluster Program 13. Commonwealth In-service Institute 14. Greater Boston In-service Program Maureen Sullivan, Bowman School teacher and member of the Professional Development Committee, reviewed her role on the committee and gave her im- pressions of the program results from the perspective of a classroom teacher. The School Couanittee and superintendent expressed support for the pro- gram. Dr. Monderer provided the School Committee with an updated timetable TIMETABLE FOR for the Basic Skills Improvement Program. He noted that on February 27 BASIC SKILLS there would be a public information meeting regarding the Basic Skills IMPROVEMENT Program, and on March 18, the committee planned to present to the School Committee plans for reading, mathematics, and writing skills, and writing Basic Skills Improvement Programs. Mrs. Gaudet asked how much information had been provided to the pub- SECONDARY lic regarding the secondary early release professional days. Dr. Pierson PROFESSIONAL reported some information had been provided but not enough. It was sug- DAYS gested that perhaps one of the School Committee newsletters could in- corporate a review of the secondary release days. Page 16 February 5, 1980 The School Committee complimented the staff and students for SPECIAL the superb Special Olympics Program held at the High School Field OLYMPICS House. Mrs. Swanson asked for a status report on the new Teacher EVALUATION Evaluation Instrument . The superintendent said that he had been INSTRUMENT awaiting reaction from the LEA for quite a while. He noted that he had met with Mr. Naughton, Mr. Cawley, and MIr. Barnes early in the new school year, at which time, Mr. Naughton expressed some res- ervations about a few work interpretations. The superintendent stated he agreed to accept the suggested word changes as suggested by the LEA and was ready to implement the instrument . He said , however, he had yet to hear from Mr. Naughton. The superintendent added he felt the instrument was far superior to the present one, and hoped that any issues could be resolved and put the instrument into effect for the next school year. It was VOTED: to adjourn at 9:41 p.m. to discuss collective bargaining matters and litigation strategies. (Michelman, Shaw, Unanimous) Respectfully submitted,_ 74'4, �CC'b btL�c� Richard H B, es / r<ecordingi5ecretary /Tim Tie foie 5e5 o_ ..cry=r end approval prior to t Personal Se7-'74,OCC January 13, 1780 73,00o, 15 .kiu ry 25, 1.530 Ennensas janoatby 25, 1;80 ... ... ' _ 12(0. 2a January 25, 1930 ->'_ ,59"1..24 January 25, 1933 7P5 1,931,11 January 25, 1883 ,U27„50 January 25, 1900 7,565,55 January 25, 1630 7156 102,34 February 1, 19o0 .. 137 - _7 ,12 February 1, 1930 150 4,740_50 February 1, 1980 715p1,987,53 • February 1, 1930 0130 7989.98 February 1980 27,339. 56 February 1 , 1930 : 162 57'.'00 February 1, 1930 . 180 2:000,00 __C'7CL7 SE. 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IN LEXINGTON BPFECTIVE REASON ,.1DDITIONAL ASSIGNMENT ,—wm+nx.malte nernr� n .. . . , mn . _ . ._ .... ssae *^j.,mm. :3. ezv .:... . • i'EgsONV.EL CHANCES - CFRTIFIKD FOR YOUR INFORMATION LEAVE YRS. IN LEXTNCT_OS EFFECTIVE ) PERSONNEL CHANGES - CLASSIFIED NEW PERSONNEL EFFECTIVE TRANSFER RESIGNATION YRS. IN LEXINGTON REASON CHANGE IN HOURS FOD SERVICES RESIGNATION YRS . IN LEXINGTON REASON • NEW PERSONNEL NAME SCHOOL/SUBJECT EDUCATION EXPERIENCE