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December 18, 1979
A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on December 18,
1979, at 8:00 p.m. , at the Clarke Junior High School. Those in attendance
were: Brown, Michelman, Swanson, Gaudet, Shaw, and student representative
Dohan. Also present were: Lawson, Maclnnes, Monderer, Pierson, DiGiammari-
no, and Barnes.
VOTED: to accept the minutes of December 4, 1979, as amended. (Shaw,
Michelman, Unanimous)
VOTED: to accept the executive session minutes of November 20, 1979, 11/20/79
as presented. (Michelman, Gaudet, Unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was SCHEDULE OF
VOTED: to accept the following schedule of payments: (Swanson, Gaudet,
Unanimous) (See attached sheet.)
The financial statement was discussed. STATEMENT
Mr. Stanley Belostock, speaking as President of the Adams School SCHOOL CLOS-
P.T.A. , introduced Mr. Jerry Welch who read a prepared statement from ING REPORT -
the Adams School P.T.A. , which stated that if the School Committee voted ADAMS AND
to close Adams School, the P.T.A. requested that it be done in two phases. MUZZEY JUNIOR
The petition recommended that the Administration provide ample over-flow HIGH SCHOOL
classroom space and reserve teachers. It also said that the savings es-
timated at $166,000 would be realized over a period of two years rather
than one, and if two additional teachers were retained the first year,
the net savings for the first year would be about eighty per cent of the
original estimate. He also noted that parents feared that the transfer
policy would create large classes. This was one of the main reasons that
the petition had been initiated. He said that the School Committee policy
allowed students to transfer to a school outside their assigned district
on a space available basis . Parents felt that history indicated it was
critical that the issue be brought to the attention of the School Committee;
that each time a school had closed, the class sizes at receiving schools
turned out to be larger than they should have been under the circumstances.
He added that the school closing recommendation, therefore, which would per-
mit students transferring from both Adams and Bowman,could mean unprecedented
The petition further recommended that the School Committee impose class
size limits rather than adhere to the ceiling of 30. The school petition
requested that class sizes be limited to 20 in kindergarten ; 24 in grades
1, 2; and 26 in grades 3 through 6, that students from Bowman 2 and Adams
North districts who wanted to transfer to Bowman be treated equally and
priority transfers be given to sixth grade students.
Mr. Welch concluded the reading of the petition and noted that the Adams
School P.T.A. did not ask for very much. He said actually it was no more than
what the School Committee said it would give. The difference was that the Adams
School P.T.A. was asking the School Committee to make a policy decision to as-
sure the class sizes will not be excessive rather than rely on the procedures
of the past.
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December 18, 1979
Mrs. Karen Brown of the BOwman School Parent/Teachers Organization
stated that the Bowman School P.T.O. supported the class size concept
as well as the provision for additional classes, and requested that the
students in the Bowman 2 district who requested and received approved
transfers continue to have transportation provided for them.
Mr. Brown noted that there were economic constraints, rising energy
costs, and a significant decline in enrollment that was projected to con-
tinue into at least 1984. He noted that with Adams closed, that by 1984
there still would be one thousand vacant seats in the Lexington Public
Schools at the elementary level. He said he was hesitant to guarantee
class sizes as guarantees were very difficult. He stated it was neces-
sary for the School Committee to be aware of contractual arrangements
and to treat other schools with equity; and that no other schools which
were closed were given such guarantees. Mrs. Swanson felt the policy of
open enrollment needed clarification, and that transfers were not guar-
anteed to anyone who requested them but they were granted after principal
evaluation and on a space available basis.
At this point, the Superintendent explained the transfer policy.
The Superintendent noted that the School Committee policy was to grant
transfers on a space available basis based upon principal' s judgment
and with approval of the Superintendent. He said he would be very con-
cerned if the School Committee implemented any policy that would limit
a principal' s judgment. He added that sometimes for educational reasons
it was better to have a class of twenty-seven students and a class of
twenty-two in another. The Superintendent then pointed out the average
class size in 1979 was twenty-two compared to twenty-four in 1974. He
then reviewed. classes under thirty for the past several years.
The comment that class sizes in recommended schools was much larger
than projected was not accurate. He noted that the class this year at
Fiske School was larger than projected because of an internal decision
made by the principal for the placement of students.
Mn Michelman felt that the question was not whether Adams closed
but how the closing would be handled, and that he said he had several
items he felt should be considered:
1. The interest of the parents of Bowman 2 at the upper grades
2. The interest of parents of Adams North Section
3. The interest of everybody at Bowman regarding class sizes
He noted that he agreed that Bowman 2 and Adams North 6th graders should
stay with students if they wished; that the Bowman School could be run
on seventeen classrooms, and that there was ample space if needed; that
perhaps the fifth graders could be handled but one could not make a con-
fident statement at the moment; and lastly, that preference be given to
Adams North and Bowman 2 youngsters, and make every effort at the fifth
and sixth grade levels to accommodate them.
The Superintendent said he felt that students from Adams North and
Bowman 2 should be treated equally, and priority be given to sixth graders;
then fifth graders; and then to other grades in that order. He added
that he felt the school system could provide transportation to 6th grade
transfer students within the regular allocation for transportation.
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December 18, 1979
Mr. Michelman stated that even though the proposed limits on class
size had some merit, he felt that ironclad guarantees could not be given
to parents regarding class size without regard to unexpected events. He
felt that a clear policy on class size was needed in part to enable the
administration to deal with transfer requests in an orderly way and re-
flect the policy of the School Committee. He felt the School Committee
could not guarantee numbers of classrooms but that it could support the
equality of treatment for the individual students.
Mrs. Shaw said she felt that the purpose of the meeting was to hear
reasons for closing Adams, and she had not heard any. She requested that
someone respond to her comment. The Superintendent said, based on the
School Committee policy, the Administration had prepared a report, and
had made a recommendation consistent with the policy and felt the School
Committee should review the evidence and vote to accept or reject the
recommendation. Mr. Michelman added that he felt that there had been
some reasons given such as decline in enrollment and financial savings
(even though modest) considered in light of the "capping" placed upon
School Committees by the State, and rising energy costs, all of which
influence school closing issues.
The Superintendent added that he felt that the Lexington Public
Schools did not need twelve schools with the enrollment decline that it
had experienced. He added that the decline in enrollment which had
been projected to level off, looked like it will continue. The tax "caps"
placed in effect by the Legislature were of grave concern to the taxpayer,
as well as the School Committees, and that the budget figures due to
the negotiations already indicated a million dollar increase (6`7,,) if the
school system did nothing next year. The 6% being well over the 4% tax
"cap" meant the schools had to think of ways to respond to the financial
crisis . He added that the rising energy costs would influence the think-
ing of everyone.
Mrs. Swanson stated that she felt there were valid educational rea-
sons for consolidation of the schools within the system. Mrs. Shaw re-
sponded and noted that she was not for keeping Adams School open. She
was for consolidation and felt now she had heard good responses to her
questions. She said she had valid reasons for making a decision.
Mr. Michelman then said he would prefer to think about a motion
rather than vote on the issue this evening, and thought the vote was
to be taken at the January 8 meeting.
After a discussion, it was the consensus of the Coum.ittee that the
next meeting, January 8, would include a vote on the Adams School plus
a discussion of the Muzzey Junior High School potential closing. The
School Committee thanked the School Administration and parents for their
input into the evening' s discussion on school closing.
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December 18, 1979
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was NEW PERSONNEL
VOTED: to elect the following new personnel as listed on the attached
sheet: (Swanson, Shaw, Unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PERSONNEL
VOTED: to accept the following personnel changes as listed on the at-
tached sheet: (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PUBLIC LAW
874 & OTHER
VOTED: that the available and anticipated federal and state funds, FEDERAL &
totaling $328,225, be used to reduce the 1980-81 budget re- STATE FUNDS
quest. (Michelman; Gaudet, Unanimous)
Paul Lombard presented a copy of the proposed Summer Reading SUMMER READ-
proposal (E.S.E.A. , Title I) for the summer of 1980. INC PROPOSAL
It was
VOrtD: by the School Committee to submit the proposed Summer Reading
Program to the State for approval. (Gaudet, Michelman, Unani-
Copies of memorandum reports from the junior high school princi- JR. HIGH SCi
pals were presented by the Superintendent regarding parent conferences PARENT-TEACHER
at the junior high school level. The Superintendent noted that they CONFERENCES
were most successful this year, and complimented the staff and admin-
istration of the junior high schools.
The School Committee requested a similar report of the High School
conferences. The Superintendent agreed that this information would be
presented at a future meeting.
Dr. Monderer presented a review of the tuition students in private TUITION STU-
day and residential schools. Information had been requested by the DENTS FOLLOW-
School Committee at a previous meeting. The School Committee reviewed UP INFORMATION
the information and thanked Dr. Monderer for the report.
Dr. Clune, Laura Krich, and Martha Angevine reviewed the proposed LIBRARY
library expansion and remodeling of the science/library-Media Center EXPANSION
facilities. Dr. Clune noted that two NEASC evaluations had noted the REMODELING
inadequacy of student library space at Lexington high School and wished
to address this issue.
Mr. Michelman suggested that the School Committee visit the areas
noted in the proposal so that they would better understand the recom-
mendations. The School Committee agreed to visit with Dr. Clune soon
to review the facilities.
A copy of the Student Rights and Regulations pamphlet was presented STUDENT RIGHTS
to the School Committee. The Superintendent noted that it had been de- & REGULATIONS
veloped over a period of two years. Marc Dohan said that he had expected PAMPHLET
a comment regarding grading and the influence of attendance on grading
Page 107
December 18, 1979
included. Mr. Barnes noted that there had been no written agreement to
that effect. However, it was appropriate to include such a statement as
an addendum or revision. The Superintendent added that he felt a state-
ment should have been included but it could now be developed.
It was
VOTED: to go into executive session at 10:30 p.m. to discuss a matter
• of potential litigation. G14ichelman, yes; Shaw, yes; Swanson,
yes; Gaudet, yes; Brown, yes)
Respectfully submitted,
< .<tl/ �
Thhar6 H. Barnes
Recording ,ecretary
The following schedules of payments were available for scrutiny and
approval prior to this meeting:
Personal Services
December 7, 1979 Classified Payroll #13-C 676,244.38
November 30, 1979 Professional Payroll #11 492,897.87
December 7, 1979 Bill Schedules #109 5,553.17
December 7, 1979 #110 1,744.44
December 7, 1979 #111 1,384.23
December 7, 1979 #112 8,289.09
December 7, 1979 #113 2,925.74
December 7, 1979 #114 96,88
December 7, 1979 #115 1,737,53
December 7, 1979 #116 74.30
December 14, 1979 #117 1,365,80
December 14, 1979 #118 3,729,38
December 14, 1979 #119 1,610,48
December 14, 1979 #120 6,446.79
December 14, 1979 #121 6,533.63
December 14, 1979 #122 31,411,37
December 14, 1979 #123 7,223.24
Expenses (Carryover Account)
December 7, 1979 Bill Schedule #333 86.56
Out--of-State Travel
December 7, 1979 Bill Schedules #8 666.25
December 14, 1979 #9 464.75
Adult Education
December 7, 1979 Classified Payroll #2-C 54,96
November 30, 1979 Professional Payroll 1,341.61
Driver Education
December 14, 1979 Bill Schedule #4 273,69
Transition to Employment
December 7, 1979 Classified Payroll #8-C 104.40
November 30, 1979 Professional Payroll 1,281.23
Project Discover
November 30, 1979 Professional Payroll 501.15
,:ember 14, 1979 Bill Schedule #3 782.10
Project Mainstream
November 30, 1979 - Professional Payroll $691.97
Project Enhance
November 30, 1979 Professional Payroll 765.77
December 7, 1979 Classified Payroll #2-C 421.40
December 7, 1979 Bill Schedules #4 14.37
December 14, 1979 #5 176.12
Metco Program
November 30, 1979 Professional Payroll 5,420.70
December 7, 1979 Classified Payroll #7-0 1,784.73
December 14, 1979 Bill Schedule 418 124.78
Bus Tickets
December 14, 1979 Bill Schedule 3 1,452.35
Interviewed by: Messrs. Horton,Barnes