HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-12-04-SC-min Page 98 December 4, 1979 A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on December 4, 1979, at 8:00 p.m. , at the School Administration Building. Those in at- tendance were: Brown, Swanson, Michelman, Gaudet, Shaw, and student rep- resentative Dohan. Also present were: Lawson, Pierson, Monderer, DiGiam- merino, and Barnes. It was MINUTES 10/16/79 VOTED: to accept the minutes of October 16, 1979, as presented. (Swanson, Michelman, Unanimous) It was MINUTES 11/20/79 VOTED: to accept the minutes of November 20, 1979, as amended. (Michelman, Gaudet, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS VOTED: to accept the following schedule of payments: (Gaudet, Swanson, Unanimous) (See attached sheet.) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was EXTRA DUTY STIPENDS VOTED: to accept the following extra duty stipends as listed on the attached sheet: (Michelman, Gaudet, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PERSONNEL CHANGES VOTED: to accept the following personnel changes (certified) as listed (CERTIFIED) on the attached sheet: (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PERSONNEL CHANGES VOTED: to accept the following personnel changes (classified) as (CLASSIFIED) listed on the attached sheet: (Gaudet, Michelman, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was BIDS - FOOTBALL VOTED: that the bids for football equipment reconditioning be awarded EQUIPMENT as indicated to the following low bidders meeting specifications: RECONDITIONIP (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous) (See attached sheet.) Frank DiGiammarino, Coordinator of Planning, presented an analy- ANALYSIS OF sis of statistics showing planning versus actual enrollment data for PLANNING VS. the school year '70-'80. He noted that it was an attempt to analyze ACTUAL ENROLL the differences between '78-'79 enrollment plans and the ' 79-'80 LENT DATA FOR actual enrollment figures. He noted that he had contacted and worked with the Coordinator of Census Takers, the Town Clerk, the Manager of the Computer Center, and a consulting firm (LHS Associates) who pro- vides reports to Town on census data. He stated that he wished to clarify that the overall discrepancy between projected and actual en- rollment was within a 2.2% margin error for the system. He noted that the findings had led to a number of corrections , namely, an in-depth study of the Adams School census data, detailed inspection of the con- sulting firm handling of the report. In the discussion which followed, Page 99 December 4, 1979 it was noted that there were still unexplained differences between pro- jected and actual enrollment at the 9th grade level. He concluded his report by noting that the monitoring of census- taking procedures would be increased. The census-taking procedures would be updated annually to incorporate the Lexington Public School changes in school districts. The consulting fiuu will meet specific requirements of the Lexington Public Schools for the purposes of pro- jection enrollments. The manager of the Computer Center will document each job activity in order to facilitate continuity in the processing of data. He then proceeded to explain the actual statistics and charts accompanying his report. The School Conm_ittee thanked Dr. Frank DiGiammarino for the com- prehensive and interesting report. A report was presented under the direction of Geoffrey Pierson, DRAMA PROGRAM Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum. Presenting the report were Priscilla Sanville, Drama Specialist; Valerie Norwood, Drama teacher; and Ronald Godfrey, systemwide Drama Committee. The areas commented upon were the following: - The history of the program since 1977 - The Drama Program, K-12 - In-Service training - Evaluation of program Following the presentation by each of the participants, the School Committee members posed questions to the panel. Mr. Michelman compli- mented the Committee for the presentation and also for the analysis by the Superintendent during his introduction to the Lexington Public Schools. The Committee echoed the remarks of Mr. Michelman. A report of the K-12 Social Studies Program was presented by SOCIAL STUDIE Robert Davenport, Social Studies Department Head for Grades 7-12; PROGRAM George Carr, Social Studies Chairperson at Clarke Junior High School; William Terris, (Principal, Estabrook School) , Elementary Program Manager; Geoffrey Pierson, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum. Following the comprehensive report, a question and answer period followed. A status report regarding Phasing Recommendation (B) was pre- PHASING sented by Geoff Pierson. Mr. Michelman said he had been in contact RECOMMENDATIC with the Superintendent, and suggested that the School Committee, (B) at present, would perhaps never vote on a more important and sensi- tive matter of educational policy as it would when it would vote on phasing recommendations. Therefore, he said he felt that all would he interested in the kinds of discussions the staff would have, and suggested that the School Committee and junior high staff get to- gether in. a forum to discuss the form of the final set of recommen- dations. The Superintendent supported the suggestion. The School Committee thanked Dr. Pierson for the report. It was Page 100 December 4, 1979 VOTED: to adjourn at 10:31 p.m. 0Aichelman, Swanson, Unanimous) Respectfully submitted? *Richard H. Barnes Recording Secretary is • • SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS The following schedules of payments viers available for scrutiny and . approval prior to this meeting: SCHOOL DEP#PTNJ NT BUDGETS Personal Services November 23, 1979 Classified Payroll #12-7, $75,307.22 • November 16, 1979 Professional Payroll -7(h0 459,102.75 Expenses November 23, 1979 Bill Schedules #97 12,191;19 November 23, 1979 P98 5,144.90 - November 23, 1979 e99 5,766.82 November 23, 1979 #100 161.95 November 23, 1979 #101 9,442.51 November 23, 1979 #102 4,856.60 November 23, 1979 #103 2,149.38 November 30, 1979 :; 104 4,792.99 November 30, 1979 #105 1,734.57 November 30, 1979 #106 2,685.90 November 30, 1979 1107 11,620.56 November 30, 1979 6108 10,676.40 Expenses (Carryover) November 30, 1979 Bill Schedule ;x332 309.79 Out-of-State Travel November 23, 1979 Bill Schedule #6 208.08 November 30, 1979 47 1,080.80 SPECIAL PROGRAMS - NON-LEI YCTON FUNDS Adult Education November 16, 1979 Professional Payroll ,71-P 41022 November 27, 1979 Classified Payroll L-C 1,438,56 Driver Education November 16, 1979 Professional 1''.tnll 1,247,15 November 23, 1979 Bill Schedule #3 108.63 Metco Program November 16, 1979 Professional Payroll 5,514.96 November 23, 1979 Classified Payroll #6-C 1,850.99 November 23, 1979 Bill Schedule #5 135.83 November 30, 1979 #6 62,94• Transition to Employment November 16, 1979 Professional Payroll 1,281.23 November 23, 1979 Classified Payroll #c-C 104.40 November 23, 1979 Bill Schedule #15 95.44 (Over) Project Discover November 16, 1979 Professional Payroll 622.65 November 23, 1979 Bill Schedule 84.00 Project Assist November 16, 1979 Professional Payroll 195.00 Project Mainstream November 16, 1979 Professional Payroll 691.97 November 23, 1979 Bill Schedule 750.00 Project Enhance November 16, 1979 Professional Payroll 765.77 November 23, 1979 Classified Payroll 01 589.96 Miscellaneous Projects November 23, 1979 Occupational Information #3 142.00 November 23, 1979 Observing the Pre-Schooler #3 36.59 November 23, 1979 Internal Combustion #4 62.31 DRAMA STIPENDS - 1979- 1980* School Name Stipend for: Amount *Stipend to be paid at the conclusion of the activity or the school year, 1979-80. PERSONNEL CUA Gt_S - ( MA ' :1F IRE ... TRANSFER EFFECTIVE NEW PERSONNEL RESIGNATION YRS . IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE REASON RETLREI'IINT • PERSONNEL CILANCE:1 - RESIGNATIONS IRS. IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE REASON • (Over) BIDS - 1979 FOOTBALL EQUIPMENT RECONDITTONING On November 9, 1979 requests for bids for reconditioning of football equipment were invited from two companies. The bid was also advertised in the November 15, 1979 issue of the Lexington Minute-Man. Specifications were drawn for the repair d reconditioning of seven items with a per item price for additional charges for specific parts, Of their replacement is needed. The approximate quantities were based on previous experience. Two sealed bids were received and opened at a public reading at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, November 26, 1979. A recap of the bid is as follows: Last Year's Phil Murray Co. ,Inc, Sportcraft, Co. Bid Price Item Unit Total Unit Total 1. Helmets - Recond. • Clean & Sterilize 5.75 1150.00 ' 4.75 950.00 3.75 Specific replacement 9,00 6.00 3.00 parts to to to 16 items 5c 916.20 1 15C 761.40 25c SUB TOTAL $2066, 20 P $1711.40 3 2. Shoulder Pads Clean & Sterilize 4.25 743.75 5.95 1041.25 5.25 & replace parts 1 3. Thigh Guards - clean only .30 60,00 .40 80.00 ,25 4. Knee Pads - clean only .15 30.00 . 25 50.00 .25 5. Girdle Pads - clean only 1. 25 250.00 1.50 300.00 .15 6. Hand, Forearm, elbow pads - clean only . 20 20,00 .50 50.00 . 25 7. Pants - Sew & Replace • pockets 2.00 100.00 3.00 150.00 3.50 - • SUB TOTAL 2-7 $1203.75 j $1671.25 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $3269.95 $3382.65 Both companies have been successful bidders in the past and performed satisfactorily. The budget for this service is $3045. The above totals $2915.15, This is an approximate total and will increase or decrease with the actual number of pieces to be cleaned or reconditioned, r_nthe event that we do exceed the budgeted amount, the difference will be transferred from other accounts within the athletic budget,