HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018.10.03 EB Min CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES October 3, 2018 Attendees: Joe Pato, Suzie Barry, Claire Feingold-Thoryn, Alessandro Alessandrini and Howard Jaffe, Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director; Emily Smith, Assistant Library Director; Meagan Parker, Michelle Techler, Helen Kingman, Alissa Lauzon, Jen Webb, Kevin Grocki, Corinne Coveney, library staff. Call to Order: Joe called the meeting to order at 4:06 PM, asking attendees to go around the room and introduce themselves. Public Comment: none Secretary’s Minutes of September 5, 2018 Alessandro made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 5, 2018 meeting. Howard seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Joe moved the strategic Plan out of order with consensus from trustees. Strategic Plan Koren explained how we started our public engagement about this time last year. Over the course of the fall/winter/spring, we had multiple opportunities for the public to give us feedback about the library, including: Public meetings (about collections, programs, technology, Idea Wall, and services for youth) User surveys (collections, programs, youth services, and one for parents of children with disabilities) "Office Hours" at a table near the Reference Desk Idea Wall prompts Conversations with multiple community groups, such as The Library Trustees, Friends of Cary Library, and Cary Library Foundation Staff comments during our in-service days over at Cary Hall The Council on Aging The Lexington Council for the Arts The Commission on Disabilities The Special Education Parent Advisory Committee The Pre-school Director's group, Lex FUN!, School PTA President's group, and the Lexington Education Foundation We used our visits to community groups to ask people how they were feeling about Lexington generally – what did they value about living here and where did they feel like the community could do better? With these responses we were able to ask ourselves what the library can do to build, strengthen, change, or amplify these areas of opportunity or concern. The SP team looked at all this feedback, at other libraries’ strategic plans, at our old plan, and considered the work of futurists who are looking at both the library ecosystem as well as other fields like technology and AI, retail and educational trends. A team of library staff presented the final draft of the new plan. Emily explained that we revisited our mission statement and decided no change was necessary. The library’s mission is to “ignite curiosity, engage minds, and connect our community.” Through our research we found that many libraries have value statements. The Strategic Planning committee drafted the library’s first set of core values which includes: access, civility, community, diversity, education, innovation, intellectual freedom and stewardship. Staff also presented the five areas of focus that make up the new plan: Jen Webb detailed the first area of focus which is books and information. Cathie Ghorbani talked about a place to find human connection. Michelle Techler presented serving a diverse community Meagan Parker shared how we intersect learning, making and playing. Helen highlighted having a flexible facility that transforms with the changing needs of the community. Emily asked for questions or comments. Suzie thanked staff for the presentation and noted that the body of work is outstanding. The plan was developed with grace, style and compassion. She added that is nice to connect the names to the faces of staff. Howard commented that during his tenure he has experienced many strategic plans, this one in particular stands out and is meaningful because of the emphasis is on values. He applauded the staff for strategically thinking about values. All trustees affirmed the good work. Koren explained that we will be working to compile our annual action plan which is a state requirement. This will be a rolling action plan that we will update regularly. Koren asked for any suggestions before the presentation to the full board. Suzie suggested that we provide the document ahead of time. The consensus from the trustees is that it is ready to be presented to the full board. Financial Update Koren reported that for the non-municipal funds we are on target. We will have some increased spending due to the 150th celebrations. On the municipal side we are 25% expended which is about where we expect to be. There are no update endowment fund figures. Administrative Update There are no staffing updates to report. Meeting Room Updates Emily reported that she has been in contact with the town counsel regarding outside groups that wish to use library meeting rooms to offer programs for children. There was a discussion about the library’s responsibility to vet any adults who want to work with minors in our building. Emily noted the staff feel an obligation to ensure the safety of children. For the average user, the distinction between programs sponsored by the library versus an outside group, may not always clear. Emily asked, are the trustees comfortable with the library allowing outside groups to run programs for minors? Are they comfortable asking outside groups to be responsible for their own vetting? Alessandro asked about when we CORI a group. Emily explained that as a partnership we have required adults to complete and pass a CORI. Koren explained that currently if a group requests to use the room to run a program with children and there are no staff present, we do not approve them. Trustees discussed balancing the safety of kids and issues related to managing the space and children in a program. The consensus is that we need to consult the with town counsel on developing a minimum standard. Koren will consult and get back to trustees. Building Update Koren reported that we are scheduled to close from October 26 – 28 with a late opening on the 29th for replace the HVAC unit. During that time, we will host training opportunities for staff at the Church of Our Redeemer. New Business Koren explained that the Artwork Policy applies to artwork that the library might consider accepting for the permanent collection. It is for the purpose of displaying the artwork, not selling it so that the funds from the sale can be used for library priorities. The document about “Gifts to the Library” is to help explain how we handle the different types of donations we receive. Claire spoke in support of keeping the art selection committee involved in this process. Suzie asked if we need more specifies for establishing the art committee long term. Howard approves of the flexibility of allowing for a process to accept the art committee or also leaving some decisions to the discretion of the director. Alessandro values the diverse groups of artists on the selection committee. Koren asked for permission to accept the Lex Fun donation of personal property for display for a limited number of years. The board had no concerns. Howard made a motion to accept the updated Artwork Policy. Suzie seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Susie asked to send a reminder to the full board of the upcoming meeting on October 17th. Adjournment: Claire made motion to adjourn the meeting. Alessandro seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:05 PM.