HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-06-SC-min Page 91 November 6, 1979 A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on November 6, 1979, at the School Administration Building, at 8:00 p.m. Those in at- - tendance were: Brown, Swanson, Michelman, Shaw, Gaudet. Also present were: Lawson, Pierson, Maclnnes, Monderer, DiGiammarino, Barnes. Also student representative Marc Dohan. It was MINUTES VOTED: to accept the September 19, 1979, minutes as corrected. 9/19/79 (Michelman, Shaw, Unanimous) Upon the recomaendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was SCHEDULE OF VOTED: to accept the schedule of payments as shown on the attached PAYMENTS sheet: (Gaudet, Swanson, Unanimous) Upon the recau_aendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was NEW PERSONNEL VOTED: to accept the following new personnel (certified) as listed on (CERTIFIED) the attached sheet: (Swanson, Michelman, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PERSONNEL CHANGES VOTED: to accept the following certified personnel changes as listed (CERTIFIED) on the attached sheet: (Swanson, Michelman, Unanimous) Mr. Barnes presented material which noted that under the new cer- WAIVER tification requirements for special education personnel, it is neces- REQUESTS sary to have an official vote of the School Comwittee in order to re- quest a waiver of the certification requirements . He noted that two staff members presently fell into the category. In each case the in- dividuals would complete their programs (one in. January, 1980, and the other within two years) . The third waiver requested was for a person thatwas presently not certified by the Commonwealth although he had been teaching successfully for ten years. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: that the Lexington Public Schools request a waiver under the provisions of Section 1005, Chapter 766, for the following people listed on the attached sheet and certification waiver for the person listed on the attached sheet for the school year 1979-80: (Ilichelman, Swanson, Unanimous) The Statement of Assurances from the Department of Education was STATEMENT OF presented. ASSURANCES Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to approve the Statement of Assurances as attached. (Michelman, Gaudet, Unanimous) RESIGNATION, Mr. Barnes presented the annual Resignation, Retirement, and Leave RETIREMENT, of Absence Study to the School Committee. This study dealt with statis- LEAVE OF AB- tics for the 1978-79 year which noted a 13 .9% of staff who had resigned, SENCE STUDY Page 92 November 6, 1979 retired, or taken a leave of absence during 1978-79 school year. This totaled 75 individuals. He noted this compared with the past few years which were 13.64% for 1977-78 and 13.84% for 1976-77. He re- viewed the summary of retirements which were as follows : 11 retirements, 1 disability retirement, 1 administrative retirement, 3 mid-term retire- ments, 4 retirements as of 6/30/79, and 2 retirements as of 6/30/78. The Superintendent suggested that some of the categories may be changed in future surveys. The School Committee discussed the study briefly. Suggestions for wording changes and other suggestions should be forwarded to the Superintendent or Mr. Barnes. Dr. Monderer presented the count of special needs children in the SPECIAL NEEDS Lexington Public Schools, as of October 1. He noted that in 1978 there COUNT were 705 special ed. students . As of October 1, 1979, there were 671 students. He also presented a summary of prototypes, pre-kindergarten through grade 12, which noted there were 727 students in and outside Lexington for which Lexington Public Schools was responsible. Coumcit- tee members noted some variations among schools in the frequency of spec- ial needs placements, and possible significance of these variations was discussed. The Achievement Test scores for 1978-79 for High School students ACHIEVEMENT and the history of achievement for the last three years was presented TEST SCORES to the School Committee. The Superintendent noted that Lexington a- chieved excellent results in all areas with the exception of American History. He noted that the Department Head, Mr. Davenport, was review- ing the American History Achievement Tests to determine compatability between American History curriculum at Lexington High School and the ob- jectives of the achievement tests. A report will be forthcoming at a later date. The Superintendent and the School Committee expressed their compliments for the achievements of these students . An information sheet concerning the class of 1979 was presented to HIGH SCHOOL the School Committee. It noted that approximately 80% went on to further GRADUATES education. 1979 Dr. Pierson presented a bound copy of a report regarding the status. GROUPING RECOb of planning for Grouping Recommendation B. He stated that when the phas- MENDATION (B) ing recommendations were accepted (A and C) , planning was necessary for the most complex recommendation (B) . He said that the School Committee directed the school administration to work out specific details as to how it was to be carried out and report periodically. This report was for that purpose. He noted that the first part of the report was con- cerned with theories, methodology and summaries of practices for group- ing heterogeneously. He said the task now was to identify the most prom- ising practices and then conduct workshops for staff in the winter and/or in the spring. The major focus was how best to implement instruction by grouping heterogeneously. The second area contained a resume of past experiences in Lexington. This survey noted the strengths and weaknesses of each of the practices and made recommendations. The third area was concerned with curriculum modifications in such Page 93 November 6, 1979 areas as English and science. Hee noted that the instructional inten- tions needed to be more specific at the junior high school level than in the past. He said that the statements of instructional objectives in the skills sequence needed procedures for diagnosing if objectives were obtained. This action also would suggest materials in teaching strategy. The fourth area was that of planning and that the final recommenda- tions for all areas would be received in mid-winter. Mr. Brown said he was impressed with the research and work devel- oped thus far by the staff. Mr. Michelman stated that since the recom- mendations would be ready for late winter, he thought that the recom- mendations from the administration and staff, collectively, would pro- vide a base of information upon which the School Committee could rely in deciding whether and how to proceed with the implementation of (B) . He hoped that the junior high staff would have plenty of time to re- view them. The Superintendent noted that before any recommendations were made to the School Committee, he had promised the junior high school staff ample opportunity to review them. Mr. Michelman then asked if there were any plans of sharing with parents or P.T.A. groups. Dr. Pierson noted that there was a variety of ways to accomplish this and it would be done through a series of workshops, lectures, making the book available, etc. The School Committee thanked Dr. Pierson and the Superintendent and looked forward to the report. It was VOTED: to adjourn at 9:31 p.m. (Michelman, Brown, Unanimous) Respectfully subm tted, .7-t1chard H. Bathes Recording Secretary /c The following schedules of payments were av,ildhle for scrutiny and • approval prior to this meeting: SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGETC Personal Services October 12, 1979 Classified Payroll #90 $76,128.08 October 26, 1979 OiOC 76,284.04 October 19, 1979 Professional Payroll #3 452,087.07 Expenses October 19, 1979 Bill Schedules #60 21,857.37 October 19, 1979 #61 7,461.70 October 19, 1979 #62 3,969.66 October 19, 1979 #63 19,888,84 October 19, 1979 #64 5,186.04 October 19, 1979 #65 8,585.35 October 26, 1979 #66 4,975.22 October 26, 1979 #67 350.69 October 26, 1979 #68 59,290.61 October 26, 1979 0C9 6,111.70 October 26, 1979 #70 12,279.56 October 26, 1979 #71 14,291.67 October 26, 1979 v72 3,780.85 October 26, 1979 #75 530.00 November 2, 1979 #74 2,290. 98 November 2, 1979 #75 6,238.76 November 2, 1979 #76 4,406.77 November 2, 1979 07 205.31 November 2, 1979 #78 5,147. 17 November 2, 1979 -075 8,338.87 November 2, 1979 #80 5,778.05 • November 2, 1979 #81 5,043.40 November 2, 1979 #82 11,924.91 Expenses (Carryover) October 19, 1979 Bill Schedules #327 435.90 October 2E, 79 #328 641.59 November 1, 1379 #329 346.30 Out-of-State Travel October 26, 1979 Bill Schedule 103 166,83 November 2, 1979 v4 301.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS_Non-Lexington Funds Adult Education October 19, 1979 Professional Payroll $ 1,760,94 October 19, 1919 Bill Schedule #9 731.'L 4 Novemoer 2, 1 ? i,3 ». Metco October 12, 1979 Classified Payrolls #3 1,953,64 October 26, 1979 1,4 2,063,21 October 19, 1979 Professional Payroll i 04.22 (Over) • Metco (Cont'd) October 19, 1979 Bill Schedule #3 82.44 October 19, 1979 ##27 443.75 November 2, 1979 4 58.18 Transition to Employment October 12, 1979 Classified Payrolls #3 104.40 • October 26, 1979 #4 104.40 October 19, 1979 Professional Payroll 1,281.23 October 19, 1979 Bill Schedule ill 29. 14 October 26, 1979 #3 158.31 • Project Discover October 19, 1979 Professional Payroll 501. 15 Project Mainstream October 19, 1979 Professional Payroll 720.13 Project Assist October 19, 1979 Professional Payroll 210.00 Project Enhance October 19, 1979 Professional Payroll 765.77 Driver Education October 19, 1979 Bill Schedule #1 119.66 Pupil School Matr. Rec. October 19, 1979 hill Schedule #2 22.50 October 26, 1979 #3 324.00 Math Computes October 19, 1979 bill Schedule #9 996.25 November 2, 1979 7110 2.50 Internal Combustion October 26, 1979 bill Schedule 88.93 Miscellaneous October 26, 1979 Ciit Account 3,180.00 November 2, 1979 EDCO Greater Boston 30,000.00 November 2, 1979 EDCO Metro Educ. Program 249,752.50 NEW PERSCN:Afl NAME SCUGOL/SUBJECT EDUCATLON EXPERIENCE PERSONNEL CHANGES - CLASSIrTED NEW PERSONNEL Effective CHANGE IN HOURS Effective RETIREMENT Yrs . in Lexington Effective RESIGNATIONS Effective- PERSONNEL CHANCES - GEI2tLFSED LEAVE yR'>. IN LEXINGTON EFFECTIVE • • (Over) T0: Dr. Lawson & School Committee Members FROM: R. H. Barnes RE: Waiver Requests Under the new certification requirements for special education personnel, , it is necessary to have an official vote of the School Committee in order to request a waiver of the certification requirement. . We have two staff members who f:11 into this category. In each case the individuals are presently enrolled in programs wnicn will Lead to certifi- cation within the next year or two. The staff members are who will complete the certification requirements by January of 1980, ani who will have completed the requirements at the end of two years. Please recommend to the School Committee et its meeting of November 6 - -" that we request a waives of the provisions of Section 1005.0 of Chapter 766 regulations requiring employment of approved personnel in order that we may continue to employ these staff members. maternity leave replacement English teacher at Diamond Junior High School, is not presently certified by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, although he has successfully taught for ten years. Please recommend to the School Committee at its November 6 meeting that we request a certification waiver for j eAr sk'i'er,,:i e /isL. The Commonwealth of Mamsu misetts Department of Education 31 St inns Avenue, 0oston, Massachusetts 02115 STATEJ'SENT OF ASSURANCES The local school district hereby assures the Chief State School Officer that: A. GENERAL: FOR ALL APPLICANTS FOR ALL STATE AND FEDERAL FUNDS 1. The local school district shall administer each program covered by the application in accordance with the provisions and conditions of all applicable Federal and State statutes, regulations , program plans, and applications. 2. The control of funds provided to the local school district under each program and title to property purchased with these funds, shall be in the grantee agency for the uses and purposes provided under the particular grant application(s) . Upon completion of the program, equipment may be used with other federally-assisted projects . 3. The local school district shall use fiscal centro' ard fund accounting procedures that will ensure proper disbursement of, and accounting for, Federal funds paid to that agency under each program. The grant recipient will adhere to the fiscal policy of the State Board of Education as speci- fied in the two documents: "Financial Accounting and Bookkeeping Require- ments for State and Federal Funds Awarded by the Department of Education" and "Administrative Requirements for the Application and Approval of Discretionary State and Federal Grants," or subsequent policy of the Board. 4. The local school district shall make reports to the Department of Education, Board and Commissioner as may be required to enable the Department, Board and Commissioner to perform their duties and that the local educational agency will maintain such records, including the records required under Section 437 of Public Law 95-561, and provide access to those records, as the Depart- ment, Board or Commissioner deem necessary to perform their duties. 5. The local school district will provide reasonable opportunities far the partic- ipation by teachers, parents, students, other interested agencies, organizations and individuals in the planning for and operation of each program. 6. Any application, evaluation, program plan or report relating to each program will be made available to parents and ocher members of the general public con- sistent with the public information requirements. In the case of construction required for the operation of any program: (a) the project is consistent with State abd Federal requirements for the construction of school facilities, and (b) complies with standards prescribed by the Secre- tary under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and applicable to State , laws and regulations in order to ensure that facilities constructed with the use of Federal funds are accessible to handicapped individuals. 10179 Page. Two t . Statement of Assurances • 8. The local school district has adopted effective procedures for acquiring and disseminating to teachers and administrators participating in each program significant information from education research, demonstrations, and similar projects, and for adopting, where appropriate, promising educational practices developed through such projects wherever applicable. 9. The local school district ensures equal employment educational opportunities/ affirmative action, regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, or sex in comnliance with Title IX and Chapter 622 or handicap in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 . 10. Federal funds shall be used for the purpose of supporting the proposed new or expanded program, and in no case to supplant State and local education funds. 11. The local school district shall cake appropriate action to assure the protec- tion and confidentiality of any personally identifiable data, information, and records collected or maintained by it, in accordance with the Massachusetts Student Records Regulations . 12 . All teachers, administrators and support personnel hired for this program shall , meet those standards of the position for which they have been hired as set by the Massachusetts Department of Education and other applicable State and Federal standards . 13. Check (a) or (b) or both: (a) y I The Assurance of Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of — 1964 (Form HEW 441) was previousl7 filed with the U.S. Office of Education and applies to this Plan. (b) r— The activities conducted under this Plan during the regular school year activities will be carried cut in accordance with the applicable current court order of desegregation plan filed with the U.S. Office of Education (including modifications filed on Form HEW 441B) , and all other activities will be carried out on a nondiscriminatory basis in accordance with the Regulation of the Department (45 CFR 80.3) . 3. SPECIAL EDUCATION • 1. The amounts of non-Federal funds expended for schools operated or'supported by the local school district will be maintained at toe same level as they would have been maintained if no Federal programs had been approved for these schools, 2. The school committee shall provide children attending private schools at private expense genuine opportunities to participate. in the public school special educa- tion program, consistent with Paragraph :05 .0 and other relevant provisions of he Chapter 766 Regulations . 3. Procedures have been established to assure that all programs to the maximum extent appropriate, are delivered in the least restrictive prototype. 4. Procedures have been established to assure that testing and evaluation materials and procedures ucilined for :he purposes of education placement of handicapped children will be selected and administered :.e accordance with Paragraph 213 of the Chapter 766 Regulations, and that no si.n__e testing procedure or instrument willbe the sole basis of placementchili in Special Education. - for a _-.. _i 10/79 Page Three Statement of Assurances 5. The local school district assures that ; t wi , 1 •naiatain a comparability of services to the point that all special neeca services either provided by the system or purchased that are offered to child-r, a uncle: the jurisdiction of the system will. be at least equal to those orHrsH to ill other students of the system. 6. All handicapped chilaren of school age ( :-:_i' ere currently being served by the local school district ; as other children _o group are identified through mandated child search activities, they be ,resided with appropriate educa- tional opportunities . P.L. 94-142 funds - used for first and second priority (unserved and underserved) children. 7 The local school district shall insure that iccumehtation in support of all parts of this Plan -- administrative, programmatic, and ' fiscal -- shall be kept on file in one central location. The local school district shall provide such documen— tation to all authorized Federal and State personnel on request. CERTIFICATION I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this Asserance Statement is correct and complete and that the applicant Agency has authorized me, as its representative, to give the above assurances and to file applications. Type Name of Superintendent/ 1 Signature ot Superintendent/ Authorized Designee Authorized Designee Date fl Sohn H. Lawson, S�,�,erta. n,lc nt �.� ,,� c.._..�,-�-�--- �12i x/79 Type Name of School Committee ; Si, ature of School Committee rson * Date Chairperson Chairperson _--- U _.--.——.— Otis S. Brown, CLaLnn,au, � 11/6/79 Lcsina;t:m Sch.n,1 Cormni tce�. /:< • * Please enclose the minutes of the school corny ttee meeting when the Statement of Assurances were approved. • 10!79