HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-16-SC-min Page 10 January 16, 1979 A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on January 16, 1979, at 8:30 p.m. , at the School Administration Building. Those in attendance were: Brown, Swanson, Gaudet, Michelman, Hoffman, and student representative Mende. Also present were: Lawson, Spiris, Barnes, Mondere, Pierson, and Maclnnes. It was EXECUTIVE SES- SION MINUTES VOTED: to accept the executive minutes of December 19, 1978 as presented. 12/19/78 (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous) It was MINUTES 1/2/79 VOTED: to accept the minutes of January 2, 1979 as amended. (Michelman, Gaudet, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS VOTED: to accept the following schedule of payments: (Swanson, Michel- man, Unanimous) (See attached page.) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was NEW PERSONNEL VOTED: to accept the following new personnel: (Swanson, Michelman, Unanimous) (See attached page.) The financial statement was discussed. FINANCIAL STATEINT The third reading of the proposed policy on child abuse was held. THIRD READING It was PROPOSED POLIO ON CHILD ABUSE VOTED: to accept the policy on child abuse as presented. (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous (See attached pages.) The Superintendent of Schools announced that the voted policy would be disseminated to all schools and P.T.A. presidents. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PERSONNEL CHANGES - VOTED: to accept personnel changes (professional) as listed on the PROFESSIONAL attached sheet. (Michelman, Gaudet, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PERSONNEL CHANGES - VOTED: to accept personnel changes (classified) as listed on the CLASSIFIED attached sheet. (Michelman, Gaudet, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PSYCHOTHERAPY PROVIDER VOTED: to accept the psychotherapy provider exception on the attached EXCEPTION sheet. (Gaudet, Swanson, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to authorize the Chairman of the School Committee to send a Page 11 January 16, 1979 letter to the Board of Selectmen informing them that the School TRANSFER OF Committee no longer needed Munroe School and the land site for MUNROE SCHOOL school purposes from and after August 1, 1979, and the School TO THE SELECTMET Committee requests the Board of Selectmen assume responsibility for the building and grounds as of August 1, 1979. (Swanson, Gaudet, Unanimous) Dr. Pierson presented the brochure on the professional development PROFESSIONAL program for the second semester. The School Committee and Superintendent DEVELOPMENT complimented Dr. Pierson and the Professional Development Committee on PROGRAM the extensive and impressive list of staff opportunities. Gratitude was also expressed to the many staff members who volunteered their talents through course offerings. Elizabeth A. Murray, Elementary Specialist Teacher/Program Manager LANGUAGE ARTS in Language Arts, presented an overview of teacher and classroom materi- CURRICULUM als developed for the Language Arts Program. She reviewed individual teacher guides and selected materials. Miss Murray projected an increase of adaptations of materials by teachers for use with Special Needs stu- dents. Following her presentation, the School Committee members commented and asked questions about the materials and program. The School Couuuittee and Superintendent complimented Miss Murray for her presentation and program development. Dr. Monderer presented a pamphlet about guidance services at the High GUIDANCE School level. The School Committee complimented Dr. Monderer for his ini- PAMPHLET tiation of the pamphlet which members felt would be of service to the stu- dents and parents. The Superintendent suggested a process of providing parents and staff SYSTEMWIDE more formal access to the processes which influence instructional decisions CURRICULUM through the formation of the Curriculum Advisory Committee. He noted this ADVISORY Advisory Committee was an outgrowth of Dr. Pierson' s curriculum analysis. COMMITTEE He said the Committee would be composed of teachers, parents, and adminis- trators. He stated the Committee would make recommendations regarding eval- uation, dissemination and recommendation regarding the evaluation, dissemi- nation and improvement of curriculum theory, evaluation results and surveys. He added that the Committee service would involve a minimum of six meetings per year, and membership on the Committee would include six parents, five teachers, two Department Heads and/or specialists, two Principals, and the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction (ex officio) . He noted that a letter was being sent to presidents of the P.T.A. ' s, the President of the P.T.A. Council, and a general invitation to staff to solicit nominations. It was VOTED: to adjourn to executive session at 9:54 p.m. for the purposes of discussing a matter of possible litigation and collective bargain- Page 12 January 16, 1979 ing. (Michelman, yes; Swanson, yes; Gaudet, yes; Hoffman, yes; Brown, yes) The Chairman announced that the School Committee would not be coming out of executive session. Respectfully submitted, Richard H. Barnes Recording Secretary /c R SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS The following schedules of payments were available for scrutiny and approval prior to this meeting: SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGETS Personal Services January 5, 1979 Classified Payrolls #15C $63,357.84 December 29, 1978 Professional Payroll #13 447.839.96 Expenses January 5, 1979 Bill Schedules #124 3,802.23 January 5, 1979 #125 3,601.74 January 5, 1979 #126 14,471.96 January 5, 1979 #127 306.00 January 5, 1979 #128 19,417.16 January 5, 1979 #129 59,928.72 January 12, 1979 #130 910.40 January 12, 1979 #131 437.88 January 12, 1979 #132 19,050.59 January 12, 1979 #133 2,735.50 January 12, 1979 #134 993.52 January 12, 1979 #135 121.45 January 12, 1979 #136 144.00 January 12, 1979 #137 1,798,98 January 12, 1979 #138 1. 791,36 January 12, 1979 139 157.87 January 12, 1979 #140 23.243.39 January 12, 1979 #141 80.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS (Non-Lexington Funds) Driver-Education (Adult Education) December 29, 1978 Professional Payrolls 1,366.56 January 5, 1979 Bill Schedule #4 127.10 ME T CO January 5, 1979 Classified Payroll #9C 811.88 December 29, 1978 Professional Payroll 5,652.95 January 5, 1979 Bill Schedule #6 168.45 ESEA Library January 5, 1979 Bill Schedule #4 72.52 Adult Education January 5, 1979 Bill Schedule #3 150.88 January 12, 1979 • #4 392.61 P.L. 94 - 142 Grant - Transition January 5, 1979 Classified Payroll #9C 44.64 December 29, 1979 • Professional Payroll 1,535 .57 January 5, 1979 Bill Schedule #6 557.53 (Over) Title I: P. L. 89 - 313 Special Education January 12, 1979 , Bill Schedule 90.93 December 29, 1979 Professional Payroll 800.26 Bus Ticket January 5, 1979 Bill Schedule #4 1,426.40 Food & Nutrition January 5, 1979 Bill Schedule #2 157.00 Video Taping (Grant) January 12, 1979 Bill Schedule #2 1,711.39 NEW PERSONNEL SECONDARY NAME SCHOOL/SUBJECT EDUCATION EXPERIENCE PUPIL SERVICES iLAJNAI0rr LEXINGTON, M' SSAC11USETTS 02173 Policy Statement Regarding Child Abuse and Neglect Because of their sustained contact with school-age children, school employees are in an excellent position to identify abused or neglected children and to refer them for treatment and protection. Moreover, recent legislation mandates that school personnel report instances of child abuse and neglect to the Department of Public Welfare. "Abuse" is the infliction, by other than accidental means, of physi- cal or emotional harm upon the body of a child. "Neglect" is the failure to provide necessary food, care, clothing, shelter, medical attention or appropriate supervision for a child. To comply with the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Act, Chapter 1076, of Acts of 1973, it is the policy of the Lexington School System that any teacher or other school employee who suspects that a child is suffering serious physical or emotional injury resulting from abuse or neglect, shall report to the Children's Protection Team, A report must be made by the Child Protection Team to the Department of Public Welfare - Protective Service Program whenever any staff member determines that there is reasonable cause to believe that a child is suffering from abuse or neglect. Regulations developed under this policy are intended to set forth procedures for implcmentat.ion of this polio,.; pursuant to Chapter 1076. (Over) 7 PROCEDURES FOR ItSPIEPIENT [NG IEXINCTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS POLICY ON CHILD — " ABUSE AND NE IECI The General Goal : It is the intent of the to >:iugLon Public Schools to comply with Massachusetts Law, Chapter 1076 of 1473 , and to address the specific needs of children and families in which neglect and/or abuse are suspected. It will report cases where there is reasonable cause to believe that a child is suffering serious physical or emotional inthrN resulting iron . ohn so inflicted upon him/her, or from neglect, The Child Protection Team: To give support to staff members in fulfilling their roles as reporters, a Child Protection Team will be established within the system, with a representative in each building. The specific goals of this Team are to: 1, provide consultation and support to individual staff members 2. assume the responsibility of reporting to the Department of Public Welfare 3. monitor the outcome of this reporting 4. develop in-service training for IPS staff on child abuse and neglect: the law, school policy and procedures, and issues arising out of instances of abuse and/or neglect. The Child Protection Team member in each school building will be the school principal or his/her designee. Procedure: 1. By law a report is required to be made whenever there is "reasonable cause to believe that a chiId. . , is suffering, serious physical or emotional injury resulting from abuse inflicted upon him. . ,or From nep,lect, . .". Any staff member who has reason to suspect that a child has suffered or is suffering physical or emotional injury as a result of being abused and/or neglected shall. consult with the Child Protection Team member and the principal in his/her building. The staff member, the Child Protection Team member, and the principal shall determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe that the child has suffered or is suffering such injury, and in so do:int they shall consult with other relevant staff members and may consult with the Child Protection Team, If the staff member, the Child Protection Team member, the principal and, if consulted, other relevant staff members and the Child Protection Team all agree that there is not reasonable cause to believe that the child has suffered or is suffering such injury, then no report to the Department of Public Welfare shall be made. But if any member of the Child Protection Team, the principal, or any staff member deter- mines that there is teasonahle cause Co believe that the child has suffered or is suffering such injury, then the case shall be reported to the Department of Public Welfare, The Director of Pupil Services will be informed of the decision to report a case to the Department . The report takes the mandated tornis of bothoral and written presentations to the Department of Public Welfare. The initial oral report includes information such as; name, nature and extent of the injuries or description of neglect, any other information tiint might help establish the cause of the injuries or condi- tion. Under Chapter 1076 of the Acts of 1973 school personnel who in good faith make a report of suspected child abuse or neglect in accordance with the statute shall be absolutely immune from any civil or criminal liability that might otherwise be imposed. 2. The Child Protection Team member should request that the principal bring the situation to the attention of those meibers of the school staff who might appropriately intervene on behalf of the child and the family to bring immediate assistance to all involved. At the same time, he/she should make contact with the parents, guardian or other person responsible for the child to inform them of the professional staff's legal responsibility to report evidence of maltreatment. Extenuating circum- stances may necessitate a report to the Department of Public Welfare prior to contact with the caretaking adult, but this should be the exception rather than the rule. 3. After reporting a case to the Department of Public Welfare, the Child Protection Team member shall monitor the outcome of that report, including the extent of involvement of school personnel and community agencies and of the receptivity of the child and the family for assistance. The Child Protection Team member shall report regularly to the system-wide Child Protection Team, which shall evaluate the adequacy of the Lexington Public Schools procedures, provide a conuunication link between the school staff and the Department of Public Welfare, and make recommendations to improve both the procedures and the quality of services available to the reported children and their families, 4. A monthly report of the cases referred to the Child Protection Team and those referred to the Department of Public Welfare will be made to the Director of Pupil Services. Each year the Child Protection Team members will select its chairperson who will schedule and chair meetings, The Director of Pupil Services will be responsible for overseeing the operation of the Child Protection Team, and will be an ad hoc member of the committee. PERSONNEL CHANGE.: - PROFESSIONAL • MATERNITY LEAVE YRS, LN LI >: 1 Nt_[UN EFFECTIVE ) PERSONNEL CHANGES (Classified) Resignations Effective Leave Of Absence Without Pay Effective New Employees Effective