HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-07-SC-min Page 37 March 7, 1978 A regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on March 7, 1978, at 8:00 p.m. , at the School Administration Building. Present were: Gaudet, Swanson, Brown, Hoffman and Michelman. Also present were: Lawson, Maclnnes, Monderer, Pierson, Barnes and student representative, Miller. The Superintendent of Schools called the meeting to order at 8:00 SCHOOL COMMITTEE p.m. Congratulations were expressed to Mr. Brown for his successful ORGANIZATION re-election to the school committee on March 6, 1978. The Superintendent called for nominations for chairman. Mrs. Swanson nominated Mr. Brown. The nomination was seconded by Mrs. Gau- det. No other nominations were made. Each member of the School Commit- tee voted by written ballot. Mr. Brown was elected chairman, unanimous- ly. Mr. Brown expressed the gratitude of the school committee and ad- ministration to Mrs. Swanson for her contributions for the past three years. He thanked the members for their vote to elect him chairman. The superintendent called for nominations for secretary. Mrs. Swanson was nominated for secretary by Mrs. Gaudet. The nominations were closed and Mrs. Swanson was declared secretary of the school com- mittee. Mr. Brown presented Paul Revere bowls to Mary Varano, a member of SERVICE AWARDS the Lexington Public Schools Food Services Department for twenty-four years, and Guido Piacentini, science teacher at Diamond Junior High School for twenty years. Also eligible was Wallace Ormiston, custo- dian for 20 years, who received his award earlier in the day. It was MINUTES 1/9/78 VOTED:..to accept the minutes of January 9, 1978, as corrected. (Michel- man, Gaudet, Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the minutes of January 13, 1978. (Swanson, Michelman, MINUTES 1/13/78 Unanimous) . VOTED: to accept the minutes of January 24, 1978. (Swanson, Michelman, MINUTES 1/24/78 Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the minutes of January 31, 1978. (Swanson, Hoffman, MINUTES 1/31/78 The executive session minutes of January 31, 1978 were held for EXECUTIVE SESSIOO executive session. MINUTES 1/31/78 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the fol- SCHEDULE OF lowing schedule of payments were accepted. (Michelman, Swanson, Unani- PAYMENTS mous) Page 38 March 7, 1978 • SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGETS Personal Services January 27, 1978 Professional Payroll #16 $429,439.83 February 3, 1978 Classified Payroll #17C 72,189.65 February 10, 1978 Professional Payroll #17 430,686.73 February 17, 1978 Classified Payroll #18C 65,104.82 February 24, 1978 Professional Payroll #18 426,562.00 Expenses February 3, 1978 Bill Schedule #117 3,635.85 February 3, 1978 #118 4,540.19 February 3, 1978 #119 38,494.21 February 3, 1978 #120 79.80 February 10, 1978 #122 13,237.46 February 10, 1978 #121 489.90 February 17, 1978 #123 842.60 February 17, 1978 #124 5,747.31 February 17, 1978 #125 31,403.92 February 24, 1978 #126 4,043.50 March 3, 1978 #127 5,996.64 March 3, 1978 #128 4,738.05 March 3, 1978 #129 4,997.13 March 3, 1978 #130 91,298.42 Athletics January 27, 1978 Payroll #11AP 321.00 February 3, 1978 Bill Schedule #21AE 2,208.72 February 17, 1978 Bill Schedule #22AE 2,616.01 February 10, 1978 Payroll #12AP 1,063.00 February 24, 1978 Bill Schedule #23AE 300.00 February 24, 1978 Payroll #13AP 707.00 Vocational Education February 3, 1978 Transportation #9V 96.00 February 10,1978 #10V 377.02 SPECIAL PROGRAMS - (Non-Lexington Funds) Adult Education February 10, 1978 Professional Payroll 1,812.15 February 24, 1978 585.46 February 17, 1978 Transfers 124.13 Driver Education-Adult Education January 27, 1978 Professional Payroll 1,058.10 February 10, 1978 1,001.01 Page 39 March 7, 1978 METCO January 27, 1978 Professional Payroll $ 4,737.98 February 3, 1978 Classified Payroll 892.10 February 10, 1978 Professional Payroll 3,991.73 February 17, 1978 Classfied Payroll 775.14 February 24, 1978 Professional Payroll 4,242.98 February 10, 1978 Bill Schedule #13 154.49 March 3, 1978 Bill Schedule #8 24,955.90 LEADS January 27, 1978 Professional Payroll 856.19 February 3, 1978 Classified Payroll 1,813.00 February 17, 1978 Classified Payroll 990.61 February 24, 1978 Professional Payroll 599.33 February 10, 1978 Bill Schedule #30 1,005.69 March 3, 1978 Bill Schedule #31 72.70 February 10, 1978 Professional Payroll 856.19 PL 94-142 Grant - Transition to Employment January 27, 1978 Professional Payroll 603.84 February 3, 1978 Classified Payroll 317.94 February 10, 1978 Professional Payroll 603.84 February 17, 1978 Classified Payroll 225.33 February 24, 1978 Professional Payroll 603.84 February 3, 1978 Bill Schedule #8 506.58 Title I: PL 89-313 - Special Education January 27, 1978 Professional Payroll 872.69 February 10, 1978 743.69 February 24, 1978 638.69 ESEA Library February 3, 1978 Bill Schedule #6 30.90 March 3, 1978 #7 76.00 PSMR February 3, 1978 Bill Schedule #5 20.00 Ticket Account February 3, 1978 Bill Schedule #4 1,459.75 The financial statement was discussed. Mr. Maclnnes noted that the FINANCIAL Athletics anticipated income, ($44,000) had a projected deficit for this STATEMENT year of approximately $8,000. He said a transfer would be needed from Personal Services, or terminate some athletic programs at the junior high school level. Mr. Maclnnes added that the $44,000 was obtained from $21,000 available from last year plus anticipated gate receipts of $23,000 this year. Due to the fact that the gate receipts had fallen well below expectations, an $8,000 deficit was now projected. Dr. Law- son suggested the school committee suspend formal action_and wait un- til later in the year in order to achieve a better assessment of the Personal Services accounts and athletic income and decide the amount of money that needs to be transferred. Page 40 March 7, 1978 Mrs. Swanson noted it was difficult to anticipate gate receipts each year and wondered how the schools could change a process of esti- mation to a process which used a known figure. Mr. Maclnnes said it was possible by suspending the process of anticipated income. Mr. Hof- fman applauded Mr. Maclnnes's suggestion and felt it would be appropri- ate for the school committee to consider the suggestion. Dr. Lawson suggested phasing into the new process as an option and suggested a conservative estimate be used as the base for the 1980 budget. It was agreed to discuss the matter early in the budget process next year. Dr. Lawson suggested it was possible that the discussion may be misconstrued and noted that all present athletic activities planned for the year would continue. Upon the superintendent' s suggestion it was moved: that the Physical Education Athletic Department continue all ac- tivities planned for, and execute a transfer at a later date if neces- sary to offset any deficit in the athletic budget. (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was NEW PERSONNEL VOTED: to accept the following New Personnel. (Michelman, Gaudet, Unanimous) Name Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools it was PERSONNEL CHANGES (PROFESSIONAL) VOTED: to accept the following professional personnel changes. (Swanson, Hoffman, Unanimous) Maternity Leave Resignations Maternity Leave Replacement Degree Change Softball Coach ) Page 41 March 7, 1978 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools it was PERSONNEL CHANGE: (CLASSIFIED) VOTED: to accept the following classified personnel changes. (Michelman, Gaudet, Unanimous) (See page 41A) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was PUBLIC LAW 874 FUNDS VOTED: to accept the available and anticipated Federal and State funds totaling $324,288 be used to reduce the 1978-79 budget request. (Hoffman, Michelman, Unanimous) Mrs. Whitman and Mrs. Uhrig of the Recreation Committee presented BIKEWAY PLAN FOR the Recreation Committee's plans for a bikeway plan. They noted the LEXINGTON Town Recreation Committee had applied for state funding of $75,000 and would ask the town for $25,000. Dr. Lawson noted he was very supportive of the bikeway plan as a safety and recreational endeavor. Mrs. Gaudet asked if the State required review and approval by the school department. She also noted that the issue would come before the Town Meeting. Mrs. Whitman said the State wanted to give funds to those towns that showed responsive commitment to the idea. She added the Town Meeting would vote on the issue. She also stated that by the time of Town Meeting it was expected that the State would have an answer regarding Lexington's proposal. Mrs. Gaudet then asked if it were necessary to have approval of the School Department. Dr. Lawson said he had been asked to give his view of the concept only and without any commitment to funds. He said since the plan was going to link school property with town property, he felt it appropriate that the School Committee should know of the plans. Mrs. Gaudet said she felt uncomfortable about being asked for a commit- ment as a school committee member since the item would be a voting matter for town meeting members. Mrs. Swanson said that she agreed with Mrs. Gaudet. Mrs. Whitman said the Recreation Committee did not want to slight the School Committee by not informing them of its plans, and since the schools would receive benefits from the proposal, they thought a presentation was appropriate. Mr. Michelman said he felt he could separate the question of the impact on schools from that of monetary commitment. He said he could support the plan and its relation to the impact on the betterment of life around the schools and not commit him- self as a town meeting member. He felt it was appropriate for the town meeting to discuss and vote on the issue. It was then moved: that the School Committee express itself in approval of the bikeway plan in re- spect to the planned impact on the environment of schools, recognizing that the question of funding was properly within the jurisdiction of the Town Meeting. (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was RATE SETTING PSYCHOTHERAPY VOTED: to accept the following rates for the following services: from 9/77-6/79. Occupational therapy $12.50, physical therapy $12.50, speech pathology $15.00 (with the exception of prior agreement one individual $20.00 for 77-78 school year and for specific student. (Michelman, Hoffman, Unanimous) . Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was PSYCHOTHERAPY EXCEPTION VOTED: to accept the following exception for psychotherapy services. (Michelman, Swanson, Unanimous) (See Page 41 B) PERSONNEL CHANGES (Classified) Page 41 A • Resignations Effective CETA - Requested Withdrawal Effective Transfers Effective Resignations Effective A Page 42 March 7, 1978 • A report from the Ad Hoc Committee on Parent-Teacher Conferences ADMINISTRATIVE at Lexington High School was presented by the Superintendent to the REPORT School Committee. After a brief discussion and upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was VOTED: that an additional day be set aside for parent conferences at Lexington High School. (Swanson, Hoffman, Unanimous) A letter from Catherine Hendricks of Palmer and Dodge was read. FINANCIAL It confirmed the understanding expressed in a letter from Mr. Fred ADJUSTMENTS Williams, Associate Commissioner of the Division of School Facilities SPECIAL ED and Related Services of the Department of Education dated January 25, 1978, that an adjustment in the allowable expenditures of $49,205 would satisfy all claims between the Town of Lexington and the Department of Education concerning the 1973-74 special audit. Dr. Lawson noted that Lexington would be reimbursed for 50% of that amount since that was the amount the state had reimbursed towns and cities at the time of the claim. A report of students attending non-public schools was disseminated to the School Committee. A copy of the new Foreign Language Guide was presented to the FOREIGN LANGUAGE School Committee. PROGRAM GUIDE A memorandum from Dr. Pierson outlining the activities for the SECONDARY RELEASE secondary professional release day of March 9, was presented to and TIME reviewed by the School Committee. It was VOTED: at 9:29 p.m. to convene in Executive Session to discuss the character and reputation of one or more individuals and a pos- sible complaint against one or more individuals. The Chairman announced that the School Committee would not be coming out of Executive Session. (Michelman, yes; Hoffman, yes; Gaudet, yes; Swanson, yes; Brown, yes) Respectfully submitted, , Richard H. Barnes /k Recording Secretary