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January 24, 1978
A regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on
January 24, 1978, at the school administration building, at 8:00 p.m.
Those in attendance were Swanson, Brown, Michelman, Hoffman, Gaudet and
student representative Miller. Also present were: Lawson, Spiris, Barnes,
Pierson, Macinnes and Monderer.
Mr. Maclnnes introduced the newly appointed Head of Custodians, INTRODUCTION OF
Repairs and Maintenence, Paul Coleman. The School Committee welcomed NEW PERSONNEL
Mr. Coleman and wished him success in his new position.
VOTED: to accept the minutes of January 3, 1978, as corrected.
(Michelman, Brown, Unanimous)
VOTED: to accept the executive session minutes of September 27, 1976. EXECUTIVE SESSIO
(Yes, Brown, Michelman, Swanson; Abstain-Gaudet, Hoffman)* MINUTES 9/27/76
VOTED: to release the executive session minutes of September 27, 1976. RELEASE OF
(Yes, Brown, Michelman, Swanson; Abstain-Gaudet,Hoffman)* EXECUTIVE SESSIO
MINUTES 9/27/76
VOTED: to accept the executive session minutes of June 27, 1977, as EXECUTIVE SESSIO
corrected. (Michelman, Brown, Unanimous) MINUTES 6/27/77
The executive session minutes of July 11, 1977, August 8, 1977, EXECUTIVE SESSIO
and December 20, 1977 were deferred to the next meeting for review MINUTES DEFERRED
and vote.
Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools it was SCHEDULE OF
VOTED:to accept the following Schedule of Payments. (Hoffman, Michel-
man, Unanimous)
Personal Services
January 13, 1978 Professional Payroll #15 $425,286.15
January 20, 1978 Bill Schedule #111 4,056.21
January 20, 1978 #112 2,763.70
January 20, 1978 Bill Schedule #19AE 295.09
January 13, 1978 Payroll #10AP 384.00
Vocational Education
January 20, 1978 Transportation #8V 280.42
SPECIAL PROGRAMS-(Non-Lexington Funds)
Driver Education-Adult Education
January 13, 1978 Professional Payroll 1,145.56
January 13, 1978 Professional Payroll 4,407.98
*Gaudet, Hoffman abstained since they were not on the School Committee
at the time of m- -ngs noted.
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January 24, 1978
January 13, 1978 Professional Payroll $ 856.19
PL-142 Grant - Transition to Employment
January 13, 1978 Professional Payroll 603.84
Title I: PL 89-313-Special Education
January 13, 1978 Professional Payroll 842.69
Upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools it was NEW PERSONNEL
VOTED: to accept the following new professional personnel. (Brown,
Michelman, Unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was PERSONNEL CHANGE'
VOTED: to accept the following personnel changes (classified) . (Brown,
Michelman, Unanimous)
Mrs. Swanson noted the recent agreement of the school committee to JOINT
include approximately $40,000 in its budget for school crossing guards MAINTENANCE
was an example of town cooperation and good management. She added it
would be economical for the town to assume responsibility for exterior
building maintenance of schools in its budget. She noted the cost would
be approximately $40,000. She asked the school committee to consider
requesting the superintendent of schools contact the Town Manager and
ask him to include this budget item. After discussion, the superintend-
ent agreed to pursue the item with the Town Manager.
The superintendent said it was excellent management to have such
items handled by one group when it proved more economical to the town.
Mr. Michelman agreed if one group could manage any item in a more cost
effective manner for the town it should do so, and any town committee
should agree to carry the item in its budget, if requested in order to
save money for the taxpayer.
The Personal Services Budget discussion began with a review of PERSONAL SERVICE
Accounts 2500 (Instructional Materials) The superintendent informed BUDGET
the committee that one item of significance (specialists at the junior ACCOUNT 2500
high schools) was still being reviewed. (INSTRUCTIONAL
Members of the committee expressed concern that Clarke Junior High
School was staffed with 2 librarians. Mrs. Swanson and Gaudet asked if
clerks could assist librarians, which would equalize the three high school
library staff. Geoff Pierson said the need for two librarians at Clarke
was partly related to volume and partly to school organization. He felt
clerks could perform appropriate clerical duties but could not substitute
for the need of a trained specialist.
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January 24, 1978
Dr. Lawson noted Clarke Junior High School was staffed purposefully
with this inequity. He added that if other junior high school had the
space it would be desirable to staff them at the same level. Mr. Michel-
man said he interpreted the superintendent's remarks to mean that due
to the philosophy of the times when Clarke was built, the difference was
in construction and planned variations in program and organization. It
was necessary to staff librarians at an unequal level. The superintend-
ent said his remarks were based on such facts.
Dr. Lawson noted that the proposed budget Account 2700 (Guidance) ACCOUNT 2700
reflected changes due to adjusted enrollment. The staff in the schools (GUIDANCE)
would be at approximately the same ratio as last year (380:1 at elemen-
tary; 250:1 at junior high schools and 249:1 at the high school)
Mr. Hoffman said if the public trend was to ask the schools to main-
stream more special needs students in regular classes, it would reduce
the need for maintaining counselors at the same level. Dr. Monderer re-
sponded that forces in other directions were present. There needed to
be more counselor time for evaluating since 766, more staffings, writing
educational plans, etc. Dr. Lawson noted that significant changes at
the secondary level had occurred nationally which added the need for coun-
selor time. The additions included equalization of counseling for girls
and boys, increased orientation for students who planned to enter the
work force, increased need for financial assistance for students who
planned to enter college and the turmoil of society.
Jonathan Miller asked how much counselor time was used for personal
counseling. Dr. Monderer said about 20% of a counselor's time was de-
voted to personal counseling of students.
The superintendent noted reductions in the Account 4110-3A (Cus- ACCOUNT 4110-3A
todian) were due to the closing of Parker School. Dr. Lawson noted his (CUSTODIANS)
concern that decline in enrollment had focused on a reduction in profes-
sional staff and indicated that next year it might be possible to cut
off some rooms in larger schools which could have a bearing on custod-
ial assignment under this account.
Mr. Maclnnes reviewed the success of the late shift at the high OPERATION OF
school and junior high schools. He said he hoped to extend it to the PLANT ACCOUNT 410
elementary level. Dr. Lawson noted that funds were included in the
budget for maintenance of schools during vacation periods. This was
due to a request of the Town Recreation Committee and public that
school buildings be more available for use. He noted these costs were
absorbed by the school budget. Also noted was the non-student vandal-
ism that occurred during those times of public use.
EDCO services and Lexington staff and student involvement were re- EDCO
viewed. It was noted that Lexington paid approximately $5300 for mem-
bership fees in the Collaborative and in turn received services and pro-
grams amounting to over $80,000.
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January 24, 1978
A progress report on Guidance was presented to the school coimnittee. GUIDANCE REPORT
It was agreed that after budget discussions were complete the report
would be placed on the agenda. School Committee members noted they had
questions they would like discussed after budget review. School Commit
tee members agreed to forward questions that needed statistical response,
or further information to David C1une, Rex Jarrell and/or Jack Monderer.
Dr. Pierson announced that the Curriculum Resource Center would CURRICULUM
officially open after February vacation, but would not be in its final RESOURCE CENTER
Dr. Lawson said an inventory of outmoded equipment had been pre- SURPLUS
pared. He said he would seek school committee authorization at a later INVENTORY
date to conduct a sale of the equipment.
It was
VOTED: to adjourn to executive session at 10:33 p.m. to discuss the
character and reputation of one or more individuals and collec-
tive bargaining strategy. (Yes, Michelman; Yes, Hoffman; Yes,
Brown; Yes, Gaudet; Yes, Swanson)
Respectfully submitted,
Richard H. Barnes
/k Recording Secretary