HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-12-SC-min Page 44 February 12, 1977 The Lexington School Committee held a special meeting on Saturday, February 12, 1977, at 9:00 a.m. in the School Administration Building. Present were Mrs. Swanson, Messrs . Brown, Rotberg, Michelman, Wadsworth. Also present were Messrs. Lawson, Maclnnes, Spiris, Barnes, Monderer, Pierson, DiGiammarino. Dr. Monderer presented Account - Psychologists which included ACCOUNT 2800-1 salaries of 2 full time and one half-time psychologist, and 3 full PSYCHOLOGISTS time Core Evaluation team. He noted for the school committee that the primary function of the full Core team at the high school was evalua- tion. He said there would be reduced clerical assistance for all of the Core evaluation teams in the next year. He said it was not being entirely utilized. He felt that when there was an allocation given to a school the time seemed to disappear into other areas, therefore, the recommendation was to reduce account 2800 in clerical help for the Core evaluation team by a sum of $8445. Mrs. Swanson asked Dr. Monderer if it were perhaps the right time again to ask Dr. Fitzgerald to review the concept of whether Lexington should have its own Core team or not. She said that the school committee did not agree originally with having its own Core team, and perhaps it would be appropriate to review the matter again. Dr. Monderer responded saying it would be wise to re- view the concept again and to ask Dr. Fitzgerald if we were going in the proper direction. Mr. Michelman asked if the psychologist staff which was 21 persons for the past 5 years would decrease in the near future since there had been an enrollment decline and a reduced load of students. He wondered if there would be a drop consistent with the pace of enrollment decline. Dr. Rotberg noted that there was additional psychologist help available, namely .3 paid for by Title I, and actually the school system had 2.8 personnel. Dr. Monderer said it was true that the staff numbered 2.8 persons and hopefully in time there would be some reduction, however, in the past, service was not adequate and only w did it seem to be adequate. Dr. Monderer noted that due to a decrease in enrollment it would be ACCOUNT 3200-1E necessary to reduce z of a nurse this year. Mr. Michelman noted that NURSES if a whole nurse were reduced it would be at the same level as last year. He wanted to know if that were true. Dr. Monderer said that it was true, however, there were increasing responsibilities of nurses with Chapter 766 in regard to screening, etc. Dr. Monderer then proceeded to out- line some of the functions of the school nurse. Included in this fund were salaries for three part-time physicians ACCOUNT 3200-11 who service the schools. Dr. Monderer said that they were available DOCTORS during the year for physical examinations and met with nurses once a month. They were in schools, on call for emergencies and gave physical examinations for all those students who were unable to get one through their family physician. Mr. Maclnnes commented briefly on the food service operation and ACCOUNT 3400 said there was no planned personnel reduction at the moment since it was FOOD SERVICES based on areas of service and not just pupils. He said it was of major concern, however, and said he had plans to make the food service opera- tion self-supporting. Page 45 February 12, 1977 Mr. Maclnnes noted that the concept of the night shift was working ACCOUNT 4100 out well. This also could help the recreation committee since there EXTRA DUTIES would be no charge when a man was on a shift. Dr. Rotberg reiterated his past comments by stating that this account should be self-supporting. The school committee asked for a status report on the experience ACCOUNT 4110- of the supervision of the girls lavatory at the high school. Mr. Mac- Innes said it had been excellent. The person has made a vast differ- ence in the operation and monitoring of the girls lavatory. He said it was much cleaner and the coverage was excellent. Dr. Lawson noted that before the summary discussion of the Personal Services Budget was complete and a recommendation from the high school principal stating that due to the high school reorganization he felt that the high school could reach the goals of the MAX-ED program through the housemaster plan and the assistant principal' s position. He felt that many of the same things could be accomplished as efficiently and as cost effective. Some functions would be done by housemasters, administrators, department heads, etc. He recommended the reduction of approximately $22,000 from the personal services account which would be the MAX-ED co- ordinator and secretarial assistance. Dr. Lawson commended Dr. Clune for his recommendation and expressed his support saying that reductions are always most difficult, but felt that the evaluation by Dr. Clune and others provided the basis for this action. The school committee and the administration expressed their grati- tude to Dr. Kornitzky for her activities and her work. The Expense Budget was presented by Dr. Lawson and reflected a EXPENSE BUD( $1,000 reduction due to collective bargaining and arbitration costs. ACCOUNT 1100- There was a small decrease (150) in this account. It was noted ACCOUNT 1200- that the publication of Our Schools was renamed Newsletter and hope- PUBLICATION fully in the next year there would be an increased number of publica- tions. There was a brief discussion of this account. Dr. Pierson noted ACCC :T 2100-- that there was an increase of $3,570 in this account due to a combining of accounts under in-service education and professional development pro- grams. It was ACCOUNT 2300- TOWEL SERVICE MOVED: by Dr. Rotberg to eliminate the item for towel service from the expense budget. Seconded by Mr. Michelman. A vote was called, Yes, Rotberg, Michelman, (No) Brown, Wadsworth, Swanson. Dr. Lawson noted that in the towel service account 17% of the uti- lization was for athletics, and 83% for physical education. Dr. Rotberg felt that there should be a study in the next few months ACCOUNT 2500 regarding the role and utilization of the Professional Library and the possible relocation of the Professional Library to Cary. He felt that the present Professional Library was grossly under-used and felt that it should be more available to townspeople. Page 46 February 12, 1977 Dr. Lawson said there was some consideration for incorporating the professional library into a resource center. He said he would respond to Dr. Rotberg's request at a later date. It was VOTED: to adjourn at 12:04 p.m. (Michelman, Brown, Unanimous) Respectfully submitted, Richard H. Barnes /k Recording Secretary