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November 22, 1976
The Lexington School Committee met at the School Administration
Building at 8:00 p.m. , on November 22, 1976. Present were Mrs. Swanson,
Messrs.Michelman, Wadsworth, Brown and student representative Nancy
Abelmann. Also present were Messrs. Lawson, Spiris, Monderer, Barnes,
Maclnnes, Pierson.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was MINUTES OF
VOTED: to accept the minutes of November 8, 1976 as amended. (Michelman,
Brown, Unanimous)
VOTED: to accept the Executive Session Minutes of March 15, 1976. EXECUTIVE
(Michelman, Wadsworth, Unanimous) (with names deleted) SESSION
VOTED: to release the minutes of March 15, 1976 with names deleted.
(Michelman, Wadsworth, Unanimous)
VOTED: to accept the Executive Session Minutes of March 20, 1976.
(Michelman, Wadsworth, Unanimous)
VOTED: to release the Executive Session Minutes of March 20, 1976 with
names deleted. (Michelman, Brown, Unanimous)
VOTED: to accept as corrected Executive Session Minutes of May 10, 1976.
(Wadsworth, Michelman, Unanimous)
VOTED: to accept the Executive Session Minutes of May 17, 1976 as cor-
rected. (Michelman, Wadsworth, Unanimous)
VOTED: to release the Executive Session Minutes of May 17, 1976 as
corrected. (Michelman, Wadsworth, Unanimous)
VOTED: to accept the Executive Session Minutes of May 24, 1976 as cor-
rected. (Wadsworth, Michelman, Unanimous)
VOTED: to release the Executive Session Minutes of May 24, 1976 as cor-
rected (Michelman, Wadsworth, Unanimous)
VOTED: to accept the Executive Session Minutes of June 1, 1976.
(Michelman, Wadsworth, Unanimous)
It was agreed that at the next School Committee a similar number
of Executive Session Minutes would be reviewed for vote.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was
VOTED: to accept the following Schedule of Payments.. (Michelman, Brown,
Personal Services
November 12, 1976 Classified Payroll #10 $ 72,335.04
November 19, 1976 Professional Payroll #12-C 426,241.24
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November 22, 1976
November 12, 1976 Bill Schedules #67 $ 2,448.73
November 12, 1976 #68 1,500.64
November 12, 1976 #69 4,706.47
November 12, 1976 #70 5,495.71
November 12, 1976 #71 25,682.97
November 12, 1976 #72 11,903.63
November 19, 1976 #73 2,649.24
November 19, 1976 #74 817.60
November 19, 1976 #75 2,576.04
November 19, 1976 #76 4,112.60
November 19, 1976 #77 18,817.40
Vocational Education
November 12, 1976 Transportation #2 295.80
November 19, 1976 #3 122.80
Out-of-State Travel
November 12, 1976 Bill Schedules #10 136.99
November 19, 1976 #11 357.72
November 12, 1976 Bill Schedules #14 902.46
November 19, 1976 #15 3,090.14
November 19, 1976 Payrolls #6 432.00
November 19, 1976 #7 90.00
December 3, 1976 - #8 35,355.00
SPECIAL PROGRAMS-Non-Lexington Funds
Adult Education
November 19, 1976 Professional Payroll 1,231.20
Driver Education-Adult Education
November 19, 1976 Professional Payroll 951.72
M.T.A. Southwick Salary .
November 19, 1976 Professional Payroll 745.38
NETCO Program
November 12, 1976 Classified Payroll #5 1,468.10
November 19, 1976 Professional Payroll 5,021.39
November 12, 1976 Bill Schedule #5 27,436.90
Title III-Administrative Grant
November 12, 1976 Classified Payroll 160.00
November 19, 1976 Bill Schedule #3 28.08
Adult Education
November 12, 1976 Bill Schedule #3 581.25
November 19, 1976 Bus Ticket Account #2 1,492.00
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November 22, 1976
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was NEW PERSONNEL
VOTED: to accept the following new secondary personnel. (Brown, Wads •
worth, Unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was PERSONNEL
VOTED: to accept the following personnel changes (Professional) (Michel- (PROFESSIONAL)
man, Brown, Unanimous)
Maternity Leave
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was PERSONNEL
VOTED: to accept the following personnel changes (Classified) (Wads- (CLASSIFIED)
worth, Michelman, Unanimous)
New Personnel
Change of Classification & Hours
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was BIDS
VOTED: that the bid for Football Equipment Reconditioning be awarded to METT - RECON-
the Phil Murray Co., Inc. , as being the low bidder meeting speci- DITIONING
fications (Brown, Michelman, Unanimous)
The report regarding the Summer Co-Op was given to the School Com- SUMMER CO-OP
mittee as an informational matter. The School Committee members agreed
to review the report at a future date and to discuss recommendations
contained therein with the adult advisors of the Co-Op.
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November 22, 1976
An informational sheet regarding the follow-up of seniors of the FOLLOW-UP OF
Class of 1976 was presented to the School Committee. It was noted that SENIORS
approximately 77% of the students graduated from Lexington High School
went on to two and four year colleges.
Dr. Pierson outlined the purposes of the Secondary Reading Workshop SECONDARY REE
that took place on November 18, at the Reading Center, Lexington High ING WORKSHOP
School. He said that the focus of this type of workshop was to address
discreet and chronic problems in an area and provide for quick solutions.
He felt that this vehicle accomplished such a goal. The focus of the
reading workshop was the development of a formal procedure for treating
incoming seventh and tenth grade students with recognized reading dif-
ficulties. It also focused on the development of a procedure for gather-
ing data on the reading performance of all incoming seventh and tenth
grade students. He said there would be additional workshops to meet
problems in the areas of science, writing units, and health education.
A letter from the firm of Palmer & Dodge was read regarding the LEGAL OPINION
case of Romberg vs. Spiris. The communication said that the Court on
November 2, 1976 granted the motion for summary judgment against Romberg.
This meant that on the basis of the affidavits and memoranda of the law
before the Court, the Judge found that there was no material factual dis-
pute and that the names and addresses of students were exempted from the
definition of "public records' in the Freedom of Information Act and
therefore need not be disclosed. It was also noted that Mr. Romberg had
thirty days in which to make an appeal.
Dr. Lawson stated that in September, 1976, he appointed a committee FINANCIAL PR"
consisting of Mr. Koetke, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Maclnnes and Dr. DiGiammarino GRAM SERVIC.
to investigate methods for up-dating and automating the financial data PROPOSAL
system of the Lexington Public Schools. During the past months, this
committee had been meeting and recouauended the service of an outside
consultant to up-date the design of the Lexington Public Schools Finan-
cial Management System in an effort to provide financial informational
services to the School Committee, superintendent, administrators and
other staff members. Mr. Robert A. Nielsen of the firm of Peat, Marwick,
Mitchell & Co., was in attendance to respond to questions from the School
Mr. Michelman expressed his concern for Objective 1.1, which stated
that the consultant would recommend a financial program philosophy that
would serve as a guide for budget development and control of expenditures.
He felt that the appropriate manner of development would be for the School
Committee and school staff to develop the philosophy rather than have it
imposed by an outside firm. Dr. DiGiammarino and Mr. Nielsen said that
there would he a great deal of participation on the part of School Com-
mittee and staff in development of this philosophy and it would not be
superimposed by an outside agency. Mr. Michelman said that he was for
the proposal as a total, but still had reservations about this segment
of the program. After a brief discussion, it was
VOTED: to accept the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools
that the firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell enter into a contract
with the Lexington Schools for a design phase according to the
suggested time schedule as outlined in the proposal, and that
fees and expenses not exceed $28,000. (Wadsworth, Brown, Unani-
mous) (See next page)
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November 22, 1976
A brief discussion took place regarding the source of funds for the
contract. Mr. Maclnnes replied that $12,000 would come from the portion
of budgeted money for 2 maintenance men who will not be hired, $11,000
would come from 70% of a budgeted non-replaceable position in Personal
Services, and $5,000 from the Expense Budget.
Additional information regarding the class sizes at the secondary SECONDARY CLASS
level was presented to the School Committee. Principals from the sec- SIZE
ondary schools were in attendance to respond to questions. Classes
under fifteen or over thirty were documented and the rationale for the
classes were also presented. Dr. Lawson stated that during the time he
had been here that none of the courses that were under fifteen were ap-
proved by him even though the policy states that courses under fifteen
shall be approved by the superintendent of schools. After a brief dis-
cussion it was agreed that the superintendent review the administrative
guidelines in effect that all classes under fifteen be approved by the
superintendent of schools. Dr. Lawson also stated that he would further
analyze the situation.
Mr. Wadsworth said that as he went around, he felt that there was SCHOOL CLOSINGS
a great deal of space available, and he would suggest that the School
Committee seriously consider the possibility of phasing out three schools
at one time, namely, Hancock, Munroe, Parker; rather than phasing them
out over a period of time. He presented a plan that would include the
retention of eight elementary schools, four on the east side of town and
four on the west side with two of the schools being 4-6 organization on
each side of town and two K-3 schools on each side of town. He said the
specifications would be that kindergarten classes would range between
sixteen and eighteen, and grades 1-6 would be twenty-one to twenty-five
students. He said that he had asked the administration to look into
this. He also added that there should be no combined classes unless
there be definite academic reasons . He felt that all of this could be
accomplished at a reasonable cost.
Mr. Michelman said that the school visitations had been very bene-
ficial to him as a school committee member and hoped that a recoimaenda-
tion on housing the students in the schools of Lexington would be forth-
coming from the superintendent. Dr. Lawson said that he had hoped that
no later than the first meeting in January he hoped that the school com-
mittee would either re-affirm or change the vote regarding the closing
of a school in September, 1977. Mr. Michelman then added that he had
noticed space inadequacies in some buildings, and some overcrowding
even though there had been a decline in enrollment. He said an upper
limit of twenty-five students seemed to him higher .than we should be
aiming for and did lead to problems. He felt that the decline in stu-
dent enrollment gave Lexington opportunity to set the class average
well below twenty-five without a fiscal problem. Mr. Brown said that
he saw no great advantage to class sizes between twenty and twenty-five
and he felt that the upper end of the range of twenty-five was accept-
able as a class size. He said he would like to receive comments and
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November 22, 1976
recommendations from the superintendent as to the future of education
in the Lexington Public Schools. Mrs. Swanson said that many Massa-
chusetts communities were in a similar situation and there was great
inequity in class sizes in some school systems. Some schools were ex-
periencing larger sizes, other schools had very small classes. She
said the equity problem was one that should be addressed. Dr. Lawson
said that he hoped that within one month he would have some recommenda-
tions from himself and the staff.- He said he would do what he could in
the time period available.
It was
VOTED: to adjourn at 10:07 p.m. {Wadsworth, Michelman, Unanimous)
Respedflully submit.-.,
Richard H. Barnes
/k ✓ Recording/'Secretary