HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-08-03-SC-min Page 144 August 3, 1976 On Tuesday evening August 3, 1976 the Lexington School Committee met at the School Administration Building. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. Present were Mrs. Swanson, Messrs. Brown, Michelman, Rotberg, Wadsworth. Also present were Dr. Lawson, Dr. Monderer, Messrs. Spiris, Maclnnes, Barnes. Mrs. Catherine Nigrini, Chairman of the Munroe School P.T.A. read PUBLIC the following communication to the school committee: PARTICIPATION "As Chairman of the Munroe School P.T.A. , I would like to voice our support for Dr. Wadsworth's proposal of the last School Committee meeting (July 6) concerning the problem of declining school popu- lation in Lexington. We are delighted to see an attempt being made to answer many of the unanswered questions surrounding this prob- lem.You hear from us when we do not like things you do--now we think it only fair to tell you when we do like something: 'Furthermore, I would like to offer our services to you. As you know there are many very talented and civic minded people in Lex- ington who have a great variety of talents. May we help you? We are prepared to assist you in any way that you feel is appropriate-- be it a job for someone trained in computer sciences or be it busy work." August 3, 1976 Catherine Nigrini 17 Highland Ave. Lexington Tel. 861-1712 Mr. Kyles Barnert of the Capital Expenditures Committee reviewed CAPITAL his experience in working with other committees in the town regarding EXPENDITURES capital expenditures (inventories, priority plans, etc.) He requested COMMITTEE the school committee and school administration develop a capital expendi- ture plan which would be phased in over a period of 5 years. Capital ex- penditures were classified as items of a non-recurring nature such as air conditioning, roofs, etc. He said his experiences with other depart- ments were most positive and felt that such a plan by the school committee and school administration would lead to benefits for the town. Dr. Lawson stated this was a positive thing to do as far as planning was concerned. He said he was interested in a close working relationship with all departments and persons within. the town, and was happy to coop- erate in such a long range plan that would benefit the taxpayer. Mr. Bernert said he would be liaison person between the school committee and the capital expenditures committee. Mr. Brown suggested that the in- stallation of Data Processing equipment might be considered as an item in the long range planning of the town since it was a large expenditure. Dr. Rotberg suggested that some such criterion be created, for example, treating any such item costing one dollar or more on the tax rate as a capital expenditure item. Mr. Barnert expressed his gratitude to the administration and the school committee for their willingness to cooper- ate. Mrs. Swanson thanked Mr. Barnert for his presentation and promised to work closely with his committee in the future. 1 Page 145 August 3,41976 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was MINUTES OF MAY 24, 1976 VOTED: to accept the minutes of May 24, 1976 as corrected. (Brown, Michelman, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1976 VOTED:to accept the minutes of June 7, 1976 as presented. (Brown, Michelman, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was MINUTES OF JUNE 21, 1976 VOTED: to accept the minutes of June 21, 1976 as corrected. (Rotberg, Michelman, Unanimous) SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGETS Personal Services June 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #26A $ 4,405.52 June 30, 1976 Professional Payroll #29 718.00 July 1-23, 1976 Classified Payroll # 1 3,459.62 July 9, 1976 Classified Payroll # lA 34,810.48 July 16, 1976 Professional Payroll # 2 44,324.03 July 23, 1976 Classified Payroll # 2 50,541.91 July 30, 1976 Professional Payroll # 3 32,392.96 Expenses Bill Schedules . June 30, 1976 #183 1,146.92 June 30, 1976 #184 3,547.59 June 30, 1976 #185 375.58 June 30, 1976 #186 870.89 June 30, 1976 #187 19,459.86 July 9, 1976 (1976-77 School Expenses) # 4 14,285.59 July 9, 1976 # 5 9,066.46 July 16, 1976 # 6 7,293.41 July 9, 1976 # 7 4,460.32 July 16, 1976 # 8 4,962.16 July 16, 1976 # 9 2,938.78 July 23, 1976 #10 2,913.02 July 23, 1976 #11 2,906.66 July 23, 1976 #12 17,772.54 July 30, 1976 #13 2,549.99 July 30, 1976 #14 13,228.51 July 16, 1976 (Carry-Over 1975-76) #188 477.91 July 23, 1976 #189 332.55 July 23, 1976 #190 1,414.18 July 30, 1976 #191 33,632.36 Athletics July 16, 1976 Bill Schedules #IAE 195.00 July 23, 1976 #2AE 722.52 July 30, 1976 #3AE 28.15 July 30, 1976 Payroll #1AP 60.00 June 30, 1976 Bill Schedule #38AE 311.20 Page 146 August 3, 1976 Vocational Education June 30, 1976 Tuition #30V $ 157.83 Lexington Summer Coop July 16, 1976 Professional Payroll 1,682.00 July 30, 1976 1,746.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS Non-Lexin:ton Funds) Teacher Training Program II July 23, 1976 Bill Schedule #21 $ 1,010.19 June 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #21 9.60 Driver Education-Adult Education _ July 16, 1976 Professional Payroll 1,319.75 July 30, 1976 1,746.00 LABS Pre-Kindergarten-Bedford June 30, 1976 Classified Payroll # 5 74.20 LAB Pre-Voc. Life Care Program July 9, 1976 Classified Payroll #23 1,182.75 July 23, 1976 #24 873.75 July 16, 1976 Professional Payroll 852.00 July 30, 1976 754.50 July 30, 1976 165.00 July 9, 1976 Bill Schedules #20 22.18 July 23, 1976 #21 218.82 METCO June 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #21 31.44 July 16, 1976 Professional Payroll 953.82 July 30, 1976 794.85 Low Income (Summer Reading Program) July 9, 1976 Classified Payroll #1 209.52 July 23, 1976 #22 525.00 July 16, 1976 Professional Payroll 11,322.40 July 30, 1976 11,435.27 LEADS Program July 9, 1976 Bill Schedule #20 2,599.85 July 23, 1976 #21 16.00 June 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #21 1,236.98 July 9, 1976 #22 234.68 July 23, 1976 #23 335.25 AUTISTIC Program-Arlington July 9, 1976 Classified Payroll #23 153.60 July 23, 1976 #24 76.80 July 16, 1976 Professional Payroll 2,667.45 July 30, 1976 8,002.65 Multi-Handicapped-Burlington June 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #21 144.00 July 23, 1976 Bill Schedule #8 40.20 PRE-SCHOOL - Burlington June 30, 1976 Clas -d Payroll #20 346.25 July 16, 1976 ProPayroll 824.20 i Page 147 August 3, 1976 SPECIAL PROGRAMS (Cont'd) PRE-SCHOOL-BURLINGTON July 9, 1976 Bill Schedules #23 $ 34.20 July 23, 1976 • #24 62.48 PRE-SCHOOL-BEDFORD July 9, 1976 Bill Schedule #9 210.00 ESEA LIBRARY July 23,1976 Bill Schedule #9 539.80 Bus Ticket Account July 23, 1976 Bill Schedule #10 738.00 INSURANCE CLAIM (Driver Ed) July 23, 1976 Bill Schedule 161.49 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was RE-ELECTION C STAFF VOTED: to accept the following re-election of staff and salaries of personnel having been previously re-elected. (Brown, Michelman, Unanimous) Second Election Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was PERSONNEL CHANGES VOTED: to accept the following Professional Personnel Changes with the (PROFESSIONAL, exception of the second leave of absence request. (Brown, Micheiman, Unanimous) The second leave of absence request was referred to Executive Session. Resignations Leave of Absence Maternity Leave of Absence Page 148 August 3, 1976 Salary Change - Earned Credits PERSONNEL CHANGES (CONT'd) Department Chairman RETRACTION Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was PERSONNEL CHANGES VOTED: to accept the following Classified Personnel Changes. (Rotberg, (CLASSIFIED) Michelman, Unanimous) TRANSFERS Leave of Absence New Personnel 1 Page 149 August 3, 1976 Assistant Teachers Re-election (Omitted in error from re-election lists on June 21, 1976) No. of School Bldg. Position Name Class No. & Step Hours Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was NEW PERSONNEL (SECONDARY) VOTED: to accept the following Secondary New Personnel. (Brown, Michelman, Unanimous) ) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was NEW PERSONNEL (ELEMENTARY) VOTED: to accept the following Elementary New Personnel. (Michelman, Brown, Unanimous) ) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was NEW PERSONNEL (PUPIL PERSON] VOTED: to accept the following New Personnel (Pupil Personnel Services) SERVICES) staff. (Michelman, Brown, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was BIDS PRINTED FORT VOTED: to place orders with the following companies at the approximate totals based upon their low bids meeting specifications and that items #10, #12, and #14, be rejected as being in the best inter7. - ests cf the Lexington Public Schools. (Brown, Michelman, Unanimous) Page 150 August 3, 1976 Company Items Approximate Totals BIDS (CONTINUED) Barrett Press 11 $ 701.25 Brady Business Forms, Inc. 13 420.00 Certified Business Forms 15 299.00 Concord Press 7-9 534.90 Mass. Envelope Company 1-6 883.38 $2,838.53 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was TRANSLUCENT PANEL SYSTEM VOTED: that the contract for translucent panel system be awarded to the Bessette & Sons Glass Corp. as low bidder meeting specifications. (Brown, Wadsworth, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was ROOFING VOTED: that the contract be awarded to All State Roofing and Waterproof- ing Corp. , for roofing work at the senior high school and the Bridge School in the amount of $52,717. (Brown, Michelman, Unanimous) Mr. Maclnnes mentioned the bid that was advertised for air condi- AIR tinning the high school data processing center and department heads CONDITIONING office. He said there were no bidders and he would again be starting the process of seeking bids. Mr. Maclnnes mentioned that he reviewed the specifications with Town Counsel and in the Town Counsel's opinion all specifications in the present bid were critical and required. A report by Mr. George Coules, Coordinator of the Driver Education ADMINISTRATIVE Program was presented. Dr. Lawson reviewed the material contained with- REPORTS in the report and stated that he supported the five recommendations and DRIVER ED so recommended. Mr. Brown asked several questions and suggested an in- crease in rates from the recommendation of $49. per course in order to make the program self-supporting. He said many outside agencies are charging approximately $85. Dr. Lawson responded saying such an in- crease was a possibility and would raise the question with the coordi- nator, and report at a later date to the school committee. It was a- greed to table the recommendations on the driver education report un- til the last meeting of August. A similar comment was made regarding adult education. Members of ADULT EDUCATION the school committee agreed that the adult education program should be self-supporting, also. The Superintendent said he would present a re- port regarding the adult education program at a later date. Dr. Lawson said the drama recommendation would be forthcoming at DRAMA the first meeting in September. He and Mr. Spiris were working on this matter. Dr. Lawson said he was reviewing reorganization of the central of- REORGANIZATION fice and would be making a presentation regarding his recommendation. OF C.O. shortly. 1 7 Page 151 August 3, 1976 Mrs. Swanson noted that three thank you notes were received from SCHOOL COMMIT recipients of. the Paul Revere recognition bowls presented by the school THANK YOU NOT committee recently. She thanked Mr. Brown for the idea of the 20 year recognition awards and hoped that in the future we might even consider earlier awards.• It was VOTED: to go into Executive Session at 9:15 p.m. to discuss the character and reputation of one or more individuals and a matter of litiga- tion. (Michelman, Yes; Rotberg, Yes; Wadsworth, Yes; Brown, Yes; Swanson, Yes) It was announced that the school committee would possibly be coming out of Executive Session at a later time. Respectfully submitted, Richard H. Be., es /k Recording S- retary