HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-05-03-SC-min . Page 86 May 3, 1976 On Monday evening May 3, 1976, the Lexington School Committee con- ducted a meeting at the School Administration Building at 7:00 p.m. Present were Mrs. Swanson, Messrs. Brown, Michelman, Rotberg, Wadsworth, and student representative Nancy Abelmann. Also present were Miss Quinn, Messrs. Spiris, Barnes, Maclnnes, Monderer. The minutes of April 26, 1976 were reviewed. MINUTES 4/26/76 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent it was VOTED: to accept the minutes of April 26, 1976 as corrected. (Michelman, Brown, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent it was SCHEDULE Or PAYMENTS VOTED: to accept the following Schedule of Payments. (Brown, Michelman, Unanimous) SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGETS Personal Services April 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #22 $ 56,919.24 Expenses April 30, 1976 Bill Schedule #154 3,207.06 April 30, 1976 #155 8,342.88 Vocational Education April 30, 1976 Tuition '#24 42.00 Athletics April 30, 1976 Bill Schedule #29 450.21 May 7, 1976 Payroll #26 200.00 May 7, 1976 #25 1,815.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS (Non-Lexington Funds) LABB Pre-K (Bedford) April 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #2 63.60 April 30, 1976 Bill Schedule #7 11.48 METCO Program April 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #16 691.64 Teacher Training Program II April 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #17 69.60 April 30, 1976 Bill Schedule #17 30.00 Title III-Administrative Grant April 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #15 40.00 April 30, 1976 Bill Schedule #9 6.72 LAB-Pre-Vocational Life Care Program April 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #18 591.38 April 30, 1976 Bill Schedule #15 116.66 Page 87 May 3, 1976 LEADS Program April 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #16 600.10 April 30, 1976 Bill Schedule #15 123.70 Autistic Program (Lexington) April 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #17 175.05 Autistic Program (Arlington) April 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #18 30.72 April 30, 1976 Bill Schedule #11 250.31 Multiple-Handicapped (Burlington) April 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #17 96.00 Pre-K (Burlington) April 30, 1976 Classified Payroll #16 192.00 April 30, 1976 Bill Schedule #17 37.98 Mr. Michelman began the discussion of the school calendar by stat- SCHOOL CALEND! ing his concern that not all religious holidays received uniform treat- ment. He said his first reaction was to suggest that schools close on Jewish holidays, but now felt that would be a step in the wrong direction. He felt the schools should try to be non-sectarianism in their decision making. He stated that if the religious significance of a day was not a criterion for closing then the schools should remain open on Good Friday. He emphasized his regard and respect for anyone who wished to be absent from school for a religious reason, but was also concerned about the lack of uniformity in treatment of religious holidays. He then suggested the Lexington Public Schools try to stay open next year on Good Friday. He asked for other committee members comments. Mrs. Swanson said the closing had nothing to do with the religious aspect. The closing on Good Friday was a practical matter due to the number of staff who would possibly be absent and the number of substi- tutes needed on that day. Mr. Wadsworth asked Mr. Spiris to state at what point he would close a school due to staff absences. Mr. Spiris replied that he didn' t know. He did know that getting substitute teachers on the Jewish holidays was a problem, but school did remain open. Mr. Wadsworth then suggested we ask teachers in advance, if they would take Good Friday off and then a decision could be made. Mr. Spiris said he doubted that we could operate if we needed more substitutes than are on the list which contains approximately 100 names. Of these, some would be unable to substitute so the number available would be even less. Mr. Maclnnes also noted that classified staff could also be absent for a religious holiday. Dr. Rotberg suggested we review past absenteeism on Good Friday and then vote on the matter next week. Mr. Spiris replied that past figures would be invalid since the contract has changed the policy of religious holiday absenteeism. Page 88 May 3, 1976 Mrs. Swanson stated that the Calendar Colawittee had reviewed all the options and felt the superintendent's recommendation should be ac- cepted. It was MOVED: that the 1976-77 school calendar be accepted as recommended. (YES, Wadsworth, Brown, Swanson; NO, Rotberg, Abstain, Michelman) Mr. Wadsworth expressed his hope that the 1976-1977 budget would BUDGET have been lower by $85,000. Originally he felt he would offer a motion 1976-77 to reduce the budget prior to the Town Meeting, but would now suggest that the new superintendent be aware of these areas, and ask him to try to save this amount. The areas he felt could be reduced are, transpor- tation ($20,000), guidance ($25,000) , replacement teachers ($25,000), general expenses ($15,000). He expressed his hope that this amount could be saved by the new superintendent. It was MOVED: to indicate to the new superintendent that the budget is too high by $85-to $100,000, and suggest he try to save the amount in the year and return the saving to the taxpayer and we accept the budget of $15,136,971 as recommended. (Wadsworth, Michelman) . Mr. Spiris said he felt that the timing of the suggestion was not good since months of development had taken place with review of all items. He also felt it was not a good idea to expect a new superintendent to come to Lexington and vote a budget, then suggest he not spend it. Mr. Wadsworth felt the indication would not be inappropriate. Mr. Michelman said he also could find items in the budget that he felt needed either additional or reduced funding. He felt he had to decide as an individual, if the budget as a whole were reasonable or excessive. A vote was called on Mr. Wadsworth' s motion. (YES, Wadsworth; NO, Brown, Swanson, Rotberg, Michelman) A vote on the superintendent' s recommendation was called. Upon the recommendation it was VOTED: to accept a total budget of $15,136,971 and the amount of $342,280 from available and anticipated state and federal funds be applied to reduce the total budget request (appropriation) to $14,794,691. (Brown, Michelman, Unanimous) Dr. Rotberg moved acceptance cf the resignation of Mrs. Letitia P. PERSONNEL Clarke, Bowman Resource Teacher, with profound regret. The Motion was CHANGES seconded by Mr. Brown. (Rotberg, Brown, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the superintendent it was NEW PERSONNEL (PROFESSIONAL) VOTED: Page 89 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent it was TUITION STUDEA VOTED: Upon the recommendation of the superintendent to the school commit- LEA/SC tee it was CONTRACT VOTED: to approve the results of the LEA/LSC negotiations as indicated in the "Memorandum of Agreement between the LEA and LSC". (Michelman, Brown, Unanimous) Mr. Spiris presented the committee with an informational packet re- NITRITES & garding Nitrites and Nitrosamines from Mrs. Dorothy Griffin, Coordinator, NITROSAMINES School Lunch Program. Dr. Rotberg commented on a letter written by Mrs. Swanson to Mr. SCHOOL COMMZTI Paul Masoner, moderator of the CCLPS in regard to a meeting scheduled REPORTS by CCLPS and PTA Council, for the evening of May 4, 1976. He said he questioned the accuracy of the statement that a majority of the school committee felt it was too soon to discuss the E.P.S.C. report. He also challenged the procedure of the school committee chairman who responded on behalf of the school committee without a formal discussion of the topic. He also noted it was illegal to convene separately as members, and it was improper to canvas members. He said that the procedure raised serious questions and should be considered as a bad practice. Mr. Michelman said Mrs. Swanson had called him and he expressed his disagreement with the letter. Dr. Rotberg replied that he knew of one member who was not called for an opinion. Mr. Brown said he contacted Mrs. Swanson upon learning of the meet- ing to express his feeling that it was premature to discuss the E,P.S.C. Report, but he did not challenge the right of the CCLPS or PTA Council to call a meeting. Mr. Wadsworth said the committee had discussed the schedule for con- sideration of the report and agreed that staff exposure should be a pri- ority before a public discussion. Mrs. Swanson replied that a majority of the committee contacted her upon learning of the meeting to express their reservations with the time- liness. She noted that she called Paul Masoner and said this feeling was not unanimous but only reflected a majority opinion. Mrs. Swanson concluded her remarks to the committee saying that as chairman she felt she could express comments about school committee mat- ters, if verified. Due to the Town Meeting the school committee VOTED: to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. (Michelman, Brown, Unanimous) Respectfully submitted, e / /kRichard H. Barnes. Recording Secretary. Pro tem