HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-03-20-SC-min Page 64 March 20, 1976 On Saturday morning March 20, 1976 at 10:00 a.m. the Lexington School Committee conducted a meeting at the Lexington Senior High School. Present were Mrs. Swanson, Messrs. Brown, Wadsworth, Michelman, Rotberg. Also present were Miss Quinn, Messrs. Spiris, Barnes, Maclnnes, Monderer. Mrs. Ruth r-irton, 6 Abbott Rd. , commented on the Max-Ed proposal. PUBLIC She said that the report still did not address the option concept or PARTICIPATION define what maximizing education meant to the Lexington schools. She noted that the present Max-Ed Program offering, many times conflicted with regular classes. She asked the school committee to specify ex- actly what Max-Ed was to provide in the future. She commended Dr. Clune for his recommendation to increase the re- quired credits for high school graduation. Upon the recommendation of the superintendent it was STAFF RE-ELECTIONS VOTED: to accept the tenure election of the following personnel at the level and step indicated for the year 1976-1977. The election being made subject to availability of suitable positions. (Rotberg, Wadsworth, Unanimous) Prior to the presentation Mrs. Swanson commended the Citizen's Com- MAX-ED REPORT mittee on Max Education for their devoted services. She acknowledged the work of the present Max-Ed Coordinator and said Lexington`s program was second to none. Mrs. Swanson said the new focus will be an exten- sion of the program will provide for maximizing education and will pro- vide quality alternatives out of the school setting. Mr. Wilson, Assistant Principal of Lexington High School, and mem- ber of the Max-Ed Committee made a presentation to the school committee. He outlined the charge to the committee and he reviewed the internal procedures and tasks of the committee. He then presented the Primary Goals, Tasks of Coordinator and recom- mendations to the Committee. The primary goals focused on a greater variety of educational exper- iences for students, the restructuring and coordination of present and future program alternatives, the revision and refinement of student con- tract options, and the provision to have Max-Ed available as an earned responsibility. The tasks of the coordinator included such areas as coordinating outside resources, securing sponsors, directing activities, evaluating programs, gathering information, and providing overall understanding of the program. Page 65 March 20, 1976 The final recommendation was to have the position of Max-Ed Coordi- MAX-ED PROGRAM nator as a 205 days position, and salary placement on Department Head (CONTINUED) level. Secretarial services were also recommended. After the presentation members commented. Mr. Michelman expressed his hope that student contact be a priority; Mrs. Swanson hoped that the position would be a 12 month position due to the need for extensive plan- ning. Mr. Michelman also felt that two types of time frames should be not- ed--obligated time and free time. Within each of these areas coordina- tion functions are different--direct student contact being most criti- cal with respect to free time. He said one coordinates or acts differ- ently when providing services to students in free self-initiative areas versus academic and screening activities. All of these ideas should be scrutinized before deciding on the final Max-Ed role. Mr. Wilson said a sizable portion of one building would be avail- able for non-obligated time and activities. Mrs. Swanson then expressed her concern for the non-self-starter. All students, she said, need ser- vices. Dr. Rotberg commented that the report reinforced his belief that all must be concerned with Max-Ed because the report neither told of any new program, nor gave specific and complete roles of staff, coordinator, and student. He felt that prior to approval a specific role for the Coordinator should be developed. He also expressed his dismay about the salary level, saying it was misplaced and could cause contractual problems. Finally, he noted the danger of a coordinator being involved in administrative details rather than in student contact time. Mr. Spiris then suggested the school committee accept the primary goals of the program. He hoped the school committee would reserve its vote on the coordinator's role and salary until he could make a recom- mendation. Mrs. Swanson said she was concerned that unless the committee ac- cepted the report it would be interpreted otherwise. Mr. Spiris then suggested accepting the report except for the last pages on role and salary. Dr. Rotberg supported the concept of waiting on the role so that specifics could then be forwarded to assist in mak- ing a decision. Mr. Spiris suggested a two week wait on the role defi- nition. It was then moved to accept the Primary Goals of the Max-Ed Report. (Yes, Rotberg, Michelman; No, Wadsworth, Brown, Swanson) Mr. Wadsworth then said there was no need to postpone action. It was moved : to accept the Max-Ed Report as presented subject to change of role description upon the receipt and recommendation with- in a 2 week period from the administration. (Yes, Brown, Wadsworth, Swanson; No, Rotberg, Michelman) Page 66 March 20, 1976 In conclusion Mrs. Swanson expressed the gratitude of the school committee for the excellent job by each member of the Advisory Committee. Mr. Fred Thurlow, Director of Guidance, presented a report pertain- GUIDANCE REPORT ing to high school guidance and counseling. The report outlined all ac- tivities in the program and suggested areas for improvement and change. The main points of the report were: - a new organization for the department - clustering counselors - specialization of a counselor in Career Education - a detailing of secretarial needs - role description and function of the guidance director After the presentation a discussion followed. Mrs. Swanson asked about the amount of time spent in guidance and counseling. Mr. Thurlow said 75% go on to further education and this requires a great deal of staff time. Mr. Wadsworth expressed disappointment that no evaluation of Lex- ington programs had taken place in order to assist in future direction. He also suggested the hiring of an outside agency in college placement as an option. Mrs. Swanson asked him to pursue it and he agreed to do this. Dr. Rotberg asked if it were possible to place non-professional people in the Career Center, thus reducing the load on counselors. Mr. Thurlow disagreed saying professional specialists were needed rather than a group of non-professional assistants. Mr. Michelman asked if the present guidance staff was over or under extended. Mr. Thurlow replied secretarial help was needed to free coun- selors to handle needs of students and that some problems arose because of organizational structure. Mr. Spiris agreed that the report focused on accountability and felt its acceptance would be most beneficial. It was moved: to reaffirm the commitment to the recommendation and .6 counselor as presented in the total package. (Yes, Rotberg, Michelman, Swanson, Brown; No, Wadsworth) It was VOTED: to go into executive session at 12:30 p.m. to discuss personnel and negotiation matters. The chairman announced that the committee was not expected to return to open session. (Yes, Brown; Yes, Michel- man; Yes, Rotberg; Yes, Swanson, Yes, Wadsworth) Respectfully submitted, /`Richard H. Barnes /k Recording; cretary, Pro tem