HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-03-01-SC-min Page 47 March 1, 1976 On Monday evening March 1, 1976 the Lexington School Committee held a meeting at the Clarke Junior High School. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. Present were Mesdames Swanson, Berchtold, Messrs. Rotberg, Wadsworth and student representative Alan Wachman. Also present were Messrs. Spiris, MacInnes, Barnes, Monderer and Miss Quinn. Mrs. Swanson began the meeting by commending Mrs. Berchtold for her ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO contributions and service to the community as she completed her term on MRS. BERCHTOLD the Lexington School Committee. A presentation was made by Mrs. Swanson of a "Spirit of '76" pendant to Mrs. Berchtold. Mrs. Berchtold thanked everyone and stated that she hoped that she had contributed to the betterment of the community and to a meaningful change in the public schools. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS VOTED: to accept the following Schedule of Payments. (Berchtold, Wadsworth, Unanimous) SCHOOL DEPARTMENT PAYMENTS Personal Services February 27, 1976 Professional Payroll #18 C $397,566.45 Expenses February 27, 1976 Bill Schedules #120 975.74 February 27, 1976 #121 1,878.46 February 27, 1976 #122 5,772.57 February 27, 1976 #123 20,527.54 Expenses (Carryover) February 27, 1976 #186 7.76 Vocational Education February 27, 1976 Transportation #17V 78.00 Athletics February 27, 1976 Bill Schedules #21 53. 28 SPECIAL PROGRAMS (Non-Lexington Funds) Adult Education February 27, 1976 Professional Payroll 439.20 February 27, 1976 Bill Schedule 11.00 Driver Education-Adult Education February 27, 1976 Professional Payroll 804. 63 Title III - Learning Disabilities-Adm. Grant February 27, 1976 Bill Schedules #6 10.56 METCO February 27, 1976 Professional Payroll 3,243.32 Teacher Training Program II February 27, 1976 Professional Payroll 368.85 Page 48 March 1, 1976 LAB. Pre-Vocational Life Care Program February 27, 1976 Professional Payroll 727. 96 February 27, 1976 Bill Schedule #10 129.38 L.E.A.D.S. Program February 27, 197( Professional Payroll 1,403.87 February 27, 1976 Bill Schedule #10 185.09 TITLE I: P.L. 89-313 Spec. Ed. February 27, 1976 Professional Payroll 102.89 Autistic Program (Lexington) February 27, 1976 Professional Payroll 717.96 Autistic Program (Arlington) February 27, 1976 Professional Payroll 2,667.45 February 27, 1976 Bill Schedule #8 229.23 Multi-Handicapped (Burlington) February 27, 1976 Professional Payroll 425.65 Pre-School Program (Burlington) February 27, 1976 Professional Payroll 1,475.78 February 27, 1976 Bill Schedule #13 12.82 LABS: Pre-Kindergarten (Bedford) February 27, 1976 Professional Payroll 319.23 A brief discussion was held concerning a Chapter 766 Summer Program SUMMER PROGRAM Policy. It was POLICY VOTED: to accept the following Summer Program Policy. (Berchtold, Wadsworth, Unanimous) _ 1. Except for attendance in the LPS reading and Special Needs summer program, a student must exhibit a severe handicap with signifi- cant educational or adjustment loss anticipated if a summer pro- gram is not provided. All outside Lexington referrals for a sum- mer program must have the prior approval of the Administrator of Special Education. 2. If a student is in a 10 month private day school program recom- mended by a CET, LPS is responsible for 10 month tuition, even if the private school and parent recommend attendance in a sum- mer program at that school. 3. If a student is placed in a residential school with a CET recom- mended 12 month program, LPS is responsible for paying the 12 month tuition. 4. If a student is in an 11 month LABB program, LPS will be respon- sible for this 11 month program. Page 49 March 1, 1976 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was VOTED: to approve the election of the following names for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year positions as teachers in the Lexington school system at the level and step indicated for the year 1976-77. These elec- tions are being made subject to availability of suitable positions. (Rotberg, Berchtold, Unanimous) Second Election School Name Level & Step Page 50 March 1, 1976 Second Election (Cont. ) School Name Level & Step Franklin (As Principal) Third Election Senior High Page 51 March 1, 1976 Third Election (Cont. ) Muzzey Page 52 March 1, 1976 Fourth Election (Tenure Election) School Name Level & Step Sr. High Page 53 March 1, 1976 Fourth Election (Tenure Election) Cont. ) Parker Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was NEW PERSONNEL (PROFESSIONAL) VOTED: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was NEW PERSONNEL VOTED: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was BIDS (CARPENTRY) VOTED: to award the following items with the companies listed below based on their being the low bidders meeting specifications. (Wadsworth, Berchtold, Unanimous)Total amount of $1763.68. ITEM COMPANY TOTAL 1-12-13-14 Lynn Hardware $445.38 2-7-8-11-15 Sears, Roebuck & Co. 395.40 3-10 Gould Industrial Supply,Inc. 470.00 4-6-9-16 Brodhead-Garrett 452.90 $1763.68 Mrs. Swanson announced that she had received a ruling from Norman EDUCATIONAL Cohen, Town Counsel, regarding the issues surrounding the receipt and PROGRAM STUDY dissemination of the Educational Program Study Committee report. She COMMITTEE stated that she felt the School Committee did not delay the release of REPORT the report for an unreasonable period. She read the following: Page 54 March 1, 1976 "(a) Every person having custody of any public records, as defined EDUCATIONAL in (Ch. 4, Sec. 7-26) shall, at reasonable times and without unreason- PROGRAM STUDY able delay, permit them to be inspected and examined by anyperson, under COMMITTEE (CONT. ) his supervision, and shall furnish one copy thereof on payment of a reason- able fee. Every person for whom a search of public records is made shall, at the direction of the person having custody of such records, pay the actual expense of such search. ' (b)" A Custodian of a public record shall, within twenty days fol- lowing receipt of a request for inspection or copy of a public record, comply with such request. Such request may be delivered in hand to the office of the custodian or mailed via first class mail, registered, re- turn receipt requested." Mrs. Swanson reviewed the history of the Educational Program Study Committee which was appointed in September, 1974, at the suggestion of Mrs. Jacqueline Davison former school committee member. Mrs. Swanson then asked Dr. Kenneth Hoffman, Chairman, Educational Program Study Committee to make his presentation. Dr. Hoffman outlined the committee 's charge and the approach it used in fulfilling the School Committee 's assignment. He noted and commended the members of the citizen's committee for their many hours of service. Dr. Hoffman presented the School Committee with the summary of the Educational Program Study Committee report, major findings and recommendations. He requested that the School Committee place a dis- cussion of the report on the agenda on March 15, 1976. Mrs. Swanson said she would be in contact with Dr. Hoffman regard- ing discussion of the report. After Dr. Hoffman's presentation it was VOTED: to accept the Educational Program Study Committee report and to commend the committee for their fine report and unselfish devo- tion of committee hours to the assessment of the educational needs of the Lexington Public Schools. (Rotberg, Berchtold, Unan. ) Mr. Spiris recommended the following dissemination plan. The School Committee agreed to this plan. Dr. Rotberg also requested ad- ministration investigate the possibility of having a copy made avail- able at a local copy center and/or sub-contract production of addi- tional copies permitting an agency to sell to those requesting copies. Mr. Spiris said he would look into the matter. Principals - 1 each 15 School Information Centers - 4 ea. 60 (available on a loan basis) P.T.A. Council 15 Cary Library 30 (some available on loan E. Lexington Library 10 basis) Professional Library 10 available on a loan basis) Teachers ' Rooms Elementary 11 Jr. High School 6 Sr. High School 9 L.E.A. 5 Page 55 March 1, 1976 Dept. Heads/Coord. /Prog. Mgrs. 20 C.C.L.P.S 1 L.D. Association 2 Appropriations Committee 5 Board of Selectmen 5 Permanent Building Committee 5 Town Manager 1 For E. P. Study Comm. , S.C. , C.O. 60 L.W.V. 1 Administration (reserve) 28 Lexington Minute-man 1 Total copies published 300 It was VOTED: to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted,, /7 /k / ecording Secre ry, Pro Tem