HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-23-SC-min Page 39 February 23, 1976 On Monday evening February 23, 1976 the Lexington School Committee conducted a meeting at the Clarke Junior High School at 8:00 p.m. In attendance were Mesdames Swanson and Berchtold, Messrs. Rotberg, Wads- worth and student representative Alan Wachman. Also present were Messrs. Spiris, Maclnnes, Monderer, Barnes and Miss Quinn. Mr. William Paul, 2 Eustis Street, asked the School Committee a PUBLIC series of questions regarding the Educational Program Study Committee PARTICIPATION report. 1. May citizens be assured that release of the Educational Program Study Committee report will be made to Lexington Minuteman for Thursday's publication? 2. Will copies be placed in the libraries immediately? 3. Will the School Committee take 15 minutes this evening and give views on the conclusion and the recommendations of the report due to the imminent election? Mrs. Swanson reviewed the process of making up the School Committee agendas and said the Educational Program Study Committee Report would be placed on the March 1, 1976 agenda. The process of dissemination would be decided upon at that meeting. She said the committee did not have time to read it, having obtained copies at home only a few days prior to the meeting, therefore it would not appear on this evening's agenda. Mr. Paul requested a yes or no response to each of his questions. Mrs. Swanson replied "no" to all three questions. Dr. Rotberg suggested the chairman consider points #1 and #2 as stated by Mr. Paul. There was no other support for discussion of these points. Mrs. Swanson repeated her concern with the lack of time for an ex- tensive reading of the report due to the arrival of the report only a few days ago. She said it was an excellent report. She emphasized that the School Committee had initiated the Educational Program Study Committee in September, 1974 indicating support for acquiring such valuable infor- mation. She disagreed that it was a political document and felt the tim- ing of the report submission had led to unfortunate and unfounded impli- cations. Mrs. Berchtold agreed that it would be irresponsible for the com- mittee to discuss such a document without sufficient preparation time. She also wanted to hear from the Citizens Committee and administration prior to discussion. She saw no connection with the town election. Alan Wachman, student representative, asked if a separate meeting would be held prior to election. Mrs. Swanson replied that the committee would not meet such a request. Page 40 February 23, 1976 Mr. Wadsworth noted that all reports are received and reviewed by the committee prior to release. He felt he needed at least a week to di- gest this extensive report. Dr. Rotberg expressed agreement with Mrs. Swanson and others by stating the report was well done, one of high quality and one that was comprehensive in every aspect. Mrs. Edith Sandy, 353 Emerson Road said she had looked for a copy in the library to assist her with present issues that were going to be discussed in neighborhood meetings on February 25, but found none. She felt the information would help her. She also noted she called the Attorney General 's office and the basic determinations as to whether a report was public information were the state of its completeness and re- ceipt by the School Committee. She felt the spirit of the law was ful- filled and the School Committee was in violation of the law, Chapter 4, Section 7, since they were in possession of completed copies. She urged immediate availability of copies to the Lexington Minuteman and to the public. Mr. Spiris disagreed with release since he did not want the Lexing- ton Minuteman picking and choosing. He said the report is an excellent one and would influence Lexington Schools for a long time. It is a con- structive report and should be used for the benefit and improvement of the schools. He felt staff should read and react prior to dissection by the newspaper. Dr. Rotberg expressed disagreement by stating the public should have the contents immediately, since the information will have great effect on them and their children; Mr. Spiris responded saying it was not only a matter of reading the report but discussion time was needed. Dr. Rotberg finalized his remarks by saying that if the School Com- mittee were involved in any illegality as Mrs. Sandy suggested, it should take immediate action and release the report. Mr. Joel Jensen, 60 Bloomfield St. , asked if any substantive changes would be made in the report before release and would copies be placed in libraries after Lexington Minuteman deadline. The School Committee indi- cated that no changes were expected and the dissemination plan would be discussed at the March 1, meeting. Mrs. Marion Reilly, 25 Walnut Street, asked if a new superintendent had been voted. Mrs. Swanson replied that the topic would be taken up later in the evening. Dr. Rotberg asked for clarification and a response to Mrs. Reilly's question. Mrs. Swanson said that the School Committee had taken a vote to authorize her to offer the position to a person. Mrs. Rena Abelman, 7 Moon Hill Rd. , inquired as to the date of the vote. Dr. Rotberg replied the vote was taken last Tuesday, February 17, at a meeting of the School Committee. Page 41 February 23, 1976 Mrs. Swanson stated the meeting was posted Saturday, February 14, 1976. Dr. Ronald Edmonds, 3 Sheila Road, speaking as a private citizen and not as a member of the Educational Program Study Committee felt the School Committee's attitude was nothing less than incredible and the demonstrated attitude toward government that was irresponsible, arrogant and illegal towards citizens and our democracy. He also felt the passi- vity of citizen's responses to the committee's decision was incredible. Mrs. Berchtold and Mrs. Swanson responded saying the document needed to be treated with sensitivity. Staff and citizens reactions will be sought. The minutes of January 17, 1976 were reviewed. It was MINUTES 1/17/76 VOTED: to approve the minutes of January 17, 1976 as submitted. (Wadsworth, Berchtold, Unanimous) The minutes of January 26, 1976 were reviewed. It was MINUTES 1/26/76 VOTED: to approve the minutes of January 26, 1976 as corrected. (Berchtold, Wadsworth, Unanimous) The minutes of January 31, 1976 were reviewed. It was MINUTES 1/31/76 VOTED: to approve the minutes of January 31, 1976 as corrected. The minutes of February 2, 1976 were reviewed. It was MINUTES 2/2/76 VOTED: to approve the minutes of February 2, 1976 as corrected. (Rotberg, Wadsworth, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS VOTED: to approve the following Schedule of Payments. (Berchtold, Wadsworth, Unanimous) SCHOOL DEPARTMENT PAYMENTS Personal Services February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll #17 C $402,275.01 February 20, 1976 Classified Payroll #17 NC 59,231.44 Expenses February 13, 1976 Bill Schedules #112 7,654. 16 February 13, 1976 #113 4,078.18 February 13, 1976 #114 1,728.77 February 13, 1976 #115 7,143. 17 February 20, 1976 #116 1,743.34 February 20, 1976 #117 79,760.82 February 20, 1976 #118 3,545.30 February 20, 1976 #119 4,355. 28 Page 42 February 23, 1976 Vocational Education February 13, 1976 Transportation #16 V 156.64 Athletics February 13, 1976 Bill Schedules #19 1,751.31 February 27, 1976 #20 2,612.29 February 27, 1976 Payrolls #18 13,393.20 February 27, 1976 #19 1,233.50 SPECIAL PROGRAMS (Non-Lexington Funds) Adult Education February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll 1,727.80 Driver Education February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll 873.63 ME TCO February 20, 1976 Classified Payroll #11 NC 660.39 February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll 3,399.57 February 20, 1976 Bill Schedule #5 104.00 Teacher Training Program II February 20, 1976 Classified Payroll #12 NC 48.00 February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll 368.85 February 20, 1976 Bill Schedule #10 46. 61 LAB. Pre-Vocational Life Care Program February 20, 1976 Classified Payroll #13 591.38 February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll 875.46 LEADS Program February 20, 1976 Classified Payroll #12 335.25 February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll 1,403.87 February 13, 1976 Bill Schedule #9 300.42 Title I - PL 89-313 Spec. Educ. February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll 102.89 Autistic Program (Lexington) February 20, 1976 Classified Payroll #12 148.50 February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll 717.96 February 20, 1976 Bill Schedule #4 Autistic Program (Arlington) February 20, 1976 Classified Payroll #13 76.80 February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll 2,667.45 Multi-Handicapped (Burlington) February 20, 1976 Classified Payroll #12 240.00 February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll 449.65 Page 43 February 23, 1976 Pre-School (Burlington) February 20, 1976 Classified Payroll #11 504.00 February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll 1,475.78 February 13, 1976 Bill Schedule #12 117.08 Pre-School (Bedford) February 13, 1976 Professional Payroll 269.23 February 13, 1976 Bill Schedule #4 435.00 Bus Ticket Account February 20, 1976 Bill Schedule #5 1,579.85 Dr. Monderer presented recommendations for the 1976-77 testing pro- TESTING gram. His recommendations were as follows: PROGRAM 1. Ure the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (norm-reference test) only in grades 2,4,6,8 instead of every grade from 2-8. 2. In place of administering the WISC and WRAT (individually admini- stered tests of intelligence and achievement) to every second grader, use a group test of academic aptitude. 3. Administer a second test of academic aptitude in grade 4. 4. Provide funds for the clinical use of the WISC and related tests as needed. 5. The further development of criterion reference testing-as exemp- lified by those LIRSP tests and Math placement tests already de- veloped--should be encouraged. A new committee should be con- vened immediately and charged with the responsibility of recom- mending a plan of how Lexington Public Schools should develop further such testing. This plan and accompanying budget should be submitted for consideration in next year 's budget. Overview of Proprosed Program K Screening Fall 1 LIRSP CRT (rdg. ) Continuous Kath Placement (CRT) Fall 2 CTBS Spring Group Test of Academic Aptitude 4 CTBS Spring SFTAA Spring 6 CTBS Spring 8 CTBS Spring Dr. Rotberg said that the Educational Program Study Committee report suggested a 3-5-7 testing plan rather than a 2-4-6-8 CTBS plan. He asked Dr. Monderer if the testing Committee would accept this alternative. Dr. Monderer said he felt the committee would be willing to review the sugges- tion. Page 44 February 23, 1976 Other members of the School Committee also commended the report. It was agreed by the School Committee to have Dr. Monderer implement the recommendations. Mrs. Swanson outlined the procedure for the search for a new super- APPOINTMENT OF intendent for the Lexington Public Schools which began July, 1975. The SUPERINTENDENT screening committee consisting of 5 distinguished citizens trimmed the OF SCHOOLS candidates down to a smaller number after extensive review. Several candidates were interviewed by the public interview committee, visited by the School Committee members and interviewed by the School Committee. After the process was complete the School Committee had a meeting to come to some agreement. Mrs. Swanson felt they were in a position to make the recommendation that evening. Mr. Wadsworth moved: to appoint Dr. John H. Lawson on a 3 year contract at a starting salary of $40,000. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Berchtold. Members of the School Committee commented on the fine qualities that they felt Dr. Lawson would bring to the Lexington Public Schools. Dr. Rotberg stated that he would support the motion even though other candi- dates on the list were more qualified. A vote was called: (YES, Wadsworth, Berchtold, Swanson, Rotberg) (Brown absent) Mrs. Swanson said that Mr. Brown was on vacation, but had indicated his support for Dr. Lawson. Dr. Herold Hunt who was the consultant retained by the School Com- mittee in the search for a new superintendent detailed the background of Dr. Lawson. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was PERSONNEL CHANGE: (PROFESSIONAL) VOTED: to accept the following Personnel Changes (Professional) (Wadsworth, Berchtold, Unanimous) Coaching Assignments Page 45 February 23, 1976 Mr. Robert Davenport, Department Head, Social Studies, reviewed IN-SERVICE a proposal for an in-service program designed to produce curriculum PROPOSAL goals for the Social Studies Department. The proposal for $2,000 would require the services of the Network of Innovative Schools. Dr. Rotberg suggested a delay in action for one week. This would permit the Educational Study Program Committee report on curriculum recommendations to be reviewed and discussed. He felt their recommenda- tions would have a direct benefit to any curriculum suggestion. Other members of the committee voiced approval of the in-service proposal. It was VOTED: to approve the in-service proposal of the Social Studies Depart- ment and allocate $2,000 for this plan. (Wadsworth, Berchtold, Unanimous) Mr. Spiris presented a listing of all non-tenure professional per- RE-ELECTION OF sonnel to the School Committee. He reviewed the process for re-election STAFF and requested members call before noon on February 26, 1976 if they had (PROFESSIONAL) any questions abut any person or persons. A vote of the candidates will be requested on March 1, 1976. P. L. 874 Funds and other state and federal funds were discussed. P.L. 874 After discussion it was VOTED: to use $342,280 available and anticipated state and federal funds to reduce the 1976-1977 budget request. (Berchtold, Wadsworth, Unanimous) Mr. Wilson reviewed the status of the Max-Ed Report. He said his MAX-ED REPORT committee would be ready to present its findings and recommendations on March 8, 1976. Mrs. Berchtold reviewed Lexington participation in the EDCO (Educa- EDCO tion Collaborative) program. Included in the listing were reading and tutoring services, workshops, annex program, etc. For the $6,300 fee paid by Lexington to EDCO for membership charges, a minimum return of $55,000 in services was documented. Many program involvements could not easily be associated with a dollar value figure. Committee and Ad- ministration voiced support of the fine activities. Mr. Spiris stated that Mr. Barnes is the EDCO contact for the Lexington Public Schools and if members or staff wished further information please contact him di- rectly. Mrs. Swanson read a note from Town Manager, Walter O'Connell express- ing public commendation for the School Committee's school closing action of 2/9/76. He said the town could now give assistance on planning. The Board of Selectmen voiced support for the action. They also stated they would be willing to assist the School Couuuittee in their plans. Mrs. Swanson said the intent of Mrs. Berchtold's motion of Feb- ruary 9, was to start specific planning. Page 46 February 23, 1976 Mrs. Berchtold replied that the newspaper mixed up many of her state- SCHOOL CLOSING ments and wished to clarify them. Her motion was a beginning for plan- ning action and not a comprehensive school closing plan. The motion and subsequent vote would provide a focus and set directions to make a definite plan. She added that no plan was irreversible. Any plan would need review as new information was obtained. She suggested a series of meetings to discuss portions of the information on hand as well as the Educational Program Study Committee Report. In summary, she stated the vote of February 9, provided another opportunity for town boards and citizens to become involved in planning for the future uses of school buildings. It was VOTED: to adjourn at 11:04 p.m. (Wadsworth, Berchtold, Unanimous) Respectfully submitted, %tet Ridhard H. Barnes Recording Se retary /k Pro Tem