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January 17, 1976
On Saturday, January 17, 1976 the Lexington School Committee con-
ducted a budget meeting at the School Administration Building. The
meeting began at 9:00 a.m. Those in attendance were Mesdames Swanson,
Berchtold, Messrs. Brown, Rotberg, Wadsworth and student representative
Alan Wachman. Also present were Messrs. Spiris, Maclnnes, Monderer,
Barnes and Miss Quinn.
The School Committee began the meeting with a discussion of Page PERSONAL SERVICES
90-10 in the Personal Services Budget. Mr. Spiris emphasized the need BUDGET 1976-1977
for an additional speech therapist as requested, stating that for sev-
eral years there had been a waiting list. He said that it was not a
teaching positior request, but a need for a clinician. Dr. Guldager
supported Mr. Spiris 's comment stating that the waiting list for the
last two years had been growing and that there was a great deal of
speech therapy needed in the Lexington schools. Mrs. Berchtold said
that she was concerned with the amount of supportive staff in the Lex-
ington Public Schools. This request probably was valid similar to the
nurse's request, etc. , but felt that the present level of support ser-
vices was more than adequate. She hoped something like a three-year
plan would be developed to make the School Committee aware of needs.
Dr. Monderer agreed that this type of planning would probably be most
effective, however, at the moment he was concerned with the increased
number of programs being set up under Chapter 766, which have been ap-
proved by parents which included services for speech therapy. He felt
there was an obligation to the parents who signed the plans. Mrs.
Swanson replied with several questions. Where do we go from here? How
far do we go? Must we do everything? Could not everyone use more help?
She said we need to help the severe cases to get along. Mr. Wadsworth
said that he agreed with Mrs. Berchtold's statement and he felt reallo-
cation within the present budget was the key, not additional money or
staff and any increase should be offset with a similar decrease. The
decrease should be recommended by the administration or by the School
Committee. Mr. Spiris replied that the job to be done was really not
a swap-off. The committee was asked to support a need and Chapter 766
had placed upon the Lexington schools certain responsibilities for lev-
els of service. He said that if there were no changes, we could per-
haps end up not complying with the law.
After this discussion it was
VOTED: that there be no increase in professional, staff under Chapter
766 above the level of last year. (Brown, Berchtold, Swanson,
Wadsworth, Yes ; Rotberg not present when vote taken)
Mrs. Swanson summarized saying that she hoped that if the Pupil
Personnel Services department felt that speech therapy was a priority
the staff would take measures to reallocate within the present budget.
She felt that the School Committee's request for realignment of services
and the statements of the ADL report indicated there should be some pull-
ing together. This would demonstrate concern for improvement and allow
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January 17, 1976
professional staff to rearrange according to their best judgment. This
means to live within the budget and re-establish priorities. She stat-
ed the School Committee was most receptive to a plan that would include
assistance to classroom teachers and realignment of services.
After a brief discussion on high school guidance it was HIGH SCHOOL
VOTED: to allocate $7800 for a .6 guidance counselor for the Lexington
High School, subject to the review of the School Committee, when
the high school report on guidance is submitted later. (Brown,
Berchtold, Swanson, Wadsworth, Yes; Rotberg absent when vote was
taken. )
Mr. Spiris presented a request for additional aide hours due to the SPECIAL NEEDS
need for increased clerical assistance due to Chapter 766, Project LEADS, AIDES,
etc. These aides would be used exclusively for assistance for classroom SECRETARIES
teachers in the area of typing CORE evaluations, etc. A role description
would be developed and presented to the School Committee at a future date.
Also two secretaries were needed for a full year contract in the special
needs office, plus one additional secretary for a school year contract.
It was
VOTED: to accept Page 90-10 in the Personal Services Budget with the
exception of the school psychologist and speech therapist.
(Brown, Berchtold, Swanson, Wadsworth, Yes; Rotberg absent when
vote was taken)
The next topic of discussion was summer workshops. The School Com- SUMMER WORKSHOPS
mittee requested that the account name be changed to Professional De-
velopment. Mr. Spiris agreed that this change would provide for a new
direction for the staff. The professional development account could in-
clude in-service education, summer workshops, etc. , and that a master
plan would be developed under this category. The School Committee was
most receptive to this idea.
Mrs. Swanson asked Mr. Spiris to present a follow-up on the sub- SUBSTITUTE
stitute teacher account since there was a policy change last year. Mr. TEACHERS
Spiris said that he would present this information to the School Commit-
tee at a later date.
Account #2300-1b, Driver Education was discussed briefly. The DRIVER EDUCATION
School Committee stated that since a policy change had occurred in
driver education they were wondering about its status. They requested
a report. Mr. Spiris said it would be forthcoming.
The School Committee agreed to discuss sabbaticals at a later date, SABBATICALS
as soon as they heard from the arbitration board regarding the present
grievance on sabbaticals.
Mr. Spiris informed the School Committee that the summer reading SUMMER READING
program was being submitted.
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January 17, 1976
Account #4100 was discussed. Dr. Rotberg asked what it was really
costing the town for rentals of schoolbuildings. He asked Mr. Maclnnes
to present an analysis of the true cost to the town. He felt we ought
to know what it was costing in order to charge the town or other parties
a realistic cost. The town could then be told what the schools were sav-
ing them. Dr. Rotberg said he would urge a change in policy to take care
of any charges that we have experienced up to the total cost.
The School Committee agreed to continue the budget discussion at
its next meeting.
It was
VOTED: to adjourn at 12: 12 p.m. (Wadsworth, Berchtold, Unanimous)
Respectfully submitted
/ Richard H. Barn l
Recording Sec etary
/k Pro Tem