HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-08-SC-min Page 234 December 8, 1975 A regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held at Jonas Clarke Junior High School at 8:00 p.m. Those in attendance were: ( Mesdames Swanson, Berchtold, Messrs. Brown, Rotberg and Wadsworth and student representative Wachman. Also present were Messrs. Spiris, Maclnnes, Monderer, Barstow, Barnes and Miss Quinn. Mr. Sam Silverman, 18 Ingleside Road, inquired as to the validity PUBLIC of the enrollment projections noted by the Monderer-Clarke Study. Even PARTICIPATION though he agreed the cohort survival method had some merit, other factors need to be considered. These factors include the number of people with no school age children selling to those with school age children, new housing starts, and economic conditions which may change--thus allowing younger poeple to purchase homes. This, he concluded, would increase enrollment and felt the study should account for these factors. Mrs. Swanson replied that the student decline is continuing and per- haps at a faster rate. She also felt the study committee took the fac- tors that Mr. Silverman noted into account when the study was performed. Mrs. Marjorie Jensen, 60 Bloomfield St. , voiced agreement with stu- dent decline but disagreed that the Massachusetts Avenue schools were experiencing a declination. The drop, she felt, was occuring in the newer schools. She emphasized that she had yet to hear the School Com- mittee voice a valid administrative, financial or educationally sound reason for closing any school. Mr. Frank Sarno, LEA President, stated that Muzzey projections had (.,, been in error as had some other schools. He wondered how often the projections were updated. Mr. Spiris agreed that last year there were some misses in enroll- ments but over the years they had been within a 2% error factor. He also detailed the procedure for yearly updating of projections as well as bud- getary projections. Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, MINUTES it was 11/3/75 VOTED: to accept the minutes of 11/3/75 as amended. (Wadsworth, Brown, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools MINUTES it was 11/17/75 VOTED: to accept the minutes of 11/17/75 as amended. (Brown, Wadsworth, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, SCHEDULE OF it was PAYMENTS VOTED: to accept the following Schedule of Payments. (Brown, Wadsworth, Unanimous)(See next page) Page 234 A December 8, 1975 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGETS Personal Services December 5, 1975 Professional Payroll #12-C $399,074.27 Expenses December 5, 1975 Bill Schedules #74 6,865.74 December 5, 1975 #75 3,446.72 December 5, 1975 #76 18,544.56 Out-of-State Travel December 5, 1975 Bill Schedule #5 315.00 Athletics December 5, 1975 _ Bill Schedule #14 1,917.12 December 19, 1975 Payrolls #12 AP 13,203.00 December 19, 1975 #13 AP 1,165.00 Vocational Education December 5, 1975 Transportation #7 V 153.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS (Non-Lexington Funds) Adult Education December 5, 1975 Professional Payroll 698.40 December 5, 1975 Bill Schedule #4 41.29 Driver Education (Adult Education) December 5, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,093.75 Metco Program December 5, 1975 Professional Payroll 3,333.75 December 5, 1975 Bill Schedule #2 54,508.80 Teacher Training Program II December 5, 1975 Professional Payroll 368.85 LABB. Pre-Vocational Life Care Program December 5, ' 1975 Professional Payroll 727.96 December 5, 1975 Bill Schedule #6 116.66 LEADS Program December 5, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,403.87 Title I: PL 89-313 Spec. Ed. December 5, 1975 Professional Payroll 102.89 Autistic Program (Lexington) December 5, 1975 Professional Payroll 717.96 December 8, 1975 PACE )- 4 Autistic Program (Arlington) ( December 5, 1975 Professional Payroll 2,667.45 Multiple-Handicapped (Burlington) December 5, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,425.65 Pre-School Program (Burlington) December 5, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,475.78 LABB - Pre-K (Bedford) December 5, 1975 Professional Payroll 269.23 December 5, 1975 Bill'Schedule #5 580.42 YOUR SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDS ACCEPTANCE OF THE ABOVE Page 235 December 8, 1975 d Mrs. Swanson explained that it was necessary to establish a timetable TIMETABLE: l "' to deal with declining enrollments. She said this would make the situ- DECLINING ation more manageable, it will allow the committee to discuss space, ENROLLMENTS High School reorganization and several administrative functions. Mr. Wadsworth asked if a detailing of surplus classrooms could be obtained. Dr. Rotberg warned that use of the term "surplus" could be misleading because it had no long term definition because of possible program usage. Mrs. Swanson stated that the School Committee should have the enroll- ment projections updated constantly. She also emphasized that the idea of consolidation of schools was not to have larger classes. In summary, she mentioned that the use of school buildings needed review. Mr. Brown voiced support for the disposition of buildings. He felt no action should occur until the Town responded to the situation, Mrs. Berchtold agreed also, but pointed out that some people probably were hesitant to voice an opinion until a specific building was named. She also felt the School Committee should meet with appropriate boards to discuss disposition. Mr. Wadsworth suggested a letter be sent to the selectmen. Dr. Rotberg expressed his hope that the School Committee would address the situation as an educational opportunity for improvement rather than the (;- consideration of any administrative or enrollment needs. After discussion it was VOTED: to authorize the chairman of the School Committee to send a letter to the selectmen requesting a meeting on the topic of school clos- ings. (Yes - Wadsworth, Brown, Swanson, Berchtold. Abstain Rotberg) Mrs. Swanson announced that the Cost Committee would meet with the SCHOOL CLOSINGS School Committee as part of the December 22, agenda. They would be asked to give the Brown proposal more review and to take one of the smaller schools, perhaps Munroe, and give figures on the savings. Dr. Rotberg stated that he hoped the Cost Committee would comment on the school administration figures. Mrs. Swanson replied that could occur but the Cost Committee was not interested in any specific building. Dr. Rotberg stated that savings on the school budget alone were of no value to the taxpayer since the buildings revert to town who in turn needs to provide money for upkeep. It was agreed by the committee to discuss a variety of questions with the Cost Committee on the 22nd of December. Mrs. Swanson announced that the Redistricting Committee would be present at the December 22 meeting also. She said that she was not sure as to when the Education Program Committee would report but would check on this. Page 236 December 8, 1975 Mr. Spiris reminded the School Committee that the original charge SCHOOL CLOSINGS -- contained a provision for equal facilities. If the School Committee (CONTINUED) plans to follow through, he felt that they needed to submit a 5-year plan to the Town. After discussion it was VOTED: to inform the Board of Selectmen to save some space in the Town Warrant in case the School Committee wished to insert specific Language regarding school closings. (Yes, Berchtold, Brown, Swanson, Wadsworth. No-Rotberg) Dr. Rotberg questioned the need for the recommended Out-of State OUT-OE-STATE Travel Budget figures and suggested that Category III be reduced from TRAVEL $8000 to $6000 and Category IV be reduced from $500 to $200. He felt experience dictated a change. An additional change based on expendi- ture experience would be required in the Pupil Personnel Services Ac- count with an increase from $500 to $2000. He felt that budget changes and re-arrangements based on experience made sense. Dr. Rotberg MOVED: the Out-of-State Travel Account be reduced by $1000, from $12,100 to $11,100. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brown. A vote was called: (Yes Rotberg, Brown, No-Berchtold, Swanson, Wadsworth) The motion failed. A brief discussion was held on a recommended Summer Program Policy SPECIAL NEEDS: (,,... for Educational Programs under Chapter 766. The recommended policy pre- SUMMER POLICY sented was as follows: 1. Except for attendance in the LPS Reading and Special Needs summer program, a student must exhibit a severe handicap with significant educational or adjustment loss anticipated if a summer program is not provided. All outside Lexington referrals for a summer pro- gram must have the prior approval of the Administrator of Special Education, Director of Pupil Personnel Services, and Superintendent of Schools. 2. If a student is in a 10-month private day school program recommended by a CET, LPS is responsible for 10-month tuition, only if the pri- vate school and parent recommend attendance in a summer program at that school. 3. If a student is placed in a residential school with a CET recom- mended 12-month program, LPS is responsible for paying the 12- month tuition. 4. If a student is in an 11-month LABB program, LPS will be respon- sible for this 11-month program. Dr. Rotberg suggested that before a policy was voted that a legal opinion should be sought on #3 and that a rewording of #1 would be appro- priate. The School Committee agreed to delay action until town counsel responded. Page 237 December 8, 1975 Dr. Monderer and Dr. Guldager presented a request for a special SPECIAL NEEDS needs teacher for a self-contained L.D. Class beginning in January. It CLASS was noted that only 1 pupil would be with the teacher presently but others would be added as the present classes regrouped. Also an assist- ant teacher might be needed in the future. Dr. Rotberg moved to hire the additional teacher for $6,000. start- ing in January. The motion failed for lack of a second. Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: - Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools it was VOTED: Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools PERSONNEL CHANGES it was (CLASSIFIED) VOTED: Mr. Spiris presented an informative package to the School Committee PERSONAL containing data on the Personal Services Budget. No discussion was SERVICES held regarding the topic since it was on the agenda for next week. Mr. BUDGET Spiris asked each member to review the materials and state needs for any further information. Dr. Rotberg suggested that the committee be supplied with expenditure experience for 1974-75. Mr. Maclnnes agreed to supply the information plus a projection of expenditure for 1975-76. A brief discussion was held on the suggested fund raising policy FUND RAISING developed by principals and presented by the interim superintendent. POLICY A few word changes were made. Dr. Rotberg said that he and the com- mittee appreciated the effort of staff and the participation and con- cern of parents at whose initiation a new policy developed. All com- mittee members agreed. Upon the recommendation of the interim superintendent of schools it was VOTED: to approve the following fund raising policy. (Rotberg, Wadsworth, Unanimous) Page 238 December 8, 1975 FUND RAISING POLICY The process of fund raising by student groups of school connected organizations, and the concomitant sense of pride that is generated, are as important as the purpose in many cases. This combination is an important consideration, especially if we wish to involve students in the management of and responsibility for their own affairs. Funds which are raised directly by students, individual classes, or school connected organizations are limited by the following: 1. All fund-raising projects should have a specified purpose, and proceeds should be used for educationally sound programs. 2. Fund-raising projects which entail dwr-to-door solicitation by students of grades K-6 will not be allowed. 3. Fund-raising projects which entail door-to-door solicitation by students of grades 7-12 should be discouraged. Exceptions may be made by the principal for projects which relate directly to services or performances by students (plays, musicals, etc. ). 4. Fund-raising activities may be engaged in to defray the costs of field trips; they must be supervised by the class or activity sponsor. 5. Students should be encouraged to involve their own talents and labors in raising funds. 6. All fund-raising projects should be of a type where a third party (commercial or non-profit) shares only in a very limited way in the profits. 7. All fund-raising activities and/or trips involving students, in- dividual classes or school-connected organizations for whatever purpose, must be discussed fully with the principal or his/her designee and the organizations before they begin. A detailed plan of accountability and purpose must be submitted and ap- proved by the principal. 8. Field Trips and Excursion Trips - Definitions: A. Field Trip - tour to a place of educational value or interest (scientific, historical, or cultural) on which the whole class or team goes, with care taken to ex- clude no one because of financial limitations. The trip sponsored by the school, should have relevance to the curriculum. Town policies and standards of safety and insurance, etc. , apply. Such trips are paid for by the Town, with possible supplemental funds from parents or parent-teacher organizations, or fund-raising projects. Page 239 December 8, 1975 A '" B. Excursion Trip - tour to selected place of interest, led by one or more teachers if they so desire, held preferably during a school vacation or over a week- end, with no special school sanctions or integration into the curriculum. All responsibility lies between the tour leader and student and his/her parents. No general funds, (town money, PTA money, or all-student- (team)-raised money) are to be used. Mr. Barnes reviewed the status of the in-service training program. IN-SERVICE He reviewed the 21 types of offerings and the procedures for registra- TRAINING tion. A tally of participants will be forwarded to the School Committee to keep them informed of the courses and number of participants. It was announced that the Personal Services Budget would be dis- NEXT AGENDA cussed at the next School Committee meeting. Mr. Spiris said he would present detailed information regarding elementary and junior high school staffings. It was VOTED: to go into Executive Session at 10:50 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter. It was VOTED: to go into open session at 11:50 p.m. Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools NEW PERSONNEL it was VOTED: to appoint Charles A. Campbell as an English teacher, effective December 9, 1975 .at the annual salary rate of $20,770. It was VOTED: to adjourn at 11:55 p.m. (Wadsworth, Brown, Unanimous) Submitted by, /i %G dc.z,:>4,1 A'?jildi.ril--7 i ichard H. Barnes Recording Secretary /k Pro Tem '