HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-11-10-SC-min Lexington School Committee Minutes - November 10, 1975 Page 215 A regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee came to order at 8 00 p.m. at the Estabrook School. Present were Mesdames Berchtold and Swanson, Messrs. Brown, Rotberg, Wadsworth. School administrators in attendance were Messrs. Spiris, Maclnnes, Monderer, Barnes, Barstow and Miss Quinn. Mrs. Linda Brown, Chairperson the NOW task force read the following PUBLIC letter to the School Committee: PARTICIPATION To the members of the School Committee: (Chapter 622) We, as concerned parents and citizens, are here to ask you to establish a committee to co-ordinate the implementation of Chapter 622 regulations. We acknowledge the efforts that some teachers in some schools have made in response to Ch. 622, but feel that all staff needs guidance and support. As you know, on October 15, the Department of Education held a funding information meeting concerning application for Title III grants available to implement Ch. 622 regulations. There, our ad- ministrators were informed that one of the criteria for acceptance of potential projects is the existence of 622 support mechanisms within the individual school systems. Under the 622 regulations, school committees have many respon- sibilities. The most important among them are stated in Section 8 under "Active Efforts." 8.01 The school committee of each school district shall establish policies, promote regulations and procedures, and implement monitoring and evaluation practices that support and promote affirmative action and stimulate necessary changes to insure that all obstacles to equal access to school programs for all persons regardless of race, sex, color, national origin, re- ligion or limited English-speaking ability, no matter how subtle or unintended, are removed. Such policies shall in- clude a requirement for an annual evaluation of all aspects of the K-12 school program to insure that all students re- gardless of race, color, sex, religion or national origin are given an opportunity to develop skills, competence and ex- perience, and to receive appropriate guidance so that they may be able to participate in all programs offered by the school including athletics and other extra-curricular activ- ities. Special attention shall be given in this examination to schools and programs in which students of either sex or of racial or national origin groups present in-the community are markedly under represented. 8. 03 It shall be the responsibility of the school committee and the superintendent to provide necessary information and in- service training for all school personnel in order to: Lexington School Committee Minutes - November 10, 1975 Page 216 advance means of achieving educational goals in a manner free from discrimination on account of race, color, sex, religion or national origin. enhance consciousness of the kinds of discrimi- natory and prejudicial practices and behavior which may occur in the public schools. Lexington's memo to teachers concerning Title III grants was released on October 24. Initial plans and applications are due November 14. Preliminary decisions will be made by November 28. It is clear that in the next few weeks Lexington must acquire an appropriate 622 support system if we are to have a realistic chance of obtaining a grant. Therefore, we urge you to place on the agenda for your next meeting, the subject of establishing a Lexington 622 coordinating committee to help the staff throughout the system meet their re- sponsibilities under the 622 regulations, and facilitate the shar- ing of ideas and information. We look forward to your immediate action. Respectfully, Linda Brown, Chairperson Marjorie Covill Penny Hart Pat Allen Nancy Navarro Lorriane Ward The Education Task Force Lexington Chapter, National Organization of Women In response to this communication, Mrs. Berchtold stated her support for the suggestions of the task force. She also requested that the topic of a Chap. 622 professional committee be placed on the next School Committee agenda. Dr. Rotberg felt that a major portion of the letter was substan- tive and possible action could take place immediately. After discussion it was agreed to place the topic on the next agenda. Mrs. Roberta Neuman, Chairman of the L.E.A. , Professional Standards CHAPTER 766 Committee, complimented Mrs. Swanson for her supportive comments during the Chapter 766--all day in-service training session for Lexington staff held earlier in the day. Mrs. Swanson replied expressing her gratitude and felt it was a day well spent for everybody. Presenting the preliminary Athletic Budget for the 1976-1977 school ATHLETIC BUDGET year was Ralph Lord, Coordinator of Health Education and Physical Edu- cation. The budget reflected an increase of 3% over 1975-1976, but is subject to additional increases due to salary negotiations. Lexington School Committee Minutes - November 10, 1975 Page 217 Mr. Brown queried Mr. Lord on Lexington Gate receipt versus compar- ATHLETIC BUDGET able schools. Mr. Lord emphasized that gate receipts are subject to suc- (CONTINUED) cess of the team. He hoped for a total of $5-6,000 for the Thanksgiving Day game. Dr. Rotberg questioned the status of school physicians and their services. Mr. Lord noted that due to increased participation, es- pecially at the junior high schools the regular physicians needed addi- tional help. Therefore, other doctors were temporarily hired. Dr. Rotberg also requested a definition of participation since thse figures affected cost analysis. Mr. Lord defined it as the normal num- ber of students that can be handled safely (in uniform, etc. ) and going out once and staying for the entire season. After discussion Dr. Rotberg suggested that it would probably be a fairer presentation, if cost figures could be presented by teams. Mrs. Berchtold asked for a report on girls' sports. Mr. Lord stated that he felt Lexington was doing a great deal for girls in relation to other towns. He said he would hope to increase participation by sending home notices to all parents of all sixth and ninth graders, explaining the programs and procedures. Additional stress will be made on intra- mural and extra-mural games. Mrs. Swanson asked Mr. Lord if the Field House was available to citizens on a regular basis. He responded by outlining the hours of availability. (almost any afternoon to 5:30 or 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.- 7:00 a.m. during 3 mornings). He also pointed out that supervision was a problem. He noted his concern for safety, equipment, etc. The proposed 1976-77 Vocational Education budget was presented VOCATIONAL ED,. with no recommended increase. The figure of $18,500 is identical BUDGET with that of 1975-1976. Mr. Spiris noted that this budget was ex- clusive of MMRVTS which submits its budget directly to the selectmen. Commenting that the Out of State Budget had remained at a consistent OUT-OF-STATE level for several years, and that recently the number of professional TRAVEL BUDGET meetings and requests were rising, Mr. Spiris presented the 1976 budget proposal of $12,100. The slight decrease of $200 was transferred to the Expense Budget to cover the cost of in-state college visitations. Dr. Rotberg requested a listing of actual expenditures by category for the last year. Superintendent Spiris agreed to supply the School Committee with this information. Dr. Wadsworth asked why the Pupil Personnel Services division account was so much larger than the Instructional Division. Mr. Spiris explained that the costs of the registrations for these meetings are high and the increase in special meetings had increased significantly. An informational package containing staffing information (regular STAFFING staff, METCO, and Pupil Personnel Services staff) was presented to the School Committee by the Superintendent. This information will be used in future staffing discussions. Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools SCHEDULE OF it was PAYMENTS VOTED: to accept the schedule of payments. (Brown, Wadsworth, Unan. ) (see next page) Page 217 A November 10, 1975 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS The following schedules of payments were available for scrutiny and approval prior to this meeting: SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BUDGETS Personal Services November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll #10 C $400,416.58 Expenses November 7, 1975 Bill Schedules #59 7,327.71 November 7, 1975 #60 8,372.73 November 7, 1975 #61 13,072.02 November 7, 1975 #62 4,018.91 Expenses (Carryover) November 7, 1975 Bill Schedule #180 11.83 Out-of-State-Travel November 7, 1975 Bill Schedule #3 466.34 Athletics November 7, 1975 Bill Schedule #10 1,377.48 November 21, 1975 Payroll #7 601.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS (Non-Lexington Funds) Adult Education November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll 979.20 November 7, 1975 Bill Schedule #3 672.86 Driver Education (Adult Education) November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll 800.50 METCO Program November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll 4,189.14 November 7, 1975 Bill Schedule #1 14,000.00 Teacher Training Program II November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll 368.65 November 7, 1975 Bill Schedule #3 40.99 Title III - Adm. Grant November 7, 1975 Bill Schedule #3 10.56 LAB. Pre-Vac. Life Care Program November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll 875.46 November 7, 1975 Bill Schedule 36.19 LEADS Program November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,403.87 Autistic Program (Lexington) November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll 717.96 Page 217 B November 10, 1976 Autistic Program (Arlington) November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll $2,667.45 Multiple-Handicapped (Burlington) November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll 425.65 November 7, 1975 Bill Schedule #2 843.65 Pre-School Program (Burlington) November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,475.78 LABB Pre-K (Bedford) November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll 269.23 Title I - PL 89-313 Special Education November 7, 1975 Professional Payroll 102.89 Lexington School Committee Minutes - November 10, 1975 Page 218 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools it was SPECIAL VOTED: to reassign the Special Education Contract for 1975-1976 to TRANSPORTATION Lexington Taxi. (Berchtold, Brown, Unanimous) A letter was read by Mrs. Swanson from Town Manager, Walter TOWN MANAGER'S O'Connell outlining the erosion problem at Estabrook School. The LETTER (ESTABROOK letter requested a vote by the School Committee to assign the problem EROSION) to the Town. It was VOTED: to request the Town Manager to take over the maintenance (erosion) problem at the Estabrook School and place an article in the Town Warrant for the next Town Meeting. (Brown, Wadsworth, Unanimous) December 10 was announced as a tentative date for an open meeting SCHOOL on the topic of school facilities. Mrs. Swanson emphasized the import- FACILITIES ance of a School Committee discussion, since a decision on a school REPORT closing might be made in January, 1976. She noted that information has been received from the advisory committees, and only recently the Edu- cation Program Committee had submitted a progress report due to a pend- ing survey. Mrs. Swanson also emphasized that if the order of phase out of schools was changed (i.e. Munroe first rather than Hancock) it would have Capital Expenditure implications, since Munroe possibly could be used as a Central Office, and the deadline for reporting any Capital Expenditure to the Town was fast approaching. Mr. Spiris agreed to sup- ply figures on the cost of such an undertaking. Dr. Rotberg took exception with the suggestion for the meeting, since the Education Program Committee had yet to give its final report which would contain a community attitudinal survey. Hopefully, the final report will be made by March 1, 1976. Mrs. Berchtold and Mr. Wadsworth also suggested further digestion and discussion of the re- ports among the School Committee members. Mr. Wadsworth re-emphasized that even though he questioned the need to get any more reports, he felt School Committee discussion was critical. Dr. Rotberg felt that another consideration was that of the hiring of a new superintendent. He or she should be consulted, he stated. Mrs. Swanson took exception with this due to the newness of the person in re- lation to the information and experience of those who have lived in Lex- ington many years. After discussion it was agreed to place the topic of school clos- ings on the December 1, 1975 agenda. It was VOTED: to go into executive session at 9:56 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter. (Wadsworth, Berchtold, Unanimous) Respectfully submitted, / /k % Richard H. Barnes, Recording /Secretary (Pro Tem)/