HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-10-06-SC-min Page 201 October 6, 1975 A regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee came to order at 8:00 p.m. at the school administration building. Present were Mesdames Berchtold and Swanson, Messrs. Brown, Rotberg, Wachman and Wadsworth. Also present were Miss Quinn, Messrs. Barnes, Maclnnes, Dr. Monderer, Mr. Spiris and Mrs. Cummings. The minutes of 9/29/75 were reviewed and it was VOTED: To accept these minutes as amended. Brown, Wadsworth, Unanimous MINUT^rS Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was 9/29/75 VOTED: To accept the Schedule of Payments as presented. (Wadsworth, Brown, Unanimous)(See next page) SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: The three names on the administrative team at Muzzey Jr. High School were held for discussion in Executive Session. Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was VOPE;D: Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: Page 202 October 6, 1975 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Personal Services October 3, 1975 Classified Payroll #7 NC $67,773.12 Expenses October 2, 1975 Bill Schedules #42 3,503.50 October 2, 1975 #43 18,515.61 October 2, 1975 #44 7,507.54 October 2, 1975 #45 1,263.97 October 2, 1975 #46 6,087.85 Expenses (Carryover) October 2, 1975 Bill Schedules #178 49.86 Athletics October 2, 1975 Bill Schedule #7 458.54 October 10, 1975 Payroll #2 146.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS Non-Lexington Funds ESEA LIBRARY October 2, 1975 Bill Schedules #1 5,172.41 METCO October 3, 1975 Classified Payroll #1 1,055.12 Teacher Training Program II October 3, 1975 Classified Payroll #2 96.00 Title II Administrative Grant October 3, 1975 Classified Payroll #4 170.00 LAB Pre Vocational Life Care Program October 3, 1975 Classified Payroll #3 1,182.75 LEADS October 3, 1975 Classified Payroll #2 129.60 Autistic Program Lexington October 3, 1975 Classified Payroll #2 129.60 Autistic Program Arlington October 3, 1975 Classified Payroll #3 153.60 October 2, 1975 Bill Schedule #3 15.52 Multi-Handicapped Burlington October 3, 1975 Classified Payroll #2 240.00 Page 203 October 6, 1975 Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to accept Classified Changes as follows: (Brown, Wadsworth, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: Mr. Barnes told the School Committee that approximately 70 teachers LEARNING CENTER and specialists made presentations at the learning Center meeting on October 2. The purpose of the meeting was to teach skills relative to the reading program with emphasis in phonetic analysis. Games, cards and diagnostic materials were displayed. Some of these items were made by the teachers, others were purchased. Attendance was mandatory and staff displayed a great deal of enthusiasm for the Learning Center. Mr. Rotberg suggested that the otportunity for Learning Centers be made available to private schools and individuals who do not have these resources and that a formal evaluation be made after each meeting. He requested descriptive material on the meeting and this will be provided by Mr. Barnes. The enrollment figures as of 10/1/75 were presented to the School Committee. These figures were very close to what had been predicted by the enrollment study committee last year. A total of 7,992 students, K-12 are enrolled this year; ENROLLMENT figures show 3,808 students are in the elementary grades while 4, 184 are at the PROJECTIONS secondary level. Mr. Spirts and Dr. Monderer reviewed the figures with the School Committee. Mr. Spirts commented that now that these figures are available, work will begin with staffing needs and expense budget items for next year. Mr. Rotberg requested a list of classes with tore than 24 students in attendance. He was told that this information will be available by October 9. Page 204 October 6, 1975 A copy of the 1975-76 budget in final form was given to the school committee members. Mr. Maclnnes gave a detailed explanation regarding the dual format of the budget, citing the advantages and disadvantages of it being prepared in this manner. He noted that there is no legal requirement which says it has to be presented in one way or another. He remarked that the budget will be presented in this manner until he hears differently from the School Committee. 1975-76 BUDGET Mr. Spiris asked the committee to look over the budget to see if it provided all the information they requested. Mrs. Swanson said it would be beneficial to the School Committee to schedule a meeting with Mr. DiGiammarino to obtain an in-depth understanding of PPBES, LIRSP and LEADS. He agreed that this would be a good idea. At a previous meeting, the School Committee compiled a list of 13 categories of people who would serve on the Superintendent's Interview Comm. COMMUNITY It was decided to revise the number of people and categqries on the list. INTERVIEW COMM. After a brief discussion, at the of which the members expressed their indi- vidual preferences regarding the makeup of the committee, Mrs. Berchtold suggested that the interview committee include 10 people in the following categories: 2 instructional staff 1 administrator 2 students 2 PTA 2 classified personnel 1 town government 10 Total Mr. Spiris felt that the number of administrators was out of balance with the number of classified personnel and recommended that the former be increased to 2. This would make a grand total of 11 people on the list. After further deliberation, Mr. Wadsworth made a MOTION, which was seconded by Mr. Brown, to accept the list as follows: 2 instructional staff 2 adminstrators 2 students 2 PTA 1 classified personnel 1 town government 11 Total (Brown, Wadsworth, Berchtold, Swanson YES, Rotberg ABSTAIN) Mrs. Swanson announced that, in response to a request made by the School Committee at the last meeting, a letter had been received from Dr. Halbower of ADL in which he discussed the relevance of Dr. Fobert's memo of March 20, 1974 to the management study. Dr. Halbower's conclusions were that Dr. Fobert's memo did not affect the nature and focus of his study recommendations. He noted, however, that the report would have discussed the memo if they'd had it for reference, if only to show where and why they differed from its specifications of central office organization. He went on to say that the fact that the issue of the missing memo may be useful in that it offers an opportunity to look at the study report and recommendations in an overall context. Page 205 October 6, 1975 Mr. Spirts said it was unfortunate that Dr. Halbower's letter was discussed in public before he and other central office personnel had been given the opportunity to read it. He thought Dr. Halbower editorialized in his reply to the School Committee and said the study was a poor job for the money expended. Mrs. Swanson said that, by and large, the School Committee approved of the study and that we should proceed to focus on the recommendations. She added that "too much" had been made of the missing memo and thought that the contents of the study did not come as a surprise to anyone. Mrs. Berchtold added that the study substantiated the feelings which many citizens have had for years. There was need for an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters at 10:25 p.m. (Wadsworth, Brown, Unanimous) The committee reverted to open session at 11:40 p.m. to cast the following votes: It was VOTED: It was VOTED: To deny the LEA Grievance PSC 75-76-1 (Denial of Leadership) GRIEVANCE (Wadsworth, Berchtold, Unanimous) PSC 75-76-1 (DENIAL OF The meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m. LEADERSHIP) Respectfully, mitted, Isabelle . Cummings Recordin Secretary