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September 22, 1975
The regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee came to order at 8:00 p.m.
in the auditorium at Jonas Clarke Jr. High School. Present were Mesdames Berchtold
and Swanson, Messrs. Brown, Rotberg, Wachman and Wadsworth. Also present were
Miss Quinn, Messrs. Barnes, Spiris, Dr. Monderr and Mrs. Cummings.
Mrs. Rita Shapiro read a statement in which she supported Mr. Sinek's PUBLIC
proposal for the phonic reading method in the elementary schools. The PARTICIPATION
statement also included details of her daughter's reading problems.
Mrs. Ruth Barton made general comments regarding the vandalism problems
in the schools.
Mrs. Rosemary O'Leary asked if we have a mandatory retirement policy..
Mr. Spiris discussed this brefly saying that we follow state requirements.
At present, the state requires retirement at 70 years of age.
Mrs. Jacqueline Ward asked about the possibility of offering high school
equivalency courses in the Adult Education program. She stressed the importance
of such courses which would encourage students to obtain a high school diploma.
The School Committee discussed the history of the Adult Education Program.
Mr. Maclnnes and Dr. Monderer answered questions about self supporting and
funded programs. Mr. Spiris said Mr. Mathews might be interested in adding
the courses if a minimum of 15 people expressed an interest. Mr. Rotberg
praised Mrs. Ward's suggestion. Fes. Swanson asked Mr. Spiris to provide •
additional information on this question. Mr. Frank Sarno said he would be
pleased to help in this area.
The minutes of 9/8/75 were reviewed and it was
VOTED: To accept the minutes as amended: (Rotberg, Brown, Unanimous) . MINUTE 9/8/75
Chairman Howard Kessler said the Community Relations Committee has been
meeting on a regular basis with members of the community to determine methods`
of improving community relations. Several issues were examined, one of which
was vandalism and its impact on the community as a whole. COMMUNITY
The followingsuggestions and recommendations were RELATIONS
gg presneted to his COMMITTr
committee by students and parents. The School Committee was asked to take
the list under consideration.
1. Examine the cost figure of vandilism as it is applied to non-
school hours with the idea of hiring a watchman for the High School
during weekends and increasing lighting where necessary.
2. Encourage neighborhood school groups to become actively involved'
through voluntary participating actions to curb vandalism at the
elementary levels.
3. To consider the implementation of additional curriculum at the
elementary and secondary levels which would explore the responsibili-
ties of community resources efforts, i.e. police, recreation and town
government and consider formal adoption of training courses at the high
school similar in nature to hose now being offered by the Fire Department.
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September 22, 1975
4. To increase the availability of youth opportunities related to
practical education including more voluntary services to the community,
youth employment and formal apprenticeship forms of education.
The above mentioned list was endorsed by Mr. Kassler's committee. He
then asked the School Committee to join with the Town and Recreation
Committee and open the Field House on off hours and weekends. He urged
that this subject be discussed at a future meeting.
Mr. Rotberg asked if the committee had considered outside lighting and
the possibility of having people live rent free in trailers at the school
to deter vandalism. Mr. Wilson said the committee was concerned with the
lighting problems and would welcome ideas.
Mr. Brown asked if there was any valid evidence that there was less
vandalism while the Summer Coop Program was held. Mr. Maclnnes replied the
general impression was that there was less vandalism while the students
were using the facilities.
Mr. Spiris said it would be helpful to know what suggestions the committee
was making to other town bodies. Mrs. Berchtold said it was important to get
the neighborhoods involved - to open the schools to activities and in this way,
it would discourage a lot of the activity around the buildings. She asked
Mr. Wilson if the committee was going to present a proposal on how the schools
can be used. He replied that it was not the committee's place to do so.
Mr. Spiris volunteered to provide this information. Mr. Ma.clnnes said he
would get figures regarding costs to light the buildings inside and out.
Mr. Brown suggested that we take the imitative and approach the Recreation
Committee to discuss use of the Field House. Mr. Spiris said the time for
action was now - that we should have a joint understanding with the Recreation
Committee and the Police.
After the discussion, Mrs. Swanson said that we should take all the steps
necessary to overcome this problem. She mentioned the importance of educating
the students regarding vandalism costs, adding that the whole purpose of educating
the students regarding vandalism costs, adding that the whole purpose of the
Community Relations Committee was to encourage and increase mutual responsibility
and respect. It is expected that the School Committee will hear some progress
reports at a future meeting.
Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: To accept the Schedule of Payments as presented. SCHEDULE OF
(Berchtold, Brown, Unanimous) ( See next page) PAYMENTS
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September 22, 1975
Personal Services
September 19, 1975 Non Certificated Payroll #6NC $64,585.85
September 12, 1975 Professional Payroll #60 392,984.18
September 11, 1975 Bill Schedules #28 21,930.37
September 11, 1975 #29 537.59
September 11, 1975 #30 16,276.30
September 11, 1975 #31 2,032.67
September 18, 1975 #32 6,327.56
September 18, 1975 #33 2,214.48
September 18, 1975 #34 1,040.00
September 18, 1975 #35 6,442.00
September 18, 1975 #36 141,567.16
September 18, 1975 #37 22,321.25
Expenses (Carryover)
September 11, 1975 Bill Schedules #175 1,244.00
September 18, 1975 #176 323.03
Special Pro v n (Non-Lexington Funds)
September 12, 1975 Professional Payroll 2,142.69
Teacher Training Program II
September 19, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #1 403.38
September 12, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,101.96
Title III-Administrative Grant
September 19, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #3 440.00
LAB. Pre-Vocational Life Care Center
September 19, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #2 1,182.75
September 12, 1975 Professional Payroll 880.46
September 19, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll 335.25
September 12, 1975 Professional Payroll 615.38
Autistic Program (Lexington
September 19, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #1 194.40
September 12, 1975 Professional Payroll 717.96
Autistic Program (Arlington (Arlin,ton)
September 19, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #2 229.68
September 12, 1975 Professional Payroll 2,667.68
September 12, 1975 Bill Schedule #1 589.08
Multiple-Ha.ndicaoved (Burlington)
September 19, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #1 432.00
September 12, 1975 Professional Payroll 425.65
September 18, 1975 Bill Schedule #1 13.51
Pre-School (Burlington)
September 12, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,475.78
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September 22, 1975
Financial Statements for the year ending June 30, 1975 and for the period
of July 1-August 21, 1975 were discussed by the committee. FINANCIAL
Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was
Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: To accept Non-certificated changes with the exception of the fourth
name on the list which was held for Executive Session.
(Berchtold, Brown, Unanimous) .
Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools; it was
Mr. Spiris presented a list of Personnel Changes with corrections. When
the staff members were presented to the School Committeee previously, the stipends,
which are specified in the contract, were inadvertently ommitted. CORRECTIONS
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September 22, 1975
Upon the recommendation .of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was"
VOTED: to accept the corrections as stated above, in the salaries of staff
members. (Brown, Wadsworth, Unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it waSECONDARY
Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: That the regulations regarding free and reduced price milk and REDUCED PRICES
lunches be approved as presented. (3otberg,, Berchtold, Unanimous) FOR MILK AND
Upon the recommendtion of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: That orders be placed with the companies mentioned below at the BIDS
approximate totals as indicated based on their low bids meeting PHYSICAL ED. &
specifications and that items #105, 122, 150, 152 and 154 mentioned in ATHLETIC SUPPLTh
the bids be rejected in the best interests of the Town of Lexington.
(Berchtold, Brown, Unanimous)
A/C Gymnastics $818.50
W.H. Brine Co. 14806.34
Champion Products 517.20
J.L. Hammett Co. 43.78
Holovak & Coughlin 788.06
House of Sports 750.40
Marciano-Shaw 129.43
Medford Sq. Sporting Goods 1,639.50
Sidney Musinsky Sporting. Goods 427.80
New England Gymnastics 280.96
Nissen Corporation 898.00
Program Aids 720.00
Frank Seyboth 399.00
Snitz Mfg. Co. 65.85
Tri Con Sport Shop 2,666.30
Wolverine Sports Supply 65.40
Page 194
September 22, 1975
Mr. Terry, Principal of Muzzey Jr. High School, presented his plan to
use an administrative team to perform the Assistant Principal's duties. He
was thinking in terms of a 3/Sths assignment using three people (1/5 each) .
This arrangement will make it possible to have the building covered with the
exception of 4 hours per week. Assignment of one person to the duties would
leave 16 1/2 hours not covered. He discussed the division of responsibilities
of the team and recommended that the assignment be for a period of one year
to see how it works out. Regarding renumeration, he recommended that a ADMINISTRATIVE
differential be offered based upon the beginning step in the ratio for REPORTS
secondary Assistant Principal adjusted to 10 months. This would be for
approximately $1,000.
Mr. Rotbergasked Mr. Terryabout ORGANIZATION OF
progress made to reinstate the ADMINISTRATIVE.
musicals and boys' chorus at Muzzey. He was told that staffing levels and FUNCTIONS -
difficulties in scheduling are the reasons that these programs are not UZZEY JHS
being offered at this time. Mr. Rotberg urged Mr. Terry to publicize the
difficulties as mentioned. Mrs. Swanson asked that the School Committee
be kept informed.
The Committee examined a list of five academic teachers who were in
coaching positions. Mrs. Berchtold noted that these teachers had two or
more coaching assignments and seemed to be "overextended? Mr. Lord said there
is a problem trying to find teachers who want to coach. He said that these
teachers are willing to take on double assignments. COACHING
Mr. Barnes said the staff was surveyed last June to indicate in-
service training interests. There were 103 responses which covered areas SSRVIOB
in Special Needs. Language Arts, "How to" Workshop, Human Relations, Human, INING
Development, Curriculum Development and Miscellaneous areas. A follow up
will be made after the in-service training sessions to find out how teachers
responded with relation to their classroom work.
Mr. Spiris said that a work session will be held on October 2 on OCTOBER 2
teaching skills for reading. Seventy teachers have volunteered to share LEARNING CENTER
their knowledge with other teachers.
The Committee examined a 9/22/75 memo from Dr. Clune to Mr. Spins in ORGANIZATION OF
which up-dated job descriptions for Principal, two Asst. Principals and theADMINISTR9TNc
Director of Guidance were given. Dr. Clune explained how the duties of the FtNCTIONS-F
Assistant Principals differed. He asked that the management area be left as it
stands for a least a year. He stressed the need to hire a replacement for
Mr. Harris who will be leaving at the end of October.
Discussion of the Management Study is scheduled for Next Monday evening
and Mrs. Berchtold asked the Committee to hold of making a decision to hire
a replacement until then. She said she had many questions to ask regarding
staffing and costs at the school. Mrs. Swanson agreed that many questions
still had to be answered but felt that the decision to hire someone should
be left up to Dr. Clune. She did not feel that we should question his needs
at this time. Mr. Rotberg recommended that the committee authorize the
continued advertising of the position - leaving the precise role description
until next week. Mr. Brown agreed with him and added that unless there is
something radically different with the Management Study information, he will
rely upon Dr. Clune's judgement. Mrs. Berchtold said she would like to give
Dr. Clune her support but could not agree to hiring a replacement this evening.
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September 22, 1975
Mrs. Swanson told Dr. Clune that the direction of the School Committee was
for him to seek applicants for the position.
Upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: To authorize the Interim Superintendent of Schools, Mitchell J• Spiris
to apply for Federal Funds under Public Law 874, and to act as the PL 874 FUNDS
Committe's representative in the application of these funds.
(Berchtold, Brown, Unanimous)
Mrs. Swanson announced that the Screening Committee had submitted a
memo in which it had revised areas of the School Committee's original
charge to them. She reviewed the areas involved and then went on to comment
on the course of action the Committee bad taken with Dr. Fobert to devise a -
procedure which would be agreeable to everyone. SEARCH COMMITEE
Mr. Rotberg said the Screening Committee was not in accordance with
the charge submitted by the School Committee and raised objections to the
changes. He said "I do not think that it is prudent to delegate our
responsibilities to this great extent. We are charged with the education
of the children of Lexington. Nothing could be more important that the
choice of a Superintendent. I don't see how we can alter our previous
- understanding without prolonged discussion, a formal reconsideration, and
the feeling on the part of some that the School Committee is doing a
disservice to the electorate". He also' bade reference to constitutional
questions which might be involved. Mrs. Swanson disagreed saying that there
was no problem of a "constitutional question", adding that she had already
checked with Town Counsel. Mr. Wadsworth made a MOTION, seconded by
Mrs. Berchtold, to accept the memo with recommended modifications.
The committee unanimously agreed to the MOTION.
The Committee moved to Executive Session at 12:15 a.m. to discuss a
personnel matter (Berchtold, Wadsworth, Unanimous)
The meeting adjourned at- 1:05 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
sabelle J. .. flings
Recording Sec etary