HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-09-08-SC-min September 197
The ._ see
tin?nof the Le :i von School Committee cane to order a.. .,:1 V p.m.
at ;klasey Jr.senile- t.7 :'. _igh chool. „he original clan to Hold Ln' meeting at the school
administration b it din? as chaned due
to the lar ' public attendance.
Present .<ere Mesdames Derchtold and. Swanson, Messrs. Brown, 3otberg, -Jachman,
and. '.ia_ds-.rorth. Alsop
resent were .._o_ �,uinn, Messrs. .Barnes, I'aC renes, Spirts,
Drs. ronderer, Fobert and. ors. Cummings.
Hr. Joachim Sinek read a statement concerning the implementation PUBLIC
of the School Committee's decision to start a reading pilot program in PARTICIPATIOI
the schools. He compared the manner in which the program was implemented
against the School Committee's original specifications.
Mr. Sinek saidthat any resemblance between what was done and what the
School Committee intended was so slight as to be accidental, if not unintentional.
He felt it was a crude attempt to appease conflicting interested. parties. He
addedthat, unless the School Committee is content with the manner in which
its decisions are being implemented, it shouldlearn its lesson from the
run-around it has just received, and in the future, do its job in a resolute
anddecisive manner.
Four students, as statedbelow, commentedon the Ha_c-._d Program:
.1.111er Lessolls spoke favorably about the opportunity to meet and' hear
various Persons who were invited by .:_s .Friedman to sneak at the high school.
Andrew Hanel described . re. Friedman's role as moderator
oderator in the Ecology
Club, crediting her with "getting the clukL started .
Paul Pivarunas said "a small number of students is all that we can hope
for to participatd in the Ha`.-id activities" . He said that Mrs. Friedman was
an asset to the program,
Ms. Lina Fierin=_ saidthat Hrs. Friedman gave the students the feeling
that they can "make things hapten" at the school.
The students urged the School Committee to rehire Mrs. Friedman.
The minutes of 8/18/75 were reviewed andit was MINUTES
VOT 2: To accept these minutes as amended. (Drown, HOtberg, unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTTD: To accept the Schedule of Payments as presented., SCHdDULD OF
(Brown, Berchtold, Unanimous) (see next page) PAYMITS
The Financial Statement was discussed. briefly. Mrs. Swanson said the FINANCIAL
Committee :could like to discuss it further at another meeting. STAT.1:[. T
Parc 122
° -> 1975 IC= 2ic `-- -11s 3n, _ .90
_._ 2 9.5E9.0-12
-.u. ', a - -- 2,,005.03
AuTust 21, 197C '-- C_,. _cl3_ 6i',9Uo.L 0
Au-usr 2- = 20 3,253.07
Au,ust 21, - -21 5,534.86
Au-us 2' „_5 522 l,o l.45
Au-us 1975 '3 11,320.25
Ausust 2' :2,, 6,158.45
Se-;+>_._3-._ 1.
25 5,305.80
Sete_.. =, 19 =26 8,315.17
S-st+e-cs- 4, 1975 27 33,652.74
2xterse-, (Ca -:os-:s )
Se.t- --- 4, - schs_w_, -_7_. 166.70
__ _:C-" :A:._ (-1.0L Le..-n_.oa Funds)
L-71A73 Pro..'c-
AuouEt 29, 1975 615.33
TAT. Ptta---oatt:nol :7201-2---7 - -
So __ 5, 1975 __ -=ic ll - _ 473.10
Auc -._s-s_o."_- _„=.1 150.00
-.A st 21, 1975 72-----. r _.�___ 25.20
o 116.66
Xu u _ - 734.50
Autisticcora - ---- :o__
Se” _."e- 5, 1-7:75 :o.t-CettLficatof _ a:::31 - -'.. 58.56
Sem .. 9 1 c e 1, 2L 35
Lexin--0.: S.=__ Coote
Aur.-u,;, _?, lo' 2=°=c.>o=O^''-1 -"--_-- 320.00
Lou Tn.".i..r (St. _ ..._. It - 37:o:=7.:
Serte-oa_ L, 1975 Bi-- Schedule ,_ - 180.93
Titlo _- ct.ant -
9 68
_ 1 ` 3
pte_':oer 3, 1975
, ori ,_!3 0.E-29.;.=..,i o: of Gu:oTintendent of Schools,
7C7 '.7): 7o .cc on.. 1 ( u -'flans) as .
.s ntec . _ -JQ: _, = .:.-"�J. jE
(1 ro ':n, :.o>'..__, Unanimous
(non certificated)
Upon the recommendation of the Sunrintendent of Schools, it was
Upon the _,conmenda_tion of ths ou_erint ndnnt of Schools, it was
0 ._ the. aPpointrlant of Assi-.tantetchers as presented.
(otoer , Ta'd :north,
Union tha recommendation of the SuJerintenden,, of Schools, it was = P 3 OiBEL
VOT?D: To accept -.cbl Personnel, :lemsnta_y as pre_ent. d. (Brom, Jadsworth, Unanimous)
Septenoer 8, 1975
IOL_ ___ i iShe .-_. ., . ...._._ ., � __.. __ ___ . _ ,- .. _._.....� ._i_�"'._...,_. _ _:L ,.,e.20_:
the _ _. ., _ : ,,_:,fa .,O "" _._ 711- SS21-.7.;± nL;_
the -.1_" "rt' o - i?-:= :c8 o
i0_- SH0r AT.;SI
teachers who __..r tate' in Sunrer lorkshors received a flat
rate or -1-1=:C as ,po_ed to 10= of - =_ly ='7=r4==. mrs. lieuman
contended that the reduction in the rate vas done unilaterally and was
in viola'_.__ or contract. She red-Jested that the teachers receive
the different= een 10.1 of i salary and the 51200 rate.
cher , reviewed hi= -^=== n-= r„r _sing the _1200 'irtre. A
=ep_era_ .ii= ;salon ::as h=1r -^_-'-•-;- r te eo"_::1n_ o_ the contract and
it vas felt hyar. Focert and the 0o__t ee that no violation had.
After_ due consideration, , nade a =IC:, which was
seco-_- en T=ds,orth, to deny _20 7 _20, level III, Workshop
Salaries. School Corrittee acreed unaninously with the MOTIO;.
▪ Swanson said that a letter coirni,_- e motion to deny this
criev_nce will he sent to the L__.
.__c. --c-_ asked that future yrievances ..e heard. in Open Session.
Phis. Evanson a,ereed with the statenent o-, _ that this will to oei_eficial. •
to co-- =--==
Sron the _eco^_endation of the Surerintendent of Schools, it was
V.r.S :S: Io ac_' ' Personnel Shanve= __ _._a .d : l=sc2nd contract, and.
le=ivnetien= as 7:resented . Ks o n, 'n=n-r P 2.S0'I'-_Z
S ton the reco_.._-___tion of the Surerintendent of Schools, it eras
VCT_D: So acct - edioal Leave of =„__-_:,e as presented (?alswor h, Brom, linen)
r 175
September 8, 197:
Upon the recommeadatiom of the int: dont of Schools, it was
VOTDD to accent lew Personnel, Socondady, as presented.
( =o-.T.n 0 _=., Unanimous) S CO A
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTSD: To accept New Personnel, PPS, as presented (30toers, Brom, Unanimous) PPS
Prior to casting its vote on >..• !"ersonnel, the School Committee
discussedthe experience and baCi:=""0 w a
- of some of the candidates.
Hr. - rank Sarno objected to Nev Personnel _einz discussed in this manner
and Pointed ououtthat it vasvas poorpsactica to mention names- ofstar_f,
raisins questions. He hoped that Committee would hold similar discussions
in .ecuti':e Session. Use. Swanson told -_ . Sarno that she didnot think the
Committee had said anythinm harmful about the candidates but agreedthat his
Point was well taken.
Dr. David F. Clune, Prnicipal of =e;cizston High School, was present
to discuss his 8/29/75 memo to Dr. ao0ert regarding recommendations for SHO',INC POLICY
modification of the non smoking, policy. Summarizinv the contents of the
memo, Dr. Clune said that based upon his previous ext niences, and after
consultation with the administrative staff, he felt a modification of the
no-smoking, Policy was in order. He 'rent on to say that the main readon for
allowing smoking at the high school is that it is a fact of life and any
resonable Means to prevent it is uneforceable and not worth the sacrifices
Dr. Clune intends to develop a reasonable sat of guidelines on smoking
as follows:
September Qe= V,
Involve :ts, staff and __ _ ist ation in develop a plan that:
a. Confines s iokin- to areas „w.__de the building. other than the
cuadranw-:1e and the main trances to the school.
b. Dscifnatee two _m smoking is Permitted
tu_ n- the Period December 1st to April _St.
C. Feouires the student-'e-- -ove"anent to sponsor four
sro_in=. p_eventlon - the school year - attendance
at which isaandatory for ho smoke.
eow parental consentin -iting for all students 13 years
or younrver to Partake of the smoking privilege.
e. An assessment of the general condition of the buildings and
grounds, includir_g the lavatories, will made rior to any SMOKI iu POLICY
modification of the emckinj solicy. Spokipg will be allowed ed
only as long as the general condition of the building, grounds
andlavatories shows a continued iaproveme nt. Housemasters and
department chairmen must ' _e for the maintenance of their
area of the facility and submit Ji-weekly reports of any building
and/or _rounddefic'_ences to -..__e Assistant Principal.
f. The student-faculty _ .erne - crust contact the Fire Department
about fire _ , uly , receive a written rePort which states
smoking, take
the areas suitable for c. __ , 3.'_1,.x. the necessary safety
T,:�^CCc.11 i0-1 in those =- -'s.
The student-faculty = ._.____o__- is chargedwith developing and
inPlementini a Plan which ow _.les for _cin the cost of
the additional maintenance necessary_sary tC prePare and maintain
the smoking areas; i.e. __fans, trays, fire C'_tin uishers,
signs, Payment for resmonsible student-custodial services, etc.
h. Faculty ll confineto their offices and/or
faculty lo-z.-cc when in he building.
Dr. Clune said that the =-_yen=s _.re informed of this proposal on the
otenin' day of school - -_ _ - o abide by the current policy until
a decision is rendered at s'- _.
After the summarization of the _:_053-, Bene: l
0 aeStlOn'_:1.5 was held
by the School Committee.
Mrs. Swanson thought the _ Posa.l vas very good, commentingthat it was
the first one in which the responsibilities of parents, students and staff
were outlined.. She saidshe would have e to 70 on record as still being' opposed to
smokin:%, but because she had confidence in Dr. dune's ability to enforce the
proposal, she was ready to vote for it.
Mr. :radsworth saidhe would. be ..____ns to give the Principal the right to
make decisions reTordinF smokingpolicies ut he .fould not ;77i'-ie the students
permission to smoke.
September 8, 1975
'OFT -as seconded - - o:�n, to c the
_eco'. _e_ lotions of _)r ?oboe-ft and Dr. .rune, thau the : ok n_- policy '::o',__'i.ed.
. ;
alone the ,_._. of those mention _ in the _=.tto- .._ .0 O. _. :-� 29, '19
'ne committee a:' 'eed to the ._0.10N with the er ceptio of _i-. -'ad :forth
who A =.,_.LF::D.
Dr. Plum next summarized hismemo to Dr. Fobert dated August 29, 1975
in which he disclosed, plans to establish a committee of thirteen to determine
the purposes of the Ha`: Ed. Program. MAX Pao:ak
The committee would consist of 7 members of the community to be selected
from local organizations, 4 staff members of the high school and 2 students.
i o nsibi , will to:
The committee's prime -respo 1_ty
1. Ctaiaine present guidelines with respect to the purpose of Max sd
at Lexington ion riigrZ School.
2. xamine other schools' :d programs in terms of their purpose
and their respective program.
3. .licit opinions from the school-community at large.
4. Provide their own personal input as to their feelings as to what the
purpose or Purposesof :ex _'d..should be .
5. The committee will then submit their findings in the form of a report
to the High SchoolA
the H Pill be developed by the
role description of the ___. .u. Coordinator
aa, in_stiative staff. The committee will be reconvened to react ant make
recommendations on the coordinator. A final draft Pill then be submitted to
the Central Office and then to the School Committee for approval. This report
could be submitted to the SuPerintendent no later than February 1. The School
Committee couldthen act on such a proposal and if accepted,ed, G rect the Superintendent
to search for a candidate whose cualifications would in line with the role
description of the final report.
Dr. Clime said that the recommendations of the advisory board and
administrative e ispresent director on a
team at this time ;c. to retain the
full time basis as recommended by the State guidelines. She would operate on an
interim basis until such time as the final report has been accepted. He said
there is strong support to retain ._ti. Friedman at this tine based on past
evaluation of her work as well as faculty andstudent commitment to her efforts
in the past.
Hrs. Swanson reviewed the history of the Han , d Pro ram for Dr. Clime.
She said the advisory committee had worked hard but hadbeen ineffective through
no fault of its own. She asked that members of the CAC, along with someone from
LVCip be asked to join Dr. Clune's committee.
The School Committee then discussedhow manymembers of the community
should be selected from the various o ee ization- mentioned in Dr. Cl e s memo.
totber ' then made a DOTTON that the School Committee accept the
Superintendent's recommendation that: a) a committee be appointed. along the
lines mentioned in Dr. Cl'ine's memo of August 29, 1975; andbpthat Mrs. Friedman
..be _pointed Max.. d. coordinatorun.til such time as a permanent director is
;tuber 8, 1975
d'Iasporth asked that an the o on be made ca. in that
the committee be connoted o. 15 peotle.
The School Committee
707R:: To accent Dr. Clune's fmotosal of August 29, 1975 ro ardingy ' a - 2d, pith
the followinp amendments: a) that the committeeto determine the purposes
of _r number 15 instead. of the suneested 13. b)that _Ick. Friedman
be antortod i]Tam 7d Coordinator until such tine as a permanent dir'ecto'r
is appointed , the salry to be S1 .59 er hour, Class lL, Step V.
Barnes gave a progress retort on the busing program for 1975.
He said that 17 buses are in service this year. The number of kindergarten trips
has been reduced, 3verythins is Tanning smoothly. He said the decision to
so through Pith the contract has paid off. BUSIN PO lkH.
The School Committee heard Dr. Fobart give a brief report on the latest
enrollment projections for the year. _:i3OLLsar
Hrs. Swanson announced that the e ington School Committee will host
a recettion for Dr. and Fobert on Sunday, September29, 1975 at R:ClPTIOi; i OR
Clarke Jr. Rift' School. The Public is invited. to attend . Di. AND 5.
._. .. FOB=
Hrs. S,anso n announced that the ._n a"e,-cent Stu(3y y has been completed
by Dr. albouer of the Arthur D. little Co. , Inc. The report "Opportunities
for Improvin= School System _`an ;" . ill be e rce-iemed. by administrative
staff before it is discussed by h, School .C01 i -sHrs. Swat son said.
copies will be made available to the public at the library o_ school buildi n„s.
The committee made sone brief conmants remarain, the remort. 'Ice. b'_:anson
thou_ht it ra mood . Hr. at-.-T _ phoPef.ht the Piblic :hotel+ hear the
contents at some future meetine. said. some ''. o1nt_ well-taken but
reserved furtheecomments for no . Ars. Sere+ old. :said she hef, 1uestions to ask
Dr. _al _o” er abome stat i :- at the hieeh school. This area was not covered in the
report. Hee. Ro - e t .,_s_... a hone that D_. . on::_- would be able to attenc' the
ra etin.-' the night Oho roPort is disc' .; . He ,paidhe would make every effort to
do so. Dr. Halboper :rill be asked to at en_. this __eetine
The School Committee
'::?OT]D: To <o into ...:ecutive Session to discuss a Personnel matter at 11:00 p.m.
(Brown, 1adsworth, Unanimous)
The School Committee reverted to open session at 11:25 p.m. to take the
follo,=i:._e action:
It was
The meeting adjourned at 11:50 P.m.
Respectfully submit' d,
is2:belle J. un zaings
?ecord.ine Secretary