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August 18, 1975
The regular meeting of the _c: _.: �_ School Committee came to order
at 8:00 p.m.
Present at the _chooadministration_administration building. _ �.._r_ . __ . Messrs. Brown, Rotoerand.
Wadsworth; Mesdames Berchtold and Swanson. Also Present were Messrs. Barnes,
Spiris, liacinneo , Dr. wonderer, Fcbe = and Mrs. Cummings.
Then/l/75 were - iew - was rIli:U'T_ S 7/1U/75
he minutes of r i ... and it
`TOLTZ: To accept these minutes as amended. (Brown, Berchtold, Unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the SuPerintendent of Schools, it was
VCT : To accept the Schedule of Payments as presented.
(Brown, Berchtold, Unanimous) __ext page) SCHEDULE OF
Discussion continued regarding the reobm ended coaching salaries for
1975_76. `__. Bal-h Lordtold the committee that credit is given for prior
experiencein other systems and coaching experience is transferable from one
sport to another.
The school committee was concerned with the fact that some people coach
several sports during the year. Mr. lord explained that :most of the people
who do this are on the physical education staff. Most of the academic staff
coach only one sport. It may be nec_ax_f to hire people outside the system
to coach if the saturation point is reached.
Upon the recommendation of the Suoerintendent of Schools, it was COACHLND SALLBIIdS
VOTFD: To accent the list of recommended coachi_= salaries for 1975-76
as presented. (Brown, iadsrc=dh, Unanimous)
Mrs. Swanson openedthe discussionof Max. -- 3d with a review of the history
of the Program. She mentioned that some of the offerings had merit on an
educational basis, but others none. She asked the committee to reassess
flax and make a commitment once and for all, to a true educational program
and to hire a Professional edrcattur to serve as coordinator. In addition, she
asked than, the a'.. be stren-t_ened and erpanded. to ..o_:_ with Tr. Clime. UAX LD 7SOBT
Hrs. Swanson reported that she and Hrs. Berchtold, as well as members of
the advisory committee, had visited Medford High School to learn about its
Max ''_ Program. A summary of her findings WaE given to those present.
^r. ?other; felt a decision to change Max Ed could not be made without
a meeting with the principal of the h__^ school. He suggested that We schedule
a meeting in December with the Ke ford coordinator, the CAC and Dr. Clone.
Fars. Swanson objected, saying that she wished to settle the ratter without further
delay. ._ . Bothe__ told Mrs. Swanson that she was making an assumption that her
view of this pro:'ram was not that of the Public. Mr. Tjadsworth asked that the
meeting held now rather than in :ece =e_ to find out if the present program
is satisfactory to Dr. Clone. _ads:'orth added that we are getting to the
point where we don't know what the r'-rection of the program should be.
. Ts. Derchtold noted that a great deal of criticism has peen leveled at
the program. She felt it was time to r.i again - to use the resources of the
program as part of the learning process. Dr. Fobert said the critical question
was whether or not the committee felt that :rs. Friedman could make changes and.
improve the trogram. He felt she COQ_'_ do it. His recommendation was to con-
tinue with Friedman and give her a s;eoi_io charms.
SCHiDUBB 0_ PAY1L2S Ate_uet 18, 1975
Personal Service;._
July 18, 1975 Professional Payroll 420 ;35,086.21
1, 7 975 0 34,970.07
Au_ust 15, 197.5 :: .0 2L,704.92
July 11, 1975 Non-Certificated =1_yiiv 3,317.46
July 25, 1975 ..#21rc 45,325.39
August 8, 1975 -J_t,�, 46,964.64
Vocational Education
June 30, 1975 Tuition #23V 123.50
Adult Education
Driver Education
July 18, 1975 Professional Payroll 710.00
Aurust 1, 1975 1,339.00
Aunst 15, 1975 156.00
:xoenses (1974-75 Bud-et)
July 17, 1975 Bill Schedules 5159 5,569.75
July 24, 1975 5170 685.80
July 31, 1975 ,'171 441.89
July 31, 1975 J172 1,672.82
Aucust 14, 1975 #173 120.59
xtensec (1975-76 Bud--et)
July 17, 1975 3111 Schedul=e. -.. 14,325.07
July 17, 1975 15,186.96
July 17, 1975 2,432.40
July 24, 1975 3,410.64
July 31, 1975 _'>i 0 14,964.78
July 31, 1975 #11 2,030.59
August li, 1975 ;=12 10,007.96
_ust 1975 #l3 21,451.14
August 7, 1975 4lL:. 21,448.66
August 14, 1975 515 11,030.86
August 14, 1975 :-16 7,079.99
Au:rust 14, 1975 #: 17 34,612.49
August 14, 1975t;'18 9,635.45
July 17, 1975 Bill Schedules #1 222.10
July 24, 1975 `2 137.65
August 14, 1975 `3 606.00
Title III-Leanin Disabilities Training, Film Protect
July 18, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,025.08
August 1, 1975 1,025.08
July 25, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #28KC 321.75
Aurcust 8, 1975 5291W 450.45
July 24, 1975 Bill Schedules #92 1,336.79
July 31, 1975 ,-.r93 1,609.12
August 7, 1975 ,9 9,246.q8
u_ust 18, 1975
Titl` --1-± inistratiue
10-c :o__ _: �_
-� -,, -�-- ---- -. loll _:.� 140.00
July 2L , 1975 Bill S_he-Jii:_ _c0 63.72
Leads P-_o.'ect
Aucu=t 1, _97 o-es = _y_o_l 615.33
Ausu=t 15, =97 16,215.2
Lexington Burner Coop o:,-ram
July 18, 1975 Professional Paryoll 981.00
August 1 , 1975 2,943.00
Au>ust 15, 1975 981.00
Mateo Prosran
July 18, 1975 Pro'e=s` or___ Payroll 02.50 .
Au=ust 15, 1975 734.50
Aust 7, 1975 #23 664.22
re-Voc. Life Care Piro=
July 18, 1975 r_c's=_s'-o--_= Payroll 675.40
August 1, 1975 675.40
Au=ust 15, 1975 225.00
July 25, 1975 :;o -C=_=-ti=_cate^ Payroll. #22110 1,047.78
August 8, 1975 -23110 934.01
August 7, 1975 3111 Sc^.= =s #25 116.66
Autistic ProTram (A_l_n,^=)
July -. 1975 =ro= --=- _--roll 2,450.30
1, 1 75 2,450.30
July 25 1975 _ion- __ta.e_ =- -=ol= `201;0 146.40
AuTust 111,1975 3111 Ec.:-.eiuls: 38.85
-u ;_-:_.ndicarrec (Burlin;--ton)
Jul: la, 19 i rolls 745.83
July 12, 1975 13,800.00
August 1, 1975 13,800.00
August 15, 1975 6,870.00
Jul-. 17, 975 Bill Sc_e±ales 22.73
July 31, 1975 29.64
-Lou Income (Summer _Beadin:7 P-o—a_)
July 25, 1975 Non-Certificated Payrolls 554.20
July 31, 1975 Bill Scne':_ies . 1 1,070.64
Au..rust7, 1975 ,-2 63.10
BSTA Li o_=-`--
July 17,19r5 Bill -e'u ala 69.55
Putil-School ?a+= Recov=-^
July 17, 1975 Jit_ -__ems 21.60
kunst 7, 1975 30 36.00
Pa_ 175
August 13, 1975
Upon the recommendation of the SuPerintendent of Schools, it was
VOT:D: To accept New Assignments, -eaves of Absences, (excluding the
first name which was held. for DCecutive Session) , Retirement,
Appointment andchange in contract, as presented below.
(Rotberg, Berchtold, Unanimous
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOF ): To accept Personnel Chanes (non-certificated) as presented.
(Berchtold, Brown, Unanimous) NON C-_ T1rICATT;r
Pac,,1 176
August 18, 1975
After ditcussion, 4t Vs.': = free_. that Dr. ''ober'ywould contact
Dr. ,lime abouthold-'ng a meet__ a_ _ e y the school committee.
Sue di= teacher at theBridge
School, was present to
her_ _ retor., o:: _^e results of a concentrated instruction in phonics READING Y oaak ,.
to firs., graders. :he committee also ee received a summary of research
literature on this topic by Dr. Clifford and an analysis of phonics materials by
Elizabeth Heybolds of Boston Cniversity.
Ms. ordon said the children reacted
positively to her and not to the
materials. She said that i- the end,ed, she was disappointed with the extra
tutoring because there was just so much the children could learn in the
speci-fed period of time. Once they reached the saturation point, they
couldn't absorb the material. Those with higher scores initially had the
lowest gains and vice versa. She said the clear message that she wanted to
get across was that the professional should be the judge of what material
should be used.
A general discussion was held rewarding the retort. Mr. Donald Johnson
said that the Continuing Curriculum Committee Plans to submit a list of work-
shops for the coming year to Dr. Fobert. The committee was told that Mr. Barnes
has conducted a survey to find_ out --__at the teachers in-service training
preferences will be. Dr. Fobert said that some of the Summer do-rkshop money
will be used for these :dor shops.
.�a;,c feltdeallearned -rthe "'.
__ . o,;_t_i a ___„ __ from study. "When
parentsTcomtlain about their -:ounTsPers' reading Problems, we should supply
the effort to experiment continuously sothat we can have the feeling with the
staff and the committee that
ah-_= is being done to meet this problem.
Unless you ha an experimental effortsome scale, you will always be open
to criticism" . -
Cordon, Dr. Clifford and Era. = eynold.s were thanked for the time and
effort they contributed to fro:___ the information. IS. Cordon's report on the
use:_.._ .ram 4s available =t th= central oice.
MacIn es retorted that Johnson Service Company inspected the CLARKE HDA INC
problem areas at Clarke Jr. High School and took corrective action. fl0BT7di
Upon tha recommendation of the Suterintendent of =schools, it was
VOl To aocett the f ollowin- PersonnelChancres as stated. NEN BUSINESS
(lot be srchtold, Una PERSONNEL CHANCES
Auust 18, 1975
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
5O__;D: To accept New Personnel (:lementary) as presented. Hai P2ESONICL
-Dads rorth, Brown, Unanimous ELITENTARY,
Cron the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it ras
VOTED: To accept Mew Personnel (Secondary) as presented.
(;ladsaorth, Brown, Unanimous)
Pare 173
AuLust 15, 1975
Upon the recommendation of phe EPPerintendemt « Schools, it was
11077172: 2 se tr.ew Personnel (PPS: a seas w.
r . p eG, Br_, Swanson, wd o% °Pe!6% NO) PPS
. . oc I ma
2. »: es told therm committee thata cualifief candcidate has sTIO HIGH SCHOOL
been =ound to fill the position of Supervisor of Senior 6y Food Services.
The committee studied the folloPinp information re7ardinee the description
and Principal function of the Position.
POSITTON =23:e :
» aces: 9«!c under the sutervisionof the Coordiinator of School
Food Services.
The Pork ecce this position is 10 months. a : t - applicant
ea»azw be on call w —: a needed % completemysa
must be
or to assist with sp-ecial functionsPith —seam.
The normal daily »wine hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with 1/2
hour for lunch.
Pa: . 179
August 13, 1975
:SS;_iPc r +__OP=1D11:ty for the OP:__t20Yof the Senior :131 School nCf :JIrT QR
central kitchen and the food units it supplies as well as food service (CONTINUED)
. to the satellite schools suerlied
- the Senior Hix_
The responsibilities of the position were then discussed. After
due consideration, the committee
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was BIDS
VOTED: To place an order for cassette recorders with Unicom as the low
bidder meeting specifications, in the amount of $2,302. 87.
(Wadsworth, Brown, Unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was ACOUSTICAL CEILING
a contract � r- HARRINGTTOs SCHOOL
VOTE: That the contract anacoustical c_o iline at the Harrington
School be awarded to K&._ Contractors, Inc. as the lo:; bidder meeting
specifications, for the sum of 53,250. (Brom, Jad.sworth, Unanimous)
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOT That the special transportation needs as listed 'below be awarded
to the low; bidders as indicated-
Destination No. Students Crawford- .ss. Lexington Taxi.
:Carry eha:. Ctr. _ Reading 4 - '$14.80
Landmark School, Beverly 3 14.80
Crosby School, Arl. 2 11.45
Kingsly School, Boston 1 10.90
Kennedy School, Boston 1 9.80
Minuteman `,lorkshop, Concord 2 8.45
Perkins Institute, Natertor 3 8.75
Arlington School, NcLean Hosp. 2 8.25
Carroll :school, Lincoln 7 13.80
Alcott & Ripley Schools, Concord 3 11.80
Spear ^d. Ctr. 'rlaterto n 3 9.80
Pine ::len School, Burlington 1 7.80
Comm. Chidren's Ct. Lincoln 1 6.45
Lt. Job Lane School, Bedford 1 6.45
A discussion followedregardine date of the next meeting. and agenda items
It '_reet
to be heard. at that time . was -__.,_.! that the next ;aBe -ing would be held
on September 8, 1975.
Pa.az 15D
Au_-us t 18, 1975
It was
-;O_ To mo--, to =.,ecu. e Sessionto __s_uss a :e o--.e1 matte:: at 11:15 p.m.
she o.=.:_' .e.. moc.et to Cart- to take the folloin_:
:Ston the recommendation of the S ----menden t of .Schools, it was
10Th To accent the leave of absence f from 9/1/75 to 6/30/76.
(3erchtold, ' adsaorth, Unan__ous; =SON= CHANGE
The committee returned to L_e. .=._.e Session for further discussion of
personnel matters. They returned to csen Session at 12:05 a.m. to take the
follow:ma' action.
i-O=oi: To a000int ._. sntche_1 S7iris to the position of Interim Superintendent
of Schools from September 1, 1975
, such timeane; Superintendent
o= Schools is elected and assumes the Position. The conditions under hich
Mr. rninis -.7i11 assume these dies will be discussed between him and
Hrs. Swanson. ('.Tadworth seconded) . he conmittes was in agreement to this
The petino adjourned of 1:0:
7iesaact'i:Sly suaa_t pec..,