HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-06-16-SC-min CRRY mEmoRIAL LIBRARY June 16, 1975 -LEXINGTON, MASS. 02173 Page 145 The regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee came to order at 8:00 p.m. at the school administration on buildin Present were Messrs. Rotberg and Wadsworth, Mesdames Berchtold and Swanson. Also present were Messrs. Baines, Maclnnes, Spiris, Dr. Monderer, Dr. Pobert and Mrs. Cummings. 'sr. John Scharff, representing the Munroes School Building Survey Committee, read a prepared statement to the school committee. This statement gave the results of a survey which was undertaken to try to Bete Maine whether the PUBLIC elaborate renovations recommended by the school facilities study were really PARTICIPATION necessary. • Mrs. Penny Hart asked questions about attracting new, qualified candidates to fill the current openings for principals which exist in the Lexington system. The minutes of 5/19/75 were discussed and it was MINUTES 5/19/75 VOTE: To accept these minutes as amended. (Berchtold, Wadsworth, Unanimous) The minutes of 5/27/75 were discussed and it was 5/27/75 V0PET : To accept these minutes as amended. (Berchtold, Wadsworth, Unanimous) The minutes of 6/2/75 were discussed and it was • VOTED: To accept these minutes as amended. (Wadsworth, Swanson, Berchtold, YES, Rotberg NO) 6/2/75 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To accept the Schedule of Payments as presented. (Berchtold, Wadsworth, unanimous) (see next page) SCHEDULE OF PAYE SITS Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To place at the classification and step indicated below, the custodia], Ii. .CTICi Or and maintenance personnel listed, effective July 1, 1975. (Rotberg, Wadsworth, Unanimous) (See attachment) CUSTCD AL AND MAINTENANCE '::ANC. h recommendationthe Superintendent Schools, PVRSCNNEL Up;n the of of it was VOTED: To place at the classification and step indicated below the ?EELECTION OF secretarial and. clerical personnel (full time) listed, effective SECRETARIAL AND July 1, 1975, • ith the deletion of the 13th name from the bottom CLERICAL PERS0NN of the list. (Rctberg, Berchtold, Unanimous)(See attachment) (FULL TIME) The deleted. name was held for discussion in Executive Session. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To place at the classification and step indicated. below the secretarial and clerical personnel (part time) listed, effective September 2, 1975. REELECTION O (Wadsworth, Berchtold, Rotberg YES, Swanson ABSTAIN) (See attachment) SECRETARIAL Ai; CL_, CAL FE230: (PART TIME) June 16, 1975 Page 146 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Personal Services June 13, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll '25NC $64,674.98 June 6, 1975 Professional Payroll #27C 379,373.29 Lxnenses June 5, 1975 Bill Schedules #152 2,629.01 June 5, 1975 #153 10,175.40 June 12, 1975 #154 2,087.09 June 12, 1975 #155 53,291.15 June 12, 1975 #156 6,193.60 Out of State Travel June 5, 1975 Bill Schedules - #34 169.85 June 12, 1975 #35 277.00 Athletics June 5, 1975 Bill Schedules #29 2,272.10 June 12, 1975 I June 6, 1975 Payrolls 428 #30 2,513.65 -r28 673.50 June 20, 1975 #29 45.00 Adult Education • June 5, 1975 Bill Schedule =10 w8 4 . .0 Driver Education • June 6, 1975 Professional Payroll 892.00 • Vocational Education May 29, 1975 Transportation #17V 374.00 Nay 29, 1975 Tuition #18V 516.74 June 12,1975 Tuition #19V 1,920.00 SPECIAL PRO"RAiS (NON-LixING'TON FUNS) • Title TlI-Learnin.- Disabilities Film Training it Project June 13, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #25N0 321.75 June 6, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,025.08 June 5, 1975 Bill-Schedules #87 143.60 June 12, 1975 #88 55.90 1A3, Pre-Vocational Life Care Program June 13, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll =20NC 1,013.66 June 6, 1975 Professional Payroll 657.04 June 5, 1975 Bill Schedules #21 141.66 June 12, 1975 #22 44.90 June 16, 1975 Pale _h7 .etcc Procan ,gin- 6, 1975 Professional Payroll $5,281.26 June 5, 1975 Bill Schedules #17 96.11 June 12, 1975 {18 216.00 Autistic Program (Lexington) June 6, 1975 Professional Payroll 698.54 Autistic Pro,Lan (Arlington) June 13, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #17 NC - 146.40 June 6, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,898.82 Multi-_.andicauped (Burlington) June 13, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #20NC 264.00 June 6, 1975 Professional Payroll 925.96 June 5, 1975 Bill Schedules #13 78.84 June 12, 1975 - #14 60.48 Insurance Claim June 12, 1975 Bill Schedule 159.97 • June 15, 1975 Pao.- 121S- Upon L8Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was '" VOTED: To elect the following personnel (certificated) at the secondary i�E=i PERSONNEL and elementary level for the school year 1975-1976 at the salary and (CERTIFICATED step indicated. (Rotberg, Berchtold, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PERSONNEL CN_AiTG: VOTED: RESIGNATIONS Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was RESIGNATION OF APPOINTM7NT VOTED: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was LEAVE O: ABSENCE VOTED: The vote on reelections for 1975-75 (positions now available) : will be taken at the next� me Rr"E1 CTIONS FC meeting. ' -' 1975-76 (POSITIONS _:c • AVAILABLE) June 16, 1975 Paye 149 ... Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PE3SC.':'I_.EL CHANGES (cont.) VOTED: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: Mr. Rotberg asked that the records show that this action should not have been included in the minutes of 6/2/75. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was NON-C 2TIFICATEI VOTED: To accept Personnel Changes Con-Certificated) at the salaries and steps indicated (Wadsworth, Berchtold, Unanimous) June 16, 1975 The com_Mittee engaged in a discussion regarding its practice of holding e names of new personnel for one week before castings its Page 150 vote. .-. Rotberg stressed the importance of continuing this practice . which insures the admittance of the best candidates to the system. .__ . Nadsworth and .'ss. Berchtold egreed with Mr. Rotberg. Hr. 'iadsworth noted that the position of Petco Coordinator is i:mtorta_nd and, therefore, we should rake su=e that is will be filled by a qualified candidate. Berchtold did not object to any name on the list but questioned the role description of the social worker and the coordinator. Dr. :'Obert and Mr. Spins told the committee that, because of the threat of losing candidates to another system, it was important to vote on them as soon as possible. After further discussion, the school committee agreed to vote on new personnel at the next meeting, at which time the problem of holding names for one week will be resolved. . The list for Tentative Staff for the Summer Reading Program for 1975 was presented to the School Cormittee for its approval. Mrs. Ellen Difantis told the committeeinvitations 228accepted. TENTATIVE that out of 555 �+-vitatio__s sent, have been 1�.+TATIVE STAFr SUN= READING The criteria used to determine which children qualify for the program PROGRAM is to locate those who are 1-2 years below the reading level (priority one), followed by those who are one year below the reading level (priority two) . invitations are then extended for these children to participate in the program. Mrs. Berchtold noted that Title I has a Parents Advisory Committee and asked rs. Difantis how it works. She said the Committee has alread met. It sees proposals, gives suggestions and gives its approval or disappoval. More parental participation is expected as time goes on. Dr. Fobert said the biggest threat in terms of se rices is whether the Department of 'Education will continue to commit the funds. -s. Swanson asked if this :.rogram will be offered during the year. Dr. ,ober; replied that if we do away with the summer program, we may have to provide funds for an individual tutorial program under:special needs during the summer. Mr. '.otberg made a MOTTON, which was seconded by Hr. Wadsworth, to accept the Tentative Staff for Summer Reading - 1975 as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools, The committee voted Unanimously to accept the list. (See attachment) s, L a STAFF T,'"ADERSwI The committee was presented a list for staff leadership awards for 1975. Mr. R..otberg asked Dr. Fobert to provide the following information: AWARDS 1. the number of awards people on the list had received previously, 2. the names of those people who withdrew their.names from this list, 3. the names of the people on the leadership committee. This list will be discussed further at the next meeting. June 16, 1975 'JoonPage 131 the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VO_'.7: That orders be plcaed with the Micro Bic Medics Inc. for 3'155 anoroxnytely r9.S.32 an.. School Health Supply Co. for approximately hLDICAL ,Cc__sL. 2S32.L6 for anGroxirate total of $1,930.78 based upon their lowunit� it prices and that Item 18 beN ejected as being in the best interest of the _exinzton Public Schools. (3otberg, Wadsworth, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was SU.fE ::'O KSHO PROGRAM 7OT.UD: To accept the following personnel at the salaries indicated for the Summer Workshops 1975. (Potberg, Wadsworth, Unanimous) 1. Mathematics - grades 7-9 (3) Peter Hoop ' Clarke L weeks $1,200 John iOd1Ce Diamond n James Cawley :irzzey n „ (5) : 3,600 2. Mathematics grades 1-6 Claire Zalews?=_i Multi 4 weeks $1,200 Wilma Fitzgerald n u n Margaret Pulliam It 1, Genevieve arobert Hancock Ruby latOn F`aSt" nga n O i_ $6,000 3. Special Needs and Reading - grades K-12 (p) Jacquelyn Kagey -staJrook 2 weeks $600 Slizabeth id Hastings r. u HeHelen Evangelista Harrington u n -" -�= $1,800 $11,400 At a previous meeting, Rotber= noted that Fiuzzey musicals had been discontinued andasked for information on this situation. Mr. Spiris told H_ . Rotoerg that the main problem is lack of personnel. The situation will be reviewed in September and parents and students will be i.nfoLaaed. Mr. "Maclimes went to Clarke Jr. High School to investigate the Com- Oa= JR. HIGH plaints of high temperatures Ln sone classrooms. He spo',e to teachers and rp:..nn c>- n' gree ^t there ise r 'gl ,, the thrid floor. He .:ants l'_ .._: _L.�iL..... custodians �. :� agreed that �. p o, oT on �_ _ - r ,CSI Zf to e :lore the cost of two largeexhaust fans in the skylight of the third CiASSR0C floor and will report bac: to the school committee when this information is _=cei`,ed. it was ' O -P: To move to L;cecutive Session at 10:00 p.m. to discuss personnel matters. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Respectfully subsea, Isabelle J. Wi„mnin_ s Recording Secretary axiazton School Committee Meeting June ar, 1975 Pa 8ge 4 Naim Business RE-ELECTION OF CUSTODIAL AND MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL This list includes the members of our custodial and maintenance staff except those who have been recently hired and are still serving their probationary period. The recommended placement and wage are based upon the classification guide of the "Agreement between the Lexington School Committee and National Association of Government Employees Local R1-239." , CLASS.NO. N0,0F WAGE SCHOOL BLDG, . POSITION NAPE AND STEP HOURS j, PER HOUR Diamond ' Custodian 18 III 40 4,42 ati. i c t SS. ._ol aramittea. ..�. ifai ting ,,..._:=r��.....,...;''` ... S' 1975 ..,..r . - ,4 34A_ New B!.aine.ls ( , i LASS.NO, N0.,0v WAv-°r.. SCHOOL BLDG, P I I g NP ' 4%.D STEP 1'OT'S P2P Erin_ DL of d Caatedi.an 18 IV 40 4,63 • *10 month perscnnel, September through June, change in salary guide effective September, 1975, **Salary based cii 40 hour week, YOUR S rPERINTANDENT RECOMMr.NDS THE PLACEMENT AT THE CLASSIFICATION AND STEP INDICATED _'e ._ OR CUSTODIAL nAa1I2TE...znae CE Pa,.�.t SON\ L EFFECTIVE 3Uy 1, 1975,9T5, ..u.•,.n...u.m.v.-..<a...�.r_.r. . • tre Laxinetcn School Committee Meeting June 11_ 1.975 - Ysge 18.4B N• ew Business C RE-ELECTION OF SECRETARIAL AND CLERICAL PERSONNEL (Full=time) This list includes the members of our secretarial and clerical staff (Full-time) except those who have been recently hired and are still serving their probationary period. The recommended placement is based upon the wage classification guide of the "Agreement between the Lexington School Committee and the Lexington Educational Secretaries Association." SCHOOL BLDG. POSITION NAME CLASS.NO. NO.OF WAGE AND STEP HOURS PER HOUR Administration Secy-Bookkeeper 11 V 37-1/2 4,47 * Hot represented by Union or Association. Placement for Salary Setting Purposes only. YOUR SUPERINTENDENT RECO3T.rLrNDS THE PLACEMENT AT THE CLASSIFICATION AND STEP INDICATED ABOVE FOR THE SECRETARIAL AND CLERICAL PERSONNEL EFFECiI3E JULY 14, 1975, VII H _ ��� Lexington School Committee Meeting Jae 8, 1975 Page 1 84C - - -- _ New Business RE-ELECTION OF SECRETARIAL A f3.rRICA: PEPSONNEL (Part-time This list includes the members of our secretarial and clerical staff (Pert-time) except those 'bo have been recently hired and are still serving their probationary period. The recommended placement is- based upon the wage classification guide of the "Agreement between the Lexington School Committee and the Lexington Educational Secretaries Association," CLASS.MO. }iO.OF MAGE SCHOOL BLDG, POSITION NAME AND STEP HOURS PER HOUR Fiske Aida 8 II 20 3,35 Lexington School or C ';tree Meeting Jtrne Z, li Lexx 1975 Pal e 84D New Business CLASS,NO, NO,0P WAGE SCHOOL E .c! POSITION MANENDa STEP HOWES PER HOUR High School Park,Lot Monitor 8 IV , 17 3;71 U. Lexie *gn School Cc�r ttee Matti o June A' 1975 --_— 1>xr`_18, New Business • ( I C?ASS,ND, HOOF WAGE golOOL BLOT POSITION NAME AND STEP-HOURS PEN LOUR Clarke Guidance Clerk # Sir 37% , 3.93 • • *Not represented by Union or Associaticy. Placement is for Salary Setting Purposes only. ( YOUR SLPErIPatNEENT RECOMMENDS THE PLACEIENT AT TATE CZSSSIFIC&_ZON_AND STEP INDICATED . XCATED A3Qr FOR W .SECRETARIA AND -C12Rica PERSONNEL EFFECTIVE SEPTLM'3ER 2, 97_t,_ l (0 YP`''-w ?OS I e._Lief Pis ':t'a'i, - 43.i 4Zerl rr - ? Lexington School Committee Meeting June 16, 1975 • Page 191 TENTATIVE-STAFF FOR SUMMER READING PROGRAM - 1975 Subject to the Fu o`receipt -p - Federal Funds - title I, the following are recomtsended: Elementary i.i1 ) Adams 750.00 Secondary " High School .750.00 36,650.00 1975 Budget Allotment for Praiects: Title . . l $37,690.00 School Budget 5,000.0042,690.00 Balance 6,040.00 Secretaries, aides, custodians - SupDliei, etc: still uncommitted 70:R FUPER'=1,773:ENT REr..2E_0s ACCEPTANCE OF THE Al2OVE , aSOI'_.E'