HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-22-SC-min Page 109 April 22, 1975 The regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee came to order at 8: 00 p, m. at the schooladministration bui_icli,;, Present wn/5„; d ars,„ = _ch_. _ 1, . _. Lns n; Messrs. B Y.on, ��otb rg, W'W12 olinaan and I ail w r th. Also present were Messrs. Barnes, Maclnnes, Spiris, Dr. 'blunderer and Mrs. Cummings. The minutes of 4/9/75 were discussed and it was MINUTES 4/9/75 VOTED: To accept these minutes as amended. (Swanson, Brown, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To accept the Schedule of Payments as presented. SCHEDULE OF (Swanson, Brown, Unanimous) (See next page) PAYMENTS At the previous meeting, Mr. Rotberg made a MOTION to TABLE discussion of the 1975-76 school calendar. This evening, Mrs. Swanson MOVED to take Mr. Rotberg's MOTION off the table. (Brown seconded) CALENDAR 1975-76. The committee compared the.three calendars under consideration. Dr. Fobert said the staff had the opportunity to study them during the week but had offered no comments. • After further deliberation, the following action was taken. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To accept Calendar II for the1975-76 school year. (Swanson, Brown, Unanimous) At the previous meeting, the MOTION made by Mr. Wadsworth 45 FOREST ST. regarding the Forest Street Program was TABLED. This evening, PROGRAM Mr. Brown MOVED to take this MOTION off the table. (Swanson seconded) Mr. Wadsworth told the committee that a few years ago, when the concept of the program was initiated, it was suggested that the Lexington Friends appear before the Board of Appeals for a permit. The application was later withdrawn. He pointed out that citizens in the area should he able to air their complaints to some board in Lexington. At present they do not have this option. He felt that if a permit were issued, the Board of Appeals would have the opportunity to establish its guidelines. Further- more, it was his opinion that the Lexington Public Schools should not participate in any program over which it has no jurisdiction. He remarked that other schools in town which are "not public” have to appear before the Board of Appeals and this should be the case for the above program. Page 110 April 22, 1975 Porcocel Senvi 'se eo April 17, 1975 Sill Scher1ule -`190 2,4.'32,01 April 17, 1975 7.131 4,041 .93 April 17, 1975 .J132 4,400,02 April 17, 1975 E133 4,057.65 April 17, 1975 #134 20,248.81 Athletics April 17, 1975 Bill Schedule #24 185.55 Out of State Travel April 17,M11975 Bill Schedule #28 480.13 Vocational Education April 17, 1975 Transportation Yl2V 102.00 Adult Education April 17, 1975 Bill Schedule 48 43.20 Special Pro:;ra_s (Non-Lexington Funds) Title 711-Learning' Disalcilities 1rainin% Film Project A1r it 18, 1975 :on-Certificated Payroll �#21110 321.75 LAB Pre-Vocational Life Cane Pnosram April 13, 1975 icon-Certificated. Payroll #21 NC 1,047. 78 Apr it 17, 1975 Bill Schedule #18 393.00 Autistic P.roccar: (Arl_netoni April 18, 1975 Hon-Certificated Payroll ;#131 0 146,40 pulti-Handicaanped (Burlin._ton) . April 18, 1975 Hon-Certificated Payroll 118HC 218.00 Page 111 April 22, 1975 Mrs. Berchtold noted that the building inspector allowed the project to go on because of its "non-conforming"' status. Mr. Wadsworth answered that the decision_ w '_: not clear cut. Town Counsel had stated in a letter i ., the '1' the o , _atLoL. was s.i_ne l __ doubt, After further deliveration, Mr. Wadsworth MOVED "To instruct the Superintendent to write to the Lexington Friends and ask them to submit a petition to the Board of Appeals for permission to operate the program at 45 Forest Street. " (Swanson, seconded). A vote was called. The committee agreed unanimously to this action. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To accept Personnel Changes (certificated) as presented. (Brown, Swanson, Unanimous) NEW BUSINESS PERSONNEL Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was Page 112 April 22, 1975 Discussion continued regarding the ADL proposal. Dr. Fobert said that a telephone call to the SLp inT de, of Aot B R _ i _ �o�b..._ �l �h n70-,.'.. School c Iwod thaL hati d.Dn.e a s tcay Icy r then!.. Stid-, proved useful to them and a number of recommendations by ADL were eventually adopted by the system. Town Couns e1 was also consulted MANAGEMENT regarding the legality of the contract. STUDY Mrs. Swanson. made a MOTION, which was seconded by Mr. Brown, to award the contract for the managehnent study to the Arthur D. Little Company in the amount of $24, 500. The next question was "Where will the money come from?" None had been budgeted for the study. Dr. Fobert said the money should come from unexpended funds. He added that it was important to go on record to note that there is a balance of $25; 000 at this point in time. We also have to finance the school lunch program next year. If this balance drops , we may find it necessary to go to the appropriations committee for the money. Mr. Rotberg then issued the following statement: "The best management studies are clearly conceived, narrowly focused,. and have specific, implementable objectives. Few proceed well from grievance and suspicion to success. Moreover, this is a s chool committee which has not achieved an unchallenged credibility with its contracted studies. The present mandate to hire consultants is broad without carefully chosen objectives. It is, in short, a license for a fishing expedition. It is not a "best buy''. In my view, the benefits will not outweigh the cost. I, therefore, think that the $24, 500 could easily be money was ted, particularly when we know that it is equal to two classroom teachers or two science specialists . I cannot, in good conscience, vote for such a study." A vote was called on Mrs. Swanson's MOTION. .(Berchtold, Swanson, Wadsworth, Brown YES, Rotberg NO. Dr. Fobert said he would have to .agree with Mr. Rotberg that, in his value system, he would prefer to add two teachers rather than to spend the money for the s turfy. It was VOTED: To move to Executive Session at 9: 30 p:m . to discuss personnel matters. (Swanson, Brown, Unanimous) Page 113 April 22, 1975 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was, . The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p. m. Respectfully submitted, "j.rcc et-Cr �F Isabelle J. Ciminas Recording Secretary