HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-15-SC-min Page 103 April 15, 1975 The regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee came to order at 7:30 p.m. at Jonas Clarke Jr. High School. Present were Mesdames Berchtold and Swanson, Messrs. Brown, Rotberg, Wachman and Wadsworth. Also present -were Messrs. Barnes, Machines, and Spiris, Dr. Monderer, Dr. Fobert and rS Cts nm5.nc's. The minutes of 4/7/75 were discussed and it was VOTED: To accept these minutes as amended. (Brown, Swanson, Unanimous) MINUTES 4/7/75 - Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To award tenure to David Horton. (Swanson, Rotberg, Unanimous) TENURE APPOINTMENT Mr. Rotberg made a MOTION to award tenure to Ms. Barbara Pavan. The MOTION failed for lack of a second. Mr. Brown asked that the committee hold further discussion in Executive Session. The committee agreed. The list of tenure personnel (including the supplement) was held for Executive Session. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To accept the retirement of Mr. Joseph W. Gibson as of 6/30/75 PERSONNEL (Personnel Changes, certificated) (Swanson, Brown, Unanimous) CHANGES(cert) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To appoint Robert Farias as Head Basketball Coach at Lexington High School with a $1515 stipend. (Swanson, Brown, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To accept the transfers (non-certificated) as presented. (non-certificated) (Swanson, Brown, Unanimous) Page 104 April 15, 1975 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To accept New Personnel (non-certificated) as presented. NEW, offm, S roans on, Unanimous) (nee-certificated It was announced that the school calendar is being studied by staff CALENDAR and the school committee and discussion will be held at the next meeting. 1975-76 • Mrs. Berchtold made introductory remarks prior to the reports of the • Citizen Advisory Committees on Educational Programs and Reassignment of Pupils. She asked the audience not to overreact to whatever the committees might say since this was the first time the information was being presented. Mr. Kenneth Hoffman introduced the members of the committee CAC - .REPORT who were present this evening. They were: James Beck, Marjorie Daggett, Robert Turvene, Martha Hauptman, Roy Keith and Helen Grush. EDUCATIO' L PROGRAMS IN Mr. Hoffman read a letter dated 4/4/75 to Mrs. Berchtold THE SCHOOLS • in which his committee gave observations and recommendations which were intended to add another dimension to the information being solicited by the school committee and to provide the information before a decision is reached relative to the school building survey. Mr. Hoffman said that the nature of the committee's inquiries to date, the broadness of its charge, and the scope of the questions to be explored compelled the members to conclude that the work cannot be completed for several months. He gave March 1, 1976 as the date when the final report • will be presented. The committee also concluded that the Facilities Study should not form the basis for deciding to close any school in Lexington in September. 1976. Mrs. Swanson asked if they planned to give a report before March 1976. • Mr. Hoffman replied that "when one attempts to address questions on educational programs, it would be presumptuous for the group to come back.in six weeks and purport to speak in a meaningful way of the educational process". Mr. Brown suggested dividing the duties of the committee; i. e. , they could repast on the elementary schools first, then concentrate on the secondary suggestion. schools. Mrs. Swanson agreed with Mr. Brown's Mr. Heilman felt that it _%uld snake the task easier to do it in this ma.n.er, Page 105 April 15, 1975 Mr. Wadsworth said he would like to have the report by February 1, 1976, while we are reviewing the budget for the following year. Mrs. Berchtold noted that March . is too late to take action eg „rC7IIg budget issues, e�. he 0_lU kaal that the report be given at an earlier date. Dr. Fobect Fobagreed with Mrs. Berchtold. He pointed out that staff Members have to be notified well in advance regarding their job status for the following year. The balance of the meeting with Mr. Hoffman and his committee covered parental concerns on educational programs, school closings, cost savings and general questioning regarding the letter to Mrs. Berchtold. He was asked to report back to the school committee with a new date regarding submission of the final report. CAC REPORTS CONTINUED Mr. Sam •Nablo, Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee to Study the Reassignment of Pupils in the Lexington schools, was present this evening to submit an interim report to the school committee. Also present were: Gordon L. Brigham, Vice Chairman, Cornelius P. Cronin, • Secretary, Paul and Nancy Rempfer, Donald M. Graham, and Paul F. Masoner. Mr. Nablo's presentation began with his review of the mandate of the committee and criteria for the study. With the aid of maps showing the school districts, Mr. Nablo explained the sequence of analysis for the elementary schools. This covered the division of the existing districts, census data reductions for redistricting, and grade structure analysis. He also discussed charts showing the sequence for school closings. The presentation continued with the analysis for Jr. High Schools. The following conclusions were reached based upon a closing sequence proposed in the report, and the analyses which followed from it. "1. The four elementary schools can be closed in the 1977-1980 period in a manner which results in minimum disturbance of the student population. The schedule proposed by the committee differs from the rather unrealistic path outlined in the Facilities Study, in which students from the closed facility were reassigned with little regard for dislocation. 2. With the anticipated increase in METCO student population, this sequence will result in an average enrollment at each school of 92% of current capacity. This may affect the renovation programs at some of the schools due to their concomitant reduction in capacity. Page 106 • April 15, 1975 3. It appears that these school closings have no impact on the number of classrooms (hence, on the teaching staff complement). With the projected decline in enrollment, redaction in teaching staff to maintain current piel_. teacher ratio.. cad be accorarnoclatiaa Q 1 ,..-.. reassignment program is implemented. '' The recommendations of the CSRP Committee were as follows: "1. Maintain an active enrollment committee and upgrade survival • -ratios annually on the basis of current census data. In this way, the • committee can annually reevaluate whatever plan is adopted. • 2. The CSRP Committee believes that any attempt to adhere to the closing schedule recommended in the Facilities Study (beginning 76-77) will results in: unnecessary fragmentation of existing neighborhood/district and violation of many of the other criteria listed. It is recommended that if the decision is made to implement a closing plan, it conform with the redistricting sequences detailed in the report. This plan satisfies practically all the criteria set forth, and provides the school committee with the opportunity to test the projections for two additional years before implementation, so that premature closings with their concomitant negative economic, educational and sociological impacts will not result. " • A general discussion followed the presentation with additional information being supplied by Mr. Paul Rempfer. The school committee will.study the report and offer comments in the near future. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was • VOTED: To accept the Schedule of Payments as presented. SCHEDULE OF (Swanson, Wadsworth, Unanimous) (See next page) PAYMENTS- Stephen Moore, Madeline Quinlan and Matt Powers, representing the Youth Commission, appeared before the School Committee to ROCK CONCERT answer questions about the rock concert scheduled for the night of April 21. Permission was being sought to hold the concert in the high school auditorium. The School Committee was told that ten policemen have been hired and several adults are expected to act as chapherones. Any • damages will be paid by the rentees from $2000 which has been set aside for that purpose. The concert will be held from 7:00 p. m. to 10:00 p. m. Tickets will be sold in advance. Any person -who chooses to leave the concert will not be allowed to return once it begins. Page 107 : » «, 1975 va\: « 5 m� . s .w .. l �«z© 9« 91 7 9797 10, 1975 ^~^ (:.-191, ~» - \l10, 19 249 4,2-30.02 Out of State «: April 10, 1975 Bill Sw« : :9,00 Athlebics April l0 1975 Bill Schedule m; 425.9 Vocational flducation April 10, 19 Transportation qJ 90.00 Adult Education April 11am 1975 Professional w» 8024 Driver Education April 11, 1975 Professional Payroll 883.00 Special Pro-Trams %e Le c 2 Tible ITT-Iearnin7 Disabilities TraloinY Film m April 11, 1975 Professional 1 1,019,08 Pre-Vocational Life Care Prarcam April J, 1975 Professional Payroll 519.54 N1TCO :mil 11, 1975 Professional Payroll 2,900.68 Artistic trocsram %r z. April 1, 1975 Professional Payroll 1535.7 Autistic seed Ap \ 1975 Professional roll 657.5 w« s a m (Asz } April 11, 1Professional Payr1,99,19 Other0ther (hcrhet m . 7,249.9 Page 108 April 15, IS After further discussion, the School Committee was satisfied that the necessary precautions had been taken and permission was granted Le -'..e .. '._-d.,.nt7 .,; hc.11 the co .. tr. at � �::_ �. :� ,:n.o 1 � -n. r,;.«,- a)` e -.r. n ,. p.,,.i, Z 1975. ,> Mr. Wadsworth made the following MOTION: To ask the Superintendent to send a letter to the owners of the 45 Forest Street property, asking them to apply to the Board of Appeals for a permit to operate the school at that address. (Swanson seconded) The rationale for the request was Mr. Wadsworth's feeling that any non-conforming operation in a residential area should be under the super- vision of a town board. He asked that we place this matter on the agenda for the next meeting. 45 FOREST ST PROGRAM It was MOVED to Table the previous MOTION. (Brown, Rotberg, seconded). It was VOTED: To go into Executive Session at 10:40 p. m. to discuss personnel matters. (Swanson, Wadsworth, Unanimous). The school committee then reverted to open session. At that time the following action was taken. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To grant tenure to Ms. Barbara Pavan (Brown, Rotberg, . Unanimous) at 24, 608. TENURE. APPOINTMENT Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To accept the list of tenure presonnel (with the supplement) at salaries indicated for the year 1975-76 (Swanson, Brown, Unanimous. It was VOTED: To adjourn the meeting at 1:00 a. m. (Swanson, Wadsworth, Unanimous) Respectfully submitted, 0;' T F Isabelle J %Cummings Recording Secretary