HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-07-SC-min Page 39 February 7, 1975 The regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee came to order at 1:00 p.m at the school administration building. Present were Mrs. Berchtold, Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. Davison (arrived at 4:10 p.m.) , Mr. Rotberg and Mr. Wadsworth. Also present were Mr. Barnes, Mr. Maclnnes, Mr. Spiris, Dr. Monderer and. Dr. Fobert. Beginning with account 2300, all accounts through Maintenance were discussed. Highlights of the review are as follows: 2300 - Teaching Supplies THE BUDGET Dr. Fobert stated that he recommended a figure of $10.75 per pupil which was 25% lower than the principals had requested. He felt that eventhough there was a study done by principals, his figure was more reflective due to information which he had at his disposal. Mr. Rotberg asked what the impact would be if teachers were permitted to use funds as they desired. Dr. Fobert replied that, in a way, they do so now. Each principal receives an amount and teachers can spend it as they see fit with final discretion resting with the principal. The superintendent's remarks were made in respect to the 19 accounts determined by per pupil expenditures. Mr. Rotberg also asked for a clarification of the text book policy. The superintendent stated that there is no systemwide regulation regarding text book replacement. Mrs. Berchtold asked "Who keeps tabs on text book ordering and sharing?" The superintendent replied that teachers, principals and specialists all keep tabs on the books and texts and these are updated periodically. Mrs. Berchtold then made a statement regarding sex stereotyping in books. She felt that rather than to eliminate present books, our staff should be made aware of the situation and provide in-service training for staff. They could make better use of present materials as well as purchase more appropriate materials. Mrs. Swanson asked Mr. MacInnes to review the concept of central storage and supply with Brookline Public School officials. 2300-6bs - Travel within the district A proposed change for travel within the district will include an increase from 100 to 120 to be consistent with present town reimbursement for employees. 2300 -St Teaching supplies Mr. Rotberg asked for a resume of tests in the account. Dr. Monderer listed the following: the vocabulary and reading comprehension sector of Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (Gr. 3,5, and 7) ; Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (Cr. 2,4,6,8) ; a short form of California Tests for Mental Maturity; Academic Aptitude Tests; Scott-Foresman Reading Test. A discussion of the WISC test needs followed. Dr. Monderer noted that the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills is used to give ideas on progress of basic skills; the individual intelligence test is used for projecting the potential and in some cases, the identification of learning problems. 2300 - 12 - 5 - Teaching supplies - special class It was noted that this account is for the use of special education teachers. However, principals can use it for other school needs if no expenditure is made by special class teachers. 2300 - 5b - Drivers Education It was noted that Lexington Public Schools will pay for gas, oil and the coordinator's salary and the students will pay for behind-the-wheel and classroom instruction. A review of this account will be made at another time. Page LO February 7, 1975 2300 - 5c - Homemaking supplies After this account was discussed, it was agreed that users would be listed in this and other accounts when possible since it gives a clearer reading. 2300 - 5d - Industrial Arts supplies This account was reviewed with reference to the influence of ?INRVTS. It was felt that MM would not affect the account but Chapter 622 recommendations and student selections will increase involvement and costs in the future. 2300- 5e - Physical Education This will be discussed on 2/10/75 2300-6a Other Expenses This will be discussed on 2/11/75 2300 - 6b2 - Travel within the district Suggestions were made by Mrs. Swanson that scheduling improvements should be considered inorder to reduce this account. Increase to 120 per mile was noted and recommended in order to be consistent with present town reimbursement. 2500 -5a - Library books and catalogs Mrs. Swanson asked what had been spent in each library over the past five years. She asked if a master list existed. The response by the superintendent was affirmative noting that Ms. Jaffarian keeps a town-wide list. The committee requested a report on losses and utilization of library books. Mrs. Swanson questioned the necessity to keep purchasing books at the same rate as before since the libraries are well stocked. She noted that she would make a MOTION at a future meeting to decrease the amount in the account. Mr. Rotberg felt that we should have an outside evaluation of our libraries by an accredited group. 2500 - 5b - Periodicals and Newspapers Following a discussion, it was MOVED to reduce the Professional Library periodical purchases account to $500 (Rotberg, Berchtold seconded) . At this point, the committee recommended tabling the MOTION until further information can be obtained. A vote to Table was called. (Swanson, Wadsworth, Berchtold YES, Rotberg, NO) 2500 -5a - Film Rentals The committe asked if film acquisitions were advertised throughout the system in order to take advantage of the rental. It was answered that short term rentals are not advertised although others are. 2800-L - Special Testing Replying to a question by Mr. Rotberg, Dr. Monderer said the amount of money used for WISC testing is $11,000. 3200-6 - Travel Expense An increase of 100 to 120 per mile will be given to Nurses for travel within the town. Page 41 February 7, 19' 3370 - Transportation This will be discussed at the 2/10/75 meeting. It was VOTED: To move to Executive Session at 4:56 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter. (Rotberg, Swanson, Unanimous) Res,ctfully suub/mittted, Richard H. Barnes