HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-06-SC-min Page 36 February 6, 1975 The regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee came to order at 7:40 p. m. at Jonas Clarke Jr. High School. Present were Messrs. Rotberg, Wadsworth, Mesdames Berchtold, Davison and Swanson. Also present were Messrs. Barnes, Maclnnes, Spiris, Dr. Monderer, Dr. Fobert and Mrs. Cummings. William Welch questioned the state law regarding public participation of the budget discussion. He was told a meeting will be held on February 26 at which time the public will have the opportunity to discuss the budget with the school committee. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Alan Wachman, of the Student Advisory Board, read a prepared statement concerning staffing needs at the high school. He said they could not support any other alternative than to maintain the present number of staff in the system. Donald White of the Appropriations Committee agreed "in fact, but not in principle" with the previ ous statement. He said that the taxpayer has been burdened far greater this year than at any other time and he urged us not to consider anything beyond Alternative 1. Mr. Rotberg asked Dr. Fobert to explain the rationale for his decisions to close schools on Wednesday and Thursday which were snow days. Dr. Fobert said his decisions were based on weather conditions and forecasts which were available at that time. Staffing needs for kindergarten, Grades 1-6 and Grades 7-12 were THE BUDGET considered separately in a discussion between the school committee and Dr. Fobert. The general discussion covered Alternatives 1, 2 and 3, pupil teacher ratios, class size, declining enrollments, inflation, school closings and renovations. STAFFING NEEDS Mr. Rotberg suggested that Mr. Maclnnes include a certain amount in the expense budget to allow for inflation. Dr. Fobert said that the principals did this when presenting their needs. Kindergarten Mr. Wadsworth read a statement in which he said "To ask the citizens to support the preliminary budget of the school committee is unreasonable. Over 85% of the budget is for personal services. I believe personal services should be cut 4. 5% since a cut of this magnitude would not change the overall effectiveness of the system. I also be lieve we should eliminate some programs now being offered" The committee discussed the fact that students from Adams could be transferred to the Munroe kindergarten. He said no formal choice was given, although when he spoke to the Adams PTA he told them they caul apply for transfers. He didn't think many parents took advantage of the suggestion. Mr. Rotberg suggested that we increase the number of kindergarten teachers for 1975 from 12. 5 to 13 and to use the 1/2 teacher at Hastings to reduce the teacher/student ratio. He then made a formal MOTION which was seconded by Mrs. Davison, that we authorize the Superintendent to increase the number of kindergarten teachers from 12. 5 to 13. 5 for 1975 - 76 so children in Lexington would have more equal class sizes thar they have now. Page 37 February 6, 1975 Mrs. Davison said she wanted to defer the vote on the kindergarten level until she could get a total picture of the needsfor the whole system. Mr. Rotberg said the kindergarten needs should be presented as a separate issue and felt we should do what we can for the lower grades. Dr. Fobert said we should have a good idea regarding the number of students to expect by May. If we don't provde money in the budget now we'll have to look elsewhere for it in the future. STAFFING NEEDS A vote was called Berchtold, Swanson NO, Rotberg YES, Wadsworth, (continued) Davison ABSTAIN. Mr. Rotberg said the committee rarely has the opportunity to improve the quality of education of the elementary grades and still take reduction in staff. He said Alternative #2 gives us the opportunity to take small increases and lower our class size apprciably. Mr. Rotberg then made a MOTION, which was seconded by Mrs. Davison, to reduce the classroom teaching staff by 5 rather than by 9 in Grades 1-6. He said the difference in cost would be about $50, 000 or roughly . 4%. Mrs. Davison agreed with Mr. Rotberg, saying that quality in the classroom makes the difference in education. Mrs. Swanson pointed out that companies and organizations are making an effort to streamline their budgets and that it was hard to believe that schools are not "getting the message" to do the same thing. She asked whether academia was any different than industry. Mr. Rotberg said it might be possible over a 5-6 year period to average out a decrease in the enrollment. One cut of $50, 000 could be at the elementary level. He said it was the sort of decision at which we should take a closer look. Mrs. Berchtold said she would like to lower elementary class size and make adjustments somewhere else. She felt we had more than our share of specialists. She went on to say that this is not the year to go both ways. She was not prepared to add in one area and not take away from another area. The discussion turned to the duties of the math and science specialists and the support they give to classroom teachers. Mrs. Berchtold said there is a need to carry the science program at all levels. The question is - how many specialists would it take? Would one person or a team be needed? Mr. Rotberg and Mrs. Davison spoke in favor of keeping science and math specialists at the elementary level. A vote was called on Mr. Rotberg's MOTION. Wadsworth, Swanson, Berchtold, Davison Rotberg YES. Page 38 February 6, 1975 Mr. Rotberg made a MOTION which was seconded by Mrs. Davison,Grades 7-12 to accept Alternative #3 which would maintain the present class size at the secondary level. A vote was called: Berchtold, Swanson, Wadsworth, NO, Davison, Rotberg YES. Dr. Fobert said he would support the MOTION as presented by Mr. Rotberg. Mr. Wadsworth suggested amending Alternative #1 to reduce staff at the secondary level by 6 instead of 5. This was not seconded. Mrs. Berchtold said we should propose something less than Alternative #. She asked the committee for suggestions. Mrs. Swanson suggested that we reduce the secondary level by 6 until we hear from the special needs budget. She would like to support the special needs efforts. Mr. Wadsworth and Mrs. Davison said they wanted to see the special needs budget before taking. action. The committee spent the last few minutes of the meeting discussing schedules for budget meetings. It was VOTED: To move to Executive Session at 11:30 p. m. to discuss a personnel matter. (Swanson, Wadsworth, Unanimous) The meeting adjourned at midnight. Respectfully submitted, 2 / d i Isabelle J. Cummings Recording Secretary