HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-03-SC-min Page 28 February 3, 1975 The regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee came to order at 7:30 p. m. at Jonas Clarke Junior High School. Present were Mesdames Berchtold, Davison, Swanson, Messrs. Currier Rotberg, and Wadsworth. Also present were Mr. Maclnnes, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Spiris, Dr. Monderer and Dr. Fobert. The Student Advisory Board was present for its monthly meeting with the school committee. The following subjects were discussed: STUDENT ADVISORY Survey Alan Wachman informed the committee that a student survey will BOARD be conducted before the February vacation relative to Open Campus and Arena Scheduling. The information will be tabulated by March 6, 1975. Anti-Smoking Campaign Several agencies and school systems have been contacted regarding anti-smoking campaigns, literature etc. Students, administrators and the school committee have been invited to visit the R ndolph schools to see and review their programs at Grade 5-9. The school committee may be asked for funding for film rentals. The Anti- smoking Committee will work with Jr. High School principals and student government groups. Orientation Program Student orientation programs for those new to Lexington High School will be discussed with Mr. Johnson during February vacation. asgenda The Advisory Board would like agenda, dates places, etc. well in advance of their monthly meetings. • Staffing at LHS The Advisory Board expressed concern for staffing needs for 1975-1976. They noted that some classes were very crowded. Participation of students is essential and cannot be achieved in large, impersonal classes. It was felt that the time was here to improve the teacher-student ratio and class size. Busing Crowded conditions and smoking on some buses were discussed in detail. Mr. Barnes agreed to work with the high school, the students and bus company officials to attempt to solve the concerns of the students. Mr. William Welch asked the committee to explain the reason for PUBLIC a budget for recruiting teachers from out-of-state when we have a surplus PARTICIPATION of teachers here. Mr. Frank Sandy stated his concern for elementary class size. He felt that if teachers' duty free times (lunch, recess, etc. ) were scheduled, smaller classes would be the result. It was explained by the superintendent that some teachers stay in the classroom during these periods and many use the time for planning. There is no system-wide regulation on this matter. Mr. Ted Peterson requested information on the status of the school building survey. He also asked the committee what information they needed to make an informeddecis:on. Mrs. Ee cht rcn, C oree ' _ _ •• - being formed to obtain information and p ._c muc es -vc- rte be sc:=r' fa_ April. Page 29 February 3, 1975 The minutes of January 27, 1975 were reviewed, and it was MINUTES 2/3/75 T(DTED: To accept these minutes as amended. (Davison, Rotberg, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To accept the Schedule of Payments as presented. SCHEDULE OF Swanson Davison Unanimous) PAYMENTS Personal Services January 31, 1975 Professional Payroll #17-C $378.745.17 Expenses (1974 Carryover) January 30, 1975 Bill Schedule 118 1,554.99 Expenses (1975) January 30, 1975 Bill Schedules #94 2,420.54 January 30, 1975 #95 3,112. 85 January 30, 1975 #96 9,708.61 January 30, 1975 #97 3,473.30 January 30, 1975 #98 33,026.15 Out of State Travel January 30, 1975 Bill Schedule #19 15.00 Athletics January 30, 1975 Bill Schedules #17AE 244.59 February 14, 1975 Payroll #16AP 715.00 Vocational Education January 23, 1975 Transportation #5V 187.00 January 23, 1975 Tuition #6V 386.85 Adult Education January 31, 1975 Professional Payroll 441.98 Driver Education January 31, 1975 Professional Payroll 826.00 Special Programs (Non-Lexington Funds Title III-Learning Disabilities Training Film Project January 31, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,025.08 January 30, 1975 Bill Schedule #76 120.00 LAB. Pre-Vocational Life Care Program January 31, 1975 Professional Payroll 666.54 Metco Program January 31, 1975 Professional Payroll 3,174 76 Page 30 February 3, 1975 Autistic Program (Lexingtor) • January 31, 1975 Professional Payroll 654.54 January 30, 1975 Bill Schedule #3 4.88 Autistic Program (Arlington) January 31, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,535.46 January 30, 1975 Bill Schedule #9 226.27 Multi-Handicapped (Burlington) January 31, 1975 Professional Payroll 1,499.06 Other January 30, 1975 Pupil-School Material Recovery #25 214.04 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To accept Personnel Changes (cert) as presented. (Swanson, Wadsworth, Unanimous) • PERSONNEL Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To accept Personnel Changes (non-cert) as presented. (Rotberg Davison, Unanimous) See Page 34. (non-cert) Dr. Fobert informed the committee that federal funds would be made available to the Lexington Public Schools via the State to build a model COMPUTER program of computer monitoring of performance of learners with special needs ECUIPMENT (CH 766). This model could be adapted by other Massachusetts towns and cities. Approximately $100, 000 would be made available for equipment and $100, 000 for staff needs. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: That the Lexington Public Schools accept the funds for the purchase of computer equipment providing federal money is made available to us. (Swanson, Davison, Unanimous Page 31 Upon the reco February 3, mmendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To'accept the project providing federal money is made available to obtain needed personnel. (Rotberg, Davison, Unanimous) Dr. Fobert expressed his thanks to Drs. Guldager, Koetke for their assistance in thisproject. Clifford, DiGiammarino and Walter Dr. Fobert reviewed the proposed vocational education budget for 1975- noting that we are required by law to pay tuition and transportation to any public Voc-Tech76 school in Massachusetts if we do not offer the course. The projected budget for 75-76 is $18, 500. ! Mr. Wadsworth asked if it had implications for MMRVTS. VOC ED BUD rejected by or dissatisfied with MMRVTS enroll elsewhere at our cost? dents Mr. MacInnes replied that he was not certain but felt if a student were accepted at another Voc-Tech school, we would have to assume the financial responsibility. Dr. Fobert summarized his meeting at MMRVTS with the other 11 participating district superintendents. He stated that Mr. Sains projected possible future II part-time programs that students could enroll in during the day in order to take advantage of the resources and meet the students' needs. Several suggestions were made regarding reducing this budget. 1 - stated that this should be delayed until a better estimate of enrollment is obtained in about two weeks. Mrs. Dr. Fobert in a Voc School as a prototype.on asked if the CET could recommend MIvIRVTS or Dr. Gi ldager answered in the affirmative. The 1975-76 Out of State Budget was presented for discussion. A reduction of $600 was suggested by Dr. Fobert for recruiting with this money beingOUT OF STATE teacher travel. Also - $200 for school committee travel and BUDGET Also increased was the mileage allowance reimbursement.ment. The suggested increased of 10 cents/mile to 12 cents make the schools consistent with the town and state. /mile would - Mr. Spiris reviewed the that several history of the recruiting segments of the budget noting A years ago it was $2400 and today it is now major portion of the latter amount goes for our participation Lexington initiated 10 town recruiting collaborative. The. coollin the collaborative allows coverage in 40 - 50 colleges and communities and is a source for recruiting minorities and other special needs. Mr. Spiris felt that Lexington primary g needs to look for In conclusion, each position, regardless of the best geography, Possible person for remaining recruitment funds e y' and the with collaborative rtunityution and provided Lexington with this opportunity. Page 32 February 3, 1975 Mr. Rotberg suggested that a cut in this budget be made due to the state of the economy. He said prior use of theaccount by teachers indicated lack of use of funds. Mrs. Swanson suggested that some written report and follow up pro- cedure be expected of those attending conferences so all or some of the staff could benefit from these experiences. Mrs. Davison asked that the minutes show that she supported staff involvement and attendance at conferences. It was MOVED: That the Out-of-State Travel Budget be reduced from $12, 300 to $10, 100 with $200 being deducted from Category I (S. C. ) and $2, 000 being deducted from Category III (Instructional Services) (Rotberg, Swanson seconded) It was MOVED: To amend the total figure for Out of State Travel $11, 000. (Wadsworth - not seconded) • • It was VOTED: That the Out of State Travel Budget be reduced from $12, 300 to $10, 100 as stated above. (Rotberg, Swanson YES, Berchtold, Wadsworth, Davison NO. The Personal Services and Expense Budgets for Special Education were reviewed in detail. Dr. Fobert outlined the present staff, the legally required staff increase of three teachers and two assistant teachers for 75-76 and a third segment containing staff needed but not legally required. He emphasized SPECIAL the approval of only what the law required would mean that the needs EDUCATION recommended by the Core Evaluation Team and programs negotiated with BUDGET parents would pot be achieved. He questioned whether we would be in violation' of what we promised parents and said staff load has to be considered in the total problem in order to ensure quality services for all. He stated that within a week he will give a complete report regarding Core Evaluation Team pro- jections of services needed as well as comparisons with services provided by other committees. Mr. Rotberg asked if our reimbursement would be •increased by whatever increase is noted over last year's reimbursement figures. Dr. Guldager responded that our reimbursement would probably not be less than the present $1, 150, 000 but questions on future funds availability are unclear due to state budget and formulas. Page 33 February 3, 1975 In the discussion of special needs, Dr. Monderer noted that it had been projected that during 74-75 approximately 500 core evaluations would be accomplished. As of 2/1/75 499 have been referred. He also noted that the high school screening program indicates 500-1100 students may need some assistance. His point was that the anticipated 502 additional students for special needs services next year is a conservative estimate. Mrs. Swanson applauded the efforts of the screening program at the high school and noted that for 13 years the LACLD has been investigating this area. Dr. Guldager also acknowledged the help and cooperation of that group. Mrs. David Hamlin, teacher-coordinator of the Alternative Education Program outlined the student selection procedures, program offerings and goals. He mentioned that problems in the student selection are solved since they now are evaluated before selection by the Core Evaluation Team. He reported on a proposal to obtain funds from the State Department of Education for additional services for this program. Mrs. Berchtold asked if we are receiving any services from Mystic Valley. Dr. Guldager responded affirmatively saying a federal grant will allow the Center to supply consultant services to the Lexington Public Schools. Several towns will be able to use the Mental Health Center on a variety of levels. The committe reviewed the information presented by the Superintendent regarding the assessment of needs and recommendations for the future direction of the Lexington Metco program. This item was placed on the agenda 2/10/75. A list of school committee meetings through February 18 was announced. SCHOOL The newspapers and school information phone will announce the dates, agenda, COMMITTEE time etc. DATA Mrs. Berchtold reviewed the suggested establishment of Citizens Study , Sub Committees as follows: SCHOOL BUILDING 1. The reconvened Enrollment Projection Sub-Committee SUB-COMM. 2. A subcommittee to undertake further development of cost implications 3. A subcommittee to study the reassignment of pupils as it relates to redistricting, district potential growth, distances from school. Mrs. Davison presented a proposal for a fourth subcommittee. Her outline contained 19 suggested points that such a committee might consider. It would be a broadly based advisory committee to study the education programs now being offered in the schools. This vehicle would offer people an opportunity to explain their school programs and get people together to hear each other. Mrs. Berchtold stated she felt the present 3 subcommittees, letters received, public meetings of t'he pas: and those scheduled in April provide a great deal of information. Mrs. SY.ansm felt that to say buildings were being closed because rhev were old or that programs were of lower quality was erroneous. Enrollment Page 34 February 3, 1975 decline dictated phase outs. Mrs. Berchtold and Dr. Fobert felt that comparative analysis of school tests, performance, etc. was not good for the town. This was confirmed by other members. This point was discussed by the other members with the agreement that this would be deleted from any committee charge. Mrs. Berchtold commented that she felt the committee was in agreement for the establishment of a fourth committee but the wording of the charge needs to be defined. Mrs. Davison felt that the committee could be established now with names discussed in Executive Session. The charge could be clarified later. It was VOTED: To appoint a committee to study the reassignment of pupils. (Swanson, Wadsworth, Unanimous) It was MOVED: To appoint a committee to study the reassignment of pupils. (Swanson, Wadsworth, seconded) Mr. Rotberg made a MOTION, which was seconded by Mrs. Davison to appoint two committees as follows: 1. To study the impact of reassignment of pupils. 2. To study the educational process, the specific charge to be subsequently defined. A vote was called: (Swanson, Wadsworth, Berchtold, NO. Rotberg, Davison YES) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was PERSONNEL CHANGES VOTED: To accept the resignation of James B. Driscoll, Parking Lot (non-cert) Monitor, effective 1/28/75. (Rotberg, Davison, Unanimous) Mrs. Davison restated her concern for public input on the faculty study as it related to educational programs. She MOVED: That a committee be established to evaluate the education in the various schools, the specific charge to be subsequently defined. (Davison, Rotberg YES, Wadsworth, Swanson, Berchtold NO. It was VOTED: To move to Executive S ssion at 12:32 a. m. to discuss a personnel matter. Isah,,ile Recording Secretary-