HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-01-27-SC-min Page 21 January 27, 1975 The regular meeting of the Lexington School Committee came to order at 7:30,p. m at-Unit F of the Lexington High School. Present were Messrs . Currier, Rotberg, Wadsworth, Mesdames Berchtold, Davison and Swanson. Also present were Messrs. Barnes, Maclnnes, Spiris, Dr. Monderer, Dr. Fobert and Mrs. Cummings. Natalie Warshawer asked the committee if a decision had been made relative to offering bus service for students living 1 1/2 miles from school. She was told by Mrs. Berchtold that no decision had been reached and the subject would appear on the agenda for discussion another time. PUBLIC PUBLICIPATION Mr. John Land commented on repairing a ceiling in one of the rooms at Adams School. Mr. Land asked for a status report since the request had been made previous to this meeting. He reminded the school committee that the parents were willing to donate the labor. He asked whether reimbursement from state funds was available. Dr. Fobert said reimbursement is available if we include it under CH 766 . It will appear in the budget in one of the alterna- tives. He added that the Principal and Mr. Maclnnes will get together to discuss these repairs. Mr. Land asked for the proper channel for a parent to use if he or she wishes to issue a grievance. Dr. Fobert said the grievance is to be directed to the individual involved. If the complainant is not satisfied with the results, the next step would be to contact the central office and then the school committee. Replying to a question from Marcia Warhshawer, Mrs. Berchtold said the school committee would decide later in the evening if the CH 622 Report will be made public tomorrow. The minutes of 1/13/75 were reviewed by the school committee. Relative to a report made on that date about the Max Ed Program in the high school, MINUTES Mrs. Swanson felt obliged to have the minutes reflect her very strong disagreement 1/13/75 with Mr. Johnson's opinion that our Max Ed Program is presently working very well. Her contention is that we still do not have and will not have a good Max Ed Program until we really have a variety of choices for the students to make as to how they use their time. There are no suitable choices now. Perhaps, she added, our curriculum is at fault but whatever the cause of the problem, affirmative action is long overdue to correct it. Mr. Rotberg questioned the portion of the minutes which reported a conversation between Mrs. Swanson and Mr. Richard Miller of Harbridge House relative to the Management Study. Mr. Rotberg noted that in a con- versation he had had with Mr. Miller, the latter said he thought we were going to conduct an educational study rather than a management study and thought his firm would not be interested in placing a bid. Mrs. Swanson reaffirmed the conversation she and Mr. Miller had had the previous week. She said this conversation was accurately recorded in the ;minutes. Mr. Rotberg asked that it be shown in the minutes that the committee has now received a Utter from Mr. Miler clarifying his position and that of Harbridge House. It was: VOTED: To accept the minutes of 1/13/75 as amended. (Davison, Swanson, Wadsworth, Berchtold YES, Rotberg, ABSTAIN) Page 22 January 27, 1975 The minutes of 1/20/75 were discussed and it was MINUTES 1/20/75 VOTED: To accept these minutes as amended. (Swanson, Rotberg, Unanimous) Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To accept the Schedule of Payments as presented. (Davison, Swanson, Unanimous) SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Personal Services January 24, 1975 Non Certificated Payrolls #15NC $62,626.14 Expenses (1974 Carryover) January 23, 1975 Bill Schedule #117 56.17 Expenses (1975) January 23, 1975 Bill Schedule #90 2,180.83 January 23, 1975 #91 72 .00 January 23, 1975 #92 6,319.43 January 23, 1975 #93 14,342.21 Athletics January 31, 1975 Payroll #15 932 .50 January 23, 1975 Bill Schedule #17 1, 763 .80 SPECIAL PROGRAMS (Non-Lexington Funds) Title III-Learning Disabilities Training Film Project , January 24, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #15 NC 321.75 January 23, 1975 Bill Schedule #75 1,679.82 LAB Pre-Vocational Life Care Program January 24, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #10 NC 1,047.78 January 23, 1975 Bill Schedule #15 116.66 TITLE III=Administrative Grant January 24, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #15 NC 30 .84 Metco January 23, 1975 Bill Schedule #9 14.00 Autistic Program (Arlington) January 24, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #7 146.40 Multi-Handicapped (Burlington) January 24, 1975 Non-Certificated Payroll #10 288.00 Page 23 January 27, 1975 The school committee received a report from the CH 622 Committee entitled ":Sex Inegnality'in. Lexington Schools 1973-1974". Those who CH 622 REPORT worked on the committee were: Jane Crawford, Philip Crosby, Liz Haines, Georgia Glick, Patricia Hadley, Ethel Heins, Sheila Clemon Karp, Ellen H. Karin, Paul Lombard, Daniel Moegelin, Dorothy O'Connor and Athena Theodore. Mrs. Berchtold summarized the reasons the committee was formed in March and the information it was asked to include in the report. She gave a vote of thanks to Diane Lund who inspired the charge initially and added the report was quite thorough and offered a number of concrete suggestions. - Chairman Elizabeth Haines was introduced and proceeded to review the contents which covered 51 pages. Specific findings - Despite sporadic efforts to confront the problem of sex discrimination and sexism in the town's schools, there has been no system wide attempt to change those existing policies and practices which affect the educational experiences • and opportunities of girls and boys, either through administrative efforts or through administrative efforts or through Continuing Curriculum Committees. In addition, although Lexington has extensive computer service and other resources to assist in providing information and defining dimensions of the problems concerning differential treatment of girls and to ys, data are not collected in any systematic way according to the sex distribution of the students, nor are supplemental tables by sex of students attached to the school budget. Mrs, Haines continued to discuss sex imbalances in the professional staff, sports, practical arts programs, high school curriculum, non athletic curricular activities, etc. She described the difference between girls and boys with respect to the educational services and treatment they receive in the Lexington school system. The recommendation of the committee was to select a continuing advisory committee (by the school committee) to develop an Affirmative Action Plan, make revisions whenever necessary, and monitor its implementation according to available guidelines provided by state and federal agencies and in cooperation with the advisory councils designated by the state's Department of Education to help schools implement Ch 622. Regarding the establishment of such a committee, other suggestions to consider would be for representatives on a rotating basis from among teachers, administrators, students and community groups, a budget to cover expenses, a feeling of independence, use of the computer and personnel resources. The advisory committee should continue indefinitely until mutual agreement is reached with the school committee that its work has been accomplished. Specific recommendations were then discussed covering sex discrimination laws,. data, in-service training, summer workshops, staff, extra curricula sports, physical education, etc. Page 24 Dr. Fobert said that because the report dealt with staff, its practices and programs, it was essential that they have a chance to review the report before any action is taken. He said he would take the responsibility to see that copies are distributed. Mrs. Berchtold agreed that staff should be given an opportunity to react to the contents. She added that it was commendable that, in a sense, in an area where few systems have looked at themselves critically, the administration and school committee are willing to do it in this way. She reminded the audience that we will be reviewing a number of items in the report as budget preparation goes on. A discussion followed concerning the report in general between members of the school committee, Dr. Fobert and all those members of the 622 Committee who were present. Proposed calendars for school facilities and budget development dis- PROPOSED cussions were examined by the school committee. Mrs. Berchtold said it waEALENDARS the consensus of the committee to concentrate on the budget in order to arrive at an agreement by February 18. She went on to say that setting up the calendar, we tried to (1) Allow for public discussion when it is productive; • (2) Gather more information and disseminate this to the public; (3) Bring a balanced perspective of the issue; (4) Be ready to make a decision on the date set. She requested that two committees be formed. The first will study the cost implications of the school building survey while the second will study simulated closings of schools. This committee will examine the modifications of school district lines to absorb .all streets affected by schools closing and estimate the potential growth within each district. Mrs. Davison suggested that we either give the committee more than one charge or appoint a third committee to do the following: She stressed the importance of discovering whether we are serving the children in the older schools and felt that parents should examine the educational experiences in these schools. She asked that, as part of the committee, they should be allowed • to observe and make comments on the programs. Mrs. Berchtold asked Mrs. Davison to develop her ideas further on the subject and present them to- the committee in writing at the next meeting. Dr. Fobert, responding to Mrs. Davison's::suggestion, said we should aske the parents about their opinions on the programs in the schools that will be kept open. Mr. Rotberg suggested that a fourth study should be made on enrollment projections in the 1980's. He said it would be valuable for Dr. Monderer's committee to look at these projections through 1991. Dr.' Monderer said he could reconvene the enrollment projection committee to study nationwide trends as they relate to Lexington. Mrs. Davison recommended that we present a charge to each committee to give them some guidelines. Mrs. Swanson made a MOTION which was seconded by Mr. Wadsworth to "Establish a committee of five to study the cost implications of closing our schools'. The committee unanimously agreed to this MOTION. Page 25 January 27, 1975 Mrs. Berchtold announced the need for an Executive Session at 10:15 p. m. to discuss a financial matter with Mr. Norman Cohen, Town Counsel. It was VOTED: To adjourn to Executive Session for reasons stated above. (Swanson, Wadsworth, Unanimous) A listener challenged the legality of holding an Executive Session in the middle of a public meeting. Mrs. Berchtold disagreed and explained the rules pertaining to Executive Session. The school committee returned to open session at 10: 30 p. m. Miss Sara Jaffarian was present this evening to discuss the status of PROFESSIONAL the professional library. Questioned by Mr. Rotberg, she said that the LIBRARY gneral public staff and an increasing number of high school students use the facilities. Over 1000 books are in circulation at the moment, many throughout the building. Teachers use the more than 115 periodicals and journals for research. Mr. Rotberg asked if people using the library could be served through the facilities at Lesley College or Harvard University. Miss Jaffarian said the type of people who use the professional library find the material more easily there than in their own colleges. Dr. Fobert noted that university libraries now charge service fees for school systems which want to use their libraries. The conversation turned toward the operation of a central resource center. Dr. Fobert said this was discussed on other occasions but the biggest problem was lack of space. The committee examined a report by Mr. Barnes dated November 14, 1973 regarding the problem of a centralized production of curriculum guides. Information provided by Mr. Barnes relative to resource centers in Concord and Wellesley was next discussed. Mr. Rotberg suggested that we do two things before implementing such a program. First, we should develop a questionnaire to go to teachers asking them whether they think a resource center would be a useful device. Second, a small committee should visit Concord and Wellsley Resource Centers. A proposal could then be developed on a pilot basis for next year. Dr. Fobert said he would like to take this suggestion and pursue it but he was stymied as to where the center could be located. Mr. Rotberg added that good data could be obtained if an adhoc committee of five teachers could visit Concord and Wellesley to get a "feel" of the centers. Mrs. Davison asked if the school committee could be notified when the visit takes place in case any member wishes to go along. Dr. Fobert said he would give a report in three weeks. The appointment of Ms. Margaret Kinley as Senior High Year Book Advisor PERSONNEL was discussed briefly. Mr. Rotberg wondered whether the students could get CHANGES --.along without an advisor and felt we should reexamine the question of using the (cert) latter at another time. Jack Currier said that students could do a sufficient job (same lit-;) w tno. t a faculty d. _, r. Tlie position is _ .. ._. Mrs. Swanson felt one person is needed for final coordination and responsibility. Page 26 January 27, 1975 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: To appoint Margaret Kinley Senior High Year Book Advisor effective November 22, 1974 at a stipend of $305. (Swanson, Wadsworth, Berchtold Davison YES, Rotberg, NO) The committee proceeded to examine the following accounts in the budget. THE BUDGET 1100-6, School Committee - The proposed budget figure is $7, 000, up $1000 over the last year. Mr. Rotberg made a MOTION, which was seconded by Mrs. Davison "To increase the $7, 000 with an additional $7, 000 to provide for the appointment of an Executive Secretary for the School Committee in the next year. Mrs. Davison suggested that we place this subject on the agenda to discuss the duties of an Executive Secretary. A vote was called: Rotberg, Davison , Berchtold, YES, Swanson, Wadsworth, NO. 1-200-4 - Contracted Services - There is no increase in the budget figure of $8400. Included in this amount is $3700 for publications of Schools in Action. Mr. Rotberg suggested that this figure be cut in half. 1200-6 - Other Expenses - The budget figure is $16, 600 - up $1, 050 over the last ;ear. Included are funds for travel in and around Lexington for the Superintendent and other central office personnel. Mr. Rotberg made a MOTION, which was secondedby Mrs. Davison, to delete $3500 which is used for this purpose, in view of the discussion we had last Spring. He hoped Dr. Fobert would develop a reim- bursement policy to replace the current method being used. A vote was called. It was 4-1 opposed. (Berchtold, Davison. Wadsworth, Swanson, NO. Rotberg, YES. ) 1200-5-Office Supplies - Mr. Rotberg suggested transferring $200 for the school committee barbecue out of this account and put it in "Other Expenses" . Dr. Fobert agreed. 2100-6 - Other Expenses - This account has been reduced by $1200 this year because of a reduction in the cost of EDCO. Mrs. Davison suggested an increase in the SCRAD account of $2500 for a total of $6,000. She recommended a new organizational pattern, not contingent upon the amount being increased., She also suggested a change in the composition of the committee. She then made a formal MOTION to to increase SCRAD as stated above. The MOTION fai led for lack of a second. 2300-5 - Teaching Supplies - Mrs. Davison questioned qhether enough money was being allotted for teaching supplies for various schools. She asked that additional money be included in the budget so teachers will not "run out" during the year. Discussion of the budget will continue next week. Page 27 January 27, 1975 Mr. Spiris said the contract with the school lunch employees had been settled with a 5% increase in the guide; 2 days personal leave and an increase in kitchen rental from $3. 00 to $4. 00 per hour. This is a one year contract. After a brief discussion, it was VOTED: To ratify the new contract with the school lunch employees as mentioned above. (Wadsworth, Swanson, Unanimous) SCHOOL LUNCH EMPLOYEES It was CONTRACT VOTED: To move to Executive Session at 12:20 a. m. to discuss personnel matters. (Swanson, Wadsworth. Unanimous) The meeting adjourned at 1:00 a. m. Respectfully submitted, � 1 Isabelle J. Cummings Recording Secretary