HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-12 (incomplete) TOWN OF LEXING DN Maus ILI?2L1'Ctts 4 02173 3 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION PERMIT FOR DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL This Permit for Demolition or Removal is issued pursuant to Chapter 447 of the Acts of 1956, as amended, to Associated Estates, Inc. for the demolition or removal of the Building at 1628-32 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. This Permit is issued subject to the condition which shall apply if the Permit is acted upon that the applicant shall erect on said premises a building which shall be substantially in ac- cordance with the drawings, including plot plan, entitled "Store & Office Bldg. 1628-32 Mass . Ave. Lexington,Mass . For Associated Estates Inc . " by E. N. Comeau submitted to the Commission on November 12, 1969, Certificate of Appropriateness No. 69 C-33 for said building having been issued by the Commission on November 12, 1969. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COP2JISSION By Wilbur M. Jaquith Chairman Date November 12, 1969 Permit No . 69 P-2 m TOWN OF LEXINC. J_ON 11 asradmrettr 02173 ` =V' HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Associated Estates, Inc . .......... .... ..... . ........ . .. ...... ......... .. .. ... .. ....... ........ .........:.. . ... .......... withrespectto the erection of a two—story building, as noted below, at 1628-32 "!Iassachusetts Avenue; which is vrit'nin the Battle Green Distric` . The foundation dimensions and the location of the building shall be as shos°rn on "Plot Plan" d_r-awin� "To . 5 of a set of 8 drawings en- titled "Store & Office Bldg. 1928-32 Tla.ss . Ave., Lexington, hIass . For Associated Estates Inc ." ( final revisions 10/22/69 or 11/8/69) by E . Y. Co_neau subrr_itted. to the Commission on Yovember 12, 1969 . The general design, layout, .style and dimensions of the building appear on or. rnay be scaled from the aforesaid dra-uin-s, Fos . 1, 2, 3 and (I. The t pes of bu_i_ldl_r_g materials and flnished colors t'^.ere- Of, 6'Acept- 2.5 Gt':neeT"Arise specified her--in, are set forth On t4'ro l.!_StS Of s"Cecific°.lions entitled "General lloecificationsl' and S-recif lcp.'i; -On.S - I''.2tericls Colors' subritted to the Co111m1 S3_Cti on o-ve_mnber 12, 1969 . The doors and transoms of the front elevation, and the vrindo'A%5 Of all four, elevations Of the buildinfr are to heve solid perrla.nent muntinS . n_ sample Of the brick far the build-in.- is to be sub- itted to and approved by the COl^.missio n Ori or to in- stallation. The ca.rpin- on the bri_cic parapets is to be cast cGn- Crete . The set ba.c)•_ area in front of thee building shmin on t'[le aforesaid plot plaza, except for the t'nree p'iantin; areas , is to be fini ST'.ed in --ray concrete , OT', at the o-oti on Of the a-pplicant, fla"r-,- stone . Provision is to be made at the time of erection of the buil- ding for the installation in the cornices Of the front elevation Of cove li`^,htin ' for signs to be displayed on the signboard fa.cias Of the elevation. To more Of the concrete foundation- Of the buildincy and the sides Of the paved front set ba_cl� area are to be exposed to view than appears On the of Or eSaid d-ral''7ings, .'Tos . 1, 21, 3A and 4 . , concrete retaining (mall is to be erected along the southeasterly bci. id,^ry line between the rear of the bu"ildin;1 and the southeasterly h orth' c S erloouCO_ne1 Of the lot and alOng t Qdary 11T1°' as 5'(]Ov7n on the of oresaid dr:zfiriao7s .oS . 2s', and. 4:"1 . .''! O more Of the reta.l.n' . wall is to be e„posed to vie`:i than apioears On the aforesaid dral'T_ng5 . �II�FORtG�DISTP.iC'I'S�=AS:ShfISSIONX �R Eettt{iCaFe'-Pr0 .. . . .. . ... . . . -C fRiyfAY� HP-1*904 TOWN OF LEXING.,ON �D 4� Massachmettr 02173 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION r$ Certificate of Appropriateness - Associated Estates, Inc . Page 2 There may be erected on top of the retaining wall along its entire length a close-spaced split cedar fence not over 6 ' in height, subject to the aforesaid exterior specifications . The rear yard parking area is to be paved with black asphalt . Lighting for the rear of the building and parking area may be installed provided that the type, style and location of the fixtures is submitted to and approved by the Commission prior to installation. This certificate is issued subject to the following conditions wbich, if acted upon, "shall be binding upon the applicant, the olxner of the property and his successor°s in title" Within the meaning of Section 9 of Chapter 447, Acts of 1956, as amended: 1 . The location, type and size of all stacks , vent i pipes or of^_er fae _lities to :)a ere.ctad as pars o f the bnildinr, not appearing on the aforesaid dra,.'IinSs, are to be sU'C ':itted in detailed plans to the Commission and approved by the Commission prior to installation. 2 . The Cow-i_ssion reserves the right to rea�uis°e the in stellation of a balustrade or fence above the top of the reer and side -.galls of tn,, flat roofed sections of the building which do not lave a parapet. 3 . Per:aanent landscape plantings ere to be maintained in the three planting areas of the front set back area, the type of plantings to be selected by the owper of the premises . . HISTORIC DISTRICTS CO ,i;,'ISSTOPi D`y 'diilbur Jaquith Chair.,nan Date 'November 12, 1969 Certificate ;;o. 69 C-33