HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-29 _he _is or1C J st-rim ",S C':9:.,i Ss on Held a =eet_ng or -sed" es QCLOae 'J_Oy l !_9s at ..30 Y ,.._< p Ln � _e �JE>E,. .E,.. Fe '?COr=y 'I voin O. _ice a-;-I ( ' o; Lei i=ton .'1E_ d.,r s p_ esent :.C_ c ? ,�:1 i.'..? C:_a _ .,'any i _1. . _ ar:s ons; ec e4 :fy or 2`f _ Stray and -�nd _'_ssoci . -- o n'.-. i o ,e_ 5eoe re fIlEry a'o'_-_ng v,c E 'n e_C' _w 7.3 _ on the 8- Ici .^.a=�._ __ :1_. .'o C`�c�a �O'.^:.� �82.Ar-� Sc-�Oi. "FGI' c'. verL-_iC -C _ '_ "Ovi1� ec-_C-�.CU U e_"EC-�_v, -i_C:. C_S'Dla-V O --'VO S_-nS s d �vPQ —: _ orC ilses at 18'L 'l aSSaC use is _. xen-oey _ _ een .. ...:iC i. . The Cngi -r.i an read the -cs of 'gearing and the letter of application. 7r. enaro pea_red. and __ ..- mow dr_ :'fings of ,;he --Goosed a_o;._S and a p_lotcgrach Of the: building co o -_e w:,T ngs ,. _ ce or,, d Tarae - oErtl coot-- of s CL'_SS!v_'iyv '1aC ',;-G' C1.-u.l� -m`�de an7,=. seconded, - t was �_-� '', ' SS.;.0 COr�i 1i'C8-te CO �:1C- a"'__.tC �:i � . Flo o hier -cC_'Scns a^peared, the _Ea _osew ems_ >zg ,vas he lc ..t 0:10 _ _ on the arm-�e_aion of 0 _ 'on- pan ior a CC_ ,._i_Cate of tC a ct J0 .,he arch-t E,. .,„_ ".l _ e-a'„ores of the at 3edfora S trC-81- ..nd `(,or1",en _�caC ,_.. ., a- "ert f cage C_ -.U7�r Oi_ � ��e CSSfo the . -lntepsnce of soft drink a:d ice '--isoe__SerS on ° a. J_e'_^.iiseSy !' '__CYl 1S -n -'-ale careen J�Stric. ='n. v _ —nar. --re a- -he not-ce near- o and. the letter of ,CCl=c_. _..__. The _ ,. le^v:t rU ;erSOns appeared, 7 '= �.= -_1L Shell Sales Re-cresE'_1ta:ive �ha rlcs ord. Sell, Er a neei' 08r _ -_ i-�..;%'c le __ _ n„.11 Gin GIo don _„ S',;eele _ e S_G-e':It __i I'l O"J "CM-3 gre - - i:)ressnteC SCa-e tdre.,win-s of . he pro-nosed. :e ,, area, ar Onoi oEr:- ohs of .,^e -ea- o- the ,, ,;:� '.:.".ce er a, -Qo a---S icS'ed j,,J.ections -o—cat b/ C'-0l _Ssion i-neifbs'S , -r. :Steele an _;T' , _ iper -a'neC C''.�ie reasons Oa Inc installation of the Soft Q. _n=+ 'd, ice C.is-pe'YseiS C1"_ ..i.2 -^, enisas 1-0ff___ssion e=- ..sEed- Heir CES=re 1:0 V-left �'1e -Or'e-=ses ^.- air1 befor-e 'issu-ng Ce wi icates and t _ie n�.,c_i-:.� J7&S .Q"'., ,,._ eat d . r5 iter al_.Scti:Ssicny U"Jor noti -)r duly ?i"a e and SecolIdeda It 7. .5 -11- a.iT2ous1 TOTED tC l_SSUe a Cert 'if Kate on the pending app icat_On Of and JOB_:: J . .'ouglaass, '_rust eS of Realty Trust EsoEot cc the erEecion and dis-clay of a _ at 1.K.LL4, :.SSaCL .Setts t jCrUeq !Vn„ ch is -wlt _n the The neh'„ meet= o' mint iS scheduled for 7a30 _ :lw . q '' .:edr S -y .!O�ieribsr jy _JOG io cc'-51.,e- t -e `?�...ill-' cat'_Cn o"� iJeil �eaG-E� Cif a i,es- oto _ _ c%e Genter and an adjo rned. --nee `_ c the l-c . lon of "asoc_ated- s` yes, =•nC. cee ,,=r s aalcu_nea c- I rL,il=r b --Parsons wecretary TOWN OF LEXIl-,GTON a sacbmetts ' 02173 u w^ HISTORIC DISTRICTS CON1rvUSSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to John 1:4. Denaro d/bra Sdr. John Bea',zty Se.lon .. ....... . . ... .. . . . . .. .... ... ... ...... .. . ....... .. .. . .. .. . ... . ..... .. . . .. ... . . . . .. .. ... . . ....... withrespectto the erection and display of two signs and two lighting fixtures on the premises, as noted below, at 13L4 rear !�Sassachusetts Avenue , which is within the Battle Green District . The first sign is to be located on the sign facia above the windows of the store front and is to bear the le ,,end: "Yr. John Beauty Salon" . The letters of the sign are to be black painted on a white background. The design, layout, style and approximate dimensions of the lettering appear on or may be scaled from a drawing by IIrso Signs submitted to the Commission at the hearing held on October 29 , 1969 . The issuance of this Certificate for the sign involved is subject to the condi- tion that no part of the letterin= si.all be closer to the top or bot- tom edges of the sign facia board than 1?" . The second sign is to be located on the sign ='scia above the door of the store front and shall bear the legend: 1844 REAR idass . Ave ." The letters of the word `,,EAR" shall be not more than 1=-" in hey_ r'^_t . The letters of the sign are to be black painted on a white back,>_ro,snd . The design, layout, style and approximate dimer,s9_ons of the letter 4n;, except the word "REAR" appear on or ray be scaled from the aforesaid drewing. There may be installed at each corner of the store front, immediately below the roof line, single lighting fixtures to flood light the area immediately in front of the store , szch lighting to have a light intensity not greater than that furnished by a RIR 38 lamp. The issuance of this certificate does not constitute evidence of compliance with the sign Ry-Law or any other Ly-Law of the Town of Lexington. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Data .. October 29, 1969 .. ....... . ... .... . 09 30. . . .. . .. 1 ur iw J aritith Certificate No. .. .. CHMIIMAN TOWN OF LEXING -ON .[ asf aclrmettr 9m < n 02173 rc Ka'' HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Arthur F . and John B . Douglass , Trustees of Almarjo realty Trust ........... ...... ... ...... .... ....... ............ . . .. . ..... .... ............... .. ... .... ........ .. withrespectto the erection and display of a hanging directory sign, as noted belot;,,, at 1844 Massachusetts !venue, which is within the Battle Green District. The sign is to be located at the northwesterly end of the front elevation of the building not more than 11 from the northwesterly corner of the building and the bottom of the sign is to be not more than 4" above the top of the canopy over the doorti,ay at that corner of the building. The sign is to be hung by fixed iron strapping 'attached to a supporting bracket affixed to the brickwork of t'ne front elevation. The directory sign .itself is to consist of a two-faced wooden panel bearing the numerals "l844" at the top of each side of ,the panel and. t here may be affixed on both sides of the panel up to K wooden nameplates containing the names of tenants on said premises . The names on the nameplates may be changed from tune to time in accordance with the then existing tenants . The sign panels and nameplates are to be painted white and all letters and numerals are to be painted black. The design, layout, style and dimensions of the sign panel, n.awie- plates, brackets and supports appear on or may be scaled from a scale dravring, by Newton-D Orman Co , submitted to the Commission on Octobei3 31, 1969 . The lettering of all nameplates presently to be installed are, to conform to the style and. dimensions of the lettering appearing on the aforesaid drawing . The sign may be lighted provided that the type and location of the lighting is submitted to and approved by the Commission prior to installation. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by October 31, 1969 Date ... ..... ......... ... Wilbur I.T. Ja.qui th Certificate No. .69,�'3., CHAIRMAN eraaeea