HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-01 1� C JiiRaCT CCi !&1SS_Oiti Ti heHi S*1 OriC ✓iStricts Co=—' sSion held a. me on .�. ec1ne SOav October 1, 1969, at7.30 P. 1 -.., in the Selectmen ' s boo , T ,,rm Office LuiiC-ins, + ..:r_^ t"ii. e present v,Care vommi ssl.one-s {i.,,.bi.- ... j=,i'.'rl, C' airY!lan, Philip B . Parsons, Secretary, u—ecrss Z . 'aves and '.,`_aY_ u uravv and Associate Co 2*;^.iss_one'r a GeoPge ,. , Emery and _ _ an_, fr C . Hudson. Hearing vas held. at 7a30 P.M. on the application of - ^:,ei y go,-" & Associates for a Certiiicate of 'ip_Jro'oriateness Vl�i- __ _-S, ct t the exec- ion and display of t-,vC signs for the store at 77 Depot Scuare, P'''nich is witl_in t'^e tic Creen District . The Chai=_,Ian _eaa ;._e no„ice Of hearing and the letter Of ap7licati On. _,_y o 7,ie-,vE';nt aupoared and orese ted scale dra o-inEs Of the pr0'poseC. o.is and .�hOtv,� apils ..oiTiin" t-P_eir ,crouosod locations On the store . 17O OtP_er pe--sons having ap- peared the hearing cvas closed- at 7a5C =,_= Sher discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, it -;vas unanimously 'C'= to issue a. Certificat., to the applicant . adjourned hearing was -;old at R®15 F .Y. on the apUlic`ction Oic' Leonard J Colwell for a Certificate Of -opropriate s - s_ =� r_es _tc� respect to the erection and. di—,lay i, f'0 Signs On ^e prey!_15eS at vine 3rool_ Hoad, vvhi ch is within the Battle Green District. P'r. Colwell appeared and presented new scale d-r aivings of one of the signs Since' dragvings of t-6 second Sign it*ere not presented, the ^. d_i OL'rned.hearing vl s ad- joarned at 9 .03 P.M. The Chairman advisee the Coammission of the statu's of pending applications as follows: .associated Estates tnc . eYtensio__ to Yovemb-__- =rts & "rafts :Society .,<_.,ension t0 iV OG e. Ilbel° l Douglass property extension to Nove--ber _ The Chairman also advised t hat a lzettcr reece; ew fro",^ t °e 50a d of Selectmen had notified him of the a-,.^,rointm:,IFnt of Georgia H. Williams t0 fill the Li"le 1"c fired Lerm Of' former Con 11iSSiOnu re(t;;'G1_' „-1 , Bev a.'= . Applications recej_ ve;d from Shell Oil Coy par,y and JO<fn ?ai. Je n a r o dfbla THr. John Beauty Salon are scheduled for hearing on October 29, i969 . The next meeting night is scheduled. for - ednesday, October 8, 1969, at 7-L5 P .M., as an adjourned hearing on the application of Leonard J. Colwell . The Clerk will notify abettors who had appeared at the; original hearing held on September 17, 1969 . The meeting was adjourned at 9 ;15 -.ITT �h__ip B . -Parsons Secretary TOWN OF LEXINGI N. °' m,"" Marsadmsettr �_ 02173 s j ; . �6k�HG�^l. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Harvey W. Newgent & Associates . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .... .. ... ..... . .... . ..... .. ..... ... . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . ... . .... . . . . . .. . . ... . . . withrespectto the erection and display of two signs , as noted below, for the store at 17 Depot Square, which is within the Battle Green Dis- trict . The first sign is to be centered in the facia above the bay window of the east elevation of the building. The sign is to consist of the legend : "NE',YGENT REALTORS" , in 8" letters painted on an ivory colored background. The color of the letters is to be a shade of maroon matching as nearly as possible the color of the other signs on the building. The design, layout, style and dimensions of the lettering appear on or may be scaled from a scale drawing submitted to the Com- mission at the hearing held on October 1, 1969 . The second sign is to be centered above the Depot Square doorway. The sign is to consist of the legend: "NE`IGENT .'LTORS" , in li;" letters painted on an ivory colored background approximately u ° long by 113" high. The backboard is to conform in design as nearly as possible to the design of the backboards for the sign above the doorway of the premises at #15 Depot Square and the signs on the Depot Place side of the premises at #19 Depot Square . The letters of the sign are to be painted a shade of maroon matching as nearly as possible the color of the other signs on the building. The design, layout, style and dimen- sions of the lettering and backboard appear on or may be scaled from a scale drawing submitted to the Commission at the hearing held on October 1, 1969, as modified by the applicant at the hearing. The issuance of this Certificate does not constitute evidence of com- pliance with the Sign By-Law or any other By-Law of the Town of Lexi rig t on . HISTORIC DISTRICrs COMMISSION by October 1, 1969 Date . .... ... . ........... h p Silbur 'T. Jaquit Certificate No. . .69 . .. ... . . . CHAIRMAN HP.139"