HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-03 zv �a HISTORIC DISTRICTS CGMFISS Via^ The historic Districts Commission held s meeting on Wednesday., ;eptemberr 3, 1969, at 7:45 P.M., in the Selectmen's Room, Tames Office Bu'lding, Lexington. '1@mbars present "s"cEre Commissioners Wilbur Y. ja gvith, Chairman, George F. Graves and Vax H. `straw and Associate Commissioners George W. Emery, t'1'£?1klin C . Hudson and S. Lawrence Nhipple . Due to the absence of Secretary Philip B. Parsons, upon motion duly made and s ccsndad.t..q it was unanimously VOTED that Gcsra:is® si*o:4'a craves serve asaSoerataraP9 Pro Tampere for the meeting. Tie Chairman advised the members that Commissioner Ruth G. 5evar. had tendered her resignation from the commission, effective September t 1969 . The Chairman presented the following bill: Hancock Press 93.41 Upon notion duly made and atecaondcdg it 4'as unanimously VOTED to pro- cess the bill for payment, Hearing was held at 7:45 FQ on the application of Lexington Savings Bank for a CexrtifiC at;ea of Appropriateness with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the :Front and rear entrances of the building at 1776 Mass,:achusettaa :avenue¢ which is within the Battle Greer? District. The Chairman rend the notice of hearing la'ag and the letter of application. Mr. Ldwerd Duncan, Fnecutive Vice-President of the hank and C . Harrl Eriokzono Architect, appeared. Mr. T,,.. iW.b±*on presented scale drawings of each of the entrances, photographs of their locations and a brochure picturing the type of doors to to ins`sa!00 ?after discussion, upon motion duly made and secon odd it was unani- mously V5TED to issue a Certificate to the apPllcant. No other persons having a?peared, the 'hearing as closed at 8®05 P-m— `,djourrned hearing q� was held at c8;15 P.M. on the application of Associated Est altemp Inc . with respect to the demolition or WnOvalOf the uuild nS at 1.6 -1632 Massachusettsrenue and the erootion of a new building ing on said premises. or. : arl Comeau and M i Frizzoll o the firm appeased and discussion was held on the set-back oft z __ea,Vr bulldin3 .°?.nd variations in the architectural 'rold?ns . After di.ocussiong upon motion duly made and seta ded, it was un- animously VOTED to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness to Pa.al Nicholson approving changes in color of blinds an they dwelling at 2C ?6 Massachusetts Avenue from dark green to black. Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously G's;3TED that the Chairman be authorized to confirm. to Mr. Nicholson, in writing, the feeling of the Commission that in views of the Building ."inspeetorrs opinion removal is authorized under Section 6 of the Historic Districts Act and can be removed with- out a hearing . :in the event that any portion is reconstructed in st, le different from that at pa sent, & �pin' g would to needed for the: �d�� �.; construction ion of the porch. ho meeting was adjourned at 11 >15 F.T. George E. Graves Secretary, Pro Tempor TOWN OF LEXINGTC < z assacbusettr 92173 % 3 =n� HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to ,e . . .. ... . .. I. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .Paul .J.. Nichelsoa... . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . with respect to a change in color of the blinds, as noted below, on the dwelling at 2006 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. The color of the blinds is to be changed from dark green to black. HISTORIC DISTRICrs COMMISSION by Date . . .SeDtembar..3* 1969 Certificate No. ..69C-26. . ... . . . CHAIRMAN H P�109M TOWN 1V OF LEXINGTi J. op R19 Massachusetts a� 02173 ; 3 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMSSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massacbusetts, 1956, as amended, to ....... ... . . . . . . . .. . ..... . .. . . . . gngton. .$ virlg . Bunk. ... . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . . .. . . .... . . withrespeato changes in the exterior architectural features of the front and rear door and doorway entrances of the building, as noted below, at 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, which Is within the Battle Green District . The changes consist of the following! 1. Replacement of the two existing front entrance wooden doors with two anodized bronze color aluminum doors having solid muntins Replacement of existing louvred grill In lower panel on left side of front doorway entrance with larger louvred grill . Details of. the style, design, type and dimensions of the-new doors and grill appear on. or may be scaled from, drawing entitled "Proposed Alteration is` Floor Lexington Savings Bank Building by C Harry Erickson, Architect, submitted to the Commission at the hearing on September 3, 196c , 2. Replacement of the two existing pear entrance wooden doors with two. anodized bronze color aluminum doors having solid muntins Addition of a wooden header between the new doors and the transom. Details of the style. design. type and dimensions of the new doors and header appear on, or may be scaled from, the aforesaid drawing The new header is to be painted white to match existing woodwork. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Date September..3,..1969 Certificate No. ..6.9 G-2.7. . . . . ... CHAIRMAN -' M p.13B6G