HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-06 EISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION The HistarK Districts Commission bold a tiA,, on Wednesday, ATTeuat 60 19 90 at 700 �� oo In the Selectmen's Ras s Town Office Boil— din $ Lexington, MeAwre present were CommissionersWilbur A J aquitkaj, Chairmanp Ruth Go Bevan, George Eo Graves and MaxHo Straw Ansociate Commissioners George W. Emoryp Prop in 0 . Hudson and So Lawrence Shipple. Due to the absence at Secretary hili Bo Parsons, upon m,otlon duly made d seeandedo it was unanimously VOTED TED that Commissioner Rut A* 3evatl serve as Secretary `fro Tompore for the meeting, gearing was hold at 7:30 ,&oM. am the application aation of Gray Gm €aA" Larue Howell Henry for a Certificate of Appropriateness it z respect t changes the exterior architectural features of the dwelling at 'il Lan cock Str ctowhich wsa !thin the Hamksa Clam District* ,s C hair u= read the noti.ce of bearing the ett application, Mro and Mrso, Henryafa a r d aid presented photographs of the l v ations of the dwoll.iag Involved and seals drawl . a of the proposed alter ti o , o hearing vas adjourned at 8130 Pomo to allow tbb $.cial,lcauta to zaUe carrectiomson the submitted dr wings m Rearing was held at 035 PoNe on the application of Arthur Fm and John o Douglas, Trustees of Almarjo Realty Trvatp for a Certificate or Appropriateness with respect to changes the exterior sarct:tectural. features s of the rear of the building at 104 JAzaachusetts . venua t Which Is within the tattle Groan District, The Chairman d the notice f hearing and the letter of application. The Messrs. Douglass appeared-ed and presented photographs of the building and scale draminne of Q pr:yosed changes, Drawings of a requested ee air,, e also fa• a t a meat dries t rie they will fee i'vesonted again d acted wafa at as later ddsate o Gardner C* Saar sores President f~ the Lexington gedaral SavIngs & Loam Association appeared vadexpressed jutorost in the oesd standing sign. After diaeaa.as2ions upon motion duly made and sa aond dq it was a ani.'aoaa l VOTED to Issue a Cortifleate to the applicants with respect to the pro- posed changes to time building, The bearing was closed at 900 We Hearing was reconvened at 9150 Kva on the Henry a1 1i a.tion. lHo other persons baving aidyearedp the hearing was abed at :55 Wo Af"tar dic ascaionv upon motion duly de and seconded, it vas unanimously is ;`fE to issue sa Certificate to the applicants, The Chairman, advised that outstanding applications were Associated Estates, Inc, for which ma e t aaai an has been granted from August 15, 1.969 toOctober 10 1969 and Lealngton Arts and Craft* Society* The la will contact the President of the Society to request an extension of t'S.:a� to Otober 1p 1.99* With f'eren e to Lexington TV- 1. aaale Electronic Supply and their illegal signs upon motion duly made and rq eonded$ it was unanlmouslY VOTED that the Chairman authorized zed to toleappropriate actin to secure compliance with the Historic Districts Act* With reforaxme to Hanlants Minutes of tin hold ,s% August 6p 1 9 -y a Shoesp upon mWon duly made and secoadent it was unanimously VOTED that the Chairman Is authorized to forward a latter to the owner and to the manager of the store advising them that their violation of tbA Hi ttz i Districts ct must be dorreated bl September10 1969 or tha Commission ill take appropriate action. The Chairman prevented the following bills to the Commissiont Q2 .95 for photographs of the business district 603 Insallve stationers for Supplies Upon mWonduly made and seconded, it wea anvol s- sly^ VOTED to process the bills for palment. Wo next meatiry night is tentatively scheduled for Wednendays September 3s 1969a at 7130 P.No In the Selootments Roams Town Offloe Buildingo Tbo zenting was adjourned at 40 Rut * Bevan Secretary* pro Tempare TOWN OF LEXING7C ON .N,N Re! M6fJf6dcbweus 02173 ; iV: «o= ° HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Arthur F. and John B. Douglass, Trustees of Almarjo Realty Trust withrespeato changes in the exterior architectural features of the rear of the building, as noted below, at 1844 Massachusetts Avenue , which is within the Battle Green District. The changes c.onsist of the alteration of the rear elevation of the building by replacing the present garage door with a store front and entrance door on said elevation. The design, layout, style and di- mensions of the altered elevation appear on or may be scaled from drawing entitled 11Proposed Alterations to the Rear of 1844 Mass. Ave." submitted to the Commission at the hearing on August 6, 1969 . All new construction, except the glazing, shingles and hardware and foundation, is to be of wood and all windows, including the windows in the door, are to have permanent wood muntins . The shingles are to be of black asphalt and the new foundation is to be of concrete . There may be included in the new construction the following: 1. wood gutters and bronze or copper downspouts 2. provision for cove lighting in the cornice of the new elevation provided that a drawing therof is submitted to the Commission for approval prior to installation. All new woodwork is to be painted white . This Certificate does not include the approval of any signs for the altered elevation. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by August 6, 1969 Date .. . ........... ..... . 69 C-25 Wilbur M. Jaquith Certificate No. ............ CHAIRMAN N.-159" TOWN OF LEXINGTON Mauachusettr • 02173 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Gray G. and Larue .Howell Henry ......... .. ..... ......... ......... . .. . .. ......... . ....... withrespectro changes in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling, as noted below, at 11 Hancock Street, which is within the Hancock-Clarke District. The changes consist of the alteration and enlargement of the rooms on the northerly side of the rear second floor portion of said dwel- ling. The alteration and enlargement consists of replacing the dormer windows and roof on the northerly side of said rear portion with a new second floor elevation having the same vertical plane as the northerly elevation of the front portion of the building and a new roof containing a skylight for said new elevation. The design, layout, style and dimensions appear on or may be scaled from drawing III #3 entitled G. Henry Residence 11 Hancock St. Lexington, brass ." of a set of four drawings submitted to the Commission at the hearing on August 6, 1969. All new clapboards are to be of wood and are to match as nearly as possible the clapboards of the existing dwelling. The casement win- dows on the new northerly elevation are to be of wood and are to have permanent wood muntins . Double-hung windows of the same style and type as the existing dormer windows on the "north" elevation, as shown on Sheet #4 entitled "Existing Elevations", may be substituted for the aforesaid casement windows provided that: 1. said double-hung windows are installed in approximately the same position in the new elevation as their existing location and 2. blinds matching in style and type the existing blinds of the dwelling are installed for the outer sides of each window. All new woodwork, except the blinds, and new downspouts are to be painted white and the blinds are to be painted a color to match the existing blinds on the building. All new asphalt shingles are to match the color and texture of the existing shingles on the dwelling. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Date .... August 6, 1969 Certificate No. ...69 C-24 Wilbur M. Jaquith CHAIRMAN H0.158"