HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-05 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COTw AISSION The Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on Thursday, June 5, 1969, at 7:30 P.M., in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Buil- ding, Lexington. Members present were Commissioners 'd'dilbur i'eI. Jaquith, Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth G. Bevan, George E. Graves and IJax H. Straw and Associate Commissioner George 'ff. Emery. Hearing was held at 7:30 P.M. on the application of Elizabeth H. Corkum et als for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features and colors of the dwel- ling at 15 Mariam Street, which is within the Battle Green District. The Chairman read the notice of hearing and the letter of application. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Mitchell appeared and Mrs . Mitchell presented to the Commission a drawing of the proposed porch changes, photographs of the dwelling and a paint sample of the proposed aluminum siding. D7o other persons having appeared, the hearing was closed at 8:20 P .13. After discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unani- mously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the applicants . Due to the inability of Secretary Parsons to act on the following application he retired from the meeting at this time . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED that Commissioner Ruth G. Bevan serve as Secretary, Pro Tempore in this action. Hearing was held at 8:25 P.M. on the application of the Lexington Arts and Crafts Society for a Certificate of Appropriateness with res- pect to the erection and display of a sign at the corner of Waltham Street and Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green Dis- trict. The Chairman read the notice of hearing and the letter of ap- plication. Mr. Louis A. Zehner appeared as President of the Society and -presented to the Commission a set of scale drawings of the proposed sign, photographs of the proposed location and colored slides of the Society building and the arts and crafts produced by Society members . Discussion was held with Mr. Zehner as to whom he should apply for permission to erect a sign on a street post. Chairman Jaquith has re- ouested a meeting with the Board of Selectmen with reference to this and he suggested that Mr. Zehner do the same . Since the application could not be acted upon at this time, Mr. Zehner granted in writing an extension of time to -August 15, 1969 for the Commission to act . The hearing was adjourned at 9 :05 P.M. Secretary Parsons returned to the meeting at this time. The Chairman presented the following bills to the Commission: Elizabeth M. Flynn $$109 .85 Ingall' s (Stationers) 4 .60 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED to process the bills for payment. The next meeting night is scheduled for "Nednesday, June 18, 1969, at 7:30 P.M. , in the Selectmen ' s Room, Town Office Building to consider the application of Robert J. and Rosemarie H. Schwartz. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Philip B. Parsons Secretary JOWN OF LEXINGI )N asrachuetts 02173 3 3I HISTORIC DISTRICTS CONXISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Elizabeth H. Corkum et als . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . ... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .... .. .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. ... .. . . ..... .. withrespeato changes in the exterior architectural features and colors of the dwelling, as noted below, at 15 Meriam Street, which is within the Battle Green District. The changes consist of the following, 1. Removal of all exterior materials of the porch on the front elevation below the roof structure and replace- ment thereof with square cut posts and balisters and new railings, new flooring and new steps and vertical lathing below the floor all in accordance with a drawing submitted to the Commission at the hearing on June 5, 1969 except that the spacing between the ver- tical lathing is to equal the width of the lathes 2. Covering the existing wood clapboarding, cornerboards and window casements on all elevations of the dwelling with aluminum clapboard siding having 4" exposure, aluminum cornerboards and at the applicant' s discretion aluminum window casings 3 . aluminum louvered blinds are to be installed in place of the existing wooden blinds for all windows on the north, west and south elevations except that no blinds need be installed between the two windows in the center of the first floor of the north elevation, the bay windows- of the west elevation except that blinds are to be instal- led on the outside of each end window of the bay, and the picture window and the third floor window on the south elevation. The width of the new blinds is to match as nearly as possible the width of the existing wooden blinds 4 . All existing wooden watersheds above the windows are to be removed. The existing wooden gutters and existing downspouts are to be replaced with aluminum gutters and downspouts Z ffU. .. ....... . . . .. . . .. y N P13B6. TOWN OF LEXINGT( N y assaLlmsetZS 02173 HISTORIC'DISTRICTS COMMISSION Certificate of Appropriateness--Elizabeth H. Corkum et als--Page 2 5. All aluminum clapboarding, cornerboards and window casements are to be of a shade of pearl grey matching the sample shown to the Commission at the hearing on June 5, 1969 . The aluminum blinds are to be white . All doors, porch posts and balustrades and window sash are to be painted white . All other exposed wooden surfaces, the aluminum gutters and all downspouts are to be painted a shade of grey matching as nearly as possible the grey aluminum clapboarding 6 . Additional combination storm windows may be installed for windows not presently having them provided that such additional combination windows match as nearly as possible the style and finish of the existing com- bination windows . HISTORIC DISTRICTS COPVISSION By 'Xilbur ii% Jaquith Chairman. Date June 5, 1969 Certificate No . 69 C-15