HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-30 HISTORIC DISTRICTS CONIILTSSION P,1 ?UTES OF HEETIivG HELD 0i�i APRIL 30, 1969 The Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on °tednesday, April 30, 1969, at 7:30 P.M., in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, Lexington. Members present were Co=m?issioners Kax H. Straw, Chairman, Pro Tempore, Philip B . Parsons , Secretary and Ruth G. Bevan and Associate Commissioners Franklin C . Hudson and S . Lawrence 'rslhipple . Hearing was held at 7.30 P.T,L, on the application of Alan G. Adams at als , Trustees of the ':Hillard Adams Trust for a Certificate of Ap- propriateness with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the building at 9-11 Mariam Street, which is within the Battle Green District . The Chairman., Pro Tempore read the notice of hearing and the letter of application. Mr. and Mrs. ^_dams, Harold E . Stevens , Esquire and Charles H. Cole 2nd, Architect appeared. Mr. Ste- vens, Attorney for the Trustees, who are Alan G. Adams. Rebecca '0i. Adams and Wilbur M. Jaquith, presented the background reasons for the request for a change in the exterior architectural features of the building. Mr. Cole presented scale drawings of the proposed changes, photographs of the existing building and a Plot Plan of the property. The hearing Baas closed at 9.00 r.tr., no other persons having appeared. After dis- cussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously / TE7 to issue a Certificate to the applicants . Harold E . Stevens, Esq . and Nicholas Cannalonga, owner of the Flagon '.'rn.eels Nursery of Lexington appeared at this time and in accor- dance with a condition in Certificate of Appropriateness No . 68 C-21, issued on June 27, 1968 to Shell Oil Company with reference to Com- mission approval of plantings for the property presented a dra,aing indicating planting areas and brochures picturing some of the shrubs,• and flowering plants proposed. After discussion, the Commission. members approved the planting plan . "•,fir. Connalonga will forward to the Clerk for filing a. duplicate drmkTing of the planting areas . Adjourned hearing was held at 8:45 P.M. on the application of Ha:nlon' s Shoes for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to maintenance and display of two signs on the rear of the store at 1725 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District , After discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: That the Commission determines that the maintenance and display of the two signs on the building is in- appropriate for the purposes of the Historic Districts Act, Chapter 447, Acts of 1956, as amended, and hereby denies the application for the reasons . ( 1) That the sign bea-ing the legend 04Hanlon' s Shoes" and beneath '¢'Lens-Ladies Teen-Children'P is too large and contains unnecessary words ; and (2) That the sign bearin the legend '"Entrances° is unneeded. The adjourned hearing was closed at 9 :30 P .N1. _IXDTES OF T;=T YC ALL Oil ,PRIL 30, 1969--Page 2 The Chairman, Pro Telpore advised the Co=ission that a letter of extension of time to June 30, 1969 had been received from vrs. Ghelly ar-on, President of Village Artisans , Inc . Possible demolition of the building which houses the shop was the reason for the extension. The next meE3t].?1g night 1.S scheduled for '+'feCyllesday, i'TB.y 7, 1909, at 7:45 F . 1., in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building. In in- formal meeting will be held with 1.r. Peter Thomas with reference to a building he has purchased at 19 Muzzey Street . The meeting was adjourned at 10.40 P.T,'1. Philip B. Parsons Secretary TOWN OF LEXING )N Massachusetts 02173 3�' , V .avt9^ j HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF DET=TIPT=_TION Notice is hereby given that at an adjourned meeting of the Historic Districts Commission held on Wednesday, April 30, 1969 the Commission voted to deny the application of Hanlon' s Shoes for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the maintenance and dis- play of two signs on the rear of premises located at 1725 !.assa- chusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District for the reasons : (1) That the sign bearing the legend "Hanlon' s Shoes" and beneath t0?,lens-Ladies-Teen-Children" is too large and contains un- necessary words ; and (2 ) That the sign bearing the legend "Entrance" is unneeded. The two signs are deemed to be inappropriate for the purposes of the Historic Districts Act . The denial of the appli- cation is without prejudice to the filing of a new application by the applicant at a later date . Participat`_ng in this decision were Commissioners Tax H. Strata, Chairman Pro Tempore, Philip B . Parsons. Secretary-, and Ruth G. Bavan and Associate Co=issioners Fran-klin C . Hudson and S . Lavrrence ',%Ihipple . HISTORIC DISTRICTS CCF:_tISSIO! By !,isx H. Straw Chairman, Pro Tc,^_Jore ^;pril 30, 1969 TOWN OF LEXING ON oJS OrH,N MasfacbuSe tts IQ 1m� 02173 HISTORIC sOISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to !an w. F.dams et als, Trustees of the r'Jillard P.dams Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in amendment to Certificate of Appropriateness No. 169 issued to tdihuuVenxu �.lan G . Adams and Rebecca ;`d. Adams on 'gay 26, 1966, and in amendment to amendment to Certificate of P.ppropriateness No . 190 issued to Alan Adams at als , Trustees of the 'dillard Adams Trust on January 5, 1967 with respect to changes in the exterior architec- tural features of the buildin , as noted below, at 9-11 P,Teriarn Street, which is within the Battle IGreen District. The changes in exterior architectural features originally permitted in Certificate of Appropriateness No. 169 include the following: ( 1) To remove the entire overhanging gutter and cornice detail, along the full length of the rear elevation, back to the vertical alignment of the said elevation . In place of the details to be removed, the exterior section of the end wall exposed by the removal shall be closed in by the horizontal erection of 1" x 10" shiplap siding in vertical alignment above the brickwork to a height where the plane of the said rear elevation intersects the slope of existing roof above . A new gutter shall be formed by boxing behind the new siding as described above . The new siding s .a.11 be painted to match as nearly as possible in color and appearance the existing finished exterior woodwork on the r�uilding. (2 ) The existing round copper downspouts on the rear elevation shall be removed from that elevation and relocated around the nearest respective corners of the ouildinl� to new posi- tions on the elevations referenced "Depot Place Elevation94 and "Railroad Side Elevation" on the plan below identified. The change in an exterior architectural feature originally permitted in amendment to Certificate of Appropriateness No . 190 includes the following: (A) The existing exhaust fan and housinz in the rear elevation may be removed. The wall opening thereby exposed shall be sealed by bricking-in to match in color, form and ;eneral appearance the adjoining existing brickwork. 594'�%t2SAkTd<:XSx �XPiix4 Mkl6 x. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y,&GW61= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3ax1cy�1G NP-13B66 TOWN OF LEXINGTON Massacbusetts 02173 K 1 a " HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION i ,ertificAte of -ipropriatnness--Alan J. Adams et als , Trustees--Page 2 of the di' llard .dams Trust ( B) The function of the existing exhaust fan proposed to be re- moved may be performed by a fan in a new so-called "mushroom- type" housing proposed to be erected on the flat area at the uppermost height of the main roof. The ventilator housing is to be aluminum left in natural finish to weather. It is understood that the ventilator housing shall be approximately two feet (21 ) in diameter and shall have a height not greater than twenty-four inches ( 24" ) , It is further understood that the new ventilator housing will be placed inside the sloping roof sections in a position to reduce as much as possible its visibility from adjoining public ways . Locations and details of the items of alteration may be seen on a Plan bearing title "Elevations Showing ' Scheme B' For Removing Rear Cornice Etc . , Adams Building" , by Charles H. Cole 2nd, Architect, Lexington, Mass ., dated January 15, 1968, as submitted to the Com- mission at the hearing on April 30, 1969. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION By lax H. Straw Chairman, Pro Tempore Date April 30, 1969 Certificate No. 69 C-10 I f