HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-16 HISTORIC DISTRICTS C0-'i1EISSIOPvf T TITTOTES On fEETING rELD GNI 'PRIL 16, 1969 she Historic Districts Commission held a meeting on ded_Zesday, April 16, 1969, at 7:30 in the Selectmen' s Loom, Town Office Building, Lexington. P=lembers present ,,,care Commissioners ,`,i lbur i. Ja- quith, Chairman, Philip B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth C . Bevan, George E. Graves and 77ax H. Stra- and Associate COr�?i1].SSioilel�l rai;'_'��in C . -udson, and C_ George ,`t. Ymery, bearing was held at 7:30 P .M. on the application of Village Artisans, Inc . for a Certificate of i-'_ppro-oriateness with respect to the erection and display of a free standing sign on the premises at 1632 Massachu- setts Avenue, is within the .Battle Green District . The 'Chairman lead the notice of hearing and the letter of ap_lication. Pars . Chelly Baron, President of Village Artisans, Inc . Mrs . Russell '.olfe and ivrs . Kimball Keeping appeared and presented to the Co=fission drawings of the proposed sign, photographs of the Building and an existing signboard. Discussion was held with respect to the position of the sign on the pre- iTiSeS, the method of Supp Orti ng the Sign and its de Sl.gn. "'L"_8 C'lairiilo^.n requested that the applicants forward to him a set of scale drawings of the proposed sign. The hearing liras adjourned at 8.50 P .&!. Furt' er dis- cussion was held by Commission members on the design of the sign and its supports and an outline of changes and reco=imend'ations xill be mailed to Mrs . Baron. Adjourned hearing was held at 9:00 I on the application of Han- lon' s Shoes for a Certificate of i=_ppropriateness with respect to the maintenance and display of signs or, the existing awning at the front elevation of the store at 1725 Massachusetts Avenue, which is inTithin the Battle Green District . After discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously -TOTED to issue a Certificate, to the appli- cant subject to the conditions provided in said Certificate . The ad- 4 ourned hearing was adjourned at 9:3Q P ."1 The portion of the applica- tion repu.esting a Certificate with respect to the maintenance and display of two signs on the 'rear of said premises will be acted upon at the meeting to be held on .-_pril 30, 1969 . Adjourned hearing alas held at 9 45 P.1:1. on the a_',p?icaticn of the Trustees of Cary Hemori.al Library with respect to the erection and dis- play of signs =or the part-,i= areas on the -property at 1874 tiassachusetts _'_venue, which is within the rattle Green District . 6111ter discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to issue a Certificate to the applicants . The adjourned hearing was closed a-v 10.30 P .&i. The next -Meeting night is scheduled for ,Yed.nasday, _?pril 30, -L/Ois at 7 :30 r.3I. , in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building to consider the application of the Trustees of the '':dillard Adains Trust and the pending applications of Hanlon' s Shoes and the village artisans, Inc . The meeting was adjourned at 11.40 P .r:1. hl-1 �a L1ec TOWN OF I.,EXINC 'ON Massachusetts .3. 02173 y LV PIL I9+ i HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Hanlon' s Shoes ............. . .. ..... . ... . .. . .. ... . .. . ..... .. . . . .. ..... ... .... ... .. . . . ... .... .. . ........... .... . withrespectto the maintenance and display of signs on the existing awning at the front elevation of the store, as noted below, at 1725 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. There may be maintained and displayed on the green canvas skirt of each end section of the awning a sign consisting of the word "Hanlon' s" in white letters approximately 61j high. This Certificate is issued subject to the following conditions which, if this certificate is acted upon, shall be.binding upon the applicant and its respective successors in title as provided in Section 9 of the Historic Districts Act: 1. No signs of any kind are to be erected or displayed on any other part of the arming. 2. The existing sign on the skirt of the front of the awning is to be eliminated within 20 days of the date of issuance of this certificate . The issuance of this Certificate does not constitute evidence of compliance with the Sign By-Law or any other By-Lave of the Town of Lexington. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by Date .. . ApT'11 16, 1969 .. ... .. . 69 C-8 V11ilbur M. Jaquith Certificate NO. CHAIRMAN MP-13964 TOWN OF LEXINC` ''ON Massachusetts m 02173 3 ie1'Ril l9^ / HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION - I CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Trustees of Cary 1.1emorial Library .... ...... . ........ ...... . ... .. . .... ... . . ..... .. . . . . ..... . ... . ..... .. . . . . .. . ... . .. ...... .. withrespectto the erection and display of signs for the parking areas on the property, as set forth below, at 1874 �dassachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District . The first sign is to bear the legend: "Library Parking Only" painted in black letters on a plywood board painted white . The exterior edges of the sign are to be finished with a rabbeted molding approxi- mately 1" painted white . The sign is to be supported by a single wood post painted white not larger than 3" x 3" . The sign is to be located in the grass plot abutting the northerly edge of the drive- way leading to the Clarke Street parking area and is to be approxi- mately 10' easterly from the easterly edge of the Clarke Street side- walk abutting the library property. The height of the sign at the top center point shall be not more than 30" from the ground. There may be two signs bearing the legend: "Parking Between Signs For Staff Only" in black letters painted on plywood painted white . The signs are to be fastened to the fence along the southwesterly sideline of the property adjacent to Clarke Street and the tops of the signs are to be not more than 5' from the ground. The location of one sign is to be at the southeasterly end of the fence and the other sign is to be located on the fence not closer to Clarke Street than 'the center line of the parking area. There may be an additional sign bearing the legend: "Library Staff Parking Only" painted in black letters on plywood painted white for the parking area at the end of the driveway leading from Massachu- setts Avenue . This sign is to be fastened to a wood post not more than 3" x 3" painted white . The sign is to be located approximately in the middle of the landscaped area southerly of the southerly por- tion of the paved parking area and the top of the sign is to be 4' from ground level. Additional details on the design, layout, style and dimensions of the lettering of the signs and signboards appear on a drawing by Urso Signs, Vialtham, Hass . submitted to the Commission at the hearing held on April 1, 1969 . IIISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION by April 16, 1969 Date . . . ..... . .. . .. .. . . . . 69 C-9 Wilbur Pi. Jaquith Certificate No. CHAIRMAN XP.15954 - '