HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-01 H$ST .a IC DIw+a.4i ICTS COMMISSION MINUTES OF aae�srx..ti.'i HILL ON APRIL l., 196 The historic Districts Commission hold a meeting on 'aaseadayp April, 1, 1969P at 7 %X-s In the Conference e Room, Cary Hemorial IK Ily Lexington, Members preaent were Commissioners Wilbur No Jaquiths Chairman, Ruth G. Devan and lix No btraw and Associate Commissioners Franklin C. Hudanoass, Gladys M, Moore and S. Lawrence Whipple, Secretary Philip So z,arssons being absento capon motions duly made and seconded, it was unanimously V4-TaFT that Commissioner Ruth A. Bevan serve as "'.eoY'otar:< Pro Tompore. Renring was held at approximately 7 s al ?X, an the application of Trustees of Crr7 Messl ai. l Library for as Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection and display of three parking legit signs on tbo prvpertY at 1174 Tassachusetts Avers p which Is within the Rattle reeaa District. The Chairman 'geed the Notice of Hearing and the letter of application. 'ax . Hilton, Director of the Library appeared and pre- sented nted photographs of and scale drawings f the proposed signs and their locations. ni cu ssioaa was hold as to the denign and size, of the gns. o other porsons havingappeared, the heftring was adjourned at 7m55 Pee. Action on the application do will be taken at a later date. Hearing was old at asas:sroximaatel, 5:00 P.To an the application of William iaam R o and Virginia CZ. 5b t hfi son for a Permit it for Demolition i.ti on o Removal of the porch attached to t.e dwelling at l Runt Road, which isa within the Munroe Tavern ism t. The Chi • aan read the Notice of Ecaring a d the letter of application. Contiguous heaari. a was held at 8:0 ?-.M. on the ppl isadtion of William R o and Virginia hutas i son for a Certificate of Appropriateness with respect to the erection of an addi- tion to the existing d ell.ing ;at I sUunt goad, nr. and Mrs. Hutchison and Royston To Daley, Architect appeared and presented scale drawings sags of the proposed addition, photographs of the existing dwelling d sa scale model of the dwell nZ with the attached ad•a tionsu No gather persoMJR having appearsdo the henri ngss were closed at 9:30 e 0, after d:iscussi.m aeon motions duly made and seeandedo It was, unanimously li''TED to issue to the applicants as Pe:rmi.t, for Demolition or Removal and e Certificate, of Appropriateness. hearing was hold at 9;35 P-M a anthe application of 'H lon;0 Shoes for a Certificate of ApproprIsteness with m5OP00t to t.e main enance and display of signs an the awning at 1725 Massachusetts Avenue and the main- ten a aae and display of two signs on the near of said promises, which i within the Battle Breen District. The Chairman road the Notice of hear- ing and the letter of as al is atiOn. s,tq ld Kencettv Manager of Fan- Ion' Fan- Ion's appeared and presented scale drawings of the :signs and Photographs of the sipns and the awning. N other persons having appeared, the heyring was adjourned at 10:00 PS, After discussion, Commission Menm� bars wiaiing to view the signs and awning, it was deolded to take aasnti^ra on the application at a later date. Thr next meeting znig&t Is scheduled fey Wednessd yp April 1. , 1969, at 76 . .M., In the `,ele' tsaaeraa Room, Town Office Buildings to consider ending rappRlicat)j ona and the 9 applyiea^a}tjion of Village rtisaa. , 1 4 a'.Aia`wg ii eee�e'e5ng was [Sl-W�ilt�eAL�N. ed, at aw$rm4•1 A. M. . 20cretar7p Pro `.»`a0,>,{3,Tg3sere Due to the inability* of Commissioners George E . Graves and Philip B. Parsons to act on the petition of V Lees of Caryy oorial; L-b a�r� rl iam R. and /i rgini a r_u c _Unson Hanlon' s Shoes the chair designates Associate Commissioners Franklin C . Hudson and Gladys M. Hoore to serve in this action. Chairman April 1, 1969 Date TOWN OF LEXINGTON °;� _:, Massachmetts 02173 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION PER14IT FOR DEMOLITION OR RE'IOVAL This Permit for Demolition or Removal is issued pursuant to Chapter 447 of the Acts of 1956, as amended, to 'Nilliam R. and Virginia C� . Hutchison for the demolition or removal of the porch attached to the northwesterly elevation of the dwelling at 1 Hunt Road, which is within the Munroe Tavern District. This. Permit is issued subject to the condition which shall apply if the Permit is acted upon that the applicants shall erect the one story addition to the dwelling in substantially the same location in accordance with the design of said addition set forth on scale drawings Nos , 4 and 5 entitled "Bldg. Eleva- tions" by Royston T . Daley, Architect, submitted to the Commission at the hearing on April 1, 1969, Certificate. of Appropriateness No. 69 C-7 for said addition having been issued by the Commission on April 1, 1969. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COT31ISSION By Wilbur Y. Jaquith Chairman Date April 1, 1969 Permit No. 69 P-1 TOWN OF LEXING' `N Massachusetts a 02173 °ex,noi�` HISTORIC DISTRICTS COIAYTISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to William R. and Virginia 0. Hutchison ................ ...... ...... ... ......... . ... .... .. .. ...... .... ........ ...... . ..... .............. withrespectto the erection of an addition to the existing dwelling, as noted below, at 1 Hunt Road, which is within the tiunroe Tavern District . The addition is to consist of the erection of a one story structure attached to the northwesterly elevation of the existing dwelling in the location substantially as marked in red on drawing No. 3 of a set of 5 scale drawings by Royston T . Daley submitted to the Commission at the hearing on April 1, 1969 . The design, layout, style, dimensions and types of building materials and some of the details appear on or may be scaled from drawings Nos . 4 and 5 of said set of drawings. All window frames of the northwesterly and southeasterly elevations of the addition are to be of wood. The asphalt shingles of the roof of the addition are to be of a color to match as nearly as possible the shingles on the roof of the existing dwelling and all new woodwork and downspouts are to be painted white to match the color of the existing dwelling. The new concrete foundation of the addition is to be left in the same finished condition as the foundation of the existing dwelling and no more of the new foundation is to be left exposed than is shown in said drawings . The bricks for the chimney of the addition are to be of the same dimensions, type and color as the water struck common red brick of the existing chimney and of a grade and quality at least equal to said existing brick. This Certificate is issued subject to the following condition which shall be "binding upon the applicants, the owner of the property and his successors in titlet° within the meaning of Section 9 of Chapter 447 of the Acts of 1956, as amended: The erection of this addition is subject to the condition that there shall be planted and main- tained a permanent landscape screening for the entire northeasterly elevation of the addition in accordance with a landscaping plan showing type , size, initial and ultimate, and location of the trees and shrubs to be planted and maintained to be submitted to the Commission for approval prior Pule:.. . ........ . ..... ... - EreTeTMYt t2( . ..... ..... . ....... $CihJXmYaAr XP439d4 TOWN OF LEXINGTON Massachusetts 02173 `` `-'" IISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION Certificate of Appropriateness-'+'lilliam R. & Virginia Q. Hutchison Page 2 to the original installation of said land- scape planting, said plan is to be submitted to the Commission within 90 days of comple- tion of the addition and all plantings approved by the Commission shall be installed within such period of time as shall be specified by the Commission at the time of its approval of the plan. HISTORIC DISTRICTS COP:NIISSION By Wilbur M. Jaquith Chairman Date April 1, 1969 Certificate ldo. 69 C-7