HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-12 CT ES 0 J T " 1 TG HEI-D 0 - FE:3 :U _Rv 12, 1969 The "_i storic Districts Co'a'sl'."rii scion 'held ail ad, journed. meeting on Wednesday, -February 12 , 1969, at 8:00 �..... , in the Selectmen' s Room-, `i'o,:m Office Building, LeXingtor. `embers _ resent viere CoY! '_-ssioners ,-.ilbur M. Jacuit_rl, Chairman_, Phili_C B. Parsons, Secretary, Ruth u. i Sevan, �- eor e Z . Craves and __a<<: H. Straw. i''1e Chai- ar reviewed_ -he factual backorou'nd _pert a`_nf n" to the ap- p1,_cations of Rouge Chevrolet, Inc . and Depositors ' r;.st Cdrrrpznyy -'or certificates of appropriateness for the .section, maintenance and dis- play of suns on the tops of taxicabs maned and operated by the �exinE- ton Cab Co., Inc. 1t ,Tia_s et7pla.ined that the facts p reeen, d at the hearing showed that sio7icards had. been purchased by t'-8 two aJpllcants at a. cost of approxi__ately +>100 each for- a contract _period. e:�mirin.� in September, 1969 and that the ai—olicants paid. a ":ont!:"_iy ad.vertisino charge one-half of which toms paid by the advertising agent to the tax'-cab c Ompeny. r.lso, it was pointed out that he 7ex'ngton Cab n inc . h moo ., ad fastened bolts throu h the roofs of the taxicabs and that there would be so--me expenses incurred by the taxicab cCTPpanly in restoring the tops to a serviceable condition u_Oon reSloval of the carrying vulit S . vonSiCera- tion also was given to the issue raised at the _wring that taxicabs located in the Battle Green District in the past had dis-:laj�ed adver- tising panels on the rear of the taxicabs Lvithou.t :raving had certifi- cates of appropriateness . .`fter discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, it -,.'as unar-Lacusly V0L1D : That the Commission dete-rrines that the erection, maintenance and dis-olav of the sins involved in the application of Rowe Chevrolet, Inc . on the tops of taxicabs owned_ by the Lexington Cab Co. , Inc. and. located within the Battle Green District would result in Sims having a St7le, design, and colors and locations which would be inappropriate for the Battle Green District and which therefore would be contrary to the purposes of the Historic Districts A.ct.. _TPC110l.ling the foregoing determination the Comnissi Cn considered whether owing to conditions especially affecting the sins but not affecting the 3attle '-sreen District r.enerally, failure to appro,Te the application would 'involve a substantial hardship to the applica_"n and v,—ether such application may be approved without substantial detriment to the public welfare and wit out substantial derogat"ion from .the intent and pU CSeS of t'.ae Oct . rinereupon, upon motions duly made and s eco-r_ded, it was un an iM Ou sly 1jO^=Da That the Co'.T9'flissicn deter:nines8 1. t:'!at fai itirE to ^pprove the Rc,'?e Chevrolet, lne . ac_dl- Ut - to the P in-ates of a.d.. o-arned meeting _field on 'ebruary ;2y 796 ,--- ale 2 Exte"ht of autho-rizinE the -aiiitence and di s- play of the Si nS and carry, - u. its fora reasonable period of dine after they were first erected and displayed would involve a substantial hardship to the ao"olicant and the Lexin�ton Cab Co. , Inc . , and 2 . that the application may be arproved to the extent of authorizing the main- tenance, and di splay of the s' gns and carrying units until June 30, 1969 wit-nout substantial de- triment to the public welfare and without sLtib- stantial derogation fron the intent and purposes of the Acts and further It 0T"ZD; Mat a Certificate of a-�'prolUriateness be issued to the a"plicant 'oursuant to the foregoing vote subject to a-ppropriate conditions for --maintenance Of the signs and rEiioval of the s' mn.S and carry ink units at the end of the period specified in said votes After discussion, upon motion duly -made and Seconded, it vvas ,m an imo"a sly VC`rEDa That the Cc=i^ ssi on determines treat the erection, maintenance and display of the suns involved in the application of Depositors Trust Ccrepa_ny or the taps of taxicabs cvmed by the Lexi_hgton Cab Co . , Inc and located irithir_ the Battle C-reen DiStri Ct i:t'Ol:.id r Esizlt 1.Yi Si gnS ha"V ing a Style, design, and colors and being in locations Qv-- '' oh would be inappropriate for the 'rattle been Dis- trict and v,71.tich therefore zould be contrary to t_1e pur--oses of the 1i stork Districts ct . "'Oil OP in,� ti10 fGregOin d-eterm nation t. E 'o0"sn^:__S S1on considered ?'Trio Z_1Er o,,ving to conditions especially affecting the Si Green ins but not of I'EC =nc then Bat"G1E een District _;enerall,y, failure to�apYJrOve zne a"_oc 11 Cat io_: W O'�.;1Q' involve Sub star tial hardslii"p to the ap Oi-ca nt and 7,�.-he Cher SL'.Ch lic a;c-ol" cati Cn 'flay be aoo-oved vvithout substantial detri_'ient to the pi;.�^- aElfar'e and .'= .pout substantial dero a.tion from the intent and -our"_Ooses of she 'let .. Thereupon, u-00n 1":iOtiO"Pis duly rade and seconded, it - as unanimously Vv T El,D ; T'aat the OoiiT:nission deter"Ines ' 1. t'^sat fa' Pure to ^O,orove the Depositors _rust, C,onPaI: : aP-Plicat_on to t!iE E_�tent of authorizing the rlainte=rice and dis'ola,v of the signs and carr- ;ra 'snits for a reasonable Eriod of ti.^me after they vere first erected and dis- "`layeC ,,vould involve a sQbstanti al '_rardShip to the applicant and the ye.>_nZ o'il Cab -o . , Inc . , and 2. that the application iiaV be ^'_iroved to the Extent tea : e6 —ate: :J Fe se7 9, of wow:zm3a _± :a « w: of t s -igns and arr ita unti z a /« 1969 without, a ct:w detzoimentl to the public f are and v--i t1lo : m« w =62y= from the ,G and -oumaaa of the anae»tha= «mom That a certificate of w-=o2w menaa be :aueJ t= the 2 = t2»a2t= -he for =.svote s:yct to c-onditions Jew ir :en a=a � the 6a and r:ovwof the signs and ca—yi ya at s a :2 U D,:« a—o -lle = said vote . , next meetinE .tis m' clfor-w, z mf ate, 7 ;: 2A� . — ea zz= , =mz Office yl to D 11,i v:»3 3 »: : m:=3 t yswzyy= : s :- _ 2 earls tea —ems Az W y�a6 TOWN OF LEXING _ON Mas.rachureur x 02173 3 3 119^ ez =� HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massachusetts, 1956, as amended, to Rowse Chevrolet, Inc . .......... ... ......... ....... ........ ........... ....... .. . .... ........... ............ . ..... ... .. withrespectto the erection, maintenance and display of signs, as set forth below, on the tops of 1E taxicabs owned and operated by the Lexington Cab Co . , Inc . , which corporation and taxicabs are located at 1644 Yassachusetts Avenue and are within the Battle Green District. The signs consist of two removable, coated cardboard panels, desig- nated "Taxi-Top Ad Cards", located in a carrying unit mounted on the . top of each taxicab, such unit being designated an "Illuminated Taxi- Top Ad Carrier" . The panels are mounted in the carrier back to back, one panel facing the rear and being finished with flourescent paint black light illuminated and the other panel facing forward and being non-illuminated . The signs are approximately 13"' x 48" and are to bear the following legend on each panel : "GO ',MERE YOU GET FORE .R 0 W E C H E V R 0 LE T 33 BEDFORD ST . LEXINGTON Phone 862-1000" The words "Go Alhere You Get .:ore" are in lemon color letters and the word "Rowe" is in red letters on a black background. The word "Chevrolet" is in black letters on a red Chevrolet symbol and the words "33 Bedford St. , Lexington" and phone number are in black letters on a lemon color background. The above signs with their carrying units may be maintained and dis- played, including replacement with signs of the same type, style, design, lettering and colors when required, until midnight on June 30, 1969, subject to the following conditions which, if this certificate is acted upon, shall be binding upon the applicant and the owner of the taxicabs, and their respective successors in title as provided in Section 9 of said Historic Districts Act : 1 . All signs displayed in the carrying units pursuant to this certificate are to be kept in a reasonably good condition and shall be replaced with new sign cards from time to time as may become necessary to maintain them in such condition. �{STZF$IF.�Y�T12.I�T&�OMx�I-f�52O1�r ky ern?e5re' 7oYX:CXXX.... ... .. .. . ye-fis�fitF 'iF XP43964 Certificate of Appropriateness--Roc+re Chevrolet, Inc .--Page 2 2. All signs maintained and displayed on the tops of all taxicabs pursuant to this certificate shall be removed not later than 12:00 noon on July 1, 1969, and shall not therafter be replaced. 3 . All sign carrying units maintained on the tops of all taxicabs pursuant to this certificate shall be removed not later than July 15, 1969 and shall not thereafter be replaced. This certificate is issued pursuant to the powers granted to the Commission under Section 9 of the Act authorizing approval of an application under certain conditions set forth in said Section when the Commission has determined that the signs involved are inap- propriate for the purposes of the Act . HISTORIC DISTRICTS COEi ISSIOB; I By Wilbur M. Jaquith Chairman Date February 122 1969 Certificate do. 69 C-3 g: TOWN OF LEXING.L ON 9, Man-achusettr 02173 ; 3 Pxr��,as� HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This certificate is issued pursuant to Chapter 447, Acts of Massarcbusetts, 1956, as amended, to Depositors Trust Company ....... ..... .. ..... . ..... ...... ... . ..... ........ ....... . ..... . .. ......... ......... .. . ......... .. withrespectto the erection, maintenance and display of signs, as set forth below, on the tops of 5 taxicabs owned and operated by the Lexington Cab Co. , Inc . , which corporation and taxicabs are located at 1644 T:?assachusetts Avenue and are within the Battle Green District . The signs consist of two removable , coated card-board panels, desig- nated 'Taxi-Top Ad Cards" , located in a carrying unit mounted on the top of each taxicab, such unit being designated an "Illuminated Taxi- Top Ad Carrier" . The panels are mounted in the carrier back to back, one panel facing the rear and being finished with flourescent paint black light illuminated and the other panel facing forward and being non-illuminated. The signs are approximately 13" x !T8" and are to bear the following legend on each panel: "AUTO DEPOSITORS HOTiE ( car symbol) TRUST . COTPANY (house symbol) LOANS Lexington-T,Tedford LOANS" The words "Auto Loans and Home Loans" are in blue letters and the car and house symbols are in red color all imposed on a yellow color back- ground outined in red. The words "Depositors Trust Company" are in yellow letters and the words "Lexington_,Tedford" are in white letters imposed on a blue background outlined in red. The above signs with their carrying units may be maintained and dis- played, including replacement with signs of the same type, style , design, lettering and colors when required, until midnight on June 30, 1969, subject to the following conditions which, if this certificate is acted upon, shall be binding upon the applicant and the owner of the taxicabs, •and their respective successors in title as provided in Section 9 of said Historic Districts Act: 1. All signs displayed in the carrying units pursuant to this certificate are to be kept in a reasonably good condition and shall be replaced with new sign cards from time to time as may become necessary to maintain them in such condition. �35YDRRi�?IS"fI2F4�I5��1%f tiFISSIfl�x �E�XXXXXXXXXXXX--- .......... 'Cri'siiiL2V HP-159" Certificate of Appropriateness--Depositors Trust Company--Page 2 2 . All signs maintained and displayed on the tops of all taxicabs pursuant to this certificate shall be removed not later than 12 .00 noon on .July 1, 1969, and shall not thereafter be replaced. 3 . All sign carrying units maintained on the tops of all taxicabs pursuant to this certificate shall be removed not later than July 15, 1969 and shall not thereafter be replaced. This certificate is issued pursuant to the powers granted to the Commission under Section 9 of the Act authorizing approval of an application tinder certain conditions set forth in said Section when the Commission has determined that the signs involved are inap- propriate for the purposes of the Act . HISTORIC DISTRICTS CO-1,7MISSION By :Iilbur M. Jaquith Chairman Date February 12 , 1969 Certificate No. 69 C-L