HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-03-HPB-min Lexington Housing Partnership Board Meeting Minutes for January 22, 2019 Attendees: Harriet Cohen, Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti,Jeri Foutter, Paul Linton, Bob Pressman, Melanie Thompson, Melinda Walker, Betsey Weiss Absent: Rich McDonough, Mary Haskell, Wendy Manz Action Items: ■ HPB members: review the material on the Lexington website regarding the 186 Bedford Street development (list documents). ■ HPB members: review the material at the links provided by Jeri Foutter regarding the 40R and 40S legislation and please read about the Massachusetts starter home initiative (see this article for a summary of the starter home initiative). 0 40R ■ https://www.mass.gov/service-details/chapter-40r ■ https://www.chapa.org/sites/default/files/TheUseofCh40R 2018.pdf 0 40S ■ https://www.mass.gov/service-details/chapter-40-s ■ http://www.concordsqdev.com/pdfs/050522 CHTF School Funding.pdf o Housing Production Plan ■ Section VI -Goals and Objectives, p. 43-p. 53 - info for HPB and goals we can work on. ■ p. 42 2.6 talks about modifying overlay districts ■ Ms.Weiss will ask Mr. Pato as to where the funds from Brookhaven will go. (The clarification is requested as these funds are specifically for building new affordable units.) ■ Mr. Linton to post handouts at HPB meetings on the website to make them available for review by HPB members and other interested parties. ■ [revised] Ms.Cohen will draft a letter to Lexington's state legislators supporting this legislation. She will send it to the HPB for review and then discussion at a subsequent HPB meeting. o Revision: Chris Kluchman, former chair of the Housing Partnership Board, is the driving force behind this legislation. We will invite Ms. Kluchman to provide an overview of this legislation. ■ [complete] Ms. Foutter will contact the Comprehensive Planning Process committee to ask for a representative of the committee to talk with the HPB at an HPB meeting. (Agenda Item 4) ■ [complete] Ms.Weiss will resend the description of the Town's three affordable housing related entities. ■ [complete] All members: provide comments on the housing entities descriptions by Dec. 21 ■ [complete] Ms. Foutter will find out how the members may add themselves (or be added to)the TMMA Google Group. ■ [complete] Ms. Foutter will contact Mr. Reyelt to discuss modifications to the presentation based on the comments and feedback from the HPB. Lexington Housing Partnership Board ■ [complete] All members: send comments and feedback on the 40R/40S presentation as provided previously to the HPB. ■ [complete] Ms. Cohen will send a pointer to the Minneapolis 2040 Vision website.The 2040 plan strongly advocates for affordable housing. The Housing Partnership Board (HPB) meeting was chaired by Jeri Foutter and minutes were taken by Harriet Cohen.The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm. 1. Approve Prior Minutes Minor amendments were made to the meeting minutes. Melanie Thompson moved approval of the minutes as amended. Melinda Walked seconded the motion.The motion passed unanimously. Bob Pressmen moved approval of the minutes of Oct. 16, Nov. 7, and Nov. 13. Ms. Walker seconded the motion.The motion passed unanimously. 2. 186 Bedford Street The Ciampas are proposing to build 13 housing units, of which 3 will be affordable.The abutters are not in favor of the proposal. Ms. Foutter requested that all HPB members review the material regarding 186 Bedford Street that is posted on the Town website. Please come to the next meeting informed as to the proposed development so that the Housing Partnership Board can debate a motion on the proposed rezoning. 3. Lexington's Three Affordable Housing Committee Descriptions At the request of Town Meeting, Ms.Weiss shared with Town Meeting members on January 5 the description of the three affordable housing committees. Hard copy of the descriptions was distributed at HPB meeting. 4. Discussion of affordable and attainable housing percentages for SPRD and TM Betsey Weiss is a member of the Special Permit Residential Development Zoning Bylaw Amendment Ad Hoc committee (SPRD Ad Hoc).The Board of Selectmen formed the SPRD Ad Hoc committee as a follow-up to Matt Daggett's proposal for a revision of SPRD.The goal of the committee is to develop guidelines for special permit and balanced housing developments that provide clear guidance to builders who might choose to undertake such developments. The committee is currently setting its goals and planning its work. S. Housing Partnership Board members and TMMS Ms.Thompson informed the HPB that she is running for Town Meeting. 6. Lexington TMMA Google Group Ms. Foutter contacted the TMMA list moderator.The moderator said that only town meeting members may post. Committee members who are not town meeting members are observers only and may not post to the list. Lexington Housing Partnership Board 7. 40R and 40S,Starter Home Initiative and Housing Production Plan Ms. Foutter sent links with further information on Chapter 40R and Chapter 40S. Please read the information at these links so that we can have a discussion about these topics.Also please read about the Starter Home initiative. Mr. Reyelt from the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has updated his 40R and 40S presentation based on the feedback from the HPB, as well as other input. Ms. Foutter has contact Mr. Reyelt to obtain an updated presentation. Ms. Foutter is in discussions with Joe Pato about sponsoring a presentation by Mr. Reyelt about 40R and 40S to a joint meeting of the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen. The presentation would be informational only and would not ask for any action from either the Planning Board or the Board of Selectmen.The goal is to provide background to the two boards on the legislation. Ms. Foutter asked for suggestions regarding the aligning of the HPB's goals with those in the Housing Production Plan. Ms. Weiss suggested that we obtain the number of net new housing units in Lexington from 2016 through 2018. We could use 10%of that number to determine how many additional affordable housing units would be needed to keep ahead of the 40B requirements. Ms. Weiss also suggested revisiting the potentially buildable lots in town for affordable housing. Ms. Walker suggested a goal related to age-related housing. Ms. Walker suggested providing guidance per state law regarding what is permissible and what is not regarding age-related housing. 8. New Business Ms. Foutter reached out to Carol Kowalski (Assistant Town Manager for Development)to ask that a member of the Comprehensive Planning Advisory Committee participate in a meeting with the HPB.That action item continues in process. Ms. Foutter requested that Paul Linton, HPB webmaster, post HPB handouts on the HPB website.The HPB agreed that minutes would be posted only on the Town website and no longer on the HPB website.This would provide a resource both for the HPB and for the Town. 9. Set Next Meeting Date The next meeting will be held on Thursday, Feb. 21. 10. Adjournment Ms. Weiss moved adjournment of the meeting. Ms.Thompson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.